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关键词:浪漫主义 华兹华斯 情感


一 浪漫主义的兴起



二 威廉·华兹华斯

威廉·华兹华斯(william wordsworth,1770-1850),英国浪漫




三 英国的浪漫主义



人的主观或者先验存在,最终把自然还原为精神或神秘力量。 浪漫主义文学理论和文学实践在英国得到更充分地展示和发展。华兹华斯、柯勒律治和雪莱,对浪漫主义文学理论及创作都做出过很大贡献:他们都强调诗歌的想象和幻想、天才和情感,都看重诗歌的象征作用以扩大诗歌的表现领域,都要求开辟诗歌的新意境和新源泉。藉此,英国的浪漫主义文学运动在世界范围内产生了重大影响。

四 华兹华斯与唯情论


1 华兹华斯与柏拉图的理念说



华兹华斯的浪漫主义唯情论在他的《颂诗:不朽之光属少年》(ode:intimations of immortality from recollections of early childhood)一诗中体现得尤为突出。该诗以自然与人生的关系为主题,说明了大自然是人生欢乐和智慧的来源。诗人认为,人们可以通过“富于哲理的启示”即想象,再次获得儿童时代所经历的欢乐,这也是诗人向人们揭示解决人生苦难的唯一答案。诗人在全诗的开头引用了《每当我看见天上的彩虹》(my heart leaps up when i behold)一诗的结束句:“儿童乃成人之父;/我希望以赤子之心/贯穿颗颗生命之珠。”




2 以情感为核心




英国浪漫主义诗人 威廉·布莱克(William Blake,1757---1827),英国第一位重要的浪漫主义诗人、版画家。主要诗作有诗集《天真之歌》、《经验之歌》等。早期作品简洁明快,中后期作品趋向玄妙晦涩,充满神秘色彩。

威廉·华兹华斯(William Wordsworth,1770-1850)与柯尔律治(Samuel Taylor Coleridge)、骚塞(Robert Southey)同被称为“湖畔派”诗人(Lake Poets)。他们也是英国文学中最早出现的浪漫主义作家。他们喜爱大自然,描写宗法制农村生活,厌恶资本主义的城市文明和冷酷的金钱关系,他们远离城市,隐居在昆布兰湖区和格拉斯米尔湖区,由此得名“湖畔派”。华兹华斯的主要作品有《抒情歌谣集》《丁登寺旁》《序曲》 《革命与独立》《不朽颂》《远足》。

塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治(1772年10月21日-1834年7月25日),英国诗人、文评家,英国浪漫主义文学的奠基人之一。以〈古舟子咏〉(亦可称作〈古舟子之歌〉)(The Rime of the Ancient Mariner)一诗成为名家,其文评集《文学传记》(Biographia Literaria)以博大精深见称,书中对想像(imagination)与幻想(fancy)的区别尤其著名。一生作诗不缀,但中年时自称弃诗从哲,精研以康德、谢林为首的德国唯心论。



珀西·比希·雪莱(Percy Bysshe Shelley,1792年8月4日-1822年7月8日)英国文学史上最有才华的抒情诗人之一。William Wordsworth曾称其为“One of the best artists of us all”,同时期的拜伦称其为“Without exception the best and least selfish man I ever knew”,更被誉为诗人中的诗人。其一生见识广泛,不仅是柏拉图主义者,更是个伟大的理想主义者。创作的诗歌节奏明快,积极向上。




译著有:柏拉图《会饮篇》 荷马《维纳斯赞》等 但丁《地狱》篇部分 歌德《浮士德》部分


这一时期英国还有著名女性小说家简·奥斯汀(1775年12月16日---1817年7月18日),她的作品主要关注乡绅家庭女性的婚姻和生活,以女性特有的细致入微的观察力和活泼风趣的文字真实地描绘了她周围世界的小天地。《理智与情感》 《傲慢与偏见》 《爱玛》 《劝导》《曼斯菲尔德庄园》 《诺桑觉寺》


On Major Poets and Masterpieces of English Romantic


ChapterI:the background of the rise of English Romantic Period The French Revolution of 1789 (French Revolution) brought hope to the future of human,and it impacted on British Society ,too. The British Industrial Revolution not only created wealth, but also intensifyied the contradiction between labor and capital. The transformation of the social structure and changes in the relationship between people and the traditions, man and nature promoted intellectual differentiation. Then, a group of better educated people felt confused about the society and they were at a loss what to do .In this context, the British Romantic literature rose.It originated in the end of the eighteenth century and became prosperous in the first half of the nineteenth century.

ChapterII:the classification of poet in English romantic period

2.1 the pioneer of English romantic literature

The pioneer of romantic literature is poet Robert Burns who lived in late eighteenth century and William Blake. Burns draw nourishment from the folk songs in Scotland, ("Poems, chiefly in Scottish dialcet") is his masterpiece, specializing in Lyric and satire ; Blake's "songs of innocence" and "songs of experience" ,which describe the ideal society order,are creative and fresh,full of originality.

2.2 the two schools of British Romantic literature Two opposing schools were formed in the formation of the romanticism.They are active romanticism and passive romanticism. Active romanticism is a positive trend of progress.Active romantic poets dare to face up to reality, criticize the social darkness and lead people to look ahead.Passive romanticism is a reactionary countercurrent negative trend, it takes a negative attitude to escape, against the status quo, cling to the past and leads people to look back.

2.2.1 the representatives of Active Romanticism

The emerged poets put forward the British Romantic literature to a climax.The representative poets are Byron, Shelley and Keats,they are active romanticist.Unlike the lake poets, they put more fighting consciousness and politic trends in his works. Shelley (1792 - 1822) is the most concentrated romantic poet and a British Utopian.In

his poem "Queen Mab" ,filling up with fantasy and allegory, reflects the religious and private ownership of condemnation and change of social desire. The long poem "the revolt of Islam" criticizes the tyranny and bloodshed made by autocratic oppression to people and praiseds the struggle anti feudal made by revolutionary. He also wrote "Cenci family", "Ode to the west wind", "to a Skylark" and "song of freedom" and a large number of poems and dramas, as well as the famous paper "a defence of poetry". Drama "Prometheus Unbounded") is the representative work of Shelley, based on the ancient Greek Rome myth which is about the inevitable fate of the oppressed people and the suffering of the tyrant and predicted that the revolution will surely come. In his poems Shelley expressed opposition to authoritarian tyranny, sang the praises of struggle and prospected ideal social political environment which is filling up with freedom and happiness. Byron (1788-1824) is a famous romantic poet during the first half of nineteenth century. He traveled from place to place so his poems are full of exotic. His representative works "Don Juan" is a search on the capitalist system, leading people to think. Keats (1795 - 1821) was a talented poet, once under the

impact of Wordsworth and others. He wrote the famous poem "Ode to a Nightingale" and "Ode on a Grecian Urn", indulging in the pastoral scenery of the ancient world. 1: Posey Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) Posey Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) is a poet and politician who is as famous as Byron in the British Romantic Literature. Engels called him "a gifted prophet", Marx called him "a true revolutionary socialist," "daring vanguard". At the age of 19

Shelley wrote "necessity of atheism “and 20 finished “the book to Irish people " and other two political works.All the books aroused big waves in the British at that time. The representative work of Shelley is his drama "Prometheus Unbounded" which made new fiction of the Greek mythology story.He added some symbolic image and changed the end that Prometheus and Zeus compromised to another one that Heracles freed Prometheus and overthrew Zeus’s tyranny. Prometheus is portrayed as a champion of the refuse to be cowed or submit images. Works with mythical form describes the inevitable end the suffering of the people and the tyrant's oppression, predicted that the revolution will come and the final victory; and also a detailed

description of the beautiful scene after the victory of the revolution. The whole drama is full of great momentum and quite infectious.

Shelley's poems with rich political color are the "Queen Mab" and "the revolt of Islam". In these poems, Shelley exposed and condemned the feudal tyranny and the church's sin, denied the oppression and exploitation of all forms of propaganda, ideaed of freedom and equality, called on the people to struggle. These poems artly reflects the passion, great momentum and the texture of the metal through the force. Shelley is also known to the world because of the lyric poems. His lyric masterpiece are"Ode to the west wind", "cloud" and "Skylark" etc.. These poems developed traditions that Wordsworth created about describing the nature, often reflects the

poet’s meticulous observation of nature.The feelings are sincere, shining with brilliant ideas.The style is untamed, sometimes melodious, the language is full of music and symbol images

2 :Keats

John Keats (1795-1821) is known as the "one whose name was written in water of the people", Shelley called him "the most active, most young poet", "a flower dew bred". His representative works are "Ode to a Nightingale", "Grecian song", "", "Ode to the autumn” “katydids and crickets" and "bright star"which show the love of the eternity of natural beauty and negation of the vulgar reality,permeating with the spirit of

freedom. Keats's poems have the beauty of painting in art (color) and sculpture beauty (stereoscopic), show the aestheticism tendency. His five years of writing career achieved brilliant in the British Poetry artistry.

3 :Scott

Walter Scott (1771-1832) is the founder of the European historical novels, but also the romantic poet and novelist.What laid his status in the history of literature is a series of historical novels known as the "Scotland style", in which "Ivanhoe" is his masterpiece. This work was based on Britain in the end of the twelfth century, Ivanhoe ,a Saxon noble descendant , adventure protagonist, descring the contest, the castle, the knight love, grand Greenwood life scenes.It reflects the contradiction between Norman the conqueror Saxon nobles and the noble and reproducted of the twelfth century British ethnic conflicts, ethnic customs and each class life.Scott's historical novel adopted the romantic and realistic combinations of tactics, which have made three contributions for the later historical novels’writing: one is to put the custom description into the historical novel, two is to set the main character as ordinary people in a historical novel, three is to mix historical novels with the distinctive atmosphere. These factors greatly influenced his contemporaries and later many American novelist.

2.2.2 the representatives of Passive Romanticism

British first true romantic masters are three poets known as the " Lake Poet” ,they are also representatives of Passive romanticism. The poet William Wordsworth (1770 - 1850) and Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772 - 1834) and Robert Southey (1774 - 1843) lived in Cumberland lake ,northwest England, and has many similarities in wrting theory and ideas and thoughts, so they are known as the "Lake poets". Lake sent three poets in Medieval and patriarchal rural life, is a representative of romantic literature in the gentle qingli. The poet embrace contradictory attitude of the French Revolution, the capitalist industrial civilization and city civilization of disgust, to eulogize is patriarchal rural life and nature, like description of mysterious and bizarre scene with exotic scenery. Wordsworth is the greatest achievement of the lake poets, he and the "Lake Poets" another poet Coleridge published "Lyrical Ballads", become the foundation of British Romantic Literature works. Poems included in the poetry

mostly done for Wordsworth, but Coleridge's poem "the ancient mariner" and "Kubla Khan" .which is full of illusion and strange imagery ,is also in it.


Wordsworth is the greatest achievement of the lake poets, he and the "Lake Poets" another poet Coleridge published "Lyrical Ballads"which become the foundation of British Romantic Literature works. Poems included in the poetry mostly done for Wordsworth, but Coleridge's poem "the ancient mariner" and "Kubla Khan" also in it which,. Wordsworth's poetry described a landscape of lakes and mountains and pastoral life, singing the beauty of nature.Its style is simple, fresh and natural,so Wordsworth has been called the "poet laureate".Besides, Wordsworth's most important works of this period is the long poem "prelude".

2: Coleridge

Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772 - 1834) is the main representative of British

Romanticism, but also an important theorist and criticist. Coleridge’s representative work is "the ancient mariner", describing a strange voyage of an old seaman. The poem is a story full of magical beauty . It is to explore the life of crime and punishment, poet combined the Pantheism Thought that love all things in the universe with Christian thought, putting foeward love and Christian atonement thought. The true value of this poem is not the story itself or the philosophy it contains, but in a magic painting marine picture that author created for readers accuractly . The poetry of Coleridge represents a romantic mystery and fantasy and also explored the beauty of music in poems technically. His creative practice and construction of theory not only influenced his contemporaries, also affected Byron, Shelley and Keats who against his political opinions.Besides it still have important reference value to today's poetic art explorer.

3: Southey

Robert Southey (1774-1843) is the "Lake Poets" and a "poet laureate" in the title of the poet. In life, he is a great guy. But in literature and political popularity, he is more suspicious to be a hack writer.On the British royal family special ceremony he is supposed to write a poem. He wrote a lot of lyric poetry, based on middle societies and exotic which are mysterious His representative poem "the vision of judgment" sing the praises of George III and is to please the British royal family,which was mocked by Bryon.


The British Romantic movement made its creation free from the bondage of ration. The traditional describing nature, focusing on the ration having changed to describe the inner world and paying great attention to the expression of emotion,centering on the "self" to build self romantic world are the three outstanding features of British Romantic Literature and the world. In the creative practice, the British Romantic writers hold high the banner of "back to the Middle Ages", absorbing a large number of nutrients from the Medieval Folk Literature so as to get rid of the shackles of

classicalism.They began to play a free imagination ,to express a strong emotion and to attempt new reform s in the aspects of the context, language, form and etc. All these contribute a unique artistic style to British Romantic literature.



第一部分 积极浪漫主义作家与消极浪漫主义作家

一、 积极浪漫主义作家

积极浪漫主义作家,敢于正视现实,批判社会的黑暗,矛头针对封建贵族,反对资本主义社会中残存的封建因素,同时对资产阶级本身所造成的种种罪恶现象也有所揭露,因而充满反抗、战斗的激情,将自己的理想寄于未来,向往新的美好生活,有的赞成空想社会主义。代表作家有英国的华滋华斯、拜伦和雪莱,法国的维克多·雨果(Victor Hugo,1802--1885,代表作:Notre-Dame de Paris (巴黎圣母院,1831) )and Les Misérables (悲惨世界,1862)、乔治?桑(George Sand,原名阿曼蒂娜-欧萝尔-露茜·杜班(Amandine-Aurore-Lucile Dupin ,1804~1876,代表作:Consuelo,《康素爱萝》(1843)),德国的克里斯蒂安·约翰·海因里希·海涅(Christian Johann Heinrich Heine,1797-1856,代表作:On Wings of Song (Auf den Flügeln des Gesanges,《乘着歌声的翅膀》)、Germany. A Winter's Tale(《德国,一个冬天的童话》)),早期俄国的亚历山大·谢尔盖耶维奇·普希金(Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin,1799~1837,代表作:Eugene Onegin《叶甫盖尼·奥涅金》、, 1830),波兰的亚当·密茨凯维支(Adam Mickiewicz,1798—1855,代表作:The Psalm of Youth,《青春颂》),以及匈牙利的裴多菲·山陀尔(Pet?fi Sándor,1823-1849,代表作:I am willing that it is a torrent《我愿意是急流》、Freedom and Love《自由与爱情》),等等。他们的生活实践和艺术实践,都是同当时资产阶级民主革命思想、与各国的民族解放运动联系在一起的,大多数作家是这些民族解放运动的积极参加者。

二、 消极浪漫主义作家


第二部分 英国浪漫主义作家简介

一、 罗伯特·彭斯

罗伯特·彭斯(Robert Burns,1759-1796)苏格兰农民诗人,在英国文学史上占有特殊重要的地位。他复活并丰富了苏格兰民歌;他的诗歌富有音乐性,可以歌唱。彭斯生于苏格兰民族面临被异族征服的时代,因此,他的诗歌充满了激进的民主、自由的思想。诗人生活在破产的农村,和贫苦的农民血肉相连。他的诗歌歌颂了故国家乡的秀美,抒写了劳动者纯朴的友谊和爱情。


地位。他复活并丰富了苏格兰民歌;他的诗歌富有音乐性,可以歌唱。彭斯生于苏格兰民族面临被异族征服的时代,因此,他的诗歌充满了激进的民主、自由的思想。诗人生活在破产的农村,和贫苦的农民血肉相连。他的诗歌歌颂了故国家乡的秀美,抒写了劳动者纯朴的友谊和爱情。彭斯 的主要作品有:Auld Lang Syne往昔的时光、My Luve’s like a Red, Red Rose我的爱人象一朵红红的玫瑰、My Heart’s in the Highland我的心呀在高原。


二、 威廉·布莱克

威廉·布莱克(William Blake,1757-1827),是18世纪末19世纪初英国著名的画家,英国文学史上最复杂、最有个性的诗人之一。布莱克的早期诗歌以颂扬爱情、向往欢乐与和谐为主题。他打破了18世纪新古典主义的教条,用歌谣和无韵体诗来书写理想和生活,诗歌语言质朴,形象鲜明,富有音乐感,充满瑰丽的想象和奔放的激情。后期诗作明显具有神秘主义倾向和宗教色彩,用象征的手法来表达深邃的思想。布莱克生活清贫,靠绘画和雕刻为生,他那富有个人灵念与想象力的恢弘诗篇生前并没有得到承认。英国文学界直到19世纪末才开始意识到他们原来忽略的的不仅仅是一位颇有造诣的版画家,而且还是一位诗哲。20世纪布莱克受到了T.S. 艾略特等现代主义诗人的格外推崇。他12岁就开始创作诗歌,主要作品有Poetical Sketches(《诗的素描》, 1783)、Songs of Innocence(《天真之歌》, 1789)、The Book of Thel(《塞尔书》, 1789)、The Marriage of Heaven and Hell(《天堂与地狱的结合》, 1790)、Songs of Experience(《经验之歌》, 1794)、Visions of the Daughters of Albion (《阿尔比昂的女儿们之幻想》, 1793)、The Song of Los(《罗斯之歌》,1795)等。


三、 威廉·华兹华斯

威廉·华兹华斯(William Wordsworth,1770-1850)是湖畔派诗人中成就最高者,他与「湖畔派」另一诗人萨缪尔·柯勒律治(1772-1834)共同出版《抒情歌谣集》,成为英国浪漫主义文学的奠基之作。诗集中收录的诗歌大部分为华兹华斯所做,而柯勒律治的名诗The Rime of the Ancient Mariner(《古舟子咏》)和Kubla Khan(《忽必烈汗》)亦收入其中,充满幻觉和奇谲的意象。然而华兹华斯这一时期最重要的作品则是长诗《序曲》。骚塞的诗歌极富古之幽情,与世俗格格不入。湖畔派三位诗人均蛰居于英国西北湖区,缅怀中世纪和宗法式的乡村生活,是浪漫主义文学中温婉清丽的代表。


四、 乔治?戈登?拜伦和珀西·比希·雪莱

乔治·戈登·拜伦,第六代拜伦男爵(George Gordon Byron, 6th Baron Byron, 1788-1824)和珀西·比希·雪莱(Percy Bysshe Shelley, 1792年-1822年)两位诗人将英国的浪漫主义文学推向高峰。他们和湖畔派诗人的不同之处在于其作品更具战斗意识和政治倾向。雪莱的代表作Prometheus Unbound(《解放了的普罗米修斯》)通过神话描写被压迫的人民的苦难 和暴君的必然下场,预言革命一定会

到来。他的短诗Ode to the West Wind(《西风颂》)、To a Skylark(《致云雀》)等音韵铿锵,更有“冬天如果来了,春天还会远吗?”等名句传世。拜伦是19世纪上半期最为著名的浪漫主义诗人,他一生游历各地,其诗作充满异域情调。代表作Don Juan(《唐璜》)是对资本主义制度的一场深入骨髓的检阅,发人深省。在欧洲,拜伦成为一种文化现象。人们把孤独、悲壮、崇尚个人式反抗的浪漫主义者形象称为「拜伦式英雄」。拜伦晚年投身于希腊的民族解放运动,并最终因伤寒而死于希腊战场。

乔治?戈登?拜伦 珀西·比希·雪莱

五、 约翰·济慈

约翰·济慈(John Keats, 1795-1821)。他的创作生涯只有5年,却写出了著名的抒情诗Ode To A Nightingale (《夜莺颂》)和Ode on a Grecian Urn(《希腊古瓮颂》),沉醉于古代世界田园牧歌的美景之中。


六、 瓦尔特·司各特

第一代从男爵瓦尔特·司各特(Sir Walter Scott, 1st Baronet,1771-1823)以创作小说为主,其代表作Ivanhoe,(《艾凡赫》)以12世纪的英国为背景,塑造绿林英雄罗宾汉的形象,他是欧洲历史小说的创始人。

司各特肖像,Henry Raeburn1822年所绘

七、 简·奥斯汀

简·奥斯汀(Jane Austen,1775-1817), 英国著名小说家。她的作品主要关注乡绅家庭的女性的婚姻和生活,以细致入微的观察和活泼风趣的文字著称。主要作品有:Sense and Sensibility(《理智与情感》,1811)、Pride and Prejudice(《傲慢与偏见》,1813)、Mansfield Park(《曼斯菲尔德庄园》,1814)、Emma(《爱玛》,1815)、Northanger Abbey(《诺桑觉寺》,1818,死后出版)、Persuasion(《劝导》,1818,死后出版),其中,小说《傲慢与偏见》是其代表作。


英国浪漫主义时期女性作家的身份寻求 作者:王世卓








那个与沃斯通克拉夫特有着许多相同信奉原则的诗人珀西·雪莱私奔的时候,她选择了她的母亲而不是她的父亲,激进主义战胜了保守主义,但她的第一部小说《弗兰肯斯坦》表明她对于那个选择仍然是很矛盾的。维克多·弗兰肯斯创造出了一个不受掌控的、富有想象力的怪物形象,怪物尤其着迷于两个家庭的女成员:家庭美德的模范阿加莎·德雷斯和土耳其美女赛菲。通过观察阿加莎,他学会了怎样去爱;通过观察在文化上和他一样是外来人的赛菲, 他从菲力克思教她的课程中学会了怎样做欧洲人[1]。怪物本身亦是玛丽的代言,她所崇尚的亦是社会对于女性的约束,即“淑女”的形象。由此也可以看出,在那样一个更喜欢将女人视为美丽的物品而不是富有创造力的艺术家的社会中,玛丽对于自己的想象力是不信任的。






博物馆非常壮观,非常精致;但是,却没有给我带来太多的欢乐,因为这只是一个秀场。克雷蒙特·威洛比爵士在我们参观的时候问我对于这个极好的场面意见如何。“非常好,非常具有独创性,”我回答,“但是,我似乎觉得缺失了一些东西,虽然我不知道究竟怎么回事。”[5] 这个例子源于伯尼的第一部小说,女主角对于展示机械玩具的博物馆所作出的反应只是展示,没有太多意义;她之所以能感觉到缺失了东西是因为她本能的品位——对于展现本身的厌恶——察觉到了这一点。

在浪漫主义时期,女性作家同男性作家一样关注到了对于个体内心的理解,关注到自己作为作家所应当有的想象力是有多么不合时宜,也关注到了作为被看的对象,女性是如何丧失了自我的认知。在这样一个不能摆脱传统道德观念的时代,在法国大革命带来的文化思潮中,女性作家徘徊在理想与现实之间,走在探索自我的漫长而又艰辛的道路之上。参考文献:[1][ZK(#]Mary Shelley. Frankenstein[M].New York, W.W.Norton & Company,1995.[2]Charlotte Smi


th. Elegiac Sonnets: By Charlotte Smith... With Additional Sonnets and Other

Poems[M].Carolina, Nabu Press, 2010.[3]Jane Taylor. Display[M].Ulan-Ude, Ulan Press,2012.[4]Elizabeth Inchbald. A Simple Story[M].Carolina, Nabu Press,2010.[5]Frances Burney. Evelina, Oxford[M].Oxford University Press,2008.[ZK)]
