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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 14:33:17 字数作文

篇一:英语作文 working at home

Working at home is benefit for employs and employees

Nowadays, a grouping number of people are opting for working at home if their boss approved. Especially more and more working women prefer to work at home rather than work at office. In their opinions, there are a multitude of advantages of working at home.

First and foremost, they can better take care of their family when they work at home. Who are the most important people in your life? That's right, your family! Working women insist that by working at home they will be able to set their own hours and be available when their family needs them. For instance they won't have to ask their boss’s permission if it's okay for them to take their son or daughter to the dentist. Because their bosses are most concerned about was outcomes rather than processes when they allowing their employees to work at home.

Besides, being allowed to work at home is also the gospel of the disabled people. Instead of getting up in the early morning and throwing themselves into the crowded bus, they may enjoy a much more flexible schedule and have a better rest. At the same time, they no longer need to worry about the absence of company’s group activities. In addition, they can communicate with their colleagues by telephone and network with more confidence. The proverb says, one door closed, god will open another door to you. Being allowed to work at home must be the “another day” to disabled people.

at home作文

Last but not least, allowing employees to work at home can help company save office space and other facilities. Companies can save a lot of money since they don’t have to pay for the office buildings and provide a variety of office equipment. There is no doubt that employees will work hard if the company can put these savings to be used to improve the welfare of employees. Managements no longer need to invest more manpower and energy to deal with conflicts at office between employees. They are just concerned about the results of the work.

Taking all these factors into consideration, we reasonably come to the conclusion that working at home is not only beneficial for the employees, but also benefit the company. With increasing number of employees working at home, I believe that it will become the development trend of the future.

篇二:英语作文Should Kids Do Chores at Home

Should Kids Do Chores at Home?

Everything has two sides, as to the question that kids should do chores or not, different people have different opinions. Some people think that kids should do while others don’t think so. In my view, kids should do chores at home.

First and foremast, kids, as the major member of one family, have the duty to take good care of their family. Kids may do something simple and show their concerns about their family. Besides, doing chores can help kids fall into a good habit. A good habit will lead them to a better lifestyle.

Last but not lest, doing chores can help kids practice more. Usually, kids learn some knowledge at school but they have less time to practice. While, doing chores is a suitable chance.

All in all, doing chores at home is good for kids. They would develop well.

篇三:My home英语作文

My Home

Let me give a brief description of what it is like. It is not a very big one, but already enough for my family to live in. When you enter the door you will be in the hall, the place where my family sit together and have dinner in the evening. On the left are two rooms, they are kitchen and my bedroom respectively. We store food and cook meals in the kitchen. My bedroom is very tidy because I always tend to put my things in the right place. Beyond that, it is mostly due to my mother’s hard cleaning even when I am not at home. You can see another bedroom and a living room on the right. That bedroom is for my mother and father, a little bigger than mine. The living room is the largest room of the house, in which we can do a series of things such as watching TV, doing body building exercises and so on. Back to the hall, there is a room separated only by a wall, is the bathroom. It is divided by a sliding door into two smaller rooms: a storeroom outer and a bathroom inner.

My bedroom is a small but nice place. There are a bed, a desk, a bookshelf and a wardrobe in the room, leaving no much space. Despite of the fact that it is small, I believe as long as you put everything in order, the size won’t be a problem anymore. The desk is put right close to the window and on the opposite stands the bookshelf. The bookshelf has four layers. I like to put my dictionaries on the first layer and some books I prefer on the second. Other books and materials for tests are on the third and fourth layer. It is a really nice experience to read books I love at the desk

in a free afternoon, by which I can fully relax myself from the busy life as a medical student. Next to the bookshelf is the wardrobe with my clothes in it. The bed is beside the desk, providing me with good sleep when I am at home. My room is a place where I can always feel a sense of relief no matter what I have suffered outside.

Though my home is not a big mansion, I still love it. It is the only place in the world in which I can be completely relaxed, the only place I can get rid of pain, depression and all the negative emotions to welcome a new day of my life. For me, my home not only means a place to live in, but a shelter for my heart and soul.

篇四:中英文作文在家教育 Teaching at Home

在家教育 Teaching at Home

Nowadays, teaching at home has been a hot topic. With the increasing number of high educated people have become parents, the teaching at home trend has become more common. However, when it comes to this matter, different people have different views. Some people think teaching at home could strengthen the parent-child contact, while others think child have better live in the community. For me, I vote for the latter.


On the one hand, although parents are highly educated, but it doesn't mean that they are qualified to teach their child very good. Teaching is not only the thing to tell some new knowledge to child and ask them to keep it in mind. The most important thing is how to teach. Teachers were trained to find the best way to teach students, and they will customized study solutions according to each students’ personality.


On the other hand, as most parents both have to work to support a family, they put their principal energy to work, and left less for their kid. This will make parents completely exhausted and surely the kid cannot receive the best education. Moreover, teaching at home make kid isolated from other kids at their same age, it will causes kid’s communication problems with friends or strangers.


In briefly, teaching at home is not good for children’s all-round development, for the sake of parents’ rest time and children’s integrated development, children should be sent to school.


篇五:《To eat at home or eat out》英语作文题目模板作文

With the rapid development of society and economy, more and more people would like to eat out, while the other prefer to prepare food for themselves at home. From my point of view, I prefer to cook at home.

First and foremost, in this world of informatization and complexity environment, the need for communication is of the greatest significance, if one want to live in harmony. Cooking at home together can promote emotional communication plenarily and can also ease the pressure and keep joyful mood. In addition, to prepare food for themselves is more hygiene and healthy than eat out ,in that we can choose the more fresh ingredients. Last but not least, to prepare the ingredients ourselves can save more money, although a little time consuming.

Eating at home, from my perspective, is not simply good for individuals, but also beneficial to the whole community. Hence, a widespread

education campaign should be launched so as to enhance people’s consciousness of the importance of eating at home. Only by coordinated efforts can we embrace a happy, healthy and harmonious community, as we all expect , in the long term!
