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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 03:23:57 写作技巧

篇一:thank you letter in business

Thank You Letter But Ending Business Relationship There will always be situations in which business relationships do not work out as hoped, but ending these relationships does not have to be a dramatic or negative experience. Instead, writing a thank you letter which incorporates the message that a business relationship is ending should help smooth the way for a polite, professional relationship in the future.

Content of a Thank You Letter About Ending a Business Relationship

A thank you letter which will inform someone that a business relationship is

dissolving must include two parts: the thank you message and the message that the business relationship is ending. While one party may not necessarily owe the other an explanation for the end of the relationship it is usually appropriate to include some mention of why this decision has been taken. The date on which the end of the

relationship will occur should also be included. If the ending of a relationship requires solicitors or other professionals to become involved then it would also be appropriate to include the date and manner in which these professionals will be in contact. Format of a Thank You Letter About Ending a Business Relationship

Thank you letters which will end business relationships are formal letters. As such they should be formatted as business letters, typed and printed on company or

organizational letter head. They should also include the signature of the company or organization's representative who has taken this decision. This person may be the company's owner, the organization's Managing Director or someone authorized to speak on their behalf. This signature should be real and not a copy or a stamp since this document will likely be filed by both the writer and the recipient to be used again if needed, such as during legal negotiations or accounting procedures.

Delivery of a Thank You Letter About Ending a Business Relationship

A thank you letter about ending a business relationship is a formal business letter and so should be posted. Even if representatives from both parties meet to discuss the dissolution of a business relationship, and even if one of them carries a copy of the letter and hand delivers it, another version should be sent by post. Registered post is a good option for retaining proof that the letter was sent and delivered.

Sample of a Thank You Letter About Ending a Business Relationship Mr. Fred Bradshaw


Restaurant A

Street Address



Postal Code

28 Oct 2014

Mr. Marcus Matthews


Supplier B

Street Address



Postal Code

Dear Mr. Matthews,

It is with regret that I must inform you that Restaurant A will no longer require the services of Supplier B.

I have enjoyed working with you over the course of the past five years, but now Restaurant A is moving in a new direction. We will be re-opening in six weeks as a vegetarian restaurant and therefore will have no need of the beef and poultry supplies that Supplier B has so professionally delivered to us in the past.

As Restaurant A will be closing for renovations at the end of next week, next Monday's order will be the last from us.

Thank you again for all of your hard work and exemplary service to Restaurant A, and best wishes for the continued success of Supplier B.

Kindest Regards,

Mr. Fred Bradshaw

Thank You Letter for Becoming a New Client

When a new client agrees to work with an organization it is good business etiquette to send a thank you letter to that client. These letters should be personalized, professional, and explicitly thank the client for choosing to work with that organization.

Content of a Thank You Letter for Becoming a New Client

New clients must be made to feel confident in their decision to work with a specific company, and a speedy and professional thank you letter from that organization can go a long way towards putting their minds at ease. Thank you letters should be

personalized to each client rather than generic form letters and should include details of how the organization is looking forward to working with the client. Reminders of past awards or accolades that the organization has received may also be appropriate in these letters if the intent is to bolster the new client’s confidence. Referring to

organizations that the client may have worked with in the past is not appropriate. A polite, professional tone should be used throughout as these letters may well be saved by the client in the organization’s file.

Presentation of a Thank You Letter for Becoming a New Client

Thank you letters for becoming a new client are business letters and should be formatted as such. The name, title and contact information of both the writer and

recipient should be included, and formal salutations and closings should be employed. These letters should be typed rather than handwritten, though the signature of the company or account spokesperson should be included. These letters should be printed on company letterhead since they are official communication from the company, and posted out within one working week of the new client signing up with the organization. Sending such a thank you letter through the post is fine.

Sample of a Thank You Letter for Becoming a New Client

Mr. Daniel Smithson

Managing Director

Famous Literary Agency

Street Address



Postal Code

28 Oct 2014

Ms. Angela Baker

Bestselling Author

Street Address



Postal Code

Dear Ms. Baker,

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the family of Famous Literary Agency. I know I speak on behalf of all staff when I tell you that we could not be happier that you have selected us to represent you in all matters related to your literary career. Thank you for giving us this honor.

Famous Literary Agency now represents over 200 authors worldwide and 12 bestselling authors throughout the United Kingdom. Our 111 years of continuous operation make us the oldest literary agency in the country, and our 64 Literary

Agency Awards make us the most respected. And the future only looks brighter with you as one of our newest stars.

Thank you again for choosing to work with Famous Literary Agency. We look forward to meeting with you next month to discuss your upcoming novel and your plans for your future career. If you require anything before then please do not hesitate to contact me.

Warmest Regards,

Daniel Smithson

Managing Director

篇二:优雅端庄的李平老师通过Thank you

Thank you-letter评课稿

尊敬的各位领导,老师大家下午好!很荣幸代表高中英语组全体老师对李平老师这堂课进行点评。优雅端庄的李平老师通过Thank you-letter 这一贴近学生生活的话题为学生营造了一个轻松愉快的学习氛围,口语清晰流利、多媒体操作娴熟,李老师用她扎实的基本功为我们呈现了一堂生动、精彩的英语写作课。下面我将从以下三个方面来阐述我对本节课的一点体会。


本堂课紧紧围绕感恩主题,设计了听、说、读、写几个教学环节,课堂设计结构严谨、环环相扣,真正做到了培养学生英语综合运用能力。李老师通过感恩图片引入话题,自然直观,然后通过听力训练,既给学生营造了学习氛围,也为后面的教学过程做了铺垫,然后设计了Who do you want to thank ?这一环节,让学生自主表达,真正体现了以学生为主体,尤其是在本堂课的Wrting 部分,李老师很善于引导学生,层层深入,通过提供一些useful phrases and important sentenses以及强调句型、虚拟语气等典型句式帮助写作,避免了学生操作起来无从下手的现象。



避免了单调的教法,更能激发学生的兴趣,让学生随时感受到新奇感,提高了课堂效果。另外在学生活动中,老师很善于变换句型对学生回答做出恰当的评价,而不是简单的“very good”。比如:在学生交流:Who do you want to thank?why?时,老师通过问题Why does he feel sorry?引导学生来进行评价,训练了学生的交流能力。在学法指导方面,老师只是作为组织者、指导者,适当的对学生的学习活动加以指导、帮助。即便是在学生遇到困难时,也没有代包代劳,而是很耐心用更简单的英语进行解释,直到学生弄懂为止。体现了以学生为主体,教师为主导的新课程理念。


Teaching is a job which a teacher will nevevr perfect in。教学是一门缺陷的艺术,对李老师这堂课,我个人认为有几个可以提出来商确与交流的地方。







Are you a boy? Yes, I am . No, I am a girl. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. Hi I am Qiqi . ! Hello I am Lulu .!

Good morning. Good morning. Sit down.

What’s your name, please? My name is tom. How old are you ? I am ten, Are you ten ,too.?

No ,I am nine.

This isDongdong,

This is Qiqi ,

How do you do?

How do you do?

What’s this?

It’s a box.

What’s in the box? A cap?

No,a hat.

What colour is it?

It’s black and white.

What’s that?

It’ a red apple. An apple for you.

Thank you,

That’s OK.

How are you?

I am OK

How are you?

I am fine,thank you,and you ?

I am fine ,too.

I can’t find my bag. I am sad. Is it red? Look,is it your bag? No ,it’s not. Oh,sorry. Goodbye

(来自:WwW.smhaida.Com 海达 范文 网:thank,you图片)

Bye How nice you are !

Yes, it is, That’s OK.

篇四:Thank You Ma'am sample review

“Thank You, Ma’am” Review

Thank You, Ma’am is a short story written by American writer and poet Langston Hughes. The story takes place over the course of one late evening when Roger, a young teenage boy, attempts to steal the purse from Mrs. Jones, an older woman passing by. Although Roger tries to steal and run away from Mrs. Jones, he is quickly outdone by her force and powerful stature. Soon Roger is not only getting a lesson from Mrs. Jones about not stealing from others but he learns valuable life lessons from her as well.

Langston Hughes’ portrayal of Roger is very realistic. It can be assumed by the reader that Roger comes from a very poor home and may even live either alone or on the streets. When Mrs. Jones asks Roger who he eats with at home, he sheepishly answers that there is “nobody home at my house.” Roger is described as dirty in the face and very shy and defenseless. The reader gets the sense that Roger has had to live on his own and try to make it as best as he can on his own. Roger captures my sympathy and indeed, if I were to meet him, I would want to help him out. At the same time, Hughes describes him so well as a meek character that I wonder whether I would really notice him in real life if I were to walk by him on the street.

Contrasting to the meek and pitiful Roger is Mrs. Jones’ powerful, strong character. Although also coming from humble backgrounds, she seems self-assertive and confident. Hughes helps the reader know that Roger never had a chance to successfully rob Mrs. Jones. Not only is her stature and weight big, her personality is larger than life. If I were to ever meet Mrs. Jones, I would not want to cross her and get on her bad side. At the same time, Hughes shows how much love, empathy and compassion she has. Her ability to welcome home for dinner and trust the very boy who just attempted to rob her is rare. She refuses to see the evil side in Roger and recognizes that his attempt to rob her stemmed from his dire situation and was a cry for help.

One also learns from “Thank you, Ma’am” about the setting and day to day life and impoverished conditions in African American communities in cities during the time Hughes wrote the story. Although it isn’t exactly clear which decade the story took place, the reader gets the sense that it was during a time before certain modern conveniences were readily available to most people. Mrs. Jones apartment is a modest one-bedroom flat with a small kitchenette in the corner and an ice-box. Although better off then Roger himself, Mrs. Jones must work long hours in a hotel

beauty salon to makes ends meet. She has the bare necessities for eating and seems to count every penny she earns carefully. The reader knows that she lives in a busy crowded boarding house with many other tenants because Hughes so brilliantly describes the laughter and chatter of the other tenants in the building, some of whom had their doors open. The portrayal of Mrs. Jones’ home and her neighborhood helps the reader get a sense about how life was for many Americans before they achieved middle class status. That particular time may have been difficult and people may have lived paycheck to paycheck but there was a sense of community and solidarity where neighbors provided comedy relief and support to one another as evidenced by Mrs. Jones’ neighbors’ chatter and laughter as well as Mrs. Jones’ own generous act of helping Roger.

This story does indeed merit reading and comes highly recommended. The reader will enjoy Hughes’ lively and realistic description of the characters, particularly the contrast between Roger’s meekness and Mrs. Jones’ larger-than-life stature. Hughes’ description of day to day life in American cities, particularly in African American communities, will not only help the reader appreciate how fortunate he or she is but also is a first-hand account of a unique perspective of American history. Last but not least, the reader will be moved by Mrs. Jones’ compassion and generosity and her ability to turn an ugly situation into a life changing one. One hopes that there is a little bit of Mrs. Jones in every aspect of society.

篇五:A thank you letter

A thank you letter

When I have learned the text “a thank letters”, a special idea occur to my mind, I need to write a thank you letter to express my appreciation.

But when I begin to compose this letter, I find it’s not an ease thing. To the first, who I should write to, my parents, my teachers, my friends or all of them? Each of them have a great influence on me during my life, my parents give me a life and bring me up meticulous, they teach me how to care about others and support me when I suffer a painful thing without selfish. Now I’m a college student, in other words, I’m an adult, through these years I have deeply realized my parents’ hardships and they naturally deserved this thank you letter. I know just a letter is so light weight that can’t compare to their big heave love, but parents’ love is pure and holy , it shouldn’t be measured by mass or other any things. When it refers to my teacher, I think the“lighthouse” is a appropriate analogy, they teach me knowledge, and the most important is they shape my character by their profound knowledge, direct me to a right and meaningful way. Friendship is an important

relationship to everyone, so do I. I’m very thankful for I have met so many excellent and royal friends, we enjoy our free time together, do sports, eating meals and so on.

Family love, friendship and teacher student’s love are human’s most important feelings. Each of us can’t lack of them, so, might I should thank God for give me a chance living in such a moment, such a family and meet so many enjoyable helpful person. When you truly understand the meaning of Thanksgiving, you might not want to write a letter to a special person, or you might want to thank all the people you met no matter you like or hate him. A thank you letter is just a tool, it reminds you never forget thanksgiving you life especially when you suffering misery.
