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2013年商务英语初级写作范文指导 作文题目:

You are the office manager at an insurance company. You have arranged for contractors to upgrade your computer system. This means the system will be shut down for a full day.

Write a memo of 40-50 words:

informing staff of the shutdown

telling them when it will happen

asking them to prepare alternative work for the day. 老师提示:

商务写作中遵循的原则是:简洁,精确,礼貌。在考试中或者工作中,格式基本已经 给出,所以只需要我们写正文即可。正文中我们写作要做到选词精当,一针见血,语法正确,不出低级错误的句子。备忘录属于半正式的文体写作,所以在句子选择 上可以适当放宽,不必太正式。



from : Tom TO : all staff

date : 25/8

Because our computor system will be upgraded by the contractors on 28 AUGUEST, so the system will be shut down for a full day on that day[1], i ask for you prepare alternative work for the[2] day. and the work don't use computer system .

I think you can give a good performance to me to pass the accident.



[1]Business writing 中尽量少使用because....so... 这样的结构,看起来不够专业,改为:As we plan to upgrade.....

[2]有中式英文的痕迹:我要求你们。。。。改为:please prepare alternative work if you have to use the computer.

[3]这不能算作accident, 既然已经计划好了。整句去掉。换成thank you. 网友作文二:

From: office manager

To: all staff

Subject: the company system

I would like to notify you that [1]the computer system of our company's will be shut down on this Tuesday for a whole day long [2]on account of the system needs a upgrade.[3]Therefore, please taking notice of this event in advance, in case of some potential inconveniences and troubles on Tuesday, yet prepare alternative work for that day. [4]

Thank you.[5]





[4]这句话看起来非常不清楚,主语在哪里?please 的后面是吗?改成:please make sure that you have prepared alternative work.



Dear all:

The file system will shtudown [1]due to system maintainance next Friday.

It will take a full day to finish this job.[2]

Please do not acccess the [3]file server that day and backup your files one it[4].


[1]够干练了,语法错误多。 Be shut down


[3]Access to

[4]On it?


From: office Manager

To: all staff

Subject: upgarde of computer system

As our computer system need to be upgraded, we have arranged the contarctors to upgrade the them [1]on Wedesday. On that day all computers should be shutted down for a full day, so you need arrange some alternative work for that day.


[1]第一: 不要重复使用前面已经用过的词;第二:指代错误,前面说的

system 是单数,怎么到这里变成了them? 合成一句:as we have arranged the contractor to upgrade our computer system.









1 写作目的与要求

1 Can make notes that are useful to both him/herself and to colleagues.

2 Can write most letters he/she is likely to be asked to do; such errors as occur will not prevent understanding of the message.

更多的报名信息和成绩查询方法请上网了解:www.neea.edu.cn 教育部考试中心

2 测试范围与选材

1、身份介绍 (Personal Identification)

2、 工作环境与日常事务 (The office,general business,environment and routine) 3、接待与闲暇活动 (Entertainment of clients,free time,relationships with colleagues and clients) 4、商务旅行 (Travel) 5、健康 (Health)

6、购买与销售 (Buying and selling)

7、公司结构、系统及程序 (Company structures,systems,processes) 8、产品与服务 (Products and services) 9、成果与成就 (Results and achievements)

其外,还会涉及其他的一般商务话题(Business issues)。

3 测试题型分析



题型: 1.商务便条、便函类;2. 商务书信类

注意:BEC不是单纯的英语考试,也不是考察商务知识。 对策:学习、模仿高水平的论文


Part One

? You have to organise an urgent meeting at 9am tomorrow with all the staff from your department. ? Write an email to the staff:

? saying when the meeting will be

? telling them where the meeting will be ? explaining what the meeting will be about ? Write about 30-40 words on your Answer Sheet.



注意时间的正确表达方法。如nine am, 9:00am, 15 o’clock等为错误用法。


相关词汇 meeting seminar conference convention lecture, seminar, tutorial reserve, book

conference organiser, hotel, conference centre

conference facilities: laser/inkjet printer, projector (Barco), photocopier (Xerox), telephone, fax machine,

scanner, computer, internet connections catering: dinner, buffet, tea

便函便条类题目的结构 Input: situation description Task: memo, note, email content points

Write: internal message (30-40 words)


注意:content; accuracy; conciseness


这一题型要求考生根据所提供的短文,如书信、传真、便函、留言条(电话留言条)等,起草一封书信,字数要求达到120—140词左右。 题目结构:

Input: 1 situation description 2 task

3 target reader

Reading: texts in note, letter, fax, memo + content points (handwritten notes; second letter) Write: business letter (60-80 words) 注意字数问题

例题 Part Two

? Read this part of a letter from John Biggs, who is the president of a business club.

? Write a letter to Mr Biggs:

? accepting the invitation

? telling him the subject of your talk ? asking how long the talk should be

? enquiring whether accommodation will be arranged for you.

? Write 60-80 words on your Answer Sheet. ? Do not include postal addresses.

注意:1 适当发挥 2不要跑题 3 目标读者 4 不要抄袭 三种对策: a 换句型

e.g. 肯定句变否定句) b 换同义词

e.g. put forward by these two authors are nearly.....expressed by the two writers are almost....c 改词性

e.g. The English language has had a major impact on developing other world languages.

Other world languages have been greatly affected by the English language in their developments.




You are the office manager at an insurance company. You have arranged for contractors to upgrade your computer system. This means the system will be shut down for a full day.

Write a memo of 40-50 words:

informing staff of the shutdown

telling them when it will happen

asking them to prepare alternative work for the day.





from : Tom TO : all staff

date : 25/8

Because our computor system will be upgraded by the contractors on 28 AUGUEST, so the system will be shut down for a full day on that day[1], i ask for you prepare alternative work for the[2] day. and the work don't use computer system .

I think you can give a good performance to me to pass the accident. [3] TOM


[1]Business writing 中尽量少使用because....so... 这样的结构,看起来不够专业,改为:As we plan to upgrade.....

[2]有中式英文的痕迹:我要求你们。。。。改为:please prepare alternative work if you have to use the computer.

[3]这不能算作accident, 既然已经计划好了。整句去掉。换成thank you.


From: office manager

To: all staff

Subject: the company system

I would like to notify you that [1]the computer system of our company's will be shut down on this Tuesday for a whole day long [2]on account of the system needs a upgrade.[3]Therefore, please taking notice of this event in advance, in case of some potential inconveniences and troubles on Tuesday, yet prepare alternative work for that day. [4]

Thank you.[5]





[4]这句话看起来非常不清楚,主语在哪里?please 的后面是吗?改成:please make sure that you have prepared alternative work.



Dear all:

The file system will shtudown [1]due to system maintainance next Friday. It will take a full day to finish this job.[2]

Please do not acccess the [3]file server that day and backup your files one it[4].


[1]够干练了,语法错误多。 Be shut down


[3]Access to

[4]On it?


From: office Manager

To: all staff

Subject: upgarde of computer system

As our computer system need to be upgraded, we have arranged the contarctors to upgrade the them [1]on Wedesday. On that day all computers should be shutted down for a full day, so you need arrange some alternative work for that day.


[1]第一: 不要重复使用前面已经用过的词;第二:指代错误,前面说的system 是单数,怎么到这里变成了them? 合成一句:as we have arranged the contractor to upgrade our computer system.


Formulate a smoking policy for your office which is fair to both smokers and nonsmokers. Write a 40-50 word memo informing all staff of the policy.






TO: All Employees

FROM: CEO, Willan Smith


For all the employees, especially smokers,[1] plz be aware that our company's new smoking policy has been formulated as follow: A main smoking area's going to be restricted before Next MONDAY[2], anyone is not allowed to smoker in non-smoking zone even in the washing room.[3]

Plz target the smoking and non-smoking area and stick to the company's new policy.[4]




[2]时间不确切,最好是 from next Monday. Before 这个期限是什么时候?如果不能给出确切信息,就不要说,还不如换成具体的吸烟区域更好: be restricted to the room next to the toilet.


[4]添加:to ensure that it is fair to all of you.


To: All staff

From: Hope0068

Everybody know that smoking is dangerous for your health. And the The studies didn't just point to the ill effects of smoking on those who smoke--non-smokers, too. [1] Notice is hereby given that the smoking area is located in the special corner[2] of the first floor of this building. This come into force on[3] September 15th.


[1]Memo 的主要作用就是提醒同事们注意事项,这和吸烟有多有害不相干,去掉。改为:to assure working environment





to : all the staff

from : jeremy

subjuect : new somking policy

do you have a feeling that our office is surrounding by smog all the day, [1]so we will implemented a[2] new policy for somking ,from next week[3] ,we will open an area[4] for the smoking ,and other area is rescricting to smoke ,also there is a punishment when we find you smoke in these area [5]

thank you



[2]we will implement a

[3]Next Monday




to: All Staff

from: Susuan Wu

To creat a nonsmoking office room, we hope that smoking is forbidden in the work office from Sep.1st. Would you please enjoy your smoking in the Launch by closing the office door.

Thank you for your coperation.



To: All staff

From: Sarah Buffay

As you all know, there is an increasing dispute about smoking in the office. Now we'd like to formulate a policy both fair to smokers and nonsmokers: The vacant room 408 will be opened as "Smoking Room" from tomorrow. All smokers may go there within the time limitation from 9:00a.m. to 4:00p.m. But smokers are not allowed to smoke outside this room.[1]

If you have any problems, please contact me. [2]



[2]这是信件的结尾,不是memo的,直接用 thank you 就可以。


You are a manager at an auditors called Golding & Co. Your company has just merged with a competitor to become MasonGolding. You have been asked to inform stafff of the change of name.

Write a memo of 40-50 words:

informing staff of the new name.

telling them when to start using the new name.

asking staff to use only the new name after that time.

样本 Sample writing (46 words)

TO: All staff

From: Mr. Port

I would like to inform you that, following the recent merger with Mason and Son, the new name for our company will be MasonGolding. This name becomes official on 12th, Nov.2008. Please note that from this time, the new company name only should be used.

Thank you.







一. BEC考试概述 二. BEC高级写作概述 三. Part One写作(概述与方式) 四. Part Two写作(概述) 五. Part Two (Report写作方式) 六. Part Two (Proposal写作方式) 七. Part Two (Letter 写作方式) 八. 总结

一. BEC考试概述

剑桥商务英语(Cambridge Business English Certificate):



1. BEC考试报名不受年龄、性别、职业、地区、学历等限制,任何人(包括学


2. BEC考试测试考生在听、说、读、写四个方面的语言交际能力,着重考察学

生的应用能力与接受能力,并对考生的能力概况做出较全面、客观的评价。 3. BEC考试分为三级,BEC1为初级语言水平考试,难度相当于我国大学英语

四级,就剑桥英语考试系列来说,它介于入门英语考试(Key English Test)和初级英语考试(Preliminary English Test)之间;BEC2介于我国大学英语四、六级之间,相当于剑桥第一证书英语考试(First Certificate in English);BEC3介于我国大学英语六级和英语专业八级之间,相当于剑桥熟练英语证书考试(Certificate of Proficiency in English)。


1. 考试同样分为四个部分(阅读,60分钟;写作,70分钟;听力,40分钟左


2. 四部分总分为120分,每部分为30分,考生的登记以4部分所得的总分为

基础,并不需要所有的四分试卷都达到令人满意的水平才能通过考试。 3. 分数分为5档,A(优秀),B(优良),C(及格),D、E(不及格) 4. BEC考试所使用的材料尽可能属于真实事件中的节选,因此不存在偏见或者


二. BEC高级写作概述


1. 总时间为70分钟;

2. 两部分内容,第一部分(Part One)为一片短篇报告(Short Report);第二

部分(Part Two)为三选一(Report,Letter,Proposal);

3. 总字数要求为320-390词,第一部分为120-140词,第二部分为200-250


4. 考官会根据整体印象评分,印象的标准主要来源于能否满足题目要求和是否


5. 分数同样分5档,5、4、3为及格,2、1、0为不及格


1. 是否完成题目要求:

? 所有内容点是否已包含在文章内 ? 语言是否规范、自然;错误的多少 ? 是否灵活运用语言,词汇量

? 文体是否组织得当,逻辑性、格式是否适当

2. 给读者的感觉

? 5极佳、4良好、3较好、2不佳、1,0极差


1. 商务思维训练 2. 模板灵活运用



(美国证券交易所网站,在此网站下点击Advanced Search, 搜10K文档,10K文档为年报,可下载阅读)

2. (雅虎财经,在GET QUOTES处输入股票代码,


3.各上市公司中(Investor Relation)链接,建议找寻英国基地公司,如英航等

三. Part One写作(概述与方式)


? ? ? ?

Write a Short Report Write 120-140 Words

Describe the movements (Charts or graphs) At least one chart (Line, Bar and Pie)

解题总思路:(Accomplish In Four Steps)

I. Reading ...................................读题(归纳图表主要内容)

II. Organizing ...............................订框架(根据模板、例句完成文章主要部分) III. Conclusion ...............................客观总结(仅归纳最显而易见的客观联系) IV. Checking ..................................检查(拼写、语法及其他错误)

文章基本框架:(Basic Structure)

? Introduction ..............................简要介绍题目,归纳图表主要内容 ? Findings ...................................说明图表中数据走势,趋势和变化 ? Conclusion ...............................图表、数字简最客观联系


? 直接了当进入主题

? 抓住数据特点,突出变化趋势,进行对比

? 建议写作中使用小标题,增强各段落写作方向,条理更加清晰


1. 如何读题:

? 学会节省时间,速读 ? 只挑不同的内容读

? 归纳图表的主要表达内容,先中文后英文

例:Book2, Test1, Part One (以下例题部分均为此题,简称如上题)


? The graphs below (Page 28) show

? Using the information from the graphs, write a short report

describing ? Write 120-140 words.



31. This view is now being questioned by more and more people.


32. Although many people claim that, along with the rapidly economic development, the number of people who use bicycle are decreasing and bicycle is bound to die out. The information I've collected over the recent years leads me to believe that bicycle will continue to play extremely important roles in modern society.

尽管许多人认为随着经济的高速发展,用自行车的人数会减少,自行车可能会消亡, 然而,这几年我收集的一些信息让我相信自行车仍然会继续在现代社会发挥极其重要的作用。

33. Environmental experts point out that increasing pollution not only causes serious problems such as global warming but also could threaten to end human life on our planet.


34. In view of such serious situation, environmental tools of transportation like bicycle are more important than any time before.


35. Using bicycle contributes greatly to people's physical fitness as well as easing traffic jams.


36. Despite many obvious advantages of bicycle, it is not without its problem.


37. Bicycle can't be compared with other means of transportation like car and train for speed and comfort.


38. From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that advantages of bicycle far outweigh its disadvantages and it will still play essential roles in modern society.


39. There is a general discussion these days over education in many colleges and institutes. One of the questions under debate is whether education is a lifetime study.


40. This issue has caused wide public concern.



21.People equate success in life with the ability of operating computer .


22. In the last decades, advances in medical technology have made it possible for people to live longer than in the past.

在过去的几十年,先进的医疗技术已经使得人们比过去活的时间更长成为可能。 23. In fact, we have to admit the fact that the quality of life is as important as life itself. 事实上,我们必须承认生命的质量和生命本身一样重要。 24. We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.


25. People believe that computer skills will enhance their job opportunities or promotion opportunities.

人们相信拥有计算机技术可以获得更多工作或提升的机会。ve collected over last few years leads me to believe that this knowledge may be less useful than most people think.


27. Now, it is generally accepted that no college or university can educate its students by the time they graduation.

(来自:WwW.smhaida.Com 海达 范文 网:剑桥商务英语初级作文)



28. This is a matter of life and death--a matter no country can afford to ignore. 这是一个关系到生死的问题,任何国家都不能忽视。 29. For my part, I agree with the latter opinion for the following reasons: 我同意后者,有如下理由: 30. Before giving my opinion, I think it is important to look at the arguments on both



11.There is no denying the fact that air pollution is an extremely serious problem :the city authorities should take strong measures to deal with it.


12.An investigation shows that female workers tend to have a favorable attitude toward retirement.


13.A proper part-time job does not occupy student's too much time .In fact ,it is unhealthy for them to spend all of time on their study .As an old saying goes :All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy


14.Any government which is blind to this point may pay a heavy price.


15.An increasing number of people are beginning to realize that education is not complete with graduation.


16.When it comes to education ,the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime study.


17.The majority of students believe that part-time job will provide them with more opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills ,which may put them in a favorable position in the future job markets.


18.It is indisputable that there are millions of people who still have a miserable life and have to fact the dangers of starvation and exposure.


19.Although this view is widely held ,this is little evidence that education can be obtained at any age and at any place.


20.No one can deny the fact that a person’s education is the most important aspect of his life.

