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The best of Sherlock Holmes

I.Arthur Conan Doyle

Arthur Conan Doyle was born on May 22, 1859, in Edinburgh, Scotland. The Doyles were a prosperous Irish-Catholic family, who had a prominent position in the world of Art. Charles Altamont Doyle, Arthur's father, a chronic alcoholic, was the only member of his family, who apart from fathering a brilliant son, never

accomplished anything of note. At the age of twenty-two, Charles had married Mary Foley, a vivacious and very well educated young woman of seventeen.

Family tradition would have dictated the pursuit of an artistic career, yet Arthur decided to follow a medical one. This decision was influenced by Dr. Bryan Charles Waller, a young lodger his mother had taken-in to make ends meet. Dr. Waller had trained in the University of Edinburgh and that is where Arthur was sent to carry out his medical studies.

A couple of years into his studies, Arthur decided to try his pen at writing a short story. Although the result called The Mystery of Sasassa Valley was very evocative of the works of Edgar Alan Poe and Bret Harte, his favorite authors at the time, it was accepted in an Edinburgh magazine called Chamber's Journal, which had published Thomas Hardy's first work.

II.Inspiration for the character of Holmes

Doyle said that the character of Sherlock Holmes was inspired by Dr. Joseph Bell, for whom Doyle had worked as a clerk at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. Like Holmes, Bell was noted for drawing large conclusions from the smallest

observations. All these qualities were later to be found in the persona of the

celebrated detective Sherlock Holmes. However, some years later Bell wrote in a letter to Conan Doyle: "you are yourself Sherlock Holmes and well you know it." III.Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes is a fictional detective created by author and physician Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. A London-based "consulting detective" whose abilities border on the fantastic, Holmes is famous for his astute logical reasoning, his ability to adopt almost any disguise, and his use of forensic science skills to solve difficult cases.

IV.Habits and personality

Watson describes Holmes as "bohemian" in habits and lifestyle. According to Watson, Holmes is an eccentric, with no regard for contemporary standards of tidiness or good order.

1. Knowledge of Literature – nil.

2. Knowledge of Philosophy – nil.

3. Knowledge of Astronomy – nil.

4. Knowledge of Politics – Feeble.

5. Knowledge of Botany – Variable. Knowledge of Chemistry – Profound.

6. Knowledge of Anatomy – Accurate, but unsystematic.

7. Knowledge of – Immense. Plays the violin well.

8. Is an expert player, boxer and swordsman.

9. Has a good practical knowledge of .

v.Relationship with Irene Adler is a retired American opera singer and actress who appears in "". She is one of the most notable female characters in the series, despite appearing in only one story.

To Sherlock Holmes she is always the woman. I have seldom heard him mention her under any other name. In his eyes she eclipses and predominates the whole of her sex. It was not that he felt any emotion akin to love for Irene Adler...yet there was but one woman to him, and that woman was the late Irene Adler, of dubious and questionable memory.

Ⅵ.Famous sentences

When you have aliminated the imporsible,

whatever remains,

however improbable,

must be the truth.






sherlock holmes, does not need to say you knew.he is one world famous, the widely known famous spy.who then portrays him is? is f. conan doyle, (1859 ~ 1930), english outstanding spying writer of fiction, playwright.by four signs, return records, terrorist valley and so on is world famous. sherlock holmes detective case collection mainly says is - - sherlock holmes is a village gentleman's

descendant, both understands the village the custom, how and

understands in the city life.sherlock holmes through studied,

unceasingly the study unceasingly and practices unceasingly only then enable oneself to have the astonishing spying ability.therefore, he carries on each kind of spy both logical, and gathers the reason; he to each kind of case explanation and the judgment only then can rationally, only then cause the question which one all hangs also hangs to be easily solved, only then causes an ancestor to confuse the document to restore justice. not only this book is fascinating by the inside vivid story, the structure falls extends the fluctuation intense, the plot winding, exciting, soul-stirring,

causes me to be unable to put down, but also manifested a meaning famous saying - - “every is the diligent person, all had the spirit which never said die.” sherlock holmes is a such person. although he had become famous at that time in england the spying, but he in unceasingly assiduous study.he has specially rented between a small house nearby english fine arts museum, the use material and the

opportunity research related spying aspect science and the experience, can cause him to melt all sorts to confuse the group case, finally lets the evil become known in the world. i thought that,sherlock holmes life all is studying, studies the spying aspect continuously the science and the experience, his this indomitable spirit, is worth

our general young people studying. i like reading this this cause me to profit significantly sherlock holmes detective case collection.



? n. (Lauriston)人名;(英、葡)劳里斯顿;(法)洛里斯东









adj.实践的,实际的; 可实现的,实用的; 注重实际的; 可用的;




adj.实践的,实际的; 可实现的,实用的; 注重实际的; 可用的;




n.自然; 天性; 天理; 类型;




n.学说( theory的名词复数 ); 理论; 原理; 意见








n.分析,分解; 梗概,要略; [数]解析; 验定;








n.怀疑; 嫌疑; 疑心; 〈口〉一点儿;








n.插曲,片断; 插话; 一集;



vt.意欲,计划; 为特殊目的而设计; 为特定用途而打算; 意指或意味;





vt.使目眩; 使惊异不已;

n.耀眼; 眩惑; 灿烂;

vt.& vi.目眩; 赞叹;



adj.地球的,地上的; 尘世的,世俗的; 可能的;




n.理解,理解力; 包含的能力; [逻辑学]内涵;



vt.取得(权力); 承担,担任; 假设,假定; 呈现;




adj.空闲的; 空缺的; 空虚的; 茫然的;



n.光泽; 光荣; 荣誉; 出色;




n.表现,表示,表达; 表情,脸色,态度,腔调,声调; [数]式,符号; 词句,语句,措辞,说法;





adj.内心的,精神的,思想的,心理的; 智慧的,智[脑]力的; 〈口〉精神病的,意志薄弱的,愚笨的;


[?b?str?k?n][美][?b?str?k??n, ?b-]


抽象; 出神; 抽象概念; 抽象化;






? ?








? adv. 任性地;脾气坏地 petulant [英][?petjul?nt][美][?p?t??l?nt] adj.易怒的,使性子的,脾气坏的; retire [英][r?'ta??(r)][美][r??ta?r] vi.退休; 撤退; 后退,退却; vt.退休,退隐; 使撤退; 收回; n.退休; 退隐; 退兵信号; sergeant [英]['sɑ:d??nt][美][?sɑrd??nt] n.[军]军士,中士; 警官,巡官; 高级律师; 〈美〉一种地对地导弹;



adj.海的; 海产的; 海军的; 海事的;

n.水兵; 海军陆战队士兵; 海事,海运业;



vt.证明,证实; [法]验证,检定; 显示;






n.锚; 锚状物; 靠山; 压阵队员;

vt.抛锚,抛锚泊船; 使固定,使稳固; 使稳定; 在…任节目主持人;


vi.抛锚,停泊; 固定; [体]任主要运动员; 主持节目;


第三人称单数:anchors过去分词:anchored复数:anchors现在进行时:anchoring过去式:anchored tattoo


n.文身; 归营鼓; 夜间野外军事演习; 连续有节奏的敲击声;

vt.刺青,刺花纹于(皮肤)上; 在…上有节奏地敲击或轻叩;


第三人称单数:tattoos过去分词:tattooed复数:tattoos现在进行时:tattooing过去式:tattooed smack



n.掌掴(声); 海洛因; (打的)一拳; 打巴掌;

adv.直接地; 准确地; 猛烈地; 急剧地;

第三人称单数:smacks过去分词:smacked复数:smacks现在进行时:smacking过去式:smacked military


adj.军事的; 军用的; 讨厌的; 好战的;

n.军人; 军队; 武装力量;




n.运输,输送; (旧时载客的)四轮马车; 〈英〉火车客车车厢; 运费;




n.管理; 控制; 规章; 规则;




[英]['w?sk?(r)][美][?hw?sk?, ?w?s-]

n.细须; 连鬓胡子; 〈美俚〉腮帮子; [化]须晶;




adj.稳定的,不变的; 镇定的,沉着的; 坚定的;






篇四:The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes福尔摩斯探案集英文读后感



The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes


Sherlock Holmes who is a smart,sharp and strange detective,face lots of amazing and fantastic cases,but he can find out the facts certainly.


detective, adventure ,spy

Sherlock Holmes is one world famous, the widely known famous spy.Who then

portrays him is? Is F. Conan doyle, (1859 ~ 1930), British outstanding spying writer of fiction and playwright. Due to understand the social surrounding,the author make Sherlock Holmes received the case all kinds, the most important is the great detective investigation methods and the end of the case is different, every story perfectly reflect the reality of British society.

Sherlock Holmes is a village gentleman's descendant, understands the village custom, also the life in city. Sherlock Holmes who is angular, thin, torpor ,have sharp eyes and hawk-like nose made him added a kind of decisive wary expression.This iconic features cause a lot of detective fans crazy worship.Sherlock Holmes become to have the astonishing spying ability through unceasingly study and practice. When his heart have a problems doesn't solve, just a few days, or even a week,he would avid

thinking about again, comb the situations that he had mastered, and review the

question from every angle until the facts come to light or convinced the materials are not sufficient.Therefore, each kind of spy that he deal with is logical and

reasonable.What's more,his explanation and judgment of all case are rational, cause the question to be easily solved, then causes the case to restore justice.

"From a drop of water, a logic home can infer may have the Atlantic or Niagara

Falls existence, and does not need to see with my own ears or heard of such. So, the whole life is a huge chain, as long as we see one of the ring, you can know its nature." And this is Sherlock Holmes's deduce analytics.

Sherlock Holmes is a bit "strange", he is proficient in anatomy, also is the

first-class pharmacist, but he never had systematic medical study. He diligently study some science, but the thing is very mixed and disorderly. And he take cocaine three times a day(taking cocaine, make the person feels pleasure, but loss their displayed energy). He also is so surreal, never easy to talk with somebody something in his

heart, also happy, also a lot of things. When he met the dangerous calm, in a crisis, encounter any difficulty, seems as if nothing had happened, not at all, pack out.

Maybe, just because the different features of Sherlock Holmes make his stories more attract readers!

Sherlock Holmes is a such person. Although he had become famous for spying

at that time in England, but he in unceasingly assiduous study.He has specially rented between a small house nearby English Fine arts Museum, the usage of material and

the opportunity research related spying aspect science and the experience, can cause

him to melt all sorts to confuse the group case, finally lets the evil become known in

the world.

Since I read the Sherlock Holmes, who has a aquiline noses and angular

figure,wear hunting cap, shoulder with dust coat, smoke with a pipe , I find the

character deeply impress me. He face difficulty calmly, his thought is agile, and his

keen observation and reasonable inference analysis is the key to solve the case. The

author Conan Doyle, in writing, there are a lot of psychological activity, bearing

change, dialogue, action describe in details, so that readers see with relish, won't be

boring. In psychological activities, the author wrote all his ideas , don't do one

reservation, let a person can't help following the author guess together;A description

of the change and expression is fascinating, so that a person's expression as if it's in

front of you on; Action details is very carefully, every one's every move is captured

by the author, not a omissions. This let me know, to write a good article, is little not

the detail description. In the novel of any a court case, almost every case happens is

incredible, in the case of developing, and there are a lot of changes, vertiginous. But

with the analysis of Sherlock Holmes, the story is slowly and clearly. All the things in

reason, but at unexpected. Every clue is so natural, smooth, I can't find any flaw. So I'm amazed at the Sherlock Holmes’ unreasoning ability.

This book is fascinating by not only the vivid story and the soul-stirring

structure, but also a meaning famous saying “every is the diligent person, all had the spirit which never said die.”

Sherlock Holmes with his unique career"consulting detective'', received all kinds of

strange case. Many official detectives and private detectives would ask for help from

him if encountering difficulties. And he will try to take them to the correct route

guidance. His work have all kind of social classes,from homicide to theft, although

sometimes also met with bizarre case, but they are not the came into existence.

Although each case is very complicated, but Sherlock Holmes is good at using a

variety of knowledge, have attached great importance to the investigation and study,

and treat case very enthusiastic, he has extraordinary ability. As Sherlock Holmes said, if you have on hand to master the one thousand case details, so, if you can't explain

the one thousand and first case ,it would so weird. when receive a case,Sherlock

Holmes will try his best to solve the riddle even if the case is quirky or the killer who

was carried away by the evil stop him and even want to end Sherlock Holmes' life.

I admire Sherlock Holmes, I want to learn his those good places. For example, he

rich knowledge of science, the strict logical reasoning, careful study.Though Sherlock

Holmes in Britain has become a detective, but he still continue to study hard, have

been research aspects of science and experience the detective, his these kind of

indomitable spirits is worth studying.It can help teenagers get notice observation,

thinking meticulous good habit.

Sherlock Holmes is so charming, when you finish the adventure of Sherlock

Holmes,I believe you will be grip the book.I like reading this novel that make me gain

so much profits significantly. Only read this novel can you completely feel his charm.


As we all know, the book Adventure of sherlock holmes is a very famous book written by Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle.It is a fact universally accepted by readers throughout the world that an excellent book in possession of our famous detective Sherlock Holmes is undoubtedly a masterpiece of all times.” Perhaps this is one of the most obvious explanations for the unrivaled popularity of “Holmes series” in the field of detective stories. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is a collection of 4 full-length novels and 56 short stories. Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle was a Scottish physician and writer, most noted for his stories about the detective Sherlock Holmes, generally considered a milestone in the field of crime fiction, and for the adventures of Professor Challenger. He was a prolific writer whose other works include science fiction stories, plays, romances, poetry, non-fiction and historical novels. I just have finished two short stories from this collection. So ,I want to talk about my feeling from these two stories, which are The Adventure of the Three Students and The Adventure Of The Dancing Men. In The Adventure of the Three Students, we are told a story that Someone got into Soames’s office and had a look at the galley proofs of an exam he was going to give. Mr. Hilton Soames is a tutor and lecturer of St Luke's College. He told that he took tea in a friend's rooms and left the proof upon his desk. When he returned, he found the key belonging to his servant, Bannister in his outer door and was aware that someone had rummaged among his papers.Soames’s desire is to uncover the cheater and prevent him from taking the exam. Fortunately there are only three students who will take the exam, all of which live above him in the same building. After Holmes' detection, Holmes knows everything. The cheater

was someone who knew the exam proofs were there. This could only be Gilchrist because the proofs’ whereabouts had been kept secret, and Gilchrist was the only one tall enough to have been able to look in through Soames’s window to see them there. Holmes has also identified the blobs as the special clay found in the long-jump pit, which is where the third one came from, further implicating Gilchrist. Gilchrist does not help his own position very much by reproaching Bannister for his apparent treachery. Bannister was indeed the one who covered for Gilchrist. He felt that he had to, for old times’ sake: Bannister was once Gilchrist’s father’s butler. Finally, Gilchrist credits Bannister with convincing him not to profit from his misdeed, and presents Soames with a letter stating his wish not to sit the exam, but accept an offer in South Africa for the Rhodesian Police.

In The Adventure Of The Dancing Men, Mr. Hilton Cubitt of Ridling Thorpe Manor in Norfolk visits Sherlock Holmes and gives him a piece of paper with this mysterious sequence of stick figures. The little dancing men drove his wife to crazy and his wife did not say anything about it. When Holmes understood these little dancing men's meaning, he got the news that Mr. Hilton Cubitt dead. After Holmes's detection, he found that Abe Slaney was the one who killed Mr. Hilton Cubitt. Slaney was arrested and later tried. He escaped the noose owing to mitigating circumstances.

Sherlock Holmes is a village gentleman's descendant. He understands the custom in the village , and know how to live in the city. Sherlock Holmes enable himself to have the astonishing saying ability through study and practices. Therefore, he deals with each kind of spy logically and reasonably. The explanation and

judgment of each kind of case is very rational. In the story of The Adventure of the Three Students, his explanation is very believable . He thinks Mr. Gilchrist is the one who rummaged the papers. The reason is that Mr. Gilchrist is one of the three students who will attend the exam and he is enough tall to see the papers on the central table through the window. The scratch of the shoes, his gloves and the black clay he left all can prove that this student did this thing. The analysis of Holmes is very conversing. Holms is somehow a strange person. He isn’t interested in fame and money, though he is famous and rich. When people have problems that they can’t solve, they will come to Holms for help. It’s also the reason why people trust him because he is really helpful and he shows people the truth instead of confusion. In The Adventure of the Three Students, he helps a school tutor and in The Adventure Of The Dancing Men, he gives a hand to a stranger. The important thing for him is his curiosity to the case. If he is interested in this case, nothing can stop him.

Holmes is extremely meticulous at things that others even don’t realize. He is so clever that almost every case can be solved by himself. From the story of The Adventure Of The Dancing Men, we can see the he can guess those absurd hieroglyphics by his own. I think it is very difficult and it needs a very good logical ability. Finally he not only understood the dancing men' meaning, but wrote a letter back to let the criminal hurl himself willingly into the net. His extraordinary ability to detection is so impressing.

As far as I am concerned, nothing is more admirable and surprising in the hero Sherlock Homes than his profound knowledge which has certainly assisted him a lot

when he was studying the case. Except for his illimitable knowledge, Holmes also specializes in arranging the facts in order to find the fact leading him to a discovery or even the truth itself. From his speaking “Every mystery has an answer”, we can readily shape the impression of a man with great intelligence and inflexible will. In this case, after getting rid of unrelated facts, Sherlock Homes eventually grasped the clue and discovered the amazing fact.
