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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 09:22:32 优秀作文

篇一:Internet(互联网) 的英语作文


As we all know, 总所周知the computer is a marvelous machine.计算机是神奇的机器 The internet has become the most important part of peoples life 互联网已经成为许多人生活中最重要的一部分

It is said that each day tens of millions of people log on the internet.据说每天有成千上万的人上网Sending e-mail is becoming more and more.发电子邮件正便得越来越流行。

At present, most of people can use computer for working, chatting, playing game, watching the movie and picture, and searching anything by clicking on Internet. Internet is useful assistant for leading you to another world which amazing thing. I think Internet has advantage and disadvantage. 目前,大多数的人会使用电脑工作,聊天,玩游戏,看电影和图片,并点击搜索任何互联网。互联网是一种有用的辅助引导你到另一个世界的神奇的东西。我认为因特网有优点和缺点。

But, some classmates of mine spend much time playing computer games, chatting online and watching movies through Internet. They are addicted to Internet and forget their main responsibility —study. 一些同学花太多的时间玩电脑游戏,上网聊天,网上看电影。他们沉迷于网络而忘记他们的主要任务是学习。

It is imperative for us to solve this severe issue. 我们必须解决这个严重的问题。I am convinced that human is able to use Internet properly and scientifically. 我相信,人类能够正确的、科学的使用互联网。


The Internet

With the development of information technology, surfing on the internet becomes more and more popular in people's everyday life. People can complete a great deal of complicated work and communicate with each other by network. Network refers to the internet and information included in it, which provides an opportunity for people to gain useful information they need. Meanwhile, people greatly improve their working efficiency with a computer. However, there is a lot of information on the internet which not only contains good information, but harmful information as well. Is the network good or bad for our life? The answers to this question are diverse.

Some people think that network is good for their everyday life, for it caters to their inclination. They browse the internet for capturing related information and downloading files according to their needs. For example, to work and study, they are accessible to academic web site to search articles no matter which country they come from. As for entertainment, they can also download musics and movies from web site to their computers. For this reason, many people are fas


cinated with the internet and keep their computer at hand when they encounter

any problem. They certainly believe that the internet is a helpful tool for their daily life.

Some other people however, think that network is harmful to their daily life. Because there are many pornographic websites on the internet which can mislead a lot of people ranging from Children to adults. There are also some cheating information and annoying advertisements they can not get rid of. So, they are afraid of suffing on the internet. They confirm that the internet will destroy their life.

I think that the internet is very helpful for our daily life. Networks have made it possible to capture the attention of millions of people. Not only does it broaden our view, but bring us some useful information. As for junk information, however, our government ought to take strict measures to restrict and filter it. We should not click nasty webpage. If our government and we does it well, I fully believe that the internet will provide more convenience for us. Whether you like it or not, network has come closer and closer to you.








仅2012年一年,中国在线教育市场份额已经达到723亿元,且在线教育用户呈规模性放大。2012年中国进入移动学习元年,“互联网应用创新开放平台联盟”成立,120多所国内高校加入联盟。互联网冲击引发教育革命 大学出现了网络化潮流。当然,网络教育也存在一些问题,比如发展不均衡,人才紧缺,教学模式单一,教学交互性差等等。但随着技术的不断完善,远程教育还将有更大的发展







Nowadays, we often hear a phrase--the Internet age. It

shows that the Internet has been widely infiltrated all areas of society. It plays an increasingly important role in people's lives, And because the development of mobile Internetin recent years, Internet and people become more and more intimate.

Mobile Internetis thecombination of mobile communications and the Internet. According to statistics, by the end of June 2012, the number of Internet users in China reached 538 million, of which mobile phone users reached 388 million. At the end of September 2012, mobileInternet users in the world has reached

1.5 billion. Percentage of Internet users who access the Internet using a mobile phoneincreaces from 69.3% to 72% in the last year.Mobile Internet is in a period of high-speed development.

In China, the national State Council considers the mobile Internet as the fourth wave ofnational wealth opportunities. It

gradually penetrates into people's lives, in all areas of work, ring-text messaging, downloads, mobile music, mobile gaming, video applications, mobile payments and location services.And rich Internet applicationis profoundly changingthe social life of the information age.

Internet is changing people's means of production, work, lifestyle and learning style. For example, a hot spotin the field ofInternet,modern distance education, ,is a typical example.

Modern distance education is aeducational method which is mainly based on modern distance educational tools.It’s a

combination ofmulti-media. Because of the rapid development of the Internet, mordendistance education’s means have a

qualitative leap.Compared with face-to-face education, distance education can break the space-time constraints; provide more learning opportunities and improve learning efficiency;it can expand the scale of teaching, improve teaching quality of lower teaching costs, solve the problem of education in setting and sharingresourcs.

Network schools are recognized by more and more people, all kinds of new online schools and more related sites continueto emerge, such asThree-branched Network, 91 Teachers Network, and so on. Obviously, this represents that the online school has

gradually been coming into public life and becomes a

mainstream trend. So a lot of people choose online education, especially white-collar workers and students.

In 2012,the income of online education in China has to reach 72.3 billion yuan, and the scale of online education is zooming. 2012 become the first year of China’s mobile learning.The Open Platform of Internet applicationsisbuilded up, more than 120 domestic universities join into the Alliance. Internet causesthat education revolution appeared at the University Network .Of course, online education has some problems, such as uneven

development, talents’ shortage, single teaching ways,and so on. But as the technology continues to improve and the

development of distance education, the situation will be greater The Internet presents an opportunity for mankind. People can always learn the latest weather information, news and tour informationfrom the Internet, newspapers of the day and the latest magazines can be seen on the Internet,people can shop online, send and receive e-mail, and access to tele-medicine and tele-education.

At the same time, it also poses a number of challenges: information gap began widening, unequal wealth distribution; due to network’s openness and globalization of cyber-security


People’s Use of the Internet

1. 上图所示为2001年7月、2002年7月、2003年1月我国上网用户总人数,请描述其变化;

2. 请说明发生这些变化的原因;



From the chart we can see clearly that the number of Internet surfers in our country has increased from 26.5 million in July 2001 to 45.8 million in July 2002, and then to 59.1 million in January 2003.

In my mind, the reasons why the Internet surfers are on the rise are as follows. First, the Internet can help us accomplish many tasks, including both work and play—searching for information has become more convenient than ever, and safe online business is no longer a dream. Besides, surfing the Internet is becoming cheaper and cheaper—more and more people can afford it.

The negative effects of the Internet are also clear. To begin with, sitting too long before the computers is harmful to our body, especially our eyes. Second, more and more people become indulged in playing video games or chatting online, which are time-consuming.

All in all, I should say the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. The key lies in whether we can make good use of it to enhance both work and study.



第二段首句中的in my mind意思是“依我看,在我看来”;第三段中的be harmful to意为“对??有伤害”,become indulged in意思是“沉迷于”,time-consuming是“浪费时间”的意思;最后一段首句中的outweigh意为“比??重要”。

From: /englishwriting/yingyusijizuowen/2011-10-20/157901.html



The Internet

With the development of information technology, surfing on the internet becomes more and more popular in people's everyday life. People can complete a great deal of complicated work and communicate with each other by network. Network refers to the internet and information included in it, which provides an opportunity for people to gain useful information they need. Meanwhile, people greatly improve their working efficiency with a computer. However, there is a lot of information on the internet which not only contains good information, but harmful information as well. Is the network good or bad for our life? The answers to this question are diverse.

Some people think that network is good for their everyday life, for it caters to their inclination. They browse the internet for capturing related information and downloading files according to their needs. For example, to work and study, they are accessible to academic web site to search articles no matter which country they come from. As for entertainment, they can also download musics and movies from web site to their computers. For this reason, many people are fascinated with the internet and keep their computer at hand when they encounter any problem. They certainly believe that the internet is a helpful tool for their daily life.

Some other people however, think that network is harmful to their da

ily life. Because there are many pornographic websites on the internet which can mislead a lot of people ranging from Children to adults. There are also some cheating information and annoying advertisements they can not get rid of. So, they are afraid of suffing on the internet. They confirm that the internet will destroy their life.

I think that the internet is very helpful for our daily life. Networks have made it possible to capture the attention of millions of people. Not only does it broaden our view, but bring us some useful information. As for junk information, however, our government ought to take strict measures to restrict and filter it. We should not click nasty webpage. If our government and we does it well, I fully believe that the internet will provide more convenience for us. Whether you like it or not, network has come closer and closer to you.
