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1. What is Mr. Linton?

A. A teacher. B. A doctor. C. A policeman.

2. What will the man do?

A. Change the plan. B. Wait for a phone call C. Sort things out.

3. What does the woman mean?

A. She will not take any medicine.

B. She hasn’t got a bad cold.

C. She will take some medicine in a week.

4. What do we learn about the woman?

A. The woman is planning a trip to Austin.

B. The woman hasn’t been to Austin before.

C. The woman doesn’t like Austin.

5. What can we learn from the conversation?

A. The sign is not clear enough.

B. The man wants to see the staff.

C. The man is in the wrong place.


听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。

6. What are the two speakers talking about?

A. A family holiday. B. A business trip. C. A travel plan.

7. Where did Rachel go?

A. Spain. B. Italy. C. China. 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。

8. According to the man, what is the best way to manage anxiety?

A. To take medicine. B. To sleep more. C. To work less.

9. What does the man think of the anti-anxiety drugs?

A. They are not harmful to the brain.

B. They have more benefits than harm.

C. They are valuable but costly.


10. Where does Michelle Ray come from?

A. A middle-sized city. B. A small town. C. A big city.

11. Which place would Michelle Ray take her visitors to for shopping?

A. The Zen Garden. B. The Highlands. C. The Red River area.

12. What are the speakers talking about in general?

A. Late-night shopping. B. Asian food.

C. Louisville.


17. What is the total number of students at Deep Springs College?

A. 17 000. B. 24. C. 9 000.

18. Which of the following is TRUE of the Deep Springs College?

A. It's located in a college town.

B. Its library is often crowded with students.


C. Its school buildings are old.

19. What do we know about teachers in Deep Springs College?

A. Teachers there needn’t pay for their rent.

B. They are wealthy.

C. The college pays no money to young teacher.

20. What can students at Deep Springs do in their spare time?

A. Take a walk in the desert. B. Watch TV. C. Go to the cinema.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)




Shakespeare City Walk

This 90-minute leisurely walking tour does not go to the Globe Theatre (because everyone already knows it) , but instead uncovers less known monuments and locations in the City of London with connections to Shakespeare’s life, his friends, his loves and his work.

The Shakespeare City Walk takes place on Fridays at 11 a.m. at Temple tube station.

Address: Meet at Temple tube station, London

Telephone: +44(0)790 5746733

Camera Walk

Learn how to take better photos as you explore London with a professional photographer on a Camera Trails tour. Walk around Brick Lane and Spitalfields on the Urban East tour, or take photos of Big Ben and St Paul’s Cathedral on the South Bank tour. Address: Trafalgar Square, London

Telephone: +44(0)798 957 9336

The Celebrity Planet

See celebrity (名人) homes, famous film locations, music landmarks and places linked to pop history on a Celebrity Planet tour. Find out about stars in Notting Hill, Mayfair, Primrose Hill or Chelsea, or try a Harry Potter, James Bond or Beatles tour. Address: 40 Porchester Square, London

Telephone: +44(0)20 7193 8770

Email: info@thecelebrityplanet.com

Sandemans New London Tours

Sandemans New London Tours offer a completely free tour of Royal London, including the Changing of the Guard. There’s also an Old City of London Tour, and a Grim Reapers of London Tour. Our expert guides work for tips, you contribute to the pollution problem of London’s cars and buses.

Email: info@neweuropetours.com

21. What is TRUE of the Shakespeare City Walk?

A. It takes place five days a week. B. It consists of not so much famous destinations.

C. It lasts about half a day. D. It includes a visit to a famous theatre.

22. If you want to take some wonderful photos of Big Ben, you may _____.

A. receive some professional training B. go to Temple tube station

C. join the Urban East tour D. join the South Bank tour

23. Sam is a movie fan. He will probably ______.

A. go to 40 Porchester Square B. call +44(0)790 5746733

C. call +44(0)798 957 9336 D. email info@neweuropetours.com


Last Saturday, my 8-year-old son, Chase, and I were shopping in a supermarket. Chase was busy weighing each new bag of vegetables I collected. I handed him a bag of tomatoes and he walked over to the scale and waited patiently in line. Suddenly, an old man walked up behind Chase, and stepped before him, bumping Chase out of the way. Chase looked shocked and scared. Seeing this I left my shopping cart and walked over to Chase, saying loudly, “Are you all right, honey? I saw what that man did to you. That was very, very wrong.”

When the man finished weighing his bag, he turned around too quickly and all of his onions spilled out of his bag and onto the dirty floor. The three of us froze for a moment. Then I got down on my hands and knees and started collecting onions while the old man accepted them from my hands and put them back into his bag. After Chase and I retrieved all the onions, the old man walked away. We didn’t discuss

the event until we got back in the car.

On the way home, Chase said through tears, “Mommy, I’ve a frustrating day. That man cut right in front of me. And we had to help him pick up his onions! Why did we do that? That didn’t make any sense.”

I took a deep breath and said, “Chase, that man seemed to have a very bad mood today. We should forgive him. I was also angry with that man for treating you rudely. I really wanted to kick him. But doing that doesn’t make any sense. If we hadn’t helped that old man, we might have felt good for a moment, but then I bet we would have felt really sorry for a long time. You and I have a lot of love to share. Maybe that man doesn’t have much. People who behave badly still need love.”

A cheerful smile appeared on Chase’s face. It was a smile of a promise kept. It was the best smile I have ever seen. God, it was a good moment. It may have been my best mommy moment ever.

24. What did the old man do?

A. He hit Chase on the head. B. He hurried away without paying.

C. He jumped the queue. D. He ran into Chase suddenly.

25. The underlined word “retrieved” in paragraph 2 probably means ______.

A. picked up B. took out C. gave out D. put away

26. What can we infer from the passage?

A. The old man was very sorry for what he had done to Chase.

B. At last, Chase learned a valuable life lesson form the event.

C. The author was not angry at all with what the old man had done.

D. Chase didn’t help the author pick up spilled onions for the old man.

27. Which of the following words can best described the author?

A. Narrow-minded. B. Broad-minded. C. Strong-willed. D. Bad-tempered.


When you are admitted to a local university, especially one without accommodation, perhaps you'll live at home and become a commuting student(走读生)which benefits you. It's cheaper and you can have a comfortable and familiar situation, which means you'll enjoy home meals you're used to instead of the changeless food in the university café.

However, commuting students need to try their best to get involved in the life of their college and to take special steps to meet their fellow students. Often, this means you should be active to seek out and talk to people in your classes whom you think you might like.

One problem that commuting students sometimes face is their parents’ unwillingness to recognize that they’re adults. The change from high school to college is a big one, and if you live at home you need to develop the same kind of independence you'd have when you were living away. Home rules that might have been appropriate when you were in high school don't apply. If your parents are reluctant to renegotiate, you can speed the process along by letting your behavior show that you have the responsibility that goes with maturity. Parents are more willing to acknowledge their children as adults when they behave like adults. If, however, there's so much friction(摩擦) at home that it disturbs your academic work, you

might want to consider sharing an apartment with one or more friends. Sometimes this is a happy solution when family tensions make everyone miserable.

28. According to the paragraph 1, commuting students will______.

A. spend more money B. enjoy various food in cafes

C. enjoy home meals D. live in the dormitory

29. Why is it not easy for commuting students to be accepted as adults?

A. They are independent enough.

B. Home rules don’t take full effect.

C. They have strong responsibility.

D. They behave like children.

30. What’s the best solution if commuting students conflict with their parents?

A. Having a negotiation with parents.

B. Having cold war with parents.

C. Talking with their best friends.

D. Moving out to live with friends.

31. What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. The relationship between commuting students and classmates

B. The advantages and disadvantages of commuting students.

C. The problems between commuting students and their parents.

D. The college life of Commuting students involved in.


Planted for their fragrance and beauty, roses historically have been the center of much praise and are one of the most universal symbols of love and life. As the phrase goes, sometimes you do have to “stop and smell the roses”.

Although you may think that this is just a fancy way of saying taking some time to enjoy life, perhaps we have dismissed roses for too long. Seriously, you should pay more attention to those roses. They could greatly improve your life. That is, if you are one of the millions of people in the US who suffer from arthritis(关节炎)diseases.

Result from two different arthritis studies have proved that an active ingredient of rose hips has been shown to protect and possibly rebuild joint tissue broken down by arthritis. The latest results, presented at the World Conference in Rome showed that protein GOPO(R) found in rose hips can protect vulnerable cartilage(软骨). GOPO(R) has also been shown to improve mood, increase energy and sleep quality of those affected by arthritis. Marked by stiffness, swelling, loss of flexibly and pain, arthritis can significantly stop one from a normal life.

“We have little doubt that certain rose hip preparations, and GOPO(R) in particular, have had an important role to play in reducing the pain and disability caused by arthritis,” said Winther.

With the aid of this new research, those affected by joint pain caused by arthritis could choose an alternative treatment than pain killers. “We suspect that more people will be turning to the power of rose-hip for joint pain relief,” said Winther. Sorry Shakespeare, but in this case, no other rose could smell as sweet.

32. The author asks us to pay more attention to roses because_______.


北 京 科 技 学 院


技 术 方 案 书




1. 重要特点概述

1.1 后台软件系统



1.2 通讯系统

计算机与现场监控装置通讯可采用两种方案来实现: 一、





1.3 间隔层装置



第一部分 设备供货表

1.1 方案一设备配置清单

篇三:Step by step 3000 第二册- Unit3-答案

Unit 2 All can succeed

Part I-A

1. in your imagination

think into the future, possibilities, a positive way, the starting point

2. expect to win

fulfill the vision

3. opportunity

recognize, grab, a risk taker

Part I - B

1. organizational skills

2. results oriented

3. open-minded

4. in the decision process

5. parental and citizen

6. innovation and excellence

7. the develpment

8. Cooperation

9. students needs

10. ideas and plans

11. high quality performance

12. directly and clearly

13. continuous professional development

14. their background or position

15. a consensus builder

16. leardship skills

17. your bond, trustworthy

18. the position

19. personal integrity

20. work well with others

Part I- C

Escaped poverty, master's degree, worst slums, overwhelming odds, English university

Prospectus leaflet, discarded, set his heart, violent, crime-ridden, 13, principal breadwinner, drugs, beaten, attacked, came close, overdose, gaining a place, a visa, had doubts, genuine student, be rewarded

Part II - A


mum, bringing up 3 children

physical disabilities, physical difficulty of arthritis, hold her back a headmistress

an actor energy, self-publicist



Tape script:

Speaker 1

I think my mum's very successful because she's managed to bring up three children - excellently - in such a horrible society that we live in today. She's taught us to be kind and loving, she taught us to share, she taught us to love our family - be very family-oriented- and I think that's really important.

Speaker 2

The person that I can think of within my life, well, I probably can think of several but the one that instantly came to mind when you popped this question to me was somebody who lives in Harpenden and who has overcome physical difficulty of arthritis remarkably well, and not allowed it to hold her back any more than is obviously necessary because of her physical disabilities. So I think she's made a very good - a great success of overcoming a difficulty.

Speaker 3

I think, Mable Davies, here who's very successful. She's a deaf lady who's now the headmistress and I think that must have been hard, so I've got a lot of respect for her, because my parents are also deaf so I know how difficult it is to work your way up having a handicap, so I've got quite a lot admiration to her.

Speaker 4

I think in professional terms Kenneth Branagh, the actor, has been very successful and I think the reason for this more than anything else is that he's a very good self-publicist. He is undoubtedly a very good actor. I've not seen him on stage, I've seen him on film and he's got an enormous amount of energy and as I say, he's a very good self-publicist.



1. According to the first speaker, the most important thing that mum taught her children is to love the family.

2. When the second speaker was interviewed, the successful person that immediately came to her mind was the one with arthritis.

3. The third speaker has a lot of respect for Mable Davies because she herself is a deaf.

4. The fourth speaker thinks that the actor has got an enormous amount of energy as he saw him on stage and on film.

Part II- B1

subordinate positions, serious responsibility, threshold, broom, sweeping out, salutary branch, future partner, try his hand, sweepers

obtain employment, aim high, rest content, thoughts, concerns, at the top

prime condition, energy, thought, captital, on that line, the most

scattered their captial, brains, all wrong, watch that basket, take notice, fail, breaks, on his head, apt to tumble, lack of concentration

Part II- B2

Part III - B1

Joyous, warm, loving

Manifest anger vent anger on somebody

Dump anger

Tape script

Speaker 1

I actually very rarely get anger. I've quite a long tether when it comes to anger, which doesn't mean, I really don't believe I'm suppressing any anger at all, but it manifest itself in a very sarcastic way with me. Like if for example, if I'm buying a railway ticket or something and the guy behind the counter is very surly and you now refuses to treat me like a human being, I won't get angry with him but I'll get very sarcastic with him and try to make very very clever remarks. And that for me severs its purpose. I do feel cleansed after a situation like that. Of course I do sometimes, if it's absolutely necessary I do get very angry, if I'm taken that far. But I certainly don't suppress any anger.

Speaker 2

Well, my anger is tied up with my sleepless nights. I mean, if I don not sleep well, I wake up in the morning, I am angry. I use any excuse to vent my anger on anybody. If I sleep well, then everything is fine. I'm a joyous, warm, loving person. Sleepless nights, I'm full of anger and my anger does not ebb away unless I use a thing or somebody to vent it upon. As weak as that may sound, that's how I work. And it's terrible sort of admission to make to everybody here. If I'm looking for excuses for having woken up in a particularly bad way, in a way, anger is something that I have to get out. I do not carry it around by weeping, and like crying. I believe in dumping it.

Part III - B1

Punch bags with pictures of their boss

Laughing at it.

Tape script:

A: Apparently, I don't know if this is true, but in Japan, if factory workers get a bit uptight or angry, they can go out into the gym or something which is usually attached to the factory and there are punch bags with pictures of their boss. And they can go and they can spend twenty minutes punching hell out of this punch bag. And they go back to work and they feel great.

B: Oh,God yes, well, that brings us on to laughing then. That made me laugh.

C:Well that's one way of dealing with anger as well, I suppose, if you can actually remove yourself from the situation and just laugh at it. I think laughter is one of the most wonderful releases, and I think that it's actually been proved that you know that chemical that is released when you laugh is life-enhancing and life elongating too, you know. It promotes a healthy, a healthier being.

Part IV

Classifying and organizing ideas

Ability, the facts or ideas, are related to one another

Roman, Arabic, letters, standard form, decreasing importance, capital letters, small letters,

To the left, to the right, equal, the same distance, easy to see, the ideas before and after it.

No punctuation

Outlining, practice.



Big river goes to the east

All the star follows beidou

(hey hey hey hey,follow beidou)

(life-and-death friend,a bowl of wine)

Say go,let’s go

You have,I have,so do all

(hey hey hey hey,all have)

(In water in fire,not turn round)

Seeing injustice,have a cry

Should give a hand,just give a hand

So cool so hot,go coast-to-coast

(Should give a hand,just give a hand)

(So cool so hot,go coast-to-coast)

Hey ya yi er ya hey hey yi er ya

(Hey ya yi er ya hey hey yi er ya)

Seeing injustice,have a cry

Should give a hand,just give a hand

So cool so hot,go coast-to-coast

Hey hey ……….


The one is a god’s flower in the court

The one is a perfect jade

If say no adventure

This life unluckily met him

If say have adventure

How the worry finally becomes virtual


The one is complainting in vain

The one is worrying for nothing

The one is the moon in water

The one is the flower in mirror

Think in eyes can hold how many tears

How can support autumn goes to winter

Spring goes to summer



The yangtze river’s rolling to the east

Sprays wash off heros

Succeess or failure when turn back,nothing left

The montain is stille there

Day by day sunset

White-haired fisherman fishing on island

Used to watching autumn ang spring

A pot of unsrained wine for the glad meeting

Old and new stories,all in joking talk

A pot of unsrained wine for the glad meeting

Old and new stories,all in joking talk


You carry burden,I pull horse

Receive sunrise,say good-bye to sunset Overcome troubles,walking on avenue

Finish fighting sufferings

Getting going again

Getting going again

Come come come……

A series of changes of seasons

You taste bitterness and happiness

Dare to ask where is road

The road under foot

Come come come……

A series of changes of seasons

You taste bitterness and happiness

Dare to ask where is road

The road under foot

篇五:The Tragedy of Oedipus the King

The Fate or Character Caused the Tragedy of Oedipus the King

The introduction to the Author and the play

Sophocles (496BC?-406BC) was a productive dramatist in Athens. He was said

to had written 123 plays during his whole productive life, but only seven of them have

survived in a complete form which consists of the three plays he wrote about Oedipus

and his children-Oedipus the King, Oedipus at Colonus and Antigone . Sophocles

influenced the development of the drama, most importantly by adding a third actor

and thereby reducing the importance of the chorus in the presentation of the plot. He

also developed his characters to a greater extent than earlier playwrights such as

Aeschylus. He enjoyed success as a statesman, general, treasure, priest and of course

prize-winning dramatist. His plays won numerous prizes at festival competitions

because of his careful, subtle plotting and the sense of inevitability with which their

action is charged.

Laius and Jocasta, the King and Queen of Thebes, were warned by a prophecy

that their son would kill his father and marry his mother. In order to avoid the tragedy,

they pierce and pinned the infant’s feet together and a servant to put him to the

mountain to die. Out of sympathy, the servant turned the baby to a shepherd who was

the servant of the King of Corinth by accident. The child was given the name of

Oedipus, brought up by the childless roayal couple as their son. One day, he heard

others talking about his parentage. Deeply trouble, he asked Delphi to tell his birth.

He was told by Apollo that he could not return to his native country. Then he began

his travel .In his travel, he found his way blocked by a chariot at a crossroads, he

killed all the people except a slave including his birth-father angrily. In Thebes,

Oedipus successfully answered the riddle of Sphinx, with the reward of the crown and

the window queen. Then the tragedy appeared, a plague raged throughout the land. He

determined to find the cause of the pestilence, only found that he himself was the

source of evils. His wife his mother hanged herself, he struck his eyes. He was driven

out of the Kingdom and wandered from one city to another . On the end, he ended his

life mysteriously at the signal of Zeus’thunder.

Literature Review

Oedipus the King is regarded as the classic heroic tragedy in ancient Creece. And

also the issue whether the fate or his character leads to his tragedy has been provoking

a heated debate. Different people hold different views. Some people think that the fate

of Oedipus put him into a tragedy that has been predicted by the oracle. Because he

was cursed because of his father’s crime before he was born, at that moment, his

destiny was settled down1. In ancient Greek tragedy, the fate of a total of the theme,

the heroes in the tragedy are the next step for the fate of their own destiny fulfilled. In

the face of an irresistible fate of the human resistance has always been feeble,all the

facts of protest can not avoid the final tragedy.2 Others think that his character

decided his fate. If he didn’t hushed to kill his birth-father impulsively or he didn’t

answered the riddle’s questions , his tragedy might change or his tragedy wouldn’t

come so early. Oedipus murdered his father and married his mother, which was

traditionally viewed to be an unpardonable sin. Because as a successor, he neither

investigated the murder of the old king immediately nor knew how the old king died

16 years ago.3 Furthermore, when Jocasta told him the murder of Laius and asked

why he was so anxious, he gave no direct answer. Because he was afraid of facing the reality.4 But by analyzing the character’s personality and the reason for his behaviors,

strictly, it can prove that Oedipus is innocent victim. Despite some defects in his

character, he shouldn’t endure cruel such punishment. 5 The kill of Laius was just a

man resisted a stranger who assaulted him. His marry of Jocasta was because Thebens

showed gratitude for his feat and imposed the crown and Queen to him.6 The play’s

characters react to and copy with the predicament they must face illustrate the idea of

character traits and the role of virtue in moderating actions in situations that interact

with characters in potentially disastrous ways. 7 On the one hand, Oedipus is a man

of sympathy, righteousness, and responsibility. He showed his mercy for the people 1

2 Feng li,A Trace to Oedipus Destiny.Ningbo:Radio &TV University,2006. Zhao Leicui, rch of The ReseaHuman Beings Finity from the Point of Fate Tragedy. Hubei: Huazhong University of

science and Technology,2009. 3 Dequn Meng, The Mistakes of Oedipus. Appreciation of Famous Literary Works, 2005. 4 Xiao Liao, The Analysis of Oedipus Conflict Personalities. Hebei: Shangqing, 2008. 5 Yinghui Du, The Innocent of Oedipus. Inner Mongolia: Journal of Inner Mongolia Radio and TV University, 2007. 6 Lei Chen, Evil or Innocence----Reread King Oedipus. Changchun: Journal of Changchun Finance College, 2009. 7 Gillett, Grant, Oedipus the King: Temperament, Character, and Virtue. Philosophy & Literature, 2005, 10.

and worries about the people after hearing the priest’s account of the sufferings. He made his resolution to shoulder his duty as a king to investigate the clause of the plague. Nevertheless, he found it was himself that killed his birth-father. Then he blinded himself as punishment. On the other hand, he is guilty, unreasonable and cowardly. 8 He repeatedly came to the crossroads within himself: the crossroads between myth and reason; between being a puppet in the hands of gods and being an individual responsibility for his own fate.9 After acknowledging he will kill his father and marry his mother from Apollo, he must make for himself two unbreakable rules that never to kill an older man and never to marry an older woman. But he disregards of the oracle10which tells us that the hunter turns out to be hunted , who is fooled by fate.11 To some extent, the fate of Oedipus is attributed to Laius’ error.12

Sophocles, a tragic poet from Ancient Greek, has great artistic talent. He is praised as “ Homer of theatrical circles ”. Fierce tragic conflict which embodies in the antithesis between people and God, and the conflict among people, reaches great tension and unprecedented height. Sophocles’ tragic conflicts give tragic existence a kind of mew meaning: the individual’s ruin can be replaced by the happiness of the collective, what the disappearance of human body brought is the living forever of spirit.13 Sophocles’ tragedies pay much attention to the description the characters and the leading characters’ corresponding behaviors, idealizing and personalizing these characters. The heroes in the tragedies can bravely confront tribulation and hindrance, which manifests their firm wills in self approval, human nature known to people, and the pursuit of happiness. This represents the beginning of humans exploring their own survival value and life significance.14 The tragedy in ancient Greece, especially in Athenian times, mainly focusing on the construction of ethical order between the 8

9 Yinghui Du, The Innocent of Oedipus. Inner Mongolia: Journal of Inner Mongolia Radio and TV University, 2007. Cybulska, Eva, Oedipus: A Thinker at the Crossroads. Philosophy Now, 2009. 10 Vellacott P.H, The Guilt of Oedipus . Greece and Rome, 1964, 10. 11 Chong Chen, An Analysis of Plot and Dramatic Irony in Oedipus the King. Shanghai: Public Literature an Art Press, 2008 12 De Yuyang, On Sophoclean Oedipus. Ningbo: Journal of Ningbo University( Liberal Arts Edition ), 2004. 13 Yiwen Du, On the Artistic Characterisitc in Sophocles’ Tragedy. Wuhan: Huazhong Normal University Press, 2008. 14Zhigang Xiao, The Athestics Characteristic of Tragedy in the Ancient Greek Mythology: Take Oedipus the King as an example. Hubei: The World Literature Criticism, 2006.

individuals and cities, are aimed to achieve harmony and unity between prosperity and stability of cities and individual remarkable moral excellence.15The thought of “ Post-colonialism ” has been embryonated in the myth of ancient Greece. Oedipus myths clearly manifested the constructed “ Orient ” in the perspective of “ European Centralism ” as criticized by Edward.W.Said and the characters in them are a “ similar group” that has been deprived of the right of speech in ancient Greece. They become a means for some people or a strong tribe to control, rule the other weak tribes. As a matter of fact, it is a kind of culture nationalism with strong cultural hegemony tendency in the primitive ages.16Oedipus is hybridization of half-deity and half man, belonging to hero epoch of Greek mythology. He speaks not only man’s language as we are familiar with, but also the deity’s words that we never know. The overlook of the deity’s words in Oedipus language makes the analysis of his dramas and books distorted and misunderstood.17

It is considered that Sophocles has a deep reflection on the ethic’s relation about Patriarchy replacement of Matriarchy from the view of culture.18 “Oedipus Rex” caused mankind to think the role of father. The establishment of father’s status is accompanied with power. So, father is a symbol of the power, and is the son’s oppressor and sanction person. “Father” has enormous as soon as the appears it appears, and he growth and killing. The son overthrew father, but he would be repenting forever crime sense followed the son.19

Oedipus the King exemplifies the intricate intertwining of the child’s innate wishes and the reaction they evoke from the environment during the oedipal period. The neurotic patient’s illusion of sexual triumph over his or her father or mother as a child can be best understood through the interaction of these factors.20According to 15

16 Wenjuan Jiang, The Ethical Analysis of Sophocles’ Tragedies. Hunan: Hunan Normal University Press, 2010, 8. Yinhui Wang, Oedipus Myth in Perspective of “ Post-colonial ” Theory. Gansu: Journal of Shangqiu Teachers College, 2006. 17 Genxi Tang, Deity in the World: Analysis of Oedipus language. Nanjing: Journal of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications( social science ), 2009. 18 WeiguangThe King of Oedipus and the Prototype of Patriarchy’s Ethics. Jiangxi: Journal of Gannan Normal University, 2007. 19 Fufang Zhou, The Mythology and Fathers Prototype of Patriarchy’s Ethics. Jiangxi: Journal of Gannan Normal University, 2007. 20 Stanley R. Palombo, M.D, Oedipus and the Sphinx: Triumph and Catastrophe. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 1994.

Fread, the topographic model divides the psyche into three parts: the id, the ego and the superego. The image of Oedipus displayed in public is his superego. He tries to leave the people a good impression in order to win the respect and love. But all the clues show clearly he is the person who killed his father, he still insisted on finding the truth. This is the representation of ego.21

The tragedy of Oedipus the King is caused by the character of Oedipus ,there is no character as tragedy as Oedipus in all literature.

21 Xiaoming Gao, The Id, Ego and Superego Structures in Oedipus the King. Shanxi: Journal of North University of China(Social Science Edition), 2007.
