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篇一:Journey down the Mekong 教案

Journey down the Mekong 教学设计

Teaching Objectives

Knowledge aims:

1. Ss will learn and grasp some useful new words and expressions in this passage: finally cycle persuade stubborn insist proper properly determined altitude valley attitude ever since change one’s mind make up one’s mind give in

2. Ss will learn about the usage of The Present Continuous Tense to express future actions. Ability aims:

1. Ss are expected to develop their reading ability by using some reading strategies.

2. Ss can get the main idea of each paragraph when they read the first two sentences in the paragraphs.

3. Ss can further understand the passage by exploring the details of the passage.

Emotional aims:

Ss will stimulate their love for nature when knowing the greatness of the river.

Teaching important points

Ss can understand the text well and learn different reading skills

Teaching important points

Ss can talk about their journey plans and exchange their ideas with each other.

Teaching methods:

1. Task-based teaching and learning

2. Cooperative learning

3. Discussion

Teaching procedures:

Step1: Leading in

List the countries that the Mekong River flows through. China---Myanmar---Laos---Thailand---Cambodia---Vietnam Step3: Fast reading

1. Read the passage very quickly and figure out what the writing style of the passage is, then answer six questions about who, where, how , when.

Who are going there? Where are they going?

How are they getting there? When are they going there?

2. Read the first two sentences of each paragraph and match the main idea of each paragraph.. Para1 : Dream

Para2: A stubborn sister

Para3: Preparation

Step4: Careful reading

1. Read the first paragraph carefully and answering the following questions:

Q1: What’s their dream?

2. Read the second paragraph together and answer the following questions.

Q1: Why is Wang Wei a stubborn girl? Can you find the sentence that can explain or support it? Q2: Did she really know the proper way?

Q3: What did Wang Kun tell her and what her response was?

3. Read the third paragraph carefully and answering the following questions:

Q1:What did they find in the library?

Q2: What can we see along the river?

Then, it______ quickly. It becomes______ as it passes through deep _____.

Sometimes, the river becomes_______ and enters ____ _____.

After it leaves China, the Mekong is_______, _______and________.

As it enters Southeast Asia, its pace_____ slows. it makes wide_______ or meanders through low valleys to the______ where rice grows.

At last, the river’s _____ enters the South China sea.

Step5: Summary

Wang Kun and Wang Wei have_________ about taking a great bike trip. When they __________ from college. They _______ to _____ along the Mekong River with their ________. Wang Wei is very _________. Once she is __________ to do something she will never _______ her mind. Although it is difficult to travel along the Mekong River by bike, she ________ that they find the ________ of the river and begin their journey there.

Step6: Discussion

After reading the travel journal, now it is your turn to get your journey prepared.

Step7: Homework

1. Read the text again, underline the important words and phrases and find out the difficult sentences for you.

2. Write down your journey plan.

篇二:the car journey

I remember a time I had a trip to Shanghai with my mom and dad, who drove the car along the way. The journey cost us almost fifteen in total which exhausted all of us. You know it seemed like a life time we spent in the car. Fortunately, it offered me a great opportunity to have a chitchat with my parents. Since I grew up, we haven’t exchanged ideas for a long time. I intended to grasp the perfect chance to share something with them from the bottom of the heart.. My parents did care about my college life a lot, such as my credits, my hobbies, and even my relationship. I have thought that I have been old enough to deal with my own stuff without consulting them. Actually, being mature did not matter to this, and I was their litter precious. No matter how old I was , they would always be concerned about me specifically. Even though they did not know too much about the educational system in my college and how credits worked, they were ready to hear me out. The thing they cared about most was my relationship. As a matter of fact, parents start to worry out children’s future marriage and their partners in China. They always kept asking me something, like, “ have you met some guy you like? “ “ What dose he look like?” However, I am too shy to share this with them normally. But it was a great time to talk about the boys in school and how they acted, and in the meanwhile, they shared their romance story with me which has inspired me a lot. While talking ,we found we’ve already arrived in the destination. During the long travel, I haven’t appreciated the splendid scenery outside, I focused on the conversation we had in the car. In a word, it has been a particularly delightful talk we have.

篇三:On the Journey

On the Journey

-----Life is a journey ,we are on the journey every day.

Shengxia Xu

We talk about the journey almost everyday,so ,I would like you ask all of you a question:What is a journey? Maybe you will say :journey is carrying luggage to places we have never been to experience a different life environment and to relax ourselves. However ,I would like to say that a journey is not a trip,it’s not a vacation. It’s a process,a discovery; it’s a process of self-discovery. A journey brings us face to face with ourselves.A journey shows us not only the world. But how we fit in it. Does the person create the journey or does the journey create the person? The journey is life itself. Where will life take you.

With the answer of this question I will start my speech:On the Journey-----Life is a journey ,we are on the journey every day.

Life is a journey, you can enjoy it in you own way . What we should really care is not the

final destination but the scenery throughout the journey and the feeling of seeing the scenery. Life is as a snowflake travels from the heaven and gradually falls on the grounds ;life is as a drop of water from a unknown source to the vast sea or unexpected destination .Although many would be concerned or shared ,life itself quite resembles journey .Life would become new if you have a great breadth of vision and regard it as journey. And now , just join us in the beautiful journey.

There are too many people don’t realize the real meaning of a journey. They often distress and complain why they don’t have enough time,enough money to let them travel around the world. Even they have the chance to relax, they also waste time on the choice of the location and price,and then continue to complain about life.The most important things I want to express is the feeling which you bring with in your journey .

When you plan to travel ,the route and scheme aimed at the purpose are inevitably

essential.This idea may cast a new light on life and journey . Don’t give misunderstood the meaning of the journey .If we want to enrich our knowledge and enjoy the fruits of our labor,a sensible and manageable scheme which can steer our life on the right track is vital. As a result, on you journey will make your life smoother and better equipped.

Life is a journey,and we experience it every time. As I choose to attend this time of the speech contest. Before the race, I hesitated, fear can’t get a good rankings,did not have a good result. After all ,someone outside the person,behind ! But the theme of the speech

competition attracted me , let me makes a deep thinking about it . Since we are experienced by a journey ,why care about the end result , as long as it is good to enjoy all kinds of landscape of the journey. So here I come .

The preparation of the game is on the journey,is in the way of travel. In the meantime ,I saw many ,many different scenery. On the journey, I saw my passion for English;found another way to learn English ;found at different friends;I experienced joys and sorrows of

life and I am very happy . So there is noting important about the result of this journey.What is also worth noticing is that the true essence of life and journey is similar .The beautiful and pleasant scenery or the bitter rains and harsh winds accompany us along the way.Sometimes we can’t avoid but to appreciate whether we are willing or not . Consequently ,we are

getting stronger and stronger in our life as we gain the experience from journey.In one word, enjoying ourselves in every journey in our life.

Time is something from which we can’t escape, even we ignore it , it still going by , ticking away ,second by second ,minute by minute ,hour by hour. Time go on its journey all the time, it will never stop to wait for you ,so if you don’t want to waste you life time, go on a journey , make every day’s trip,enjoy every moment of the scenery and accept the suffering and joy in life . And then you will experience a totally different process of your life . As for life ,maybe death is its final destination . As Shi Tiesheng puts it “Death is a thing which no matter how long you delay, you will never miss it ”. Everyone will reach the final destination of our life journey, so the most important thing is not the result but the process. Let’s go on our own journey!

That’s all ,thank you!And wish you have a different journey bu yourself!

篇四:Journey to the west--天路历程宗教对比

The theme of “Journey to the west” comes from the story of Xuan Zang Buddhist sutras. On the surface, it seems a real tour that four persons travel over the hills and go through the rivers,in fact, all sorts of evil-doers are not existed, they are the blurred demons made by the author. Four master have a journey to the west, in other words, is a kind of behavior which transcend the reality in the religious world and arrive the ideal spiritual world. Via the heart of the practice all the way, to be sanctifying,become

immortals and become Buddha, it is a state which three religions amalgamated into one, and finally, to complete the transcendence of spiritual freedom. The most characteristic of the theme about religious surpassing is the unity of “nourishing heart” of Confucianism, “clearing heart” of Taoism and “no heart” of

Buddhism.Three religions are in mutual penetration and show the religious feeling of harmony between human-beings and nature.

“Journey to the west”, four master achieved Buddhahood in the end, and accomplish the procession of consciousness from inhuman to mortals and than to prefect,namely, achieve the sublimation of sanctifying, becoming immortals and becoming Buddha. In this product, it make the human-being as a core, and pursue the spiritual liberation through the way of the internal transcendency model which is make “heart” as the core and the “no-myself” inner experience. For the individual, it means that the

perfect personality is formed by the course of the epiphany of life, self-restraint, detached secular and reversing introspection; for the society, the final target related to the state in terms of rejuvenating will be reached by consciously self-discipline and the active participation.

“Pilgrim's Progress” tells the story about a tough Christians embark on the long journey in terms of seeking eternal life, the journey is full of dangerous disasters and all kinds of temptations, but he blaze the way forward through all the difficulties and

obstacles with an indomitable spirit, only wish that the guilt souls could be redeemed in the heaven. In terms of religious doctrine, “Pilgrim’s Process” is formed by the ways of rescuing related to the Christianity. To the beginning ,the leading character is burdened with a heavy bag of sin, what’s more, the character escapes the City of Destruction which is symbolizing the current life, and in the end, he could extricate himself front the heavy sin until he comes before the cross. The leading character experiences many stages, for instance, the stage of original sin,

repentance,conversion, believing in the Lord, atonement, salvation and grace. After a variety of baptisms, the hero accomplishes the journey of saving his heart and becomes a convert of the Christianity. The journey is full of difficulties and obstacles, what’s more, there are a number of temptations and tests all the

way. No matter the old sophisticated person’s secular, or the

temptation of the prince of the devils, or the mixing situation of the vanity fair, or the place make people’s spirits droop, the leading character is struggling with all these sins and could enter in the Celestial City and atones for his crime in the last moment.

The Christians who are described in the novel, is the

embodiment of people seeking the ways of redeeming the soul. The author reveals the meaningful reality that human-beings are not perfect and are born with original sin through the novel, and it make people known that only by the ways of firming the belief and reflecting the consciousness about original sin, strengthening the atonement in psychological, could people absolve the sin and make the salvation of souls, in addition, obtain the value of existing and achieve the ultimate eternal realm, in this way, to make a

combination between the individual soul and the divine spirit, in the meantime, accomplish the sublimation of life and the transcendence of the humanity.(REN,2007)

Banyang and Wu Chengen both have an inventive mind in the using of prototypes in the process of creating the “Pilgrim’s Process” and “Journey to the west”. Through these prototypes, they showed respective ideas of creation and deepen the cultural connotation of Christianity and Buddhism. Two allegorical works describe the struggle between goodness and evil on each hero.

By the deeply religious impact, Banyang and Wu Chengen use their profound culture about religions to create the products, in the meantime, they use an amount of religious alluding. Banyang borrows a lot of stories from the Bible and in the whole

composition, he quotes 254 analogies, therefore, the imagery of Bible is filling the lines of the “Pilgrim’s Process”. As to the

“Journey to the West”, a story related to the Buddhist monks go to the west to pilgrim, is mainly from the Chinese famous historical document named Buddhist Records and some of traditional folk fables. The characters, literary quotations and religious doctrines of Taoism ,Confucianism and Buddhism is appearing everywhere in the works. These two productions are both influenced by their religions of own countries respectively.

[1]任慧君 包磊 《西游记》和《天路历程》的对比分析[J] 陕西科技大学 2007.05


I have my friends. I have my master. I have my love

But i had the whole world.

Yet it turned out to be illusion.

I am immortal of Changliu,Bai Zihua,from now on you are my disciple.

What do you mean? Master?

Kill with no mercy

I was born with mystic fragrance

Which always bring misfortune to people.

I swear to you that i will come back to marry you .

Hua Qinagu,don't forget, i have your secret with me

Master, now you have me with you . You will never be alone anymore.

So this is the price to become immortal’s disciple?

That friendship must be sacrifice to make it to the cool palace.

Hua Qiangu,i hate you .,

I should be the only disciple but wasn't you.

No one can escape from poser’s curse.

Hua Qiangu must die.

So you will kill just to win?

What i have taught you ?

Hua Qiangu,you must be a spy sent by the demon!

I am surely not a spy.

You are so pretty,sister.

You’re the prettiest person I've ever seen .

But ,where is your breast?

I warn you ,in my palace, she has free a access to anywhere.

He has no respect for the poser’s curse.

Then he deserved to bear misfortune conduct by heaven.

If i wasn't your disciple will you marry me?

Stopping claiming you respect to heaven and Chang Liu is god will you really believe? He was poisoned with things from Buyanding.

Nothing but the fire water jade can save my master.

I’m not afraid to lose my life to find.

Your blood is the last secret seal to release the magic power.

When the devil is out, the world will burn .

Of actually,i will take back everything you owe me.

My master, why didn't you kill me ?

Why let me live in desperation?

Don’t make Hua Qiangu for alike another me

You will live in endless pain in beginning your die seek the spy

Perhaps you were only feel things when its about Hua Qiangu.

If only she knows that she will die in peace .
