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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 02:30:21 体裁作文



1. 画图式


Upon carefully observation,we will find that the two pictures above are closely related in meaning.In the upper one,__图画1描述____①.In the lower one,however,___图画2描述____②.The pictures convey a clear and strong message to us that _总结______③

The pictures are thought-provoking, and what they illustrate is a common phenomenon in today’s society:____图画寓意__④.__深层寓意____⑤.Hence,___总结强调___⑥,ais shown in the pictures given above.

⑧Considering the current issue and worsening situation,we should call for some immediate action imposed by the authorities. ⑨Nevertheless, it is the responsibility of _____政府?社会?__to_家庭?______in building a wholesome outlook toward the world and life. Therefore, it’s the duty of ordinary people to actively participate in the action. In my opinion, what’s most important is ______⑩.

Nowadays,_______①has become a matter of great concern of the general public in our society,especially for those who are confronted with this problem.There are,ais vividly illustrated in the pictures.In the left picture ___图1描述___②,while in the right ___图2描述___③.This is something we should give more though to.

The purpose of the drawing is to show us that ___寓意____④,yet the symbolic meanings subtly conveyed should be taken more seriously.____展开寓意___⑤.Such cases can be found in almost all walks of life.

⑥Accordingly,it is vital for us to derive positive implications from these thought-provoking drawings.On the one hand,___评论1____ ⑦.On the other hand,_评论2 ⑧.⑨Only by _______can_______.⑩Therefore,it’s the duty of ordinary people to actively participate in the action.

What is presented here is a rather meaningful drawing._现在进行时描述_____① .What makes this drawing extraordinary is____图画亮点____ ②,which clearly indicates ___总结_____③ .

Undoubtedly the drawing conveys the meaning that ___寓意____④.That is to say,____强调寓意__⑤.Such a practice is very helpful in terms of the following aspects.⑥For one thing,______.For another,_______.

Numerous examples can demonstrate_寓意______⑦.A case in point is ___例子1____⑧ .Another illustration is closely related to us,____例子2___⑨ .On the whole,these examples effectively clarify the saying that____点题___⑩.

The drawing does mirror a common social phenomenon and is really thought-provoking. As is shown vividly in the picture,______.We can conclude that the cartoonist want to convey such a message_____.

Why do we lay emphasis on this,several points analyzed below might equip us with the deeper understanding of what we are heading for.④For one thing ____寓意__,for another.No better illustration of this idea touched on above can be maintained than the case as listed below,__事例_____⑤.It follows that,no issue in china is as basic to __说明_____⑥. Accordingly,it is imperative for us to take some measures to enhance the sense of ____in our society.We should bear in mind that____is of significance to both our society and ourselves.Only in this way can we achieve success and only in this way can our society become more harmonious to live in .


When we use the word / phrase ___词____①,we do not simply mean ____词的字面意思___②,Which is a very narrow definition.The picture below illustrates the real meaning of it,by stressing the fact that____画面___③.

The implied meaning of the drawing should be taken into account seriously.To begin with,__涵义一____④.What’s more,__涵义二____⑤.As an example of ______,we should remember ______⑥.And the social phenomenon has arisen the great concern of our whole society. As far as I am concerned,the best way to _态度_____⑦.We should always be ready to ____深化__ ⑧ .In this way,we can help to make______better,for,as the picture shows,______⑨.


第二部分 短文写作模板

1. 画图式


Upon carefully observation,we will find that the two pictures above are closely related in meaning.In the upper one,______①.In the lower one,however,_______②.The pictures convey a clear and strong message to us that _______③





The pictures are thought-provoking,and what they illustrate is a common phenomenon in today’s society:______④.______⑤.Hence,______⑥,ais shown in the pictures given above.Aside from that,another telling example is ______⑦. 解释段:




⑦此处应该填写一个与图画主题相似的例子,并加以说明。 ⑧Considering the current issue and worsening situation,we should call for some immediate action imposed by the

authorities.⑨Nevertheless,it is the responsibility of _______to_______in building a wholesome outlook toward the world and life.Therefore,it’s the duty of ordinary people to actively participate in the action.In my opinion,what’s most important is ______⑩.






Nowadays,_______①has become a matter of great concern of the general public in our society,especially for those who are confronted with this problem.There are,ais vividly illustrated in the pictures.In the left picture ______②,while in the right ______③.This is something we should give more though to.


①总结图画主题,一般可以用 and 或 or 连接两个名词。注意英语喜欢用名词作标题类的内容。



The purpose of the drawing is to show us that _______④,yet the symbolic meanings subtly conveyed should be taken more

seriously._______⑤.Such cases can be found in almost all walks of life. 解释段



⑥Accordingly,it is vital for us to derive positive implications from these thought-provoking drawings.On the one hand,_______ ⑦.On the other hand,______⑧.⑨Only by _______can_______.⑩Therefore,it’s the duty of ordinary people to actively participate in the action. 评论段(积极)




⑨使用了 only by doing sth. can sb. do sth 的倒装句型



What is presented here is a rather meaningful drawing.______① .What makes this drawing extraordinary is________ ②,which clearly indicates ________③ .


①此处应该填写若干个描述句,注意动态图应该用现在进行时 ②此处应填写图画亮点(人物,动作或场景)


Undoubtedly the drawing conveys the meaning that _______④.That is to say,_______⑤.Such a practice is very helpful in terms of the following aspects.⑥For one thing,______.For another,_______. 解释段




Numerous examples can demonstrate_______⑦.A case in point is _______⑧ .Another illustration is closely related to us,_______⑨ .On the whole,these examples effectively clarify the saying that_______⑩. 举例段(积极)






Ais conveyed in the picture,_______①.Simple as it is,the drawing renders us pondering awfully.Accordingly,what this thought-provoking picture depicts reflects a common phenomenon in today’s society:_______②,which has aroused great concern and should be given enough consideration.It goes without saying that its symbolic meaning that _______③,with the harmonious society echoed vigorously

nowadays in China ought to be weighed conscientiously.





Why do we lay emphasis on this,several points analyzed below might equip us with the deeper understanding of what we are heading for.④For one thing ______,for another.No better illustration of this idea touched on above can be maintained than the case as listed below,_______⑤.It follows that,no issue in china is as basic to _______⑥.





Judging from what has been argued above,people have come to realize ______⑦.As for me,it is necessary that some effective steps be made to ______⑧.To begin with,we should______;moreover _______⑨.Only by undergoing these measures,can we _______⑩. 态度段








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时间:2011-8-12来源:句子 作者: 西海点击:5535次

Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.脑中有知识,胜过手中有金钱。

A burden of one′s choice is not felt.自己选的担子不嫌重。

A burnt child dreads the fire.一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。

A dog will not howl if you beat him with a bone.骨头打狗狗不叫。

The shortest answer is doing.最简单的回答就是干。

Storms make trees take deeper roots.风暴使树木深深扎根。

sometime affection is a shy flower that takes time to blossom有时爱情是朵含蓄的花,需要时间才会怒放。

Adversity is a good discipline.苦难是磨练人的好机会。

Adversity leads to prosperity.逆境迎向昌盛。

All things are difficult before they are easy.凡事必先难后易。

Don’t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。

Don’t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.f.H0不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。

God helps those who help themselves.天助自助者。 Good advice is beyond all price.忠告是无价宝。

Great hopes make great man. 伟大的理想造就伟大的人。

Knowing something of everything and everything of something.通百艺而专一长。

Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.心之所愿,无所不成。

A friend is a second self.朋友是另一个我。

A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难朋友才是真朋友。

While there is life, there is hope.有生命就有希望/留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。


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? 简单英语口语练习 Bye-bye mum






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? 小学英语日常对话 incredible 小学英语口语交际

简单英语口语对话 Two Kilograms

简单英语口语练习 Bye-bye mum

小学英语日常对话 incredible



最常用的英语语句 That’s all! 就这样

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第六部分 作文



My mother is a kind and gentle woman. She is very busy from morning till night. As a teacher she works diligently and efficiently. As a mother, she takes good care of me and gives me every comfort.

My mother teaches English in a middle school. She loves her students. She treats them with patience and teaches them well. For her excellent qualities and very good teaching results, she is always praised and respected by both her students and colleagues alike.

My mother is great indeed, and I always feel proud of her.




The man I love most in my life is my father. He is my first teacher and my dear friend. When I was a little child, I used to sit on my father’s knees, listening to his stories.

When I was seven years old, I started primary school. I was young, so my father picked me up from school every day. On the way, I told father everything that happened at school. He listened carefully and always smiled happily. He is always proud of me. I’m sure my father’s love will lead me to my success and I will love him forever.




My grandparents are important people in my life. I was brought up by them when I was young. My parents used to work in another city. It was my grandparents who took care of me. My grandmother cooked delicious food for me and taught me how to read and write. My grandfather sent me to school and picked me up every day.

My grandmother is now 75 years old and my grandfather is 76 years old. They are now living near us. They are always proud of me. Now it’s my turn to take good care of them. I love my grandparents so much. 在我的生命中我的祖父母是很重要的人。我小时候是他们养育的。我的父母曾经去另一个城市工作了。这时候就由我的祖父母照顾我。我的奶奶煮好吃的食物给我和教我如何读和写。我的祖父每天骑车送我到学校。


4. school, he saw a little girl crossing the road when a car nearly hit her. Just then Liu Kai rushed up to her and caught her by the arm. The little girl was saved. She told him where she lived, and he took her home. When Liu Kai hurried into the classroom, the teacher had already begun lesson. He told the teacher why he was late. He was then praised for what he had done.



My English teacher (in high school) is Miss Huang. She is a beautiful lady. There is always a smile on her face. Miss Huang likes singing. She is good at playing the piano. In the evening, she always sits in front of the piano and plays nice music. She is a good dancer, too. Sometimes she teaches us dancing. Miss Huang likes dogs very much because the dog is very friendly and cute. Her favorite color is blue, because blue is the color of the sky and the sea. She is my favorite teacher. Our classmates all like her very much.



6. English study was the most important thing in my school life. / In order to study English well, I make a study plan. I would like to share my study plan with you. First, remember 20 new words everyday, and never give up. Second, go over the grammar points I have learnt in English class regularly. Third, read an English article in China Daily every day. Fourth, write an English composition every week and ask teacher to revise that for me to improve the writing level. Through these ways, I have made a lot of improvements in English.

英语学习是我学校生活/(大学一年级)最重要的事。为了学好英语,我制定了学习计划。我愿意 和你分享我的学习计划。第一、每天背 20 个生单词,从不放弃。第二、定期复习英语课上学习的语法知识。 第三、每天阅读一篇《中国日报》的英语文章。第四、每周写一篇英语作文,并让老师修改,以此来提高英语写作水平。通过以上办法,我英语学习有了很大进步。

7. 与上篇内容基本一致,学会套用。

English is always my favorite subject and I am good at English. I would like to share four good studying habits with you. First, remember 20 new words a day, and never give up. Second, go over grammar points I have learnt in English class regularly. Third, read an English article in China Daily every day. Fourth, write an English composition every week and ask teacher to revise that for me to improve the writing level. If you do things above, I am sure your English will also be improved.



Why do I study English? Firstly, English is very useful. English is the most widely used language in the world. If we make a visit to foreign countries or do business with foreigners, we need to communicate with them in English. Secondly, with China becoming stronger and stronger, we have more chances to go abroad. We can know the English-speaking countries much better if we


know English. Both China and English-speaking countries have realized the importance of the culture exchange. Above all, English is useful and important, we must master English.

我为什么喜欢学英语呢(学生们为什么喜欢学习英语)? 首先,英语有用。英语是世界上应用最广泛的语言。如果我们去国外旅游或者和外国人做生意,我们就需要用英语和他们交流。其次,随着中国越来越强大,我们有更多出国机会。如果我们懂英文,就可以更深刻地了解英语国家。中英文国家都已经意识到文化交流的重要性。总之,英语既实用又重要,我们必须学好英语。

9. 功)

As adult students in Shanghai TV University, self-study becomes very important. According to me, there are several pieces of tips of self-study.

First, I always make a study plan in the beginning of a new semester. Second, preview every unit before the lesson. Third, try to finish the homework after class. Fourth, go over what I have learnt in class regularly at home. Without review, you will absolutely forget what you’ve learnt as quickly as possible. So reviewing is helpful in understanding and memorizing what you’ve learnt.


10. Now, I am a student in Shanghai TV university, in other words, I am a distance learner. I have a lot of expectations on my distance education. Firstly, I hope to improve my spoken English. I work in a foreign invested company. My boss is a foreigner. I need to talk with him in English every day. So I would like to improve my spoken English very much. Secondly, I hope to improve my English writing ability. I need to receive and answer emails in English every day, but I don’t know many English words. These above are my expectations of the long-distance education.


11. My favorite book is A Dream of Red Mansions. It was written by Cao Xueqin. The book tries to tell us that there are different kinds of love, only one kind which should be considered as True Love. In our life, we should marry the true love instead of wealth and good looks. From this book, we also get to know a part of the noble people’s life in Qing Dynasty and find some life philosophies from it. This book is very instructive to people. I can learn a lot from this book. So it is my favorite book.


12. Among all the courses I have taken in TV University, I like English courses best. The reasons are as follows.

Firstly, there are many online courses and sources, which enables me to study anywhere and anytime I like. I can download many useful materials from the website and practice them all the time. Secondly, English is one of the most useful languages in the world. My job is also related to English. Therefore, English learning helps me to deal with my job better. Last but not least, our school has many good English teachers, who are

willing to help us whenever we meet with difficulties. 在我学习的电视大学所有课程中,我最喜欢英语课程。原因如下。首先,有许多在线资源,这使我随时随地都能学习。我可以从网站上下载许多有用的资料。其次,英语在世界上是非常有用的一种语言。我的工作还涉及到英语。因此,英语学习能帮助我把工作做得更好。最后,我们学校有很多优秀的英语老师,都愿意帮助我们解决学习问题。


13. very hard for me, as it is so different from Chinese. First, I can’t remember a lot of new words. Second, I’m weak in grammar. Third, my listening is poor. Fourth, I can’t speak English very well, and I don’t have any chance to talk with foreigners. With so many difficulties, I am afraid of learning English and hate learning this course very much.



Among the four seasons, my favorite season is winter. It lasts from December to February. Although winter means cold weather, I love it all the same. In winter, the days are very short. When it comes, the leaves fall from the trees. When it snows, the ground is white with snow. Every time it snows, I will remember an old saying, "When winter comes, can spring be far away?” We can wear warm clothes and go outside to make snowmen. It is a good season for skating. Therefore, I like winter best.


15. 何度过闲暇时光)/My Favorite Hobby(我最喜欢的爱好/ My hobby(我的爱好)/ My activities in I have many hobbies, such as sports, singing, playing the violin and keeping a diary. I like sports very much. I go running at five o'clock in the morning. After classes in the afternoon, I play table-tennis with my friends. These sports have kept me healthy. At home, I like to sing and play the violin. I practice singing and playing the violin every day. Busy as I am, I am quite happy. Of all my hobbies I like reading books best. In my bedroom there are nearly six hundred books. There are story books, textbooks, magazines, and others. All these books have enriched my knowledge.


16. (一次难忘的经历)划线部分不写 March 12th, 2009. Our teacher Mr. Zhu led us to a park near the school. We went there to take part in voluntary labor. We got there at 9 a.m. Mr. Zhu divided us into three groups and then we began working. Group One was responsible to plant trees and water flowers. Group Two were busy collecting litter left by the

tourists. I was in Group Three. We went to the children’s playground and cleaned all the equipment there. We worked very hard. After a day’s work, I felt tired but very happy because I offered my service. I will never forget the day in my memory.


17. 词汇:get up late, call, get to, many people, do exercise, read, lake, fly)

Last Sunday, I called Jack to go to the park with me. I got up late. We got to the park near our school on foot. We saw many people there. Some old people were doing exercise. Some middle-aged couples were dancing. Some young people were reading. The park was big and there was a large lake in it. It was such a beautiful day. Some children were flying kites. Jack and I also joined them. It was so much fun. We enjoyed ourselves very much.



There have been many changes in my life. With the development of the economy, my life is better off. For clothing, I have spare money to buy all sorts of pretty clothes. But in the past, there were fewer clothes in my wardrobe. For food, I usually had traditional Chinese food for every meal, rice, noodles or a steamed bun. Nowadays, I can afford any delicious food, including western food. For housing, I moved from a cramped and gloomy room to a big and bright flat. For getting around, I rode an old bike on my way to work a year ago. At present, I drive my private car to travel. I believe my life will become better in the near future.


19. Nowadays more and more people are concerned about their health, but how to keep healthy? First, it is necessary to take some exercise every day. Research shows that getting plenty of exercise makes the heart beat faster and the lungs work harder. Second, eat more fruits, vegetables and less meat. Third, getting rid of bad habits like smoking and drinking is also an important way to keep healthy. Smoking and alcohol drinking injure one's health a great deal, and therefore should be given up. If people follow these three ways of keeping fit, they’ll greatly improve their health.






篇五:英语 作文

1.你准备写一份倡议书,鼓励同学们积极参与“光盘行动”(clear your plate). 要求:

内容主要包括三个方面。 现在我们部分同学的不良习惯




害处 1.浪费了很多事物;

2.不利于身体健康。 你的倡议




4.其他倡议……(不少于两点) 字数110个单词左右。文章的开头结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。


Dear friends,

Please join in “Clear your plate” campaign.

Now, some of us students like buying a lot of snacks.

Come on, dear friends. Let’s start from ourselves. One possible version:

Please join in “Clear your plate” campaign.

Now, some of us students like buying a lot of snacks. They eat a lot even if they were not hungry. If they don’t like the food, or they can’t eat up the food, they will throw it away.

It is really a bad thing. We have wasted lot of food. And at the same time, it is bad for the students’ health.

So boys and girls, let’s change our habit. When we have dinners in restaurants, don’t order too much food. And try to eat up all the food we ordered. If we can’t eat up all of them, just pack them and bring them back home to eat. Please give up the snacks between meals. Encourage your classmates and parents to join us. If you find somebody is throwing away food, just stop them.

Come on, dear friends. Let’s start with ourselves.







参考词汇:低碳low carbon 纸巾tissue



Dear Jack,

Thank you for your letter asking about our discussion on low carbon lifestyle. Here is something about it。

We can do a lot in our daily life to achieve the goal of living low carbon life. First, we’d better turn off lights if possible and spend less time watching TV or surfing the Internet. Saving water also matters much. Besides, we should sort out the rubbish, hoping that we might recycle some, which will surely benefit us a great deal. In addition, we suggest using handkerchiefs instead of tissues so that we can prevent more trees from being cut down. More importantly, when we go




1. 好好休息,学会放松

2. 读书,因为读书既有趣又能学到很多知识

3. 陪父母聊天,帮他们做家务

4. 参加社会活动,了解社会

5. ??





参考词汇:知识 knowledge, 社会活动 social activities


The summer holiday is coming. I'm going to have a good rest and learn to relax myself. I will read more useful books because reading more books is not only interesting but also can make me learn more knowledge. I will try to spend more time in chatting with my parents and help them to do some housework. I am going to take part in the social activities so that I can know more about the society. If possible, I'd like to go to Beijing for a visit of the Great Wall. I'm sure I'll have an interesting and meaningful summer holiday.


今年一月份,我国政府号召全民“拒绝浪费,文明用餐”,加入“光盘行动”。请根据下面提示,联系实际,适当发挥,以“Save Food and Eat Healthily”为题,写一篇80-100词的英语短文。文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。

Save Food And Eat Healthily

Our government has called on the people to save food and eat healthily so that we can enjoy our happy life. We middle school students should do something for it.

To save food, we


Save Food And Eat Healthily

Our government has called on the people to save food and eat healthily so that we can enjoy our happy life. We middle school students should do something for it.

To save food, we shouldn’t waste any of our food. We should eat up all the food. We shouldn’t order the food more than we can eat while dining out, because many people in the world don’t have enough to eat. To eat healthily, we shouldn’t eat junk food but healthy food. It’s good for our health to eat a balanced diet. We’d better not eat in small restaurants. The food and

the oil they use are not clean or healthy enough. We’d better eat at school or at home if we have time.


中国梦,就是中华民族的复兴之梦,是十三亿中华儿女共同拥有的伟大梦想。为了解同学们的理想,我们在学校的100名学生中进行了一次调查采访。采访主要是围绕“What do you want to be when you grow up?”和“Why?”这两个问题进行的,请你根据以下调查数据写一份以“the dream jobs”为题的报告,并读读你自己的理想与原因。词数80个左右。(报告开头语已经给出,不计入作文总词数。)

The Dream Jobs


In order to help us form good ideas(理想), we made a survey among 100 students in our school. Here are the results. Most of them want to be businessmen. They think they will be rich. More of them want to be doctors. They can save sick people. Some want to be teachers. They think the teachers can make people learn more knowledge. Some want to be policemen. They think the work is exciting. But some don’t want to be policemen. They think they are dangerous. But they believe the work is good for people. It can help catch the thieves. Some want to be nurses. They can help doctors and sick people。



项目 内容

日睡眠量 多数中学生睡眠不足7小时,有些甚至不足6小时,大大低于8小时标准。

原因 1.作业过多;2. 家庭、学校一味强调学生成绩,而忽视学生的身心健康;3.多数学生睡觉前喜欢玩手机和iPad,导致休息很晚。4.各种压力和不好的心情。

对策 1.减少作业量;2.睡前远离数码产品;3.学生的身心健康需要关心。

注意: 1. 可以适当增加细节,使短文连贯、完整;

2. 参考词汇:调查survey;有??负担be burdened with;数码产品digital devices。


According to a survey, we know most middle school students sleep less than 7 hours' each night, much less than required.

First of all, the students have too much homework. Second, schools and parents pay less attention to their sleep. Another important reason is that many students play with their cell phones or iPads before sleeping. This is one of the main reasons for bad sleep. Other reasons include stress and bad moods.

So we must take some ways to stop this. First, less homework should be given to the students by teachers and parents. Second, students need to keep away from digital devices for at least an hour before sleep .Last, more attention should be paid to their health.


2013年1月上旬,全国中东部地区17省市持续雾霾,陷入大范围的重度和严重污染。造成这一现象的主要原因是工厂排出的废气和汽车尾气等。现请你根据以下三个方面的提示,以“Let’s Do Something to Save Our Environment”为题写一篇80-100字的短文。




参考词汇:disaster n.灾难 protect V. 保护





We all live in the earth. The earth is our home. We have only one earth. We must take care of it. It gives us the best environment. If we harm it, it will be angry. And then we will have a terrible end. There are three problems in our earth, they are pollution, disaster and illness.
