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France is calling

Now that winter is behind us,many people are starting to think about going abroad for the summer holidays.This year,why not spread your wings and visit France?

France is a wonderful place to go for a holiday. It is a huge country,with coasts on the English Channel,the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.In addition,it has many mountain regions which are excellent for skiing.

The centre of France is a big,agricultural region,growing crops such as wheat and sunflowers,It is amazing to drive past fields which seem to go on forever or whole hills covered with neat rows of grapevines .One of the most scenic areas is the Loire Valley, where you can visit the old castles in which the kings and queens of France used to live. Paris is the captial of France.It is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world.With its world-famous landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de

Trionphe,and its wide tree-lined streets,Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the the world.

If you are taking your children with you, remember that EuroDisney is just an hour away from the centre of the same attrections as the Disney parks in the USA.

If you want to go on to visit Britain,you can now do it without flying or taking a ferry.The Channel Tunnel,or(to use us nickname)the 'Chunnel',enables you to travel to train from Paris London in about three hours.

In our city,we can see the influence of France in some ways


.France,like China,is famous for its food.Some bakeries provide French bread and cakes.Other popular French products are it cheese, brandy and wine.

Many of the world's top designer names are French.Names such as Dior in colthes, Chanel in perfume, and Cartier in jewellery are familiar to many Chinese people .Aquick walk along NanjingRoad will remind you of many similar names.

France is a leader in art and culture ,too. Alot of young students from different countries go to france to further their studies .Dvery year,French film festivals,exhibitions and concerts are organized all over the world.

TO get the most out of your holiday in Grance,why not try learning French now?You can do this in some language schools around the city.

翻译译文:法国在召唤 既然冬天已经过去了,许多人开始考虑暑假去出国。今年,为什么不展开你的翅膀去游览法国呢? 法国是一个度假的好去处。它是一个有着英吉利海峡、大西洋和地中海的海岸线的巨大国家。除此之外,它还有着许多非常适合滑雪的山区。 法国的中心是一个种植庄稼的庞大的农业区,例如麦子和向日葵。开车经过似乎连绵不断的田野或是覆盖着整齐排列的葡萄藤的整个山丘,是一件令人惊异的事。景色最宜人的游览胜地之一是一个你能参观到法国的国王和王后曾经住过的城堡的卢瓦尔山谷。 巴黎是法国的首都。这是世界上最受欢迎的旅游目的地之一。(因为)具有闻名遐迩的标志性建筑,如:埃菲尔

铁塔和凯旋门以及它的宽阔绿树成行的街道,巴黎是世界上最美丽的城市之一。 如果你正在带你的孩子的话,记住欧洲迪士尼乐园仅仅只离巴黎中心一个小时的距离。它提供了跟美国迪士尼乐园一样的许多游乐项目。 如果你想继续去游览英国的话,你现在能不用乘飞机或是搭乘摆渡去英国了。海峡隧道,或(用它的昵称),“海隧”,能使你乘火车,在大约在三小时后从巴黎就到达伦敦。 在我们的城市里,我们在某些方面能够看到法国的影响。法国,像中国一样,以它的食物而著名。有些面包坊提供法国面包和蛋糕。其它受欢迎的法国产品有它的奶酪、白兰地和葡萄酒。 许多世界上顶尖名牌是法国的。一些名字,例如衣服的Dior,香水的Chanel,珠宝的Cartier,对中国人来说都很熟悉。沿着南京路快步行走将会使你想起更多的类似的名字。 法国在美术和文化方面也是领先者。许多来自不同国家的年轻学生去法国求学深造。每一年,法国电影节、博览会和音乐会都会遍布世界地组织起来。 为了更好的在法国度过你的假期,为什么现在不尝试学习法文呢?你现在就可以在城市附近的一些语言学校这样做了。



Paris has long inspired opinionated outbursts, from delusional to denouncing, but on one matter travelers remain in agreement: it's among the most stimulating cities in the world.

Paris assaults all the senses, demanding to be seen, heard, touched, tasted and smelt. From luminescent landmarks to fresh poodle droppings on the pavement, the city is everything it should be - the very essence of all French things. If you come here expecting all you've heard to be true, you won't leave disappointed.

Paris is at its best during the temperate spring months (March to May), with autumn coming in a close second. In winter, there are all sorts of cultural events to tempt the visitor, but school holidays can clog the streets with the little folk. August is usually hot and sticky, and it's also when many Parisians take their yearly vacations, so businesses are likely to be closed.

巴黎是法国的首都,是一座历史名城,也是风格出众、浪漫迷人的名都,素有“世界花都”之称。雄伟庄严的凯旋门和屹立于塞纳河畔的艾菲尔铁塔是巴黎及法国的标志。协和广场、Avenue des Champs-Elysees香谢丽舍大道、还有代表着古老巴黎的圣母院、收藏有举世闻名的梦娜丽莎、维纳斯、胜利女神这三宝的卢浮宫及美仑美奂的凡尔赛宫、总统府——爱丽舍宫等等,美不胜收,让人永生难忘。


Musée du Louvre 卢浮宫One of the most famous museums in the world is the Louvre , or more correctly the Musée du Louvre ,

Louvre is probably one of the most world-renowned sightseeing places in Paris. This enormous building, constructed around 1200 as a fortress and rebuilt in the mid-16th century for use as a royal palace, began its career as a public museum in 1793. As part of Mitterand's grands projets in the 1980s, the Louvre was revamped with the addition of a 21m (67ft) glass pyramid entrance. Initially deemed a failure, the new design has since won over those who regard consistency as inexcusably boring.

Vast scrums of people puff and pant through the rooms full of paintings, sculptures and antiquities, including the Mona Lisa, Venus de Milo and Winged Victory (which looks like it's been dropped and put back together). If the clamor becomes unbearable, your best bet is to pick a period or section of the Louvre and pretend that the rest is somewhere across town.

Leonardo da Vinci 达芬奇 意大利画家

坐落在巴黎市中心的卢浮宫是举世瞩的艺术殿堂和万宝之宫,它建于十二世纪末。卢浮宫共分六个部分:希腊罗马艺术馆、埃及艺术馆、东方艺术馆、绘画馆、雕塑馆和装饰艺术馆。 人们一涉足这艺术的海洋,总是先睹其中最著名的“镇宫三宝”,即“爱神维纳斯”、“胜利女神尼卡”和“蒙娜丽莎”。

Eiffel Tower 艾菲尔铁塔

This towering edifice was built for the World Fair of 1889, held to commemorate the centennial of the French Revolution. Named after its designer, Gustave Eiffel, it stands 320m (1050ft) high and held the record as the world's tallest structure until 1930. Initially opposed by the city's artistic and literary elite - who were only affirming their right to disagree with everything - the tower was almost torn down in 1909.

Salvation came when it proved an ideal platform for the antennas needed for the new science of radio telegraphy. When you're done peering upwards through the girders, you can visit any of the three public levels, which can be accessed by lift or stairs.



Notre Dame 巴黎圣母院

The city's cathedral ranks as one of the greatest achievements of Gothic architecture. Sharp and high

Notre Dame was begun in 1163 and completed around 1345; the massive interior can accommodate over 6000 worshippers. Although Notre Dame is regarded as a sublime architectural achievement, there are all sorts of minor anomalies as the French love nothing better than to mess with things. These include a trio of main entrances that are each shaped differently, and which are accompanied by statues that were once coloured to make them more effective as Bible lessons for the hoi polloi.

The interior is dominated by spectacular and enormous rose windows, and a 7800-pipe organ that was recently restored but has not been working properly since. From the base of the north tower, visitors with ramrod straight spines can climb to the top of the west fa?ade and decide how much aesthetic pleasure they derive from looking out at the cathedral's many gargoyles - alternatively they can just enjoy the view of a decent swathe of Paris. Under the square in front of the cathedral, an archaeological crypt displays in situ the remains of structures from the Gallo-Roman and later periods.





Paris has long inspired opinionated outbursts, from delusional to denouncing, but on one matter travelers remain in agreement: it’s among the most stimulating cities in the world. Paris assaults all the senses, demanding to be seen, heard, touched, tasted and smelt. From luminescent landmarks to fresh poodle droppings on the pavement, the city is everything it should be - the very essence of all French things. If you come here expecting all you’ve heard to be true, you won’t leave disappointed.

Paris is at its best during the temperate spring months (March to May), with autumn coming in a close second. In winter, there are all sorts of cultural events to tempt the visitor, but school holidays can clog the streets with the little folk. August is usually hot and sticky, and it’s also when many Parisians take their yearly vacations, so businesses are likely to be closed.

Musée du Louvre

Louvre is probably one of the most world-renowned sightseeing places in Paris. This

enormous building, constructed around 1200 as a fortress and rebuilt in the mid-16th century for use as a royal palace, began its career as a public museum in 1793. As part of Mitterand’s grands projets in the 1980s, the Louvre was revamped with the addition of a 21m (67ft) glass pyramid entrance. Initially deemed a failure, the new design has since won over those who regard

consistency as inexcusably boring. Vast scrums of people puff and pant through the rooms full of paintings, sculptures and antiquities, including the Mona Lisa, Venus de Milo and Winged Victory (which looks like it’s been dropped and put back together). If the clamor becomes unbearable, your best bet is to pick a period or section of the Louvre and pretend that the rest is somewhere across town.

Eiffel Tower

This towering edifice was built for the World Fair of 1889, held to commemorate the

centennial of the French Revolution. Named after its designer, Gustave Eiffel, it stands 320m (1050ft) high and held the record as the world’s tallest structure until 1930. Initially opposed by the city’s artistic and literary elite - who were only affirming their right to disagree with

everything - the tower was almost torn down in 1909. Salvation came when it proved an ideal platform for the antennas needed for the new science of radio telegraphy. When you’re done peering upwards through the girders, you can visit any of the three public levels, which can be accessed by lift or stairs. Just south-east of the tower is a grassy expanse that was once the site of the world’s first balloon flights and is now used by teens as a skateboarding arena or by activists bad-mouthing Chirac.

Avenue des Champs-élysées

A popular promenade for the ostentatious aristos of old, the Avenue des Champs-élysées has long symbolised the style and joie de vivre of Paris. Encroaching fast-food joints, car showrooms

and cinemas have somewhat dulled the sheen, but the 2km (1mi) long, 70m (235ft) wide stretch is still an ideal place for evening walks and relishing the food at overpriced restaurants.

Centre Georges Pompidou

The Centre Georges Pompidou, displaying and promoting modern and contemporary art, is far and away the most visited sight in Paris. Built between 1972 and 1977, the hi-tech though daffy design has recently begun to age, prompting face-lifts and closures of many parts of the centre. Woven into this mêlée of renovation are several good (though pricey) galleries plus a free, three-tiered library with over 2000 periodicals, including English-language newspapers and magazines from around the world. A square just to the west attracts street musicians, Marcel Marceau impersonators and lots of unsavoury types selling drugs or picking pockets.

Notre Dame

The city’s cathedral ranks as one of the greatest achievements of Gothic architecture. Notre Dame was begun in 1163 and completed around 1345; the massive interior can accommodate over 6000 worshippers. Although Notre Dame is regarded as a sublime architectural achievement, there are all sorts of minor anomalies as the French love nothing better than to mess with things. These include a trio of main entrances that are each shaped differently, and which are accompanied by statues that were once coloured to make them more effective as Bible lessons for the hoi polloi. The interior is dominated by spectacular and enormous rose windows, and a 7800-pipe organ that was recently restored but has not been working properly since. From the base of the north tower, visitors with ramrod straight spines can climb to the top of the west fa?ade and decide how much aesthetic pleasure they derive from looking out at the cathedral’s many gargoyles - alternatively they can just enjoy the view of a decent swathe of Paris. Under the square in front of the cathedral, an archaeological crypt displays in situ the remains of structures from the Gallo-Roman and later periods.

Sainte Chapelle

Lying inside the Palais de Justice (law courts), Sainte Chapelle was consecrated in 1248 and built to house what was reputedly Jesus’ crown of thorns and other relics purchased by King Louis IX earlier in the 13th century. The gem-like chapel, illuminated by a veritable curtain of

13th-century stained glass (the oldest and finest in Paris), is best viewed from the law courts’ main entrance - a magnificently gilded, 18th-century gate. Once past the airport-like security, you can wander around the long hallways of the Palais de Justice and, if you can find a court in session, observe the proceedings. Civil cases are heard in the morning, while criminal trials - usually reserved for larceny or that French speciality crimes passionnel - begin after lunch.

Musée d’Orsay

Spectacularly housed in a former railway station built in 1900, the Musée d’Orsay was reinaugurated in its present form in 1986. Inside is a trove of artistic treasures produced between 1848 and 1914, including highly regarded Impressionist and Post-impressionist works. Most of their paintings and sculptures are found on the ground floor and the skylight-lit upper level, while the middle level has some magnificent rooms showcasing the Art-Nouveau movement. Nearby, the Musée Rodin displays the lively bronze and marble sculptures by Camille Claudel and Auguste Rodin, including casts of some of Rodin’s most celebrated works. There’s a shady sculpture garden out the back, one of Paris’ treasured islands of calm.

Cimetière du Père Lachaise

[R-p5]Established in 1805, this necropolis attracts more visitors than any similar structure in the world. Within the manicured, evergreen enclosure are the tombs of over one million people including such luminaries as the composer Chopin; the writers Molière, Apollinaire, Oscar Wilde, Balzac, Marcel Proust and Gertrude Stein; the artists David, Delacroix, Pissarro, Seurat and

Modigliani; the actors Sarah Bernhardt, Simone Signoret and Yves Montand; the singer édith Piaf; and the dancer Isadora Duncan. The most visited tomb, however, is that of The Doors lead singer, Jim Morrison, who died in Paris in 1971. One hundred years earlier, the cemetery was the site of a fierce battle between Communard insurgents and government troops. The rebels were eventually rounded up against a wall and shot, and were buried where they fell in a mass grave.

Place des Vosges

The Marais district spent a long time as a swamp and then as agricultural land, until in 1605 King Henry IV decided to transform it into a residential area for Parisian aristocrats. He did this by building Place des Vosges and arraying 36 symmetrical houses around its square perimeter. The houses, each with arcades on the ground floor, large dormer windows, and the requisite

creepers on the walls, were initially built of brick but were subsequently constructed using timber with a plaster covering, which was then painted to look like brick. Duels, fought with strictly observed formality, were once staged in the elegant park in the middle. From 1832-48 Victor Hugo lived at a house at No 6, which has now been turned into a municipal museum. Today, the arcades around the place are occupied by expensive galleries and shops, and cafés filled with people drinking little cups of coffee and air-kissing immaculate passersby.

Bois de Boulogne

The modestly sized Bois de Boulogne, on the western edge of the city, is endowed with forested areas, meandering paths, belle époque cafes and little wells of naughtiness. Each night, pockets of the Bois de Boulogne are taken over by prostitutes and lurkers with predacious sexual

tastes. In recent years, the police have cracked down on the area’s sex trade, but locals still advise against walking through the area alone at night.

Outer ?le de France

The relatively small region surrounding Paris - known as the ?le de France (Island of France) - was where the kingdom of France began its 12th-century expansion. Today, it’s a popular day-trip destination for Parisians and Paris-based visitors. Among the region’s many attractions are woodlands ideal for hiking, skyscrapered districts endowed with sleekly functional architecture, the much-maligned EuroDisney, elegant historical towns and Versailles, the

country’s former political capital and seat of the royal court. The latter is the site of the Chateau de Versailles, the grandest and most famous palace in France. Built in the mid-1600s during the reign of Louis XIV, the chateau is a keen reminder of just how much one massive ego and a nation’s wealth could buy in days of old (eat your heart out, Bill Gates). Apart from grand halls,

bedchambers, gardens, ponds and fountains too elaborate to discuss, there’s also a 75m (250ft) Hall of Mirrors, where nobles dressed like ninnies could watch each other dancing.

Canal Saint Martin

The little-touristed Saint Martin canal, running through the north-eastern districts of the Right Bank, is one of Paris’ hidden delights. The 5km (3mi) waterway, parts of which are higher than the surrounding land, was built in 1806 to link the Seine with the much longer Canal de l’Ourcq. Its shaded towpaths - specked with sunlight filtering through the plane trees - are a wonderful place for a romantic stroll or bike ride past locks, metal bridges and unassuming but well turned-out Parisian neighbourhoods.

Paris has two airports, Aéroport d’Orly, south of central Paris, and Aéroport Charles de Gaulle, in the north, is a major international hub, so you shouldn’t have any trouble finding a flight, regardless of where you’re flying. Paris is also famous for its sophisticated underground system, known as Metro. No matter where you are, chances are that there’s a metro station within a few blocks.

Europe is famous for its fascinating cultural background and the same is true to Paris. Why shall you wait? It’s well worth visiting it.



Paris is the capital of France. It’s known as the City of Light

because of its beauty. It’s a place to enjoy great food, great art, and great buildings. It’s also a place to sit back and enjoy life in a sidewalk café.

For hundreds of years, artists and writers have celebrated Paris. Many have gone to live there. Visitors come to admire the city. It’s a center of fashion and style. It’s also the business, financial, and industrial center of France. THE EIFFEL TOWER The Eiffel Tower is the best-known landmark in Paris. France built this lacy, iron tower for the Paris World’s Fair of 1889. The fair honored the French Revolution that began in Paris 100 years earlier.

The Eiffel Tower rises nearly 1,000 feet (300 meters). Elevators take visitors to the top. At the time it was built, the tower was the tallest structure in the world. The tower was named for its designer, Gustave Eiffel. CITY ON THE SEINE

The river Seine runs through Paris and cuts it in half. The part of Paris on the north side of the river is called the Right Bank. The part on the south side is called the Left Bank.

Most of the businesses and large stores in Paris are on the Right Bank. Many government buildings and the University of Paris are on the Left Bank. The university is in the Latin Quarter. Students at the university originally spoke Latin, giving the neighborhood its name.

The oldest part of Paris is on the ?le de la Cité, an island in the Seine. Notre Dame(巴黎圣母院) cathedral is on the island. Workers began to build the cathedral in 1163.


There’s a lot to see in Paris. You could take a walk down the

Champs-élysées. This wide, tree-lined boulevard is one of the most famous streets in the world.

At one end of the Champs-élysées is the Arc de Triomphe (Arch of Triumph). This monument was built to honor the victories of French emperor Napoleon I. At the other end is the Place de la Concorde (Square of Peace) with its huge fountains and statues.

The Louvre is an old palace in the middle of Paris. It’s also one of the world’s great museums. Leonardo da Vinci’s famous painting, the Mona Lisa, is here. If you like paintings by the French impressionists, be sure to visit the Musée d’Orsay. This museum used to be a railroad station. When you’re tired, sit for a while in one of Paris’s pleasant parks. The Tuileries Gardens are on the Right Bank, and the Luxembourg Gardens are on the Left Bank.


Where can you discover the charm of Paris for yourself? Is it in the legacy of all the French rulers who worked to beautify their beloved city? Is it in the famous castles, palaces, statues and monuments, such as the Eiffel Tower? Can you find it in the world-class museums, such as the Louvre? Perhaps Paris’ allure lies in the zest and style of the Parisians.


Take a stroll along the Seine River. Browse through the art vendors, colorful paintings. Peek through delicate iron gates at the well-kept gardens. Watch closely for the French attention to detail that has made France synonymous with good taste. You will see it in the design of a doorway or arch and in the little fountains and quaint balconies. No matter where you look, you will find everyday objects transformed into works by art. 沿著塞纳河漫步。浏览艺术家们丰富色彩的绘画,透过那些精致的铁门,向?韧蹈Q那些精心照看的花园。仔细留心法国人对于细节的留心。这使得法国成为“好品味”同义字。你可以在门廊或拱门以及小喷泉和古怪有趣的走廊的设计上看见。不管你往哪里看,你都可以发现日常物品已经变成了艺术品。

As evening comes to Paris, enchantment rises with the mist over the riverfront. You may hear music from an outdoor concert nearby: classical, jazz, opera or chansons, those French folk songs. Parisians love their music. The starry sky is their auditorium. You can also hear concerts in the chateaux and cathedrals. In Paris the Music never ends. 巴黎到了傍晚时分,随着码头上的雾气升起,巴黎的诱惑力也随之而起。你也会听到附近室外音乐会所演奏的乐曲。古典、爵士、歌剧或是香颂即法国的民歌。巴黎人热爱自己的音乐,繁星点缀的天空,就是他们演奏的大礼堂。你也可以在皇宫或教堂里聆听音乐会。在巴黎,音乐是不会停止的。

Don’t miss the highlight of Paris evening: eating out. Parisians are proud of their cuisine. And rightly so; it’s world famous. Gourmet dining is one of the indispensable joys of living. You need a special guidebook to help you choose one of the hundreds of excellent restaurants. The capital of France boasts every regional specialty, cheese and wine the country has to offer. If you don’t know what to order, ask for the suggested menu. The chef likes to showcase his best dishes there. Remember, you haven’t tasted the true flavor of France until you’ve dined at a French restaurant in Paris.


Paris has long inspired opinionated outbursts, from delusional to denouncing, but on one matter travelers remain in agreement: it's among the most stimulating cities in the world. Paris assaults all the senses, demanding to be seen, heard, touched, tasted and smelt. From luminescent landmarks to fresh poodle droppings on the pavement, the city is everything it should be - the very essence of all French things. If you come here expecting all you've heard to be true, you won't leave disappointed.

灵感来自巴黎一直自以为是妄想爆发,以谴责,但一件事旅客在协议仍然是:它是世界上最刺激的城市的。巴黎攻击所有的感觉,要求被看到,听到,触摸,品尝和冶炼。从人行道上的新鲜粪便狮子狗发光标志性建筑,它就是一切的城市应该是 -所有法国事物的本质。如果你来这里希望你听说是真实的,你不会离开失望。

Paris is at its best during the temperate spring months (March to May), with autumn coming in a close second. In winter, there are all sorts of cultural events to tempt the visitor, but school holidays can clog the streets with the little folk. August is usually hot and sticky, and it's also when many Parisians take their yearly vacations, so businesses are likely to be closed.


Musée du Louvre 卢浮宫

Louvre is probably one of the most world-renowned sightseeing places in Paris. This enormous building, constructed around 1200 as a fortress and rebuilt in the mid-16th century for use as a royal palace, began its career as a public museum in 1793. As part of Mitterand's grands projets in the 1980s, the Louvre was revamped with the addition of a 21m (67ft) glass pyramid entrance. Initially deemed a failure, the new design has since won over those who regard consistency as inexcusably boring. Vast scrums of people puff and pant through the rooms full of paintings, sculptures and antiquities, including the Mona Lisa, Venus de Milo and Winged Victory (which looks like it's been dropped and put back together). If the clamor becomes unbearable, your best bet is to pick a period or section of the Louvre and pretend that the rest is somewhere across town.

卢浮宫可能是在巴黎大多数世界著名的观光地之一。这个庞大的建筑,1200年左右建造,作为一个在王宫使用16世纪中叶重建一个堡垒,并开始作为一个公共博物馆于1793年的职业生涯。作为密特朗的大奖赛上世纪80年代projets的一部分,卢浮宫是革新与一个2100万(67英尺)玻璃金字塔入口增加。起初认为是失败,新的设计,因为谁赢得了那些无聊视为不可原谅的一致性。粉扑和喘气的人,通过广大scrums房间的绘画,雕塑和古迹,包括蒙娜丽莎,维纳斯和胜利女神(看起来像它一直下降,放回在一起)爆满。如果叫嚣变得难以忍受,最好的办法是选择一个时期或卢浮宫部分,其余的是假装的地方穿过市中心。 Eiffel Tower艾菲尔铁塔

This towering edifice was built for the World Fair of 1889, held to commemorate the centennial of the French Revolution. Named after its designer, Gustave Eiffel, it stands 320m (1050ft) high and held the record as the world's tallest structure until 1930. Initially opposed by the city's artistic and literary elite - who were only affirming their right to disagree with everything - the tower was almost torn down in 1909. Salvation came when it proved an ideal platform for the antennas needed for the new science of radio telegraphy. When you're done peering upwards through the girders, you can visit any of the three public levels, which can be accessed by lift or stairs. Just south-east of the tower is a grassy expanse that was once the site of the world's first balloon flights and is now used by teens as a skateboarding arena or by activists bad-mouthing Chirac.

Avenue des Champs-élysées elcsee palace 爱丽舍宫

A popular promenade for the ostentatious aristos of old, the Avenue des Champs-élysées has long symbolised the style and joie de vivre of Paris. Encroaching fast-food joints, car showrooms and cinemas have somewhat dulled the sheen, but the 2km (1mi) long, 70m (235ft) wide stretch is still an ideal place for evening walks and relishing the food at overpriced restaurants.


Centre Georges Pompidou蓬皮杜中心

Notre Dame巴黎圣母院

The discovery of the City of Light and the experience of making it your own is and always has been the most compelling reason to visit. If you're a first-timer, everything in Paris, of course, will be new to you. If you've been away for a while, expect changes: Taxi drivers may no longer correct your French but address you in English--and that's tantamount to(同等的,相当于) a revolution. More Parisians(巴黎人) have a rudimentary(基本的,初步的)knowledge of English, and the country, at least at first glance, seems less hysterically(歇斯底里地,极端地)xenophobic(对外国人无理仇视的,排外的) than in past years. Part of this derives from Parisians' interest in music, videos, and films from foreign countries, and part is caused by France's growing awareness of its role within a united Europe.

在光之城的发现和使你自己的经验,并一直是最有说服力的理由来访问。如果你在巴黎第一次使用,任何事情,当然会被新的给你。如果你已经有一段时间了,希望改变:出租车司机可能不再正确处理您的法语,但在英国你- 这无异于(同等的,相当于)一场革命。更多的巴黎人(巴黎人)有一个基本的英语(基本的,初步的)知识,和这个国家,至少在乍看之下,似乎少了歇斯底里(歇斯底里地,极端地)排外(对外国人无理仇视的,排外的)高于往年。这部分源于巴黎人对音乐,视频,以及从外国电影的兴趣,部分是由法国的不断增加它在一个统一的欧洲的作用的认识造成的。

Though Paris is in flux (巨变)culturally and socially, it lures travelers for the same reasons it always has.

Both the capital of the nation and of the historic Ile de France region, Paris is located in northern central France, 265km (165mi) south-west of Brussels, 295km (185mi) south-west of Luxembourg and 510km (315mi) west of Stuttgart. The city centre - known as Intra-Muros, or within the walls - is bisected by the River Seine. The area north of the river, the Rive Droite (Right Bank), includes the tree-lined Avenue des Champs-élysées, running west to the Arc de Triomphe. East of the avenue is the massive Musée du Louvre, the Centre Georges Pompidou and a lively district of

museums, shops, markets and restaurants. Immediately south of the Pompidou Centre on the Ile de la Cité is the world-famous Notre Dame. The area south of the river, the Rive Gauche (Left Bank), is home to the city's most prominent landmark, the Eiffel Tower. 虽然巴黎通量(巨变),文化和社会,它引诱它总是为同样的原因旅客。


里(165mi)西南布鲁塞尔,二百九十五公里(185mi)西南部卢森堡和五一零公里(315mi)斯图加特西。市中心- 被称为内部Muros,或在墙壁 -一分为二的塞纳河。在河东区北部,里沃共和区(右岸),包括林荫大道香榭丽舍大街,运行西至凯旋门。在大道东是大量的卢浮宫,蓬皮杜艺术中心和博物馆,商店,市场和餐馆热闹的地区。南面关于de la Cité西堤岛蓬皮杜艺术中心是世界著名的巴黎圣母院。在河东区南部,左岸(左岸),是家庭对城市最突出的地标,艾菲尔铁塔。

The people there are well-known for keeping their traditions alive. They hold many celebrations, dances, and festivals. You can even see a bullfight in the towns of Arles and Nimes, or enjoy poetry at Orange's ancient Roman theater with the stars shining above you.当地居民以维护自己的传统闻名,他们经常举办许多舞会和庆典活动。你甚至可以在名为阿尔勒和尼姆的小镇里观赏斗牛表演,或在奥朗日的古罗马剧场中,伴着闪耀星空聆听诗词诵读。

Although Paris is the usual destination for travelers in France, you would be making a good choice by heading down south to Provence. It is a place well-loved by artists such as Van Gogh, Picasso, and Renoir, and it continues to impress any visitor who experiences its pleasures.虽然旅客前往法国的目的地通常是巴黎,但如果南下到普罗旺斯也是个不错的选择。这里曾深受梵高、毕加索和雷诺阿等艺术家的喜爱,也一直让前来体验当地乐趣的游客留下深刻的印象
