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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 11:14:28 作文素材

篇一:Happiness 翻译

Happiness 翻译

No other country in the world has worked the notion of happiness into its Constitution the every source of its national authority, the way the founding fathers of the United States of America chose to do when they linked the pursuit of happiness with life and with liberty as a trio of utterly inalienable rights.


Without question there were different interpretations of what prompts happiness, and what constitutes it. for many devoutly religious people (to this day), a stroke of business success, a marriage that works, the emergence over time of strong, intelligent, well-behaved children who seem able and content with their lot in life are all signs of sorts, evidence of god's favor.

毫无疑问,人们对于什么产生幸福和什么是幸福持着不同的解释。对于那些迄今仍旧虔诚的教徒而言,一桩成功的生意, 一段美满的婚姻,一群坚强、聪明能干、品行端正且满足于现状的孩子们,都是幸福的迹象,上帝眷顾的迹象。

Happiness in Shakespeare’s time, and later as well, referred to good fortune, good luck, to favorable circumstances visited, somehow, on a particular person who registered such a state of affairs subjectively with a condition of good cheer, pleasurable feeling.


One was satisfied with one’s situation, glad to be in one’s given place and time by virtue of how one’s life has gone. The emphasis is, put differently, upon fate - an almost external force.


To be sure, individuals craved pleasure, money, power, territory, a certain woman, a certain man - but "happiness" was not in itself sought.


Rather, a person’s personal and workday success was noted by that person, and thankfully acknowledged - his or hers by virtue of divine grace, or the stars and their mysterious doings, or, quite simply, a series of fortuitous events.


For those who don't know what to believe (about this life, and our place or purpose on earth), happiness seems something accidental, contingent, or at best, a feeling for which one has worked hard indeed. but now we are a bit ahead of ourselves, historically: four hundred years ago, there was a sense of awe about happiness - as if it were visited upon some in accordance with the unfathomable workings of an inscrutable universe.

对于那些没有信仰、不知道为谁生存为何奋斗的人,幸福是偶然的,或充其量只是一种非常努力工作的感觉。 但是现在的我们比过去的我们进步:四百年前,我们敬畏幸福,以为是神秘的宇宙发生了深不可测的运转后降临在某人身上的一样,让人敬畏。

it was only in more recent time, as men and woman became more the center of this world (in their own minds, more the makers, the doers, the ones who wield and see the consequences), that happiness became, with everything else, a goal, a purpose, or, as those hard working, ambitious rationalists who framed our constitution put it, something for which a "pursuit" is waged. No longer does happiness happen; happiness is obtained.


篇二:什么是快乐- What Is Happiness-

什么是快乐? What Is Happiness?

Many people believe that having alot of money is the greatest happiness in life. But I don't agree with them,because money is not everything. Money can't make us a true man.


The way I see it, good health ismuch better than a lot of wealth. No matter how much money we have, we'll not feelhappy at all if we are in poor health. In order to be healthy, we must keep apositive attitude and have a good living habit.


Apart from good health, we mustbe diligent at work. As long as we work hard, we cannot just make a goodliving, but enrich our minds.

(来自:WWw.SmhaiDa.com 海达范文网:happiness是什么意思)


Additionally, we ought to giveour helpful hands to others when they are in need. While helping others, we canown a good fame as well as get more social experience. It's really a good wayto kill two birds with one stone. Only by doing so can we enjoy the happiestlife.


篇三:什么是快乐- What Is Happiness-

什么是快乐? What Is Happiness?

Many people believe that having alot of money is the greatest happiness in life. But I don't agree with them,because money is not everything. Money can't make us a true man.


The way I see it, good health ismuch better than a lot of wealth. No matter how much money we have, we'll not feelhappy at all if we are in poor health. In order to be healthy, we must keep apositive attitude and have a good living habit.


Apart from good health, we mustbe diligent at work. As long as we work hard, we cannot just make a goodliving, but enrich our minds.


Additionally, we ought to giveour helpful hands to others when they are in need. While helping others, we canown a good fame as well as get more social experience. It's really a good wayto kill two birds with one stone. Only by doing so can we enjoy the happiestlife.


篇四:什么是快乐- What Is Happiness-

什么是快乐? What Is Happiness?

Many people believe that having alot of money is the greatest happiness in life. But I don't agree with them,because money is not everything. Money can't make us a true man.


The way I see it, good health ismuch better than a lot of wealth. No matter how much money we have, we'll not feelhappy at all if we are in poor health. In order to be healthy, we must keep apositive attitude and have a good living habit.


Apart from good health, we mustbe diligent at work. As long as we work hard, we cannot just make a goodliving, but enrich our minds.


Additionally, we ought to giveour helpful hands to others when they are in need. While helping others, we canown a good fame as well as get more social experience. It's really a good wayto kill two birds with one stone. Only by doing so can we enjoy the happiestlife.


篇五:what is happiness什么是幸福 有意义的故事,

What Is Happiness?

Long long age, there was a man who tried his best to find out what was happiness. He had been visited some tranquil mountains in Eastern Asia, crossed many rivers in Europe, and even traveled overseas.

He asked many people, including some old men, smart women, and even little children:” What is happiness?” A young man said:” Earning a lot of money and becoming a million are happiness.” But a girl in kindergarten said:” Happiness is eating sweet everyday.” An old man said:” Learning philosophy and understanding the meaning of life are happiness.” A woman said:” In fact, I don’t know what is happiness, but when I find my little son becoming more and more stronger and healthier, I am happy.” However, none of those answers can please him.

One day, he came across a wise man with gray hair and hunchback in a lovely garden. He asked the old man:” Hello, wise man, so many people told me that you were the wisest man in the world. Could you tell me what is happiness?” The wise man had not given him the answer, but required him to walk around the garden with a spoon filled with black sauce. The man did he was required to do.

After walking around the garden, the man came back. Because he always thought how to keep the balance of the spoon, the sauce did not spill out of the spoon. The wise man said:” Well, can you tell me what you see in such a beautiful garden?” ” I am sorry, I have not,” the man said,” Can you give me anther opportunity to walk in the garden?” The wise man agreed his require and the man walked again with a spoon filled with sauce.

“Have you seen the beauty of this garden?” “Yes, I do! What a lovely garden: the songs of the birds, the red roses and several butterflies. But it is a pity that the sauce in the spoon was spilled away when I enjoy the scene of the garden.”

“That exactly is what I want to tell you. On the one hand, we want to enjoy our life, which is like the garden, peaceful and lovely. On the other hand, we have to deal with those unhappy things, which is like the spoon of sauce. Happiness is the time when we can enjoy the beautiful garden with the sauce kept in the spoon. Happiness is the moment when we enjoy our life, as well as dealing well with those unhappy things at the same time. It is not easy to do it, but we can try.”

From then on, the man stopped finding what was happiness. He opened his heart and appreciated the peace of life. He used other ways to handle the problem in daily life.
