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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 15:26:27 初中作文


还记得去年被翻唱无数的《Let it Go》么?不仅是歌曲荣登各大音乐排行榜前列,动画片也是火的一塌糊涂,《冰雪奇缘》的票房更是超越了此前由《冰川时代4》创下的7.159亿美元记录,成为影史最卖座动画!


近日,《冰雪奇缘》衍生短片 Frozen Fever 《冰雪奇缘:生日惊喜》又发布了一支预告片,讲述的是前作电影的后续故事。当时正逢安娜生日,艾莎、克里斯托弗和雪宝准备为她举办一场盛大的生日惊喜派对。可是艾莎却在此时突然感冒了,她的冰雪魔法也再一次制造了不小的麻烦。

短片将于 3 月 13 日在北美和真人电影《灰姑娘》一同上映。

It's been over a year since the mega-successful Disney animation Frozen was released.

And now, directors Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee teamed up once again to create a short film titledFrozen Fever.

The first look of the seven mintue feature was released on Wednesday, reuniting fans with belovedcharacters Queen Elsa, her sister Princess Anna and everyone's favorite snowman Olaf.

Elsa works together with Kristoff to put on a surprise party for Anna, but her icy powers may putmore than just the party at risk.

Unfortunately for the ice queen, she catches a head cold the same day as the party and it createsa major threat to the celebration.

'Frozen Fever takes place just a few months since we last saw the gang, it's actually Anna'sbirthday but Elsa is complicating things,' explained directors Chris and Jennifer.

The recent trailer only centers around the cheerful party preparations also debuting a new originalsong that will surely give Let It Go a run for its money.

Oscar winning songwriters and real life couple Robert and Kristen Lopez, who created Let It Go,have come up with another chart-topping hit.

Not only are the film's directors reprising their roles, but also Idina Menzel (Elsa), Kristen Bell (Anna),Jonathan Groff (Kristoff) and Josh Gad (Olaf) are all back to voice their characters.

Elsa started a popular fashion trend with that iconic icy blue dress but in the upcoming short sherocks a new party dress, this time wearing a brightly colored green floral frock for the birthdayparty.

Sister Anna also gets a new wardrobe change donning a color coordinated gown with lots of tullebut still in keeping with the some of the same embellished design from her previous dress.

Walt Disney Animation made the smart choice to release Frozen Fever as a prelude of thecompany's live-action Cinderella.

The mini Frozen sequel will be screened just before the retelling of the classic fairy tale and isbelieved to have been a strategic play by the studio to draw in Frozen's die-hard fans to the boxoffices.

Cinderella, starring actresses Cate Blanchett, Helena Bonham Carter and Lily James, is set for USrelease on March 13.

Frozen swept theaters worldwide like a powerful snowstorm for over half a year since its November2013 opening.

The musical fantasy film grossed an impressive $1.219 billion at the box office alone, not includingproduct sales and the new Frozen Fun attraction at Disneyland's California Adventure theme park.

According to Variety, the film raked in more than $400m in the States, over $194m in Japan andcontinues to rake in earnings to this date.

Frozen has become the top-grossing animated motion picture and the fifth highest grossing filmever in history.



《Making Today A Perfect Day (From "Frozen Fever")》歌词


演唱:- Idina Menzel 伊迪娜·门泽尔

You've never had a real birthday before 你从未过个真正意义上的生日

Except, of course, the ones just spent outside my locked door 当然 除去在我紧锁的门外度过的生日

So I'm here way too late to help you celebrate And be your birthday date if I may 我已经来不及帮你庆祝 但愿今天就是你的生日 Achoo, Elsa, I'm thinking you might have a cold I don't get colds besides 喷嚏声,埃尔莎 我觉得你可能感冒了 我才没有感冒 而且

A cold never bothered me anyway Just follow the string 感冒了我也不怕 沿着摆放的字母 你会发现惊喜 I've got big plans, I've got surprises for today 我早就计划好了 为你准备了个大惊喜

Nothing but nothing's gonna get in our way 没有什么 没有什么能妨碍我们

I've worked for weeks, planned everything within my power 我忙碌了几周 筹备了好了力所能及的一切

I even got Kristoff and Sven to take a shower If someone wants to hold me back 我甚至让不修边幅的克斯托夫都洗了澡 如果谁想阻止我

I'd like to see them try I'm on the birthday plan attack 我倒要叫他们试试看 我在准备一个大的生日惊喜 I'm giving you the sun, the moon, and the sky 我会给你准备灿烂的阳光 皎洁的月儿还有湛蓝的天空

I'm making today a perfect day for you 我会让今天成为你最美好的一天

I'm making today a blast if it's the last thing I do 如果还可以的话 我会让今天无比灿烂辉煌

For everything you are to me and all you've been through 只为你就是我的一切 只为你我经历过所有

I'm making today a perfect day for you Achoo Achoo 我会让今天成为你最美好的一天 喷嚏声 喷嚏声

They come in threes I'm fine achoo 他们都来为你庆祝了 喷嚏而已 我没事

Surprise, surprise this one especially achoo 惊喜 这会是个特别的大惊喜 喷嚏声

Wow you've got me reeling, but I'm still concerned for you 厉害 你让我好意外 但我还是担心你

I think it's time that you go home and get some rest 我想你该回去了 休息一下吧

We are not stopping cause the next one is the best ah achoo 我才不要 因为接下来的会是最精彩的环节 喷嚏声

Elsa, you gotta go lie down No way, we have to paint the town 埃尔莎 你得卧床休息 才不要 我们要重新粉刷城墙

But you need medical attention Are you sick How 'bout a cold remedy 但你需要医生给你看看 你生病了吗 试试我自己研发的

Of my own invention No thanks We'll take it 感冒药怎么样 不用了 谢了 心领了

We're making today a perfect day for you Making today a special day 我们要让今天成为你最美好的一天 让今天成为你最美好的一天 We're singing a birthday song to make your wishes come true 我们一起高唱生日歌 让你的愿望成真

Wishes come true We love Princess Anna And I love you too 愿望成真 我们爱你 安娜公主 我也爱你们

So we're making today a perfect day A fabulous day in every way 来 让我们将今天变成美好的一天 精彩绝伦的一天

Yes we are making today a perfect day Come on Now we climb 我们让今天变成美好的一天 来吧 就让我们开始爬上去吧 Elsa that's too much You need to rest 埃尔莎 真的够了 你需要休息

No we need to get to our birthday chills I mean thrills Making dreams 不 我们需要让生日派对更惊悚 不 更惊喜 像梦一般

Making plans Go go go go Follow the string to the end 计划好一切 来吧 加油 沿着字母 走到尽头

You are my very best friend Elsa What I'm fine 你是我最好的朋友 埃尔莎 怎么了 我很好

We're gonna climb We're gonna sing Follow the string To the thing 我们要爬高点 我们要一起高歌 沿着字母 你就会发现 Happy happy happy Merry merry merry Hap-birth-hap-birthday 开心 快乐 快乐 开心 生日快乐

Woah Elsa, look at you You've got a fever You're burning up 埃尔莎 看看你 你发烧了 你全身发烫

All right, we can't go on like this Let's put this day on hold 好吧 我们不能这样下去 今天就到这里为止吧

Come on, admit it to yourself Okay I have a cold I'm sorry Anna 别这样 承认吧 好吧 我感冒了 对不起 安娜 I just wanted to give you one perfect birthday, but I ruined it Again 我只想给你一个完美的生日惊喜 但我还是给毁了 又一次 You didn't ruin anything Let's just get you to bed 你才没有毁掉什么 让我扶你上床休息吧

Surprise 惊喜

Wow 哇哦

Wow 哇哦

We're making today a perfect day for you 我们要让今天成为你最美好的一天

We're making today a smiley face all shiny and new 我们要让今天满是灿烂明媚崭新无比的笑脸

There's a fine line between chaos 这跟所谓的混乱有着微妙的区别

And a hullabaloo


So we're making today a perfect day 来 让我们将今天变成美好的一天

Making today a perfect day 将今天变成美好的一天

A N N A 安娜

Making today a perfect day for you 为你将今天变成美好的一天

Happy birthday 生日快乐

Making today a happy day and no feeling blue 今天是快乐的一天 没有忧郁没有烦恼 For everything you are to us 你就是我的一切

And all that you do 你所做的一切

I do 我所做的

Making today a perfect day 是将今天变成美好的一天

Making today a perfect day 将今天变成美好的一天

Making today a perfect day 将今天变成美好的一天

Perfect day 美好的一天

Okay, to bed 好吧 睡吧

No, wait wait all that's left to do is for 不 等等 还剩一件事没做

the queen to blow the birthday bugle horn 女王要吹响生日号角

Oh, no no no no no no 哦 不用了

Achoo 喷嚏声

Best birthday present ever 有史以来最好的生日礼物

Which one? 哪一个

You letting me take care of you 你愿意让我来照顾你

Achoo 喷嚏声

篇三:影视英语:冰雪奇缘新短片 冬季公主3月重返荧幕

What else could you want on a stormy winter?s day? The first pictures from ?Frozen Fever,? a new short film which will debut in March, have just been released and they?re, obviously, adorable. But we have to wonder, will the original ?Frozen? cast return for the short?


Have you heard of this movie Frozen? It?s pretty famous, and apparently has this one song in it that people really like. Well, anyways, nearly a year and a half after its 2013 release, Disney will debut a followup called Frozen Fever, and some new pictures from the flick are giving us the serious urge to build a snowman!

你听说过电影《冰雪奇缘》吗?这部电影真的很有名哦,而且里面的一首插曲已经红遍全球。嗯哼,不管怎样,在2013年上映的一年半之后,迪士尼将会推出续集《冰雪奇缘:生日惊喜》,短片的一些新剧照让我们迫不及待要堆个雪人了有木有! ‘Frozen Fever': Anna & Elsa Return For ?Frozen? Short


Following the massive– seriously massive– success of the frosty classic, Frozen, Disney is taking advantage of its popularity. Debuting prior to the live action Cinderella, in theaters March 13, Frozen Fever will see all our favorite characters from the original film back together again.


In other words, Queen Elsa (Idina Menzel), Princess Anna (Kristen Bell), Kristoff (Jonathan Groff) and Olaf (Josh Gad) will all reprise their roles for the seven-minute short.


‘Frozen? Sequel In The Works?


While a short film is eminent, fans are obviously dying to know whether a feature-length sequel is in the works.


Though she may be riding high following a flawless Super Bowl performance, Idina got herself into a bit of hot water in November when she said a sequel was happening– despite any word from Disney!


She clarified later, though, saying on Today that, “I just assumed that, because it?s so successful.”





在四面环海、风景如画的阿伦黛尔(Arendelle)王国,生活着两位可爱美丽的小公主,艾莎(Elsa)和安娜(Anna)。姐姐艾莎出生便带有能够创造冰雪的魔法,她在儿时常以这种魔力与感情亲密的妹妹安娜玩耍。某天清晨,两人在王宫里玩雪,创造出一座雪雕乐园。但当玩的正疯时,艾莎的冰不慎误击跑跳中的安娜,让她滚落地面而昏迷不醒。国王和皇后急忙带着两姐妹上山寻求地精协助。地精老佩比(Pabbie)治疗了魔法对安娜的伤害,但消除了她对魔法的记忆。他亦警告说艾莎的魔力确实美丽,但也很危险,必须加以管控。事后虽消除了安娜对这场意外的一切记忆,但艾莎的心灵仍然因为该次事件的震撼而深受创伤。接着,国王和皇后致力以各种措施隐藏艾莎的冰能力,关上了城堡大门,也使艾莎必须长时间关在寝室内。然而,魔力却随着艾莎的成长而日渐增强,让她随时活在可能伤及他人的恐惧中。 另一方面,安娜不知道为什么身为亲姐姐兼最好玩伴的艾莎,要在一夕之间与自己断去联系,而感到受伤与困惑。安娜好几次都跑到艾莎房前,试着用各种方法哄她出来玩,却总是无疾而终。当两人成为青春少女后,国王与皇后又在一场海难中双双身亡,失去父母的姐妹俩尽管感到孤单无助,但又不能寻求对方的陪伴与慰藉。三年后,已成年的艾莎必须继承王位,成为女皇。虽然她对于自己要打开大门、在世人之前亮相而满心担忧,但加冕典礼仍安然无事的宣告完成。与艾莎相反,因为城堡门大开而兴奋不已的安娜如脱缰野马在王国四处

游荡,并撞见了来自南方小岛(The Southern Isles)的王子汉斯(Hans),两人间的情愫油然而生。当安娜带着才刚认识一天的汉斯来见艾莎,表示希望能获得她对两人的祝福。然而艾莎无法接受妹妹仓促与陌生人互许终身,两人爆发口角,安娜生气,扯掉了艾莎的手套,而艾莎就在情绪激动下释出了一阵锋利的冰碎片。众人一片哗然和震惊,受邀与会的威斯顿公爵(Duke of Weselton)也指责艾莎是动用巫术的怪物。备感压力的艾莎慌张逃出王国,遁入北山中。首次远离了自己一直戒慎恐惧地提防、保护的人群,艾莎决定欣然拥抱自身的力量。她在无意中造出了儿时与安娜堆过的雪人雪宝(Olaf)、并不知觉地赋予了它生命,(来自:www.sMHaiDa.com 海 达范文网:冰雪奇缘安娜的生日)还盖起一座富丽堂皇的冰宫殿,深信自己不必再被这种随时会伤到他人的苦恼所困。艾莎有所不知的是自己在逃跑的过程中,外溢的魔力已让盛夏的阿伦黛尔被永恒的严冬所覆盖。

在阿伦黛尔,安娜认为艾莎的出走是自己所致,决定前去寻找艾莎,带她回国以消除寒灾。最后在采冰人克斯 托夫(Kristoff)、驯鹿斯特(Sven)的协助与中途出现的雪宝指引下,安娜穿越了深山老林、找到冰宫里的艾莎,期待地表示希望能与姐姐重修旧好。艾莎虽然很高兴能看到妹妹,却依然害怕儿时误伤安娜的悲剧重演,婉拒了她的好意。但在安娜告诉她阿伦黛尔陷入冰雪之中后,引发了艾莎的恐慌,她了解自己终究造成了破坏,并在转身时失控释出一波冰柱打中安娜胸口。当克斯托夫和雪宝上来找安娜后,艾莎为了让妹妹快点远离自己,造出了巨型雪怪“棉花糖”(Marshmallow),将一伙人撵出去,不过心中的阴影因为折磨和自责而扩大,连带使得冰宫变得更加昏暗和

诡异。与此同时,安娜离开冰宫后身体变得越来越虚弱,体温降低、头发也变白,克斯托夫带她去地精部落见佩比,佩比指出安娜胸口内的冰已经置她生命于险地,唯有真爱之举才能救她,于是两人急忙踏上回阿伦黛尔的路寻找汉斯。安娜走后,率领部队寻找安娜的汉斯已从阿伦黛尔追到艾莎的冰宫外,在众人与防卫宫殿的棉花糖激战时,威斯顿公爵的两名手下突入宫内,准备按照公爵的命令击毙艾莎,而艾莎则以冰雪当成武器抵抗,几乎杀死两人。赶到现场的汉斯要求艾莎放过他们,以免真的变成别人口中的怪物, 接着威斯顿公爵手下用弓箭射落大吊灯,让来不及逃离的艾莎被当场击昏,押回王国地牢。汉斯接着又到牢内请求她终止寒冬,但艾莎只是承认自己无力解决。此时的安娜被克斯托夫疾速带回皇宫,认为汉斯的一吻能解救她的命。然而汉斯根本不爱安娜,当初与安娜交往只不过是为了当上阿伦黛尔的国王,实为政治阴谋。此时汉斯不顾安娜的哀求,决定放任她在房里死去,然后以叛国罪罪名处死艾莎,进而达成夺权野心,但在汉斯来杀艾莎时,她却释出冰雪冻裂了手镣,并得以破墙而出,而因为艾莎心绪不定,城堡陷入了暴风雪中。此时赶到皇宫的雪宝发现了瘫软在地上的安娜,并向她表示克斯托夫已经爱上她。而此时,雪宝发现克斯托夫因看到城堡被暴风雪覆盖而返回,安娜也在雪宝的帮助下明白了她自己的心,于是两人决定冒着暴风雪,前去寻找克斯托夫这个仅剩的解药。


外找克斯托夫的安娜目睹了这一切,连忙用最后的一丝力气挡到两人中间,粉碎了汉斯挥下的剑,但自己也冻结成冰。艾莎抱着安娜的冰雕像啜泣,但安娜却开始融化,因为她在生命垂危时没有奔向能用真爱疗愈自己的克斯托夫,而是自我牺牲地前去拯救即将被杀的艾莎,这个举动仍构成了真爱的要件,消除了伤害。而艾莎也了解真爱才是主宰冰魔力的关键,并终结了自己先前无法控制的寒冬。阿伦黛尔重拾温暖 之后,艾莎重新坐上王位,她已经能对自己的魔力运用自如,变了一朵小雪云让雪宝能在夏天中保持不融。最后,汉斯被遣返回南埃尔斯面对他的罪刑,阿伦黛尔与威斯顿公爵的国家断绝邦交,克斯托夫如愿和安娜接吻,而艾莎也与安娜重拾了如过往般亲密的姐妹关系,两人与国民们在艾莎开放城堡而变出的溜冰场里同乐。



Anna: Elsa. Psst艾莎 喂


Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.快醒醒 快醒醒

Elsa :Anna, go back to sleep.安娜 快回去睡觉

Anna:I just can't. The sky's awake, so I'm awake,我睡不着 天还醒着 我也醒着

so we have to play.快起来陪我玩吧

Elsa:Go play by yourself.自己玩去吧

Anna:Do you want to build a snowman?你想不想堆个雪人?

Come on, come on, come on, come on.快! 快! 姐姐快!

Do the magic! Do the magic!快用你的魔法! 用魔法!

Elsa:Ready? - Uhhm...准备好哦! - 喔...

Anna:This is amazing!哇!好神奇!

Elsa : Watch this!看好了!

Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs.嗨!我叫雪宝,喜欢热情的拥抱! Anna:I love you, Olaf.我爱你 雪宝

Al'right. Catch me! - Gotcha!接住我! -接住啦!


Elsa :Wait!再来一次! -等下!

Slow down!慢一点!

Elsa :Anna!安娜!

