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Being alone doesn’t mean being lonely

being alone英语作文

Being alone is a situation where you’re left without others. However, being lonely is a kind of unhappy feelings with power which can eat you away. What’s the important point is that being alone doesn’t definitely result in loneliness directly, let alone being alone means beings lonely. Being alone, one always falls in love with this tranquil moment, while people can never enjoy loneliness happily. Alone, one can also easily meditate and corresponding philosophy always comes into being in this case. The famous Chinese poet Li Bai said: “sitting alone besides Mount Jing Ting, we never tired of each other.” This is a pleasure as wonderful as Zhuang Zhou’s dream of becoming a butterfly. Both of them staying alone in mountains, they never felt lonely, and a feeling of fantastic harmony with the surroundings is what they get. Moreover, being alone is never the dispensable prerequisite of loneliness. Loneliness can overwhelm people even though they are surrounded by a crowd of people. Loneliness has nothing to do with the number of people around you, but what kind of people around you is the point. If one has no congenial friends or people to talk to, chaotic crowd only burdens him with more loneliness to unbearable extent.

In a word, people can enjoy being alone, but who can bear being lonely? Therefore, being alone does not mean being lonely.

Work and happiness

As we all know, an unhappy king cannot make his people happy. So, actually the relation between work and happiness is just simple. If you work happily, you achieve happiness. On the contrary, working unhappily, no matter what you get from it, you feel absolutely unhappy, and the achievement you gain even sicken you.

One person who enjoys his work feels each day is a fresh day; his work is just not a job, but a cause or a career for him. His achievement from work just adds more happiness. However, if a person does not like his work, his work is just a heavy burden put on him and no one can get happiness when bearing a cross, even a golden one. A famous poet, Tao Yuanming would become a famer rather than being an officer. It is evident that he loved faming work. The pity is that he was starved to death, but the point is that he died happy, not died working sickly.

Unhappy work is just a slow poison and one day, you will fall down unhappily. Happy work is honey making your days happier.

The kind of beauty that lasts longer

The world never lacks beauty, but a lack of eternal beauty always exists. What on earth can stand the test of time?

Fine complexion and good stature will always fade away irresistibly with the elapse of youth. Only the beautiful virtues within the beauty are left in people’s mind. That is what lasts longer even forever.

What people can remember forever will be everlasting. The memory of the external appearance of beauty springs up in every age like grass. But the benevolence, kindness, wisdom, purity and talents are impressed on people forever. They are tested by time like spirit in heaven. In fact, time witnesses their perpetual glorious beauty and also helps their eternity.

Briefly, the spare beauty with virtues can last longer just like the spirit in heaven.

What does work mean to me?

What does work mean? The answers vary from person to person. To me, work is my fountain of happiness. From it I gain pleasure, satisfaction, confidence, and independence; because of it I am respected, fulfilled, improved, and perfected.

篇二:英语短文-How to be alone

How to be alone

We all have to learn to be by ourselves, whether it's after a breakup, a move or a divorce -- but how, exactly?

I recently went through a breakup. It was the worst — they always are — but as I wrestled with sadness over the end of the relationship, another perplexing challenge arose: how to be alone.

I‘ve been through a million — OK, three — breakups before. I‘ve spent plenty of time single in between. I thought I‘d be good at this alone thing by now. I‘m an only child, for crying out loud. Instead, on the heels of another split, I‘m amazed at how difficult just being by myself can be. I have friends – they are wonderful — but I feel a suffocating solitude at the end of the night, in the morning or at any moment of the day that isn‘t scheduled with distraction. It wasn‘t this way when I was coupled. Just the knowledge that I had ―a person‖ to call my own (even though I know in my bones that you can never truly call another person ―your own‖) was a comfort; that knowledge itself was a constant companion.

How does one become good at being alone? This question might be uniquely poignant for those of us fresh out of a breakup, or still in our 20s, but it‘s a question people confront at all stages of life and for all sorts of reasons, whether it‘s a big move to a new city, an unexpected death, a divorce or any countless number of things that life can throw your way. And regardless of your romantic status or friend count, it‘s nice to be capable of enjoying a movie or dinner alone. A friend told me a story about an acquaintance who is married with kids: She has a meltdown whenever her family goes out of town; she doesn‘t know what to do with herself.

So, I decided to seek out the world‘s wisdom on how to be alone. (As I tweeted earlier this week, ―One of my favorite things about being a journo? Being able to take my own burning questions to experts under the pretense of public service.‖) In terms of romantic aloneness, Anna David seemed like a good first stop: She wrote the memoir ―Falling for Me: How I Hung Curtains, Learned to Cook, Traveled to Seville, and Fell in Love, ‖ and understands the ache of singlehood all too well. ―I spent so much time where everything was filtered through this lens of ?but I‘m alone.‘ And I was haunted by the thought, ?I‘m going to be alone forever, ‘‖ she says. It took a long time to move past that fear. In fact, it took setting out to write a book about bettering herself in order to land a man. ―The idea I pitched Harper Collins was very much ?Let me get totally perfect so that I can find the perfect guy to fall in love with me and the last chapter will be about how in love we are, ‘‖ she says, but none of that happened. While the book ultimately delivers a happier message of self-love, she privately felt like a failure for still being single. Shortly thereafter, though, she ―bottomed out‖ in a relationship where she says, ―I just got crazy and obsessive and I started to believe … it‘s this guy or a lifetime of eating dinner with my cat.‖

Either through the writing of the book or that final relationship disaster, she says, ―I basically realized that it was the old cliché: that no guy was ever going to make me happy, ‖ she says. ―I was buying into this age-old fairy tale that at the end of the movie you end up with a guy.‖

In my search for wisdom on spending time alone, regardless of relationship status, I quickly found that very few experts want to talk about being alone; they‘d rather talk about how to not be alone. Judy Ford, the author of ―Single: The Art of Being Satisfied, Fulfilled and Independent, ‖ is a rare exception to that: ―We are born alone and die alone, and deep within our souls we live alone, ‖ she tells me in an email, instantly invoking those universal truths that hurt the most. ―No one else ever abides in our skin. If we haven‘t yet come to terms with this ultimate truth, we are scared out of our minds to be alone.‖

She adds, ―The fear of public speaking is a mere tickle in comparison to the seismic ripples of horror that reverberate through the heart when faced with spending the weekend alone, ‖ says Ford. ―People are more courageous about going to the dentist than they are about eating in a restaurant alone.‖ That‘s true for young as well as old: Many seniors feel lonely ―because they have not developed their inner life, ‖ she says.

Her practical tips for conquering solitude are to get creative (―creativity is the cure of loneliness‖), push yourself to ―do something you have never done before‖ (like taking yourself out to dinner), admit your loneliness to others (―you might be surprised that they feel lonely too‖), ―get cozy with the gaps, ‖ those empty spaces in between plans, and remind yourself, ―Loneliness is not going to kill me.‖ These aren‘t easy fixes — and may induce eye-rolls from self-help haters — but they‘re crucial to happiness, she argues: ―To experience wholeness, first we experience the void.‖

Speaking of happiness, Gretchen Rubin wrote the book on it — she‘s the author of the New York Times bestseller ―The Happiness Project‖ — and has a slightly different take. ―Ancient philosophers and contemporary scientists agree that probably the key to happiness is strong relationships with other people, ‖ she says. ―You need to feel like you have intimate long-lasting relationships, you need to feel like you belong, you need to feel like you can get support and give support.‖

Her emphasis isn‘t on learning to be happy alone, but rather recognizing what level of social interaction makes you happiest — and it‘s different for everyone: ―Maybe you don‘t have a sweetheart, but being around a lot of other people might make you feel happier even if you wish you had that, ‖ she tells me. ―I think people sometimes aren‘t very aware of how much they need to be around other people.‖

As for making the most of whatever degree of aloneness that you have — whether it‘s being a bachelor or living in a new town with no friends — she says, ―You don‘t wait for circumstances to change in order to have the life that you want. If you want to go toFrance, don‘t think, ?Oh, as

soon as I have a boyfriend I‘ll go toFrance‘ or ?As soon as I get married I‘ll fix up my apartment.‘ Have the life that you want as much as you can now.‖ That‘s instead of putting your life on hold, or living in ignorance of what you do have: ―It‘s things like electricity, the minute your electricity goes out you‘re like, ?Oh my gosh, if only I had electricity I‘d be so happy!‘ But it‘s not like we walk around in an ecstasy every day over electricity.‖

As for simple, radical acts of public solitude — like taking yourself out to dinner — Eric Klinenberg, a sociologist and author of ―Going Solo: The Extraordinary Rise and Surprising Appeal of Living Alone, ‖ says a large part of people‘s discomfort is the result of social expectation. ―There are some [activities] that are socially approved to do alone, like you wouldn‘t think twice about going to a coffee shop by yourself, but going to a fancy restaurant or a play feels strange.‖ That strangeness is typically the result of our knee-jerk assumption that doing things alone equals desperation.

Two years ago, the video ―How to Be Alone‖ starring writer Tanya Davis and her poem about the ―freedom‖ of being by yourself — eating, dancing, reading, hiking — went viral. The video got more than 4.5 million hits: Clearly, her sweet and simple advice (for example, ―We could start with the acceptable places, the bathroom, the coffee shop, the library‖) resonated with people. As she says in the four-minute clip, ―Society is afraid of alonedom, like lonely hearts are wasting away in basements, like people must have problems if, after a while, nobody is dating them. But lonely is a freedom that breathes easy and weightless and lonely is healing if you make it.‖

It‘s odd that being alone requires any instruction. As Ford so exquisitely and painfully put it: We‘re born alone, we die alone and ―deep within our souls we live alone‖ — but it‘s one of life‘s many poetic ironies that we couldn‘t be more together in our aloneness.


Being alone

With the development of the society, Each family chooses to have one child to give him/her better care and education. But parents sometimes are so busy that children are often left alone. Being alone sometimes is good. When you’re alone, you can do everything that you like to do, maybe you can get better results when you study alone. On the other hand, you will of course feel a little lonely. Many children spend too much time on computers playing games and chatting. That’s a waste of time, It’s also bad for our body and mind. If you feel lonely, you’d better tell your parents and ask them to spare some time for you, you can also read some good books, listen to music or watch a film with your friend. I thank we teenagers should learn how to be ourselves!

2.Dear mike,

How are you ? I’m really glad that you are interested in traditional Chinese festivals. There are many traditional festivals in China, such as Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Day and so on. I’d like to introduce the Spring Festival to you. Spring Festival is the most important traditional holiday in China. It usually lasts for 15 days.

Days before the festival, people clean their house. They think

cleaning sweeps any bad luck .They decorate their houses with paper cuts .On the eve of the festival, family members get together and have big meals. Then they watch the Spring Festival Gala on TV . At midnight , they set off fireworks to welcome the New Year . During the festival, kids get lucky money from old people .people visit their relatives and

friends .They wish each a happy year and good luck. How happy we are. Best wishes!


Liu wei

3. How to keep good relationship with parents

In my opinion, I have too many rules at home. My parents never allow me to go out with my friends at nights. They don’t allow me to choose my own clothes, either. And they pay too much attention to my exam results. I think my parents don’t quite understand me.

However, try my best to understand them. Although they don’t allow me to make my own decisions give me too much pressure, I know that it is because they really love me and want me to have a bright future.

In order to keep good relationship with my parents, I study hard, listen to them, talk to them as friends, tell them my troubles, and help them do more housework.

4 Happiness

What is happiness? In my opinion, being with friends is happiness. Friends are just lake sunshine. They warm my heart and light my life. When I’m happy, they laugh with me, and when I feel sad, they cry with me. If I need a hand, my friends are always right there by my side. I

enjoy sharing my secrets and dealing with difficulties together with them. For these reasons, I thank my friends are the source of happiness. To treasure friendship is to enjoy happiness.

5 Hello,everyone. It’s nice to speak about what we can do to protect the environment.

First , to reduce(减少) air pollution ,we should walk or ride a bike instead of taking a taxi or a private car, and take a bus when traveling a long distance .Second, we should reduce the waste we produce. For

example, both sides of the paper must be used . Then, try to chew less gum(口香糖), and rubbish should be sorted and recycled or reused . Last , we must plant as many trees and flowers as possible around our houses . Thus we can not only make our environment beautiful but also make our air clean and fresh.

That’s all. Thank you.

6 Should teenagers go out with friends on weekends?

Recently I’ve had a discussion with my parents about whether teenagers should go out with fiends on weekends. My parents think that teenagers should stay at home on weekends. They should go over their lessons. And they could have enough time to have a good sleep. They also think teenagers should help parents do some housework on weekends.

In my opinion, we teenagers should be allowed to go out with friends for fun on weekends, so we can relax more. And we can also share ideas with each other. What’s more, we can also take some exercise together to keep fit.

7.Dear LingLing,

I’m glad to hear from you. I went to Hong Kong when I was eleven. It’s a beautiful place. And people there speak Chinese and English. Also, I’d like to learn Chinese and English. Chinese is my mother tongue and English is important in our daily life.

You like quiet, traditional music. So do I. I love classical music, to o. But I also like pop music .They often make me happy. I like Italian food, because it’s mot only delicious but also good for our health. I’ve never seen an Indian film. I think it might be interesting. I like action movies, because they’re exciting. How about you ? Do you enjoy watching action


Please write to me soon.

Yours, Lucy

8 China is a country with a long history, so there are many customs in it.

Firstly , you are supposed to shake hands when you meet someone for the first time . Secondly , when you eat dinner with other people , it’s rude to point at others with your chopsticks . besides , Besides, if you are going to a party . you are supposed to arrive at the party on time , or a few minutes late . You are not supposed to give a clock or a watch to your friends as a present , because it means “ death ” in Chinese. “When in Rome , do as the Romans do .” If you are going to China , please follow the rules.

9 Growing Up Healthy!

Growing up healthy is our duty. Every one of us should try our best to keep ourselves healthy.

First of all, keep a balanced diet. We should eat a lot of vegetables and fruit every day. Don’t eat junk food. Drink water instead of cola.

Secondly, get enough sleep and enough exercise. Early to bed and early to rise help a lot to our health. Try to sleep eight or nine hours every night. Try to exercise everyday or at least teo or three times a week and relax ourselves by listening to light music.

Besides the physical heath, we also need friendship. We should try to get along well with people around us. We can share our problems and happiness with them. And we should often communicate with our parents and teachers. Communication plays an important part in our life.

A healthy lifestyle and communicating well with others can help us grow up healthily.

篇四:一个人也幸福Being Happy Alone

一个人也幸福Being Happy Alone


In the not-so-distant past, being single was often a sign of failure. Many people considered single women lonely creatures who couldn't attract a man. Though some stigma still remains, research conducted by Kay Trimberger, a visiting scholar at the University of California at

Berkeley, reveals that for all women, including singles, the intimacy of being in a couple is not a requirement for leading a fulfilling and successful life. There are other ways to find happiness. 在并不遥远的过去,“单身”是种失败的象征。“单身女性”就等同于“没有吸引力的孤独生物”。虽然现在仍存在类似偏见,但最近加州大学伯克利分校的访问学者Kay Trimberger开展的一项调查显示,对女性而言,是否单身和是否拥有一个充实而成功的人生并无关联。幸福可以有很多方式。

(1)Look at both the pros and cons of your situation. 审视自身环境中的优缺点。

You might be single by choice or by circumstance. You might feel you are missing out on some things, but remember that the grass is not always greener on the other side. Think about the strains a relationship entails, and how much freedom you have now. If you've been in unhappy relationships, compare your state now to your state then. Look at the good points of being single, without trying to pretend its all rosy.


(2)Stay socially active.保持活跃的社交。

Being single means you probably need to make a bit more of an effort to socialize. Find friends at work or through activities you enjoy. Keep doing new things. Remember that being single, even choosing to remain single, doesn't mean you can't have romantic relationships in your life. 单身意味着你也许需要在社交活动上多花一些精力。找找从工作或活动中找找看有没有谈得来的朋友。要不停尝试新事物。记住:即使单身、即使打算保持单身,都不代表你的人生中从此就不能拥有浪漫。

(3)Re-evaluate your career. 重新评估你的事业。

When you're single, it's more important than ever to find satisfaction in your work. If you're not happy with your job, attempt to find a more fulfilling one. If that's not possible, look for other ways to find fulfillment, such as going back to school or volunteering. Find causes you're

passionate about. Keep physically active. Think of everything you do as geared to feeling good about yourself and building and maintaining connections with other people.


(4)Do things on your own.独立行事。

While this might take some courage in the beginning, you might discover you like doing things alone. Don't let being single stop you from doing anything you want to do. For example, if you travel alone, look to meet new people on your travels. Buy a house on your own. According to ABC News, more than 1.7 million single women in the United States bought homes in 2010. Being single doesn't have to stop you from achieving your goals.


原文来自 必克英语/magazine/guide_text.jsp?id=52315754

篇五:写作——home alone

11月5日 写作——Home alone

在你的成长过程中,你可能会有父母外出,你独自在家的经历。某国际学校的英语论坛正在举办关于这个话题的讨论,请你发一个帖子参与讨论,谈谈你的父母外出时,你自己度过的一次经历,并就此事谈谈你的感想和体会。 提示词供选用:experience, alone, out, cook, come back, happy, take care of, depend on

1. Why were you left alone at home?

2. What did you do?

3. How did you feel?

4. What have you learnt from it?

要求:1. 合理分段 2. 注意时态(经历通常用一般过去时)

My experience of being home alone

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