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篇一:英语演讲:IQ 比 EQ更重要

Iq is more important than EQ.

IQ is intelligence quotient. It is that ability to understand objective things and use knowledge to solve practical problems. Intelligence including many aspects, such as observation, memory, imagination, analytical skills, thinking skills, adaptability and so on. IQ mark the level of intellectual development.

EQ is Emotional Intelligence. It mainly refers to the quality of the people in the mood, emotion, will, tolerance of frustration. Generally speaking, the EQ is no obvious innate differences between people, more closely related to nurture. Emotional intelligence consists of five main areas: self-knowledge, self-management, identifying others' emotions, self-motivation, dealing with interpersonal relationships. The level of emotional intelligence cannot be accurately expressed by testing, while the IQ can. It can only be judged according to the overall performance of the individual.

First of all, the intelligence quotient (IQ) plays a decisive influence on a person's life. We take the pains to learn all kinds of courses since childhood. Through the rigorous entrance examination for secondary school and college as well as postgraduate, we finally obtain the ideal degree and manage to knock on the door of a company. However, that may not be all. In order to increase our chances of successful interview we may need to get other qualifications and professional competence

credentials, such as CET-4, CET-6, the National Computer Rank Examination certificate, the Certified Public Accountants and so on. It is a very common phenomenon if you didn't pass the CET-6 or did not reach a certain score, you may miss the chance to be a good job. Needless to say, the importance of the intelligence quotient is obvious.

Second, people with high IQ are more likely to succeed than those with only high emotional intelligence. A great man is not very good at talking, but they all have high IQ, rich, solid and profound knowledge base at all times and in all countries. If Madame Curie didn’t have a Paris university physics, mathematics learning experience, she couldn’t become the discoverer of radium.

Third, IQ is the source and foundation of eq. The level of the emotional intelligence depends largely on the cultivation of nurture, it grows with age and knowledge. Only when the knowledge what we have occupied reached a certain degree, we can realize we should be strong and confident, should control our emotions. It's hard to say to a starving baby "you should have strong!", but we can teach him to shout "mama!" In conclusion, I think that intelligence quotient (IQ) plays a more important role in one's career.

篇二:英语辩论赛(IS IQ or EQ More Important)

English Debating

Is IQ or EQ more important to one’s success?

The Judge: Teacher Huang

The Linkman: Xie Huilin and Wu Yingqi

Positive side (Class One):

IQ is more important than EQ to one’s success.

Negative side (Class Two):

EQ is more important than IQ to one’s success.

The Debate Process

Part 1(About 25 minutes):

Flames of war(烽火交战):

First begin from the positive side. The Positive Side and the Negative Side express their theme and their own view. Then starting from the second debater, each debater from two sides debates with the other side in turn until each one has debated. At last, the master debaters summarize their own points and views clearly again.

Part 2(About 20 minutes):

Troubled water(水来土掩):

Questions and answers. This part is beginning from the negative side, each one in the negative side who has any questions to ask can appoint one of the square debaters to answer the questions. And the square debater who is appointed to answer the question must give the reply alone soon . And the square debater can’t ask any questions to the opposition debaters but answer only. Also it’s not allowed to ask the same debater more than two questions continuously. After the limited time, the negative side should stop question and the positive side begins to question to the opposition debaters just as the same method. In the whole of the debating session, each side has just only two opportunities at most to ask team members for help.

Part 3(About 25 minutes):

Peak vs.(巅峰对决):

This part is free debate and begin from the positive side.

The two sides alternate answer each other’s question to refute the other side. Every member of each team can stand out to answer and refute to the opposition’s questions.

At Last

The judge awards the winning results and give the prizes to the excellent person.

Including 1—2 “Best Master Debater” , 2—3 “Best Vice Debaters”, 1—3 “Best Audience Award”, the “Best Question Award”, the “Best Creative Answer Award”.



How important are IQ and EQ

In our daily life, we judge somebody’s personality by using IQ and EQ. People pay more and more attention to these two aspects. Even many institutions make researches on this. What is more important, different people have different thoughts.

Some people holds that, it is more important to have a high IQ. IQ includes the abilities of numbers, spaces, vocabularies, memorizes and so on. It’s important to have these abilities in a high-speed developing society. If a country want to be stronger, he must have some intelligent people. These smart people can transfer their intelligence into wealth. Once we have high IQ, we can deal with the troubles we meet. What’s more, we go to school for what? Mostly, we want to get more knowledge, and to form a way of thinking.

On the contrary, some people believes that EQ is more important for a full man. There are more and more crimes surround us. Many people are educated, they use their

knowledge to do some bad things which causes lots of loses. So people think that these people have high IQ, but low EQ. EQ includes the abilities to control the emotions ,sufferings and so on. You can think that if one can’t control their emotions, how terrible it is! Maybe you would hear this news: a man kills his

wife juts for some little things. It’s an example of low EQ. What I want to say is, not only we should have some knowledge ,but also we should have a way to control own emotions. That makes a full man.

Thank you!

篇四:IQ and EQ英语演讲

IQ and EQ

In our daily life, we judge somebody’s personality by using IQ and EQ. People pay more and more attention to these two aspects. Even many institutions make researches on this. What is more important, different people have different thoughts.

Some people holds that, it is more important to have a high IQ. IQ includes the abilities of numbers, spaces, vocabularies, memorizes and so on. It’s important to have these abilities in a high-speed developing society. If a country want to be stronger, he must have some intelligent people. These smart people can transfer their intelligence into wealth. Once we have high IQ, we can deal with the troubles we meet. What’s more, we go to school for what? Mostly, we want to get more knowledge, and to form a way of thinking.

On the contrary, some people believes that EQ is more important for a full man. There are more and more crimes surround us. Many people are educated, they use their

knowledge to do some bad things which causes lots of loses. So people think that these people have high IQ, but low EQ. EQ includes the abilities to control the emotions ,sufferings and so on. You can think that if one can’t control their emotions, how terrible it is! Maybe you would hear this news: a man kills his

wife juts for some little things. It’s an example of low EQ. What I want to say is, not only we should have some knowledge ,but also we should have a way to control own emotions. That makes a full man.

Thank you!









90~100之间 为常才;




50~60 为愚鲁;




1、B ; 2、C; 3、E ;4、B ; 5、C ;

6、26 ; 7、A ; 8、A ; 9、A ; 10、C ;

11、9 ; 12、B ; 13、C ; 14、6 ; 15、D ;

16、38 ; 17、B ; 18、A ; 19、美国 ; 20、D;

21、64; 22、科学 ; 23、 式 ; 24、60 ; 25、E ;

26、奠 ; 27、脑 ; 28、5 ; 29、36 ; 30、O 。 I答案










专家点评以下内容需要回复才能看到 近年来,EQ──情绪智商,逐渐受到了重视,世界500强企业还将EQ测试作为员工招聘、培训、任命的重要参考标准。 看我们身边,有些人绝顶聪明,IQ很高,却一事无成,甚至有人可以说是某一方面的能手,却仍被拒于企业大门之外;相反地,许多IQ平庸者,却反而常有令人羡慕的良机、杰出不凡的表现。为什么呢?最大的原因,乃在于EQ的不同!一个人若没有情绪智慧,不懂得提高情绪自制力、自我驱使力,也没有同情心和热忱的毅力,就可能是个“EQ低能儿”。通过以上测试,你就能对自己的EQ有所了解。但切记这不是一个求职询问表,用不着有意识地尽量展示你的优点和掩饰你的缺点。如果你真心想对自己有一个判断,那你就不应施加任何粉饰。否则,你应重测一次。




