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篇一:苏州大学english book 5 中的单词

Lesson 1 1 salvation

(religion)拯救: pray for the salvation of sinners 祈求拯救道德上的罪人.

sin (a)恶行: a life of sin 不道德的生活. (b)(宗教或道德上的)罪: commit a sin 犯有罪恶 * confess one's sins to a priest 向神父认罪忏悔 * the sin of gluttony 贪食罪. Sinner 罪人

2 save

拯救, 赦罪: Jesus saves! 耶稣拯救世人!

* Jesus Christ came into the world to save us from our sins. 基督降世拯救我们摆脱罪恶. recovery(健康﹑ 力量或知觉的)恢复, 复原, 重振, 苏醒:

the patient's speedy revival after her operation 女病人在手术後的迅速康复

Our economy is undergoing a revival. 我们的经济正处於复兴阶段.

(1) hardened criminal/police officer etc

(2) become hardened (to sth)

例:You see all sorts of terrible things when you're a nurse so you become hardened to it. (1) n. 进行护送的人﹑ 船﹑ 车辆等: The government provided an armed escort for the visiting head of State. 政府为到访的元首派出了武装卫队. under police escort.在警方的护送下. soldiers on escort duty 执行护送任务的士兵.

(2) v. ~ sb (to sth) 护送某人: a princess escorted by soldiers 由士兵护送公主

有节奏的The measured, rhythmical sound of verse; meter.韵律诗的节奏,韵律;音步 (a)讲道 (b) (印刷的)讲道文章: a book of sermons 讲道集. 登山宝训

说教: We had to listen to a long sermon about not wasting money. 我们硬着头皮听了一通别浪费钱的大道理.

1.n. (A) 呻吟声: the moans of the wounded 受伤者的呻吟.

(B)牢骚: We had a good moan about the weather. 我们对天气着实抱怨了一番.

2.v.呻吟: He was moaning (away) all night long. 他整夜不断呻吟.

(b) 发出呻吟的声音: The wind was moaning through the trees. 风穿林木声萧萧.

1(文)可怕的;: a dire situation, crisis, etc 可怕的处境﹑ 严重的危难

2(口) extreme 极端的: We're in dire need of your help. 我们太需要你的帮助了.


辫子: She wears her hair in braids. 她梳着辫子.

穗带: The general's uniform was trimmed with gold braid. 将官的制服饰有金色的穗带. 11 altar n.


(2)ead sb to the altar与...结婚: After a five-year courtship, he led her to the altar.

14 swirl v.晕眩;头眩

n.纷乱:使眩头转向 或紊乱:

high-pressure farce built around the swirl of mistaken identities


15 congregation.定期参加某教会活动等的人群 教堂会众

(a)哭): wail with grief 恸哭 * The sick child was wailing miserably. 那个患儿难受得连哭带喊. (b) (fig 比喻) 发出似哭号的尖声: ambulances racing along with sirens wailing 高声鸣笛疾驶的救护车 * You can hear the wind wailing in the chimney. 可以听到风穿过烟囱发出的尖声. serene平静的; 宁静的: a serene sky 晴朗的天空 * a serene look, smile, etc 安详的神情笑容 Serenely adv: He seemed serenely unaware that anything had gone wrong. 他神色平静, 似乎并不知道已出事了.

v.(a) 安静下来He hushed the baby to sleep. 他把婴儿哄得安然入睡.

防止某事物(尤指丑闻)张扬出去: The government hushed the affair up to avoid a public outcry. 当局对此事秘而不宣, 以免引起公众抗议.

> hush n 安静; 寂静: in the hush of the night 在夜的寂静中 *

(1) 不时打断某事物: The announcement was punctuated by cheers from the crowd.在宣布过程中, 群众的欢呼声此起彼伏.

(2)加标点符号, 加标点: The children have not yet learned to punctuate correctly. 这些小学生尚未学会正确使用标点符号

n狂喜: in an ecstasy of delight 欣喜若狂> ecstatic adj 使人狂喜的; 欣喜若狂的: He was ecstatic at the news of his daughter's birth. 他获悉女儿出生不禁欣喜若狂. Ecstatically adv.



1 by leaps and bounds突飞猛进地,大幅度地,飞速地

2 a great many. 许多

3 leave out排除;忽略;冷落(某人)

4 hold out坚持

5 on one's knees 跪着,苦苦请求,求饶

6 take somebody's name in vain 滥用(尤指上帝的)名字; 亵渎上帝之名.

7 break into 突然开始(大笑﹑ 唱歌﹑ 欢呼等): As the President's car arrived, the crowd broke into loud applause. 总统的汽车到达时, 群众中爆发出热烈的掌声

8 in the name of : (1)凭…的权威;以…的名义,代表 (2): for the reason of 为了…的缘故 9 quiet down缓解;平息eg:Once the vote was taken, things quieted down quickly...

Lesson 2 1 Acquaintance

(1)了解: He has some little acquaintance with the Japanese language. 他稍微会一点儿日语.

(2) 泛泛之交: 例:He has a wide circle of acquaintances. 他交游甚广.

n (1)(宗教等仪式的)程序, 仪节: the ritual of the Catholic Church 天主教的礼仪 *例: Some religions employ ritual more than others. 有的宗教举行仪式时特别注重礼仪. 具体的礼仪: the ritual of the Japanese tea ceremony 日本茶道的仪式.

(2) 固定方式; 老习惯:

He went through the ritual of filling and lighting his pipe. 他照例填满烟斗, 然後点着了. 3 Reassure v

消除某人的恐惧或疑虑;恢复某人的信心; 使某人放心:

例(1): The police reassured her about her child's safety. 警方让她放心, 她的孩子很安全. 例(2):A glance in the mirror reassured him that his tie wasn't crooked. 他照了一下镜子, 领带确实没有戴歪.

(1)(a) insensible 失去知觉的: knock sb unconscious 把某人打得不省人事.

(b) 不知道的; 未察觉的: be unconscious of any change 未察觉出任何变化.

2 无意地做出或说出的: an unconscious slight 无意的冒犯

不重要的; 琐碎的: a trivial mistake, loss, offence 小小的错误﹑ 损失﹑ 罪过

raise trivial objections to sth 对某事物提出小小不言的反对意见

1 追求. *例: She devoted her life to the pursuit of pleasure. 她一生都在寻求享乐.

2 花时间精力做的事be engaged in/devote oneself to worthwhile pursuits 从事有意义的活动. 3

1 假定; 假设; 设想: 例:The theory is based on a series of wrong assumptions. 这一理论是以一系列错误的设想为根据的..

2 假装: Their assumption of an air of confidence fooled nobody. 他们装出信心十足的样子却欺骗不了任何人.

3 承担, 担任(职务等): her assumption of supreme power 她掌大权.

8 contemporary adj

1 属於该时代或该时期的; 属於同一时代的:

* Dickens was contemporary with Thackeray. 狄更斯与萨克莱属於同一时代.

2 modern 当代的; 现代的: * furniture of contemporary style 现代风格的家具.

>同辈: She and I were contemporaries at college. 她和我在学院里是同学.

不理(如警告﹑ 反对意见); 不重视(某事物); 忽视:

He completely disregarded my point of view. 他完全不理会我的观点.

本身; 身分: There is no clue to the identity of the thief. 没有确定窃贼身分的线索. .

11 determiner n

1 限定词(置於名词前, 对该名词起限定作用的词, 如the﹑ some﹑ my).2.决定因素 12 setting

1镶嵌; 镶嵌底座: The ring has a ruby in a silver setting.这枚戒指的银底座上镶着一块红宝石. 2 surroundings; environment 环境: 例:The castle stands in a picturesque setting surrounded

by hills. 这座城堡四周环山, 风景如画.

3 (某事﹑ 戏剧﹑ 小说等的)背景: 例:The setting of the story is a hotel in Paris during the

war. 故事发生在战时巴黎的一家旅馆里.

link: nunnery n 女修道院; 尼姑庵. monk monastery

15attorney n 1 代理人: 2 (US) 律师(尤指有资格代表当事人出庭者)

(1) 悬挂: A lamp was suspended from the ceiling above us.我们头顶上的天花板上吊着一盏灯.

(2)悬浮: * particles suspended in water 悬浮在水中的微粒.

(3)暂停: suspend a rule 暂不实行一项规定. uspend introduction of the new scheme

(4) 勒令某人暂时停职: The policeman was suspended while the complaint was investigated. 因该警察遭投诉, 在调查期间已令其暂停职务

v confer赠(予某人); 赠与; 授与: an honour bestowed on her by the king 国王赐与她的荣誉. 4


Comparison of the two accounts revealed numerous disparities. 把两本帐一比较, 发现有许多出入.

19 adroitly

Adroit adj ~ 熟练的; 机敏的; 灵巧的: the minister's adroit handling of the crisis 部长应付难关的巧妙手段 * He soon became adroit at steering the boat. 他很快就熟练掌握了驾船技术. maladroit. > Adroitly adv adroitness n [U].

you 汝; 你: Who art thou? 汝何人也?

adj 细微的; 精细的: * subtle humour 巧妙的幽默 * a subtle distinction 细微的差别 2 巧安排的; 巧妙的; 狡诈的: * a subtle analysis of the problem 对该问题的精辟的分析. 3敏锐的; 感觉灵敏的: * She has a very subtle mind. 她头脑灵敏.> subtlety n subtly adv. 明确规定; 详述: * The regulations specify that you may use a dictionary in the examination. 规则中指明考试时可以用词典.

23 attire

n 衣服; 服装: wearing formal attire 穿着礼服.

> attire v [被动] 穿着: attired in robes of silk and fur 穿着丝织的和毛皮的长袍.

傲慢地或轻蔑地拒绝; 唾弃:

a spurned lover 被抛弃的情人 * spurn sb's offer of help 傲慢地拒绝某人提供的帮助 称不知姓名的男子: Hey, mac! What do you think you're doing? 喂, 老兄! 你搞什麽名堂呢? Hi there, buddy! 嘿, 老兄! * He and I were buddies at school. 他和我求学时期是好朋友. 27 executive

1经营的,经理的: executive duties 经营管理的职责 * possess executive ability 具有管理才能.

2)行政的,: executive authority 行政当局

> Executive n

行政领导; 经理; 董事; 董事会: a sales executive 营业主任 * She's an executive in a computer company. 她是一家计算机公司的行政人员.

attache case公文包.

The naval/military/air/press attache海军武官[陆军武官/空军武官/新闻参事] .


篇二:English book4课后翻译


Translation A


People are prone to be late for work when they have overworked the night before. 2.玛丽感到陌生的地方难以辨别方向。

Mary found it difficult to orientate herself in a strange place.


The engineer gave a demonstration of how to use the computer.


Many universities provide an orientation course for freshmen at the first day of school. 5.推销员想尽一切可能的方法来促销公司的产品。

The salesman tried every possible means to promote the sale of his company’s products.


Professor Leach demonstrated his knowledge of the subject by his excellent lecture. 7.在春天阴晴不定的天气里,小孩子更容易感冒。

Children are more prone to colds in the broken weather during the spring. 8.如果工作出色能经常导致加薪或晋升,工人们就会得到更大的激励。

If excellent work results in frequent pay increases or promotions, the workers will have greater incentive.

Translation B

人们经常会认为,一个人收不收高等教育在工作能力上会有天壤之别。其实,这不能一概而论。道理很简单,书本并非传授知识的唯一途径。历史上就有许多大人物从来没有进过大学之门。高等落榜显然不是件愉快事,但是,只要你能够以积极态度接受这个失败,那么, 这种失败定会有利于你以其他方式造就自己。重要的是要防止就此认为自己没有出息而而自暴自弃。

People tend to think that university education makes a world of difference in a person’s ability. This belief, however, cannot be reasonably applied to all the cases, quite simply because books are not the only approach to knowledge. History has seen many great people without university education at all. Obviously, failure in the national matriculation is never pleasurable, but accepted positively, it will surely contribute to your personal development in some other ways. It is important to resist the natural impulse to regard yourself as a failure.


Translation A


He has a great deal of correspondence to deal with every afternoon.


I am ashamed of myself for being eliminated in the first round.


He has never liked coffee, and (has) always had a preference for a cup of tea.


The teacher asked the pupil to eliminate all the four-letter words from his composition.


Self-image has an important effect on a person’s accomplishments.


Although he corresponded with many of the world’s very important people, his stationery and envelopes were all bought at a very low price.


Were it left for me to decide whether to learn English or Japanese, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.


Chichester had done what he wanted to accomplish --- to sail round the world single-handed.

Translation B

一间布臵典雅的办公室一定会人个好印象。人们往往花费许多钱去装潢办公室,但效果却并不理想。其实,最贵最花哨的不一定是最佳装饰品。如果你自己不太懂怎样布臵办公室,我劝你去请教在这方面在行的人,这对于天天在办公室里接待客人和洽谈生意的人尤为重要。 An office decorated with much taste is bound to create a favourable impression on people. In many cases, people spend a great deal of money decorating their offices, but the result can be unsatisfactory. As a matter of fact, the highest-priced or fanciest is not necessarily the best for your office. If your taste in room decoration is rather poor, I recommend that you seek the advice of a good decorator. This is especially important for those who receive their guests or do business with their customers in their offices on a daily basis.


Translation A

1. 教科书后面附有详细的词汇表。

The text-book is supplemented by an adequate glossary.

2. 看看电视,打打牌,星期天就这样过去了。

The Sunday passed in alternation between watching TV and playing cards.

3. 形势正朝着有利于我们的方向发展。

The situation is developing in a direction favourable to us.

4. 如果没有煤,就必须寻找其他的燃料资源。

It is necessary to find alternative sources of fuel when coal is not available.

5. 这份杂志的圣诞增刊登载了几部完整的短篇小说。

The magazine has a Christmas supplement of some complete stories.

6. 业余爱好是人们在日常工作之余所从事的活动或兴趣爱好。

Hobby is an activity or interest pursued outside of one’s regular work.

7. 所以十三个殖民州都赞成废除印花税法案。

All the thirteen colonies were in favour of the repeal of the Stamp Act.

8. 我父亲一生从事科学研究。

My father was engaged in scientific pursuits all his life.

Translation B



Many people tend to equate the excitement in one thing at a time with happiness of life, and pursue it unwisely by means of drinking or gambling, etc. Consequently, even if they have all the material conditions of happiness, they can often feel profoundly unhappy.

Truly happy people have one thing in common, i.e. they always take pleasure in giving. Their social activities can not only be enjoyable on their own account, but also build up something that will benefit the public.


Translation A


Please don’t digress from the main point , there is hardly any time left.


I must ask your kind indulgence for any inaccuracies and omissions that may possibly occur in my letter.


Many companies were invited to participate in the international exposition.


Let me cut short this digression, and make a further analysis of this sentence. 5.只有在这样的场合他才开怀畅饮。

It was only on an occasion like this that he indulged himself with drinks.


Mary is indulging in her favorite hobby---collecting pencil-sharpeners.


To avoid the repetition of nouns, we often have pronouns as their substitutes.


Many of them soon become successful merchants and active participants in community affairs.

Translation B


情。3在旅途中和游览时,主动与人交谈,谈吐文雅。4去闹市走走,看看其他人都在做些什么。5挤出点时间在你自己所属城市 转转,每次以一个新视角去观察它。

In order to make your sightseeing not only enjoyable but also informative, you must first observe a certain number of don’ts such as spitting and littering. On the positive side, there are a few things worth recommending, such as the following:

1. Plan ahead.

2. Through books such as Tour Guide or relatives and friends, get as much

information as possible about the historical interest and the customs of the places you are planning to visit.

3. During your journey and sightseeing, break the ice by chatting in good

manners with other passengers and tourists.

4. Stroll through busy streets and see what everybody else is doing.

5. Set aside some time to look around in your own city, and every time try to

see it in a new light(perspective)


Translation A


R.L.Stevenson entitled his book “Treasure Island”.


Although the detective did not say so exactly, he implied that the murderer was from London.


The teacher smiled, with the implication that she did not believe the boy’s story. 4. 梦被打断的人得不到好的休息,因而常会变得烦躁不安。

People whose dreams are interrupted lose the benefits of rest, and therefore tend to become irritable.

5. 经过数年谈判,这两个民族之间的关系不再紧张了。

After years of negotiation, the strained relations between the two nations no longer exist.

6. 在我们的恼火转为愤怒之前,她走过来对我们说她要走了。

Before our irritation could turn to anger, she came to us and said that she was leaving.

7. 牧师发现这位老妇人有资格享受一小笔残疾人抚恤金。

The priest discovered that the old lady was entitled to a small disability pension.

9. 吉姆是一位优秀的运动员,但是当他认为没有必要的时候,他从来不肯多花力气。 Jim was an excellent athlete, but he never strained when he didn’t feel it necessary. Translation B



In addition to the physical difference, there is always a wide disparity between the young and the old in their world outlooks. In some cases, two generations can share a house, but their ways of thinking and behaving are worlds apart. One of the basic reasons for this clash is that the older generation believe that it is they who have built up this present world all their lives and they are conditioned to identify the world as belonging to them: whereas the rising generation, free from the burden of the past, appreciate fresh thinking and unstrained behaviour, feeling sure that they have the right to create a new world and confident that they can make it, One thing is for sure, though,--communication and cooperation between the two generations will make the world a better place for everybody.


Translation A

1. 科学家们已经了解到地震会影响气候。

Scientists have learned that earthquakes will influence the weather.

2. 书桌上的鲜花是学生们敬爱老师的表示。

The flowers on the desk are a manifestation of the students’ love for their teacher. 3作者把书上的主人公描绘的栩栩如生。

The author portrays the hero in the book to the life.


The English word “without” can be used to indicate a condition or a supposition. 5申请这份工作比一般所想象的要复杂得多。

Applying for this job is much more complicated than is commonly supposed. 6孩子们以唱圣诞颂歌的方式来表现他们的圣诞欢乐。

The children manifested their Christmas joy by way of caroling.


Nowadays nobody can deny the power of TV. It has an enormous influence on our lives.


Ingrid Bergman’s stunning portrayal won her a 1982 Emmy.

Translation B


A pleasurable and profitable conversation between people without, the benefit of a shared culture involves not only good manners and topics of a shared culture involves not only good manners and topics of mutual interest but also awareness of cross-cultural differences so as to prevent misinterpretations. On hearing stereotypical remarks, you are supposed to restrain the initial impulse to become angry and to

篇三:高中English Book1-5

English Book 1

Unit 1

1. be good to表示助人为乐,好心的 be good to do sth 表示 合适,适宜,恰当 do good to +n.(good: n. 好处) 2. add A to B add fuel to the fire火上浇油 add to 增加了 add sth up把??加起来 add up to总计,共计The cost adds up to 300 yuan. 3. pay to do花钱干某事 pay money to sb for sth pay the bill pay off the debt还清债务 pay sth back to sb把??还给某人 get paid Will you pay in cash or by credit card(信用卡)/by cheque(支票)? You will be paid in cash for your work. 4. upset adj.&vt. upset sb 5. be concernedabout/

with关心/与??有关 6. go/be on holiday去/正在度假 7. walk sb to a place walk sb home

8. a shopping/name list 9. make sb + do/adj./n. 10. or并列连词(conj.) You should be careful, or I’ll fire you. 11. 强调句型It is/was + 被强调部分 + that/who It was in 1989 that I was born. It was in Jinan that I met her. It was Bob who broke the windows. 特点:把it was/is , that/who去掉,可变换语序为完整句子 肯定句did/do/does表示确定,祈使句表务必 12. grow/be/get/become crazy about drive sb crazy把某人逼疯 The man went crazy.

go crazy发疯,变疯 like crazy拼命地,非常快地 The boy ran like crazy to escape the tiger.

13. A have sth/nth/much/little to do with B与??有关系 What I said had much to do with it.

14. keep/have/get sb/sth done使??被 have the glass broken. He had his purse stolen. Don’t have the baby cry/crying. have + do/doing He often has me laugh(+do表经常发生或已经结束) He had me laughing the whole morning(+doing表一直进行). He had his car repaired. He had his car stolen. I have a letter to be written.(表别人写) I have a letter to write.(自己写)

15. there was a time when?曾经有段时间 16. since 从句一般过去式,主句现在完成时或一般现在式 It has been 6 years since he left home. It is + 时段 + since +过去式(did) It was + 时段+ since + 过去完成(had done) It is/has been 3 years/3 years has passed, since he left. It will not be long before we realize our dream. It was 4 years before they got married.(注:when表时间点,而主句表时间段,故用before,不用when) 17. stay+n./adj./adv. stay in silence

18. in order (not) to do 19. by oneself 独自地 20. far + too/more/better far+比较级

21. be grateful/thankful to对??感激 22. be tired of对??厌烦 be tired from由于??疲惫

23. keep a diary记日记 24. dare敢modal v.(情态动词) I dare/daren’t /dare not go there. v. He dares to go there. He doesn’t dare (to) go there. How dare you say that to your father.

1发生 I dare say我猜,可能 – I’ll tell the teacher. –Don’t you dare.你敢! 25. happen ○

2碰巧 sb happen to be/do It happened that she was my friend = He sth happen to sb ○

happened to be my friend 26. have/held sb in one’s power支配 27. come to power执政,掌权 do sth in/within one’s power power station发电站 28. It is the first time that sb has done. It was the first time that sb had done. 29. face-to face adj. a face-to-face talk 30. It is no good/use doing干??是没用的 31. on the highway 32. recover from 33. draw back the curtain拉开窗帘 34.join(=become a member of the army/Party/club) join + 政党/团体/组织 join the Party join (sb) in +n./ doing与??一起做 join in + 活动 Shelisten to our

discussion but never joins in/take part . take part in 多指参加大型、正式的,如warⅡ, the Olympics. 36. find it + adj.+ to do 37. It is great fun to do

38. attend + 会议/演讲 attend + wedding/meeting/funeral(葬礼)/ceremony(仪式/class/school/ church/speech 39. show interest in = be interested in

Unit 2

1. more than超过;不仅仅是 more?than?与其说??不如说 She is more my sister than

my deskmate. He is more mad than stupid. no more than不多于,顶多no less than不少于,至少 2. in a way 在某一方面,某一程度 3. A is different from B Tell the different between

A and B 4. in the (early/middle/late) 16th century = in the 1500s 4. in one’s teens/thirties在某人十几岁/三十几岁的时候 5. spoken English = oral English written English English- speaking countries English learners the English language 6. even if = even though

7. base sth on把某物建立在??的基础上 I based my film on a story---My film was based on story. This theory is based on the fact. This novel is based on his experiences in the war.

8. make use of make good/full/better use of make the best/most of充分利用 9. the former前者 the latter后者 10. A large number of workers are working. The number of the students in our class is 56. A large number of = large numbers of a small/huge/great number of

11. give sb a lift 给某人搭便车 12. Since Li Liang settled down in Linyi in 1988, he has worked in our school. 13. He made a study plan in order to make good use of time. 14. He found it difficult to recover from the operation. 15. I hope it’s the last time that you have

1走近 come up cheated in the exam. It/This is the last time that sb have done 16. come up ○

2提出3长出 The seeds still haven’t come up. to sb ○(被动)A question come up in the meeting.○

4某人提出He came up with a good suggestion. ○5达到His picture didn’t come up to his early ○

1The mother commanded the child not to cry.(command sb to do) standard. 17. command vt. ○

2command (that) sb (should) not do The mother commanded that the child should not cry. ○

1request sb to do ○2request that sb should do ○3make a request for ○4at the 18. request ○

request of 19.turn to sb (for help) 向某人求助 20. on the phone 在电话里 hold on别挂电话,稍等 21. living standards n.生活水平 22. Believe it or not, I’ll go abroad. 23. no such + n. on such such a/an 24. on TV on/over the radio/on the phone 25. be expected to do

1扮演○2在??起作用,有影响 Science plays an 预期,按理应该 26. play a part in ○

1辨认出○2recognize a country 承important part in the development of society. 27. recognize○

3recognize + 认国家 Most of the countries in the world recognize Taiwan as apart of China ○

n. + as 认为??是 28. We think it’s no use giving him advice. 29. in the direction of 向着??方向去 from the direction of 从??来 in all directions 四面八方 30. The material was made little use of. 31. I like the way in which/that/(-) he sings. 32. He was angry

because he said something unfriendly. He was angry because of what he said. 33.as if It looks as if it is going to rain.与事实相符 It looks as if she were our mother. He talked

about America as if he had been there. 与事实相反,谓语动词用虚拟语气 34. when it comes to 谈论,提及到 35. make + 过去分词 I can’t make myself heard. He made the film based on a story.----The film was made based on a story. 36. done表已完成 being done表正被完成 to be done表将被完成 37. I’m wearing常用现在进行时 38. in a low/high/weak voice

Unit 3

1. prefer + n. prefer A to B prefer doing A to doing B prefer to do prefer sb to do prefer to do rather than do 2. imagine doing sth. imagination n.想像 3. persuade sb (not) to do persuade sb into (out of) doing强调结果以说服 advise强调过程 4. graduate graduation

1坚持要去/干 从句用虚拟语气insist that sb (should) do before/after graduation 5. insist ○

2坚持说/认为 从句用真实语气 He insisted that he didn’t He insisted that we should stay. ○

break the window. He insisted that he was right and shouldn’t be punished. insist on doing坚持干 6. care about关心 Don't you care about this country's future? care for喜爱,喜欢,照料I like him but I don't care for her. 7. determine 决定,确定 a determined person/look/

voice be determined to do = decide to do = make up one’s mind Let’s determine the date. determine to do(一般不用) 8. at at the speed of at the price of 9. The problem is easy to settle. The baby is easy to look after/take care of. 10. slow down 11. pace n.步,速度 set the pace v.踱步,使有规律 pace up and down 12. bend弯腰 bend over + n. 13. raniful/ snowfall/nightfall降雨/雪/黄昏 14. dress + 人 + in + 衣服 人 + be dressed in + 衣服 Here comes a man dressed in red. A girl dressed in red came uo to me. A girl dressing herself in red came up to me. A woman dressed in white came up to me. The woman dressing the baby in red is its mother. wear+衣服(常用v-ing) have on/put on + 衣服 15. the setting sun落日 16. can not wait to do迫不及待 can’t help doing情不自禁 17. lose oneself/sb I lose myself in thought---I was lost in thought. sb be lost in(沉醉于) a lost man I dressed myself in red.---I was dressed in red. I seated myself in the front.---I was seated in the front. v.+oneself

18. as关系代词,放在句首,代替后面的句子 19. That English is important is known to all.--- It is know to all that English is important. 20. 系动词无进行时,无被动语态 21. 倍数的表示 A is 3 times as long as B. (as?as) A is 3 times longer than B.(more?than) A is 3 times the length of B.(the + n.) 22. It was not until yesterday that I realized my deskmate was hard to get along with. It was on the playground where we played football together that I met Bob. –Where did you get to know her? –It was on the farm where she worked. 23.The boy slept well 特殊) I can’t work well with the baby crying. I can’t go to the cinema with much work to do. (with + n.+ to do多用主动表被动,且动作表将来 with + n./adj./adv. + prep phase 24. 现在进行时:现在或现在某一阶段正在进行的动作 be +

1说话时进行 ○2临时,目前,暂时的动作、措施,说话时并不一定进行,后多有doing ○

3 I really don’t work here; I am just helping out until the new secretary arrives. ○4时间状语 ○

5表达感情 He is always leaving this things about. ○6委婉(交际用语) I am 状态变化 ○

7表状态或感觉不用现在进行时 25. once + 连词+ 句子 当主wondering you can help me. ○

句主语和从句主语相同时,从句可省略成 连词+分词形式 While reading the letter, he was smiling. Unless invited(I’m invited),I will not attend his wedding. 26. have an attitude

towards/to 对??持有??的态度 27. take advantage of = make use of 28. Being tall is an advantage over other people. 28. She dreams of there being a chance. 若v-ing 的主语不为主句主语,则要在v-ing 前加上自己的逻辑主语 She imagines her mother coming to school. He insists on his father giving up smoking. 29. Wang is reported to study/to be studying/to have study/to have been studying (表将来/进行/过去/完成进行) 30.be about to do 只能与when 连用 31. be able to 有能力做并且做了 could有能力做未必做了 32. through one’s eyes通过某人的眼睛 33. the love for sb对某热的爱 34. have a good view of sth in one’s vies以某人的观点 in view在视野内 out of view在视野外 35. transport sth to 36. burn作vi. 时意为燃烧 37. be similar to + n. similarly adv. 38. afford + n./to do 39. animals feed on + n. 人+ live on

Unit 4

1好的吧 ○2身体好 ○3适合(These toys are all right for children.)○4回答道歉,1. all right ○

5—light travels faster that sound.—That’s right. ○6right now此时感谢(That’s/It’s all right)○

1爆裂 The balloon burst.○2爆发 He burst with anger and shame. ○3猛冲 此刻 2. burst ○

4burst into laughter/tears/flames(着火) = burst out laughing/crying/ burst into/out of a place ○

1用于真实情况○2用于虚拟语气:与现在事实(did/were)/过去(had done)/将burning 3. as if ○

来(would do) It looks as if it’s going to rain. He behaved as if nothing had happened.

4. injure 使人??部位受伤,意外事故 When playing basketball, he injured his arm.

He injured his left hand in a fire. 3 people were injured the injured伤者(表一类人,如 the dead/rich/poor) injury n.伤 wound暴力,武器对身体的伤害,如刀枪剑 The bullet wounded his arm. The soldier receibed a wound in his arm. harm对??有损伤,有危害,是肉体和精神上的 do harm to = harm harmful = be harmful to Getting up early won’t harm you. Smoking harms our health. harmless无害的 mean no harm不故意伤害 hurt口语,指肉体和感情上的伤害,作vt.可指上海某人,作vi.可指哪里疼,作n.指伤害 He hurt her feelings. He says what he thinks, but he means no hurt/harm. My shoes are too tight, so my feet hurt. damage 受损害后可被修复,可用badly,seriously修饰 His daughter had an accient and badly damaged her bike. destroy 不能修复,可用completely修饰 The building was completely destroyed by the fire. 5. ruin 毁灭,断送,使破产,崩溃,多指美好的,希望中的东西的毁坏,是逐渐的v. ruin one’s hopes n. the ruins of the old temple Years of fighting left the country in ruins. 6. left使,产生后果 a city lay(was left) in ruins. 7. be shocked by/at sth shocking adj. shock n.[C] 令人震惊的事The news came as a shock. [U] to one’s shock

10. It is useless/no use doing 11. trap 20 miners were trapped underground be/get traped in被??围住 n. 陷阱,圈套 12. congratulations on sth congratulate sb on sth 13. judge v.& n. Don’ judge sb/sth by以??判断 I judging by/from his accent, he must be a native of Shanghai. 14. express v. express concern/fear n. an express train The 6:25 express to Beijing. a frightened expression 15. 2 of us 我们中的两人 the

1上升,升起 The river rises. The sun rises/sets in the east. 2 of us我们两人 16. rise vi . ○

2起床,站起来 He rose from the table after sunrise/sunset日出/日落 n. in the setting sun ○

seeing me. rise to one’s feet = stand up rise up起义,反抗 [rise-rose-risen] n. There is a

1举起 He raised his eyes from the book. = He sharp rises in the number of patients. 17. raise ○

2增加,3筹集raise money ○4哺养,looked up from the book. ○提高raise the price ○哺育raise

1太??而children/chicken/cattle(饲养动物) 可作n. 18. fall [fall-fell-fallen] 19. too?to ○

2too glad/pleased to意愿○3can’t be too careful越??越好○4can never be too + adj. can 不能○

never /can’t be careful enough 20. think little/much/highly/well/badly/poorly/nothing of The film was poorly thought of. 22. be covered with被??覆盖 23. fill sth with sth

1摇动,震动,be filled with被填满 be full of表状态 24. shake [shake—shook—shaken] ○

2 动摇,减弱 shake one’s head = nod shake one’s hand = shake hands with sb = shake 颤抖○

sb by the hand shake with anger/laughter/cold/fear 25. last v. 无进行式,无被动语态 1延续,持续 The meeting will last (for) 3 hours. ○2够用,能维持The cool can last them the ○

whole winter. last long持久,耐用 26. 部分否定:肯定代词+否定谓语 not + 肯定代词+肯定谓语 全部否定:否定代词+肯定谓语 All hope was not lost.=Not all hope was lost.

27. see sb do(经常,主动) see sb doing(正进行,主动) see sb done(完成,被动) 28. dozen一打,表12个 score表20个 28. what 不能引导定语从句,只能引导名词性从句 29. put out the fire 30. a matter of ??的问题 31. put an end to = put/bring sth to an end = end

1+过去时间,主句had done sth come to an end at the end of/in the end by the end of ○

2+将来时间,主句will have done. 32. reach out one’s hand for sth = reach for sth reach sth○

够得着 reach sb by email reach a place n.+ be + out of one’s reach = n.+ be + within/in one’s reach reach a conclusion得出结论 reach an agreement达成协议(可用come to/arrive at)

33. instead of + n./代/doing instead adv. 放句中/末 34. shelter n. 避难处 The house is a shelter from the storm. v. 保护??免受?? The house sheltered us from the storm. 35.smell

[smell—smelled—smelled] vt.闻(到) I smelled a smelly smell. 觉察He smelled danger.

系动词,闻起来 + adj./n. I smelled the flowers. The flowers smell sweet. I like flowers smelling sweet. The boy smelling the soup is my brother. n. 气味,臭味 What a smell !

36. lead sb to a place All roads lead to Rome. Hard work leads to success. lead to导致= cause = account for = result Hard word leads to success. [lead-led-led] 37. the identity of the letter 38. have an attitude to/towards/toward 38. so(adv.)good a boy such(pron.)a good boy such as + n.不加句子,无“,” 39. for example可放句中,加名词,句子;可用于句

1完全 The bus 末,前有“,”,作插入语 40. sb be moved by a moving movie 41. 倒装 ○

2部分:把谓语的一部分(助动词或情态动词)提到主comes here.---Here comes the bus. ○

语之前,否定副词,如never放在句首,句子使用部分倒装 I will never forget you.---Never will I forget you. I seldom go there.---Seldom do I go there. I seldom went there. ---Seldom did I go there. I was never so frightened.---Never was I so frightened. 谓语动词是系动词be,用完全倒装 Although he is a boy, he is careful.---Boy as/ though he is, he is careful. Though he is clever, he is careful.---Clever though/as he is , he is clever.把表语提前,只能用as或though,不能用although,表语若是名词,倒装后去掉冠词 42. There is no doing 不可能做某事

43. one another三者以上,互相 44. make efforts to do努力做某事 efforts that sb make to do

45. go to extremes走极端 46. be/get ready to do/for = be willing to do 准备好或乐意做

47. raise/collect money 48. disaster-hit area灾区 49. be of good/poor/top quality This book is of good quality. 50. personal qualities人品

Unit 5

1. quantities of water were wasted 2. be mean to sb对某人刻薄 be mean with sth Money means nothing/a lot to him. mean to do = plan/intend to do计划,打算 I don’t mean to hurt you. mean doing Missing the first bus means waiting for another hour. Every means并非复数形式(手段,方法) has been tried 2. Old as/though he is, he is active. 3. devote oneself/sth to + n./doing He devoted himself to his study.---He was devoted to his study. adj. a devoted friend be devoted to + n./doing devotion n. 忠诚,关爱 His devotion to his family is

1小伙子 two youths ○2青年时touching. 4. break the law 5. pay the school fees 6. youth ○

期 in one’s youth = in one’s early twenties 7. join Youth League 8. on the stage 9. vote for/against 投票支持/反对 vote for sb on sth vote to do投票决定干某事 n.选票

There’re 20 votes for and 10 against the law. have/take a vote on投票表决 10. attack 可作n. make an attack on sb/sth = attack 11. equal adj. A is equal to B. The number of the boys is equal to that of the girls. equal right equal work for equal同工同酬 be equal to可表示能胜任 vt. A equals B 1 plus 1 equal(is equal to)2 n. 相等的人或物 He is a football

1eacape from a plane/a fire ○2eacape + n./doing 逃脱,player without equal. 12. escape v. ○

3泄露The gas is 逃避做某事 He escaped punishment/being punished/death/being killed ○

4被忘记,被忽视 His name escaped me. This thing escaped escaping slowly from the pipe. ○

my attention. n. 逃跑、逃脱的行为 He made an escape from prison. 13. well-educated

14. beg beg sb to do/for sth beg to do May I beg your pardon请再说一遍好吗?

15. reward v. 酬劳,奖赏 I will reward you with 10 yuan for your help. n. 报酬,奖金 give sb a reward for sth = give sb sth as a reward for sth 16. sentence v. 宣判,判决 sentence sb to death sentence sb 3 years in prison n. 句子, 判决, 宣判, 文句 have a different

sentence on(about) sth 17. be cruel/generous to sb对某人残酷/慷慨 18. die from除病以外,如过度工作(over work)、车祸,因某事而死 die of因疾病,饥饿,年老而死亡,表内因 die out灭绝,逐渐消失 be dying for sth/to do渴望做某事 19. fight with/against the enemy for freedom fight with与??一起作战 20. believe in sb believe sb’s words 21. put?in/into



1. That’就画线部分提问) 2. What’s on the desk? (回答问题)

3. What’s this in Chinese? (同意句)

What’s 4. Is it a horse? (肯定句) 5. This is a horse. (变复数形式)

6. 就画线部分提问) 7. What’用these替换划线部分) 8. That is a sheep. (变否定句) 9. 就画线部分提问) 10. This is a tiger.(一般疑问句) 11. (画线部分提问) 12. That is a cub.(一般疑问句) 13. We can call it a monkey. (一般疑问句) 14. Is that little bird nice? (肯定句) 15. Can your brother swim? (肯定句) 16. Do you want to be a teacher? (肯定句) 17. This is a lamb. (否定句)

18. ) 19. Are these lovely chicks yours? (改肯定陈述句 20. The ducks can swim. (改一般疑问句)

21. Those are pigs. (一般疑问句)

22. 就画线部分提问)

23. Are the little animals funny? (肯定句)

24. I read a story in the classroom. (变该句为复数形式)

25. Those are English books. (变该句为单数形式)

26. We often go to the park on Sunday. (改为一般疑问句)

27. Are those lovely puppies yours? (改为肯定陈述句)

28. They are elephants. (变该句为单数形式)

29. We have two maths classes. (改为一般疑问句)

30. That’就画线部分提问) 31. These are tiger cubs. (改为一般疑问句)

32. There are some monkeys in the picture. (改为否定陈述句)

in the picture.

33. Please read English now. (改为否定陈述句)


34. 就画线部分提问)

you next week?

35. I would like a cup of tea. (一般疑问句)

a cup of tea?

36. 就画线部分提问) 37. 就画线部分提问)

38. 就画线部分提问)

39. 就画线部分提问) 40. 就画线部分提问)

41. Is that little bird nice? (改为肯定陈述句)

42. Can your brother swim? (改为肯定陈述句) 43. Do you want to be a teacher? (改为肯定陈述句) 44. This is a lamb. (改为否定陈述句)

45. 就画线部分提问)

46. These are coats.(否定句)

47. I think you are right.(否定句)

48. This is a tiger.(变该句为复数形式)

49. They have three English classes a week.(变该句为单数形式)

50. We often read English in the library.(改为一般疑问句)

51. (就画线部分提问)

52. (就画线部分提问)

53. There is a computer on the desk.(改为一般疑问句) 54. There is some bread in the bag. (改为一般疑问句) 55. There is a story book in the corner.(改为否定陈述句) corner.

56. 就画线部分提问) morning?

57. 就画线部分提问)

science corner?

58. There are some balloons in the classroom. (改为一般疑问句)

balloons in the


59. There is some water in the bottle. (改为否定陈述句)There

in the bottle.

60. There are five elephants in the picture. (改为单数)

There in the picture.

61. Are there two foals on the field? (改为肯定句)

on the field.

62. 就画线部分提问)

every day?

63. 就画线部分提问) you hockey?

64. 就画线部分提问) they TV?

65. 就画线部分提问) they after school?

66. 就画线部分提问)

in the room?

67. 就画线部分提问) you bird?

68. 就画线部分提问)

you science ?

69. 就画线部分提问)

at ten?

70. 就画线部分提问)


71. This storybook is interesting. (改为一般疑问句) ? 72. I can help you.(改为一般疑问句) 73. We can play football in the school.(改为一般疑问句)

篇五:English Book 5课文讲解和练习答案L9

I. Comprehension


1.b 2.d 3.d 4.d 5.a

II. Vocabulary


1. longing

"Desire" can be used, but the word is not in the Word List.

2. texture

"Rich texture" refers more to what it is made of, i.e.it is made of expensive material, than to the way, it is woven.

3. homage

4. treat

5. parched (dry with heat)

6. treasure-house

7. acute

8. overdoing (having too much of the color)

9. flawlessly

10. diminished

"Exhausted" is also correct, but the word is not in the Word List.


1. Her gross behavior ...

2. . . .these orgies.

3. . . .living in bliss ever. . .

4. True, life ..., but it was ...

5. ... has ever bludgeoned him into doing it.

Not: ... bludgeoned him to do it.

6. After fasting for ...

7. The reunion of old friends was climaxed ...

8. ... has made his senses blunt./ ... has blunted his senses.

9. . . .the highest pitch of ecstasy when ...

10.. . .he feels refreshed.,

Not: ... he feels his strength has refreshed.

1. Everyone/All agreed that she sang the song flawlessly.

2. It was such a blow-out that every guest ate and drank to satiation.

3. All members should/are requested to renew their membership before July 1.

4. He left the monastery because he could not stand/ get used to/accustom himself to the puritanical life there.

5. He wrote successful novels before, but he really came into his own with the latest one. /He has written...but he really comes...with the recent one.

6. "Let's go and have a snack after the play/show, shall we?" he asked.

7. His insensibility to art shocked them. /They felt shocked at his insensibility to art.

8. His absence was considered (as)/believed to be a deliberate insult.

9. The wonderful concert gave them supreme pleasure.

10."It's all right to use a little make-up/Make yourself up a little bit is OK, but don't over-do it," she advised.


a good / enormous / gigantic / healthy / hearty / insatiable / keen / ravenous / sharp / strong / vast / voracious appetite

a poor / bad / delicate / dull / feeble / small / weak appetite ;


1. lust 2. parch

3. acute 4. pitch

5.impotence 6. rennew

7. fast 8. orgiastic appetite


1. imperfect 2. inactive

3. inadequate 4. unskillful

5. undutiful 6. unintelligible

7. immortal 8. insoluble

9. inimitable 10. unmoved

11. insubordinate 12. immovable

13. unequal 14. unconditional

15. unaccented 16. unfortunate

17. impure 18. insecure

19. incombustible 20. inaudible

1. His lameness/crippled leg resulted from an accidents.

2. Be sure to put out the light before you leave.

3. We must learn to single out the principal/main contradiction from among a complexity of

contradictions/the various/many complex/implicate contradictions.

4. Jack could not support/maintain/feed his family on his meager salary/provide for his family with his meager income.

5. The scheme/plan/project is too risky, and I am not going/too risky for me to invest any money in it. III. Word Study


1. I ate an apple but didn't satisfy my hunger. /I have eaten the apples, but my hunger is not satisfied.

2. The child's reading ability is satisfactory for his age.

3. Playing the piano well was one of his greatest satisfactions.

4. She gradually perceived that her parents had been right/in the right.

5. His perception of colors is poor./He has a poor perception of colors.

6. The scratch on the painting was almost imperceptible.

7. The horse was exhausted after its struggle through the mud/after struggling through the mud.

8. He collapsed/broke down from exhaustion.

9. People living beside/by the river have an inexhaustible supply/source of water.

10. He denied knowing anything about/(having) any know ledge of their plans.

11. This was a pleasure/the kind of pleasure she could not/ would not/was unwilling to deny herself.

12. To do this would be a denial of my (own) faith/belief /conviction.


1. recognized

2. bearing

The girls brought everyone a tray with helpings of something on it.

3. experience

Urban renewal is the process of improving or replacing old housing and public facilities over a fairly large area of the city.

4. involved

5. urged

IV. Grammar(non-finite verbs)

1. waiting

"To wait" is nonstandard, because "it's no use doing" is a colloquial variant of the more formal construction "it's no use in doing."

2. to wait

3. smoking

4. Reading

Although both the -ing form and the infinitive can be used as the subject of a sentence, the -ing form is used when we talk about an activity in general. If we talk about one particular action, we use the infinitive, e.g.

It took him three hours to read the short story.

5. being criticized

6. to have waked/woken

7. reading/to read

There is not much difference. "Reading" seems preferred in this sentence. However, when we are referring to one particular occasion, it is more common to use the infinitive, e.g.

I hate to mention it, but you owe me some money.

8. to go

9. seeing

10. to rain/raining

11. to rain/raining

12. to lend, to take

"Taking" is wrong in this sentence, because we are talking about one particular occasion.

13. singing

After see, watch and hear, an -ing form suggests that we observe part of a complete action; when we start looking or listening it is already going on. The infinitive, on the other hand, suggests that we see or hear the whole action from beginning to end.

14. strike (cf. 13)

15. to hear, sing (cf. 13)

16. to come, rising (cf. 13)

17. going, to go/going

18. to have forgotten

We can say "I forget" or "I have forgotten" to mean "I don't remember," e.g.

I forget/have forgotten his address.

But we must use the perfect aspect if it is an infinitive:

I seem to have forgotten (not: to forget) his address.

19. having married/marrying

20. jump, fall (cf. 13)


"In order to" is rather formal. It is often better replaced by "so as to" or merely by "to," especially in cases of trivial matters:

Jack and Jill went up the hill to (rather than "in order to") fetch a pail of water.

1. ...so as/in order not to make ...

2. ... so as/in order not to alarm her.

3. He was rash enough to set ...

4....to enable the crew to escape ...

5....so as to enable the government to discuss ... /in order for the government to discuss ...

6....so as to be able to ... /in order to enable himself to...

7....kind enough to turn ...

8....house in order to/so as to...

9....house in order to/so as to ...

(来自:www.sMHaiDa.com 海 达范文网:english,story,book)

10. ...so as to/in order to prevent anyone from climbing in


1. to take/have 2. to do

3. to take 4. to change/make up

5. to sit 6. to be

7. to explain 8. to answer

9. to call 10. to help


1. to leave

2. to hear

3. kind enough to send

4. to cooperate with

5. It was very stupid of me to be so rude to him.

6. to open the bottle with?

7. to continue the strike.

8. He is expected to ...

9. John seems to have fallen in ...

10. He is said to be the ...

IV. Comprehensive Exercises
