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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 19:24:00 小学作文

篇一:初中英语作文:如何养成好习惯Good Habit

初中英语作文:如何养成好习惯Good Habit

When we have formed the good study habit, we learn things quickly and remember things easily. Do you sometimes copy other's homework? It is not good. No matter how difficult the homework is, you must try to do it yourself and finish it on time. If you practice again and again, nothing will be difficult.


When you are having lessons, don't forget to make notes.Every evening you must take out the notes and review what you have learned today. Before doing homework, do not forget to clean your desks. A clean desk will make you feel comfortable.


A Good study habit is the key to success.


篇二:初中英语作文:如何养成好习惯Good Habit

初中英语作文:如何养成好习惯Good Habit

When we have formed the good study habit, we learn things quickly and remember things easily. Do you sometimes copy other's homework? It is not good. No matter how difficult the homework is, you must try to do it yourself and finish it on time. If you practice again and again, nothing will be difficult.


When you are having lessons, don't forget to make notes.Every evening you must take out the notes and review what you have learned today. Before doing homework, do not forget to clean your desks. A clean desk will make you feel comfortable.


A Good study habit is the key to success.



Unit 1 I’m watching TV.

【作文要求】请根据提示写一篇题为“What are we doing?”的短文,描述你家里人的活动。


【范文】: What are we dong?

Today is Sunday. We are all at home. My mother is cleaning the room. My father is reading a newspaper. My grandfather is playing cards. My brother is watching TV. My sister is doing her homework. And I am playing the computer games. We are all very happy.

Unit 2. It’s raining.

【作文要求】假设你最喜欢的天气是下雨天。请你根据以下提示,写一篇不少于50词的短文。要求:自己工整,条理清晰,可适当发挥。提示:1. 下雨天不冷不热。 2. 喜欢雨,雨过天晴,万物变得干净。 3. 喜欢在雨中漫步,或是在家读书,令人放松。


【范文】 I like the rainy days best. When it is raining, it is not too cold or too hot. And after raining, everything around us is clean. On the rainy days, I like walking in the rain, or sometimes I only read a book at home. It is relaxing. I really like the rainy days.

Unit 3. What does he look like?



【范文】Zhang Li is my best friend. He is 12 years old. He is of medium build, and wears a pair of glasses. He has short hair and small eyes. He is a very friendly boy, but he is a little bit shy. He is good at all his subjects at school, and his hobbies are reading and playing basketball. He wants to be a writer when he grows up.

Unit 4. How often do you exercise?

【写作要求】健康一直是人们关注的话题。你认为健康的生活习惯应该是怎样的?请根据下面的信息提示,写一篇短文。提示:1. 健康饮食; 2. 早睡早起; 3. 多做运动。 要求:根据信息提示,把握要点,适当发挥。70词左右。首句已给出,不计入总词数。

To stay healthy, we must have a healthy lifestyle.


【范文】To stay healthy, we must have a healthy lifestyle. First of all, we should have a good eating habit. Try to eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, but try not to eat too much junk food. Drink milk every day. Getting enough sleep is also important for us to stay healthy. So we should go to bed early and get up early. Of course, we need to do some exercise often because it can keep us active. We’d better do exercise every day.

Unit 5. What’s the matter?

【写作要求】Jack最近身体不太舒服,经常头疼发烧,并感觉身体虚弱疲劳。看过医生后,他收到了下面一张诊断表,请根据其要点并结合以上内容以“Jack’s problem”为题写一篇


【范文】 Jack’s problem

Jack isn’t feeling well these days. He often has a headache and has a fever. And he is feeling weak and tired. So he went to see the doctor. Here is what the doctor said:

Jack has a bad cold. He should take medicine twice a day and have a dood rest. Of course, he should have a healthy lifestyle. For example, he should drink lots of water and eat more fruit and vegetables. And he should exercise more and have enough sleep.

I hope he can be better soon.

Unit 6. How do you get to school?

【写作指导】以 My Sunday 为题目,写一篇80词左右的短文。开头和结尾已给出,不计入词数之内。要求:短文中必须使用以下所提供的词语,必要时适当删减。

get up late, after breakfast, help, do housework, wash dishes, clean, have lunch, go to the zoo, by bike, go home, after supper, do my homework, watch TV, go to bed

【范文】 My Sunday

It’s Sunday today. I get up very late. After breakfast I help my mother do housework at home. I wash dishes and clean the floor. I have lunch at 12 o’clock. In the afternoon I go to the zoo by bike with my classmates. We are all happy. I go home at 5 o’clock. After supper, I do my homework. Then I watch TV. I go to bed at half past nine. Sunday is my holiday. I like it very much.

篇四:Reading is a good habit

Reading is a good habit

1. enrich our knowledge and broaden our minds as well

2. teach us how to face success and failure

3. it is a relaxation to ….

4. to read nothing except … is just like eating only chocolates and not testing other nice things.

5. serious reading is to the mind, as food is to the body

6. they can give us not only joy but also…

7. we should develop a taste for serious reading and it can give us…..

Reading can bring us great pleasure. Some books like interesting novels are mostly for fun. When you have done a lot of work and get tired, it is a relaxation to read some stories by fine writers.

But to read nothing except fiction is just like eating only chocolates and not testing other nice things. In fact, serious reading is to the mind ,as food is to the body. There are many good books on history, travel and science. We must read these kinds of books because they give us not only joy but also advice. We should develop a taste for serious reading and it can give us much more knowledge than novels.




My pen pal is an American boy. His name is Jim,

He is 13 years old. He is a middle school student. He is very thin and tall. He has blonde curly hair and wears glasses. He likes reading and listening to music. He is also good at playing basketball. He is very popular in his class. I like him very much. We often write letters to each other. He is my good friend.

Unit 2 写一篇餐馆的广告,见课本P15,3a,3c.或者叙述自己的饮食爱好,生日饮食等 eg:给你的好友Tom写一封信,介绍一下中国过生日的食物和相关的习俗。 范文: Dear Tom,

Thank you for your letter. You ask about Chinese birthday. Let me tell you.

In China, it is getting popular to have a birthday cake. But some people still eat long noodles for their birthdays. They never cut up the long noodles because the long noodles are a symbol of long life. Some people eat eggs on their birthdays. They are a symbol of life and good luck. Best wishes to you.

Yours Li Ming Unit3, 4, 5记叙周末或者过去的某一天做的事情,旅游游记,旅行见闻等,或者以日记的形式进行复述。

Eg:假如昨天你跟同学一起参观了动物园。请根据提示,写一篇短文。提示词:sunny, bus, all kinds of, take photos, gift 范文1:

It was sunny yesterday. I went to the zoo with my classmates. We took the bus to the zoo. In the zoo, we saw all kinds of animals. We took a lot of photos, then I went to the gift shop and bought a gift for my mother. We were tired, but we were all very happy. All in all, it was a wonderful day. 范文2:见课本P31, 3a

范文3:以Happy Trip为题,写一篇游记,记叙你游览泰山的趣事。

A Happy Trip

I went to Mount Tai with my friends last month. We took the bus to the beautiful mountain. It took us about 2 hours. Then we began to climb the mountain. There were many trees and flowers. And there were a lot of visitors too. At noon,(转 载于:wWw.SmHaIDA.cOM 海达 范文 网:habit作文初二) we had a picnic under the trees. In the second day, we saw the sun rising early in the morning. The trip was really exciting.



It is important to have a healthy lifestyle. I have some good habits. For example, I exercise every day. I eat vegetables twice a day. I also like eating fruit. I eat fruit at least three times a week. I have a good sleep every day. I sleep about 8 hours a day. But I also have a bad habit. I eat junk food once a day. That’s not good for health.

Unit7, 8有关比较级和最高级的作文,比如比较一下你和你的好朋友的不同之处,或者叙述一下你的家乡之最。


We did a survey about the most popular things in our city. The most popular restaurant is KFC because it has the friendliest service. The best shop is the Miller’s because it has the best clothes. And the best radio station is 90.2fm because the DJ chooses the songs the most carefully. The most popular theater is the Movie World because its sound is better than other theaters.

Eg2: 你认为好朋友应该相同吗?说一下你的观点。

Some people think good friend should be the same. But I don’t mind this. My best friend Tom is different from me. He likes playing basketball and I like reading. So he is more outgoing than me, but I am more popular than him. We are both good at math but my English is better than his. We both like watching action movies
