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日前,一段35秒视频在网上疯传:在成都,一名男司机将一名女司机逼停后当街殴打,整个过程触目惊心,该视频也引起了人们对和谐社会的热议。 请你针对什么是和谐社会以及如何建设和谐社会发表看法。字数在150字左右。




Recently, the video has aroused a heated debate that a male driver mercilessly hit another female one.




Recently, the video has aroused a heated debate that a male driver mercilessly hit another female one. The public take different attitudes towards it, some even go so far as doubt about the Chinese dream of building a harmonious society. So is it really beyond the reach of us Chinese? Definitely not.

First, we must have a clear idea what kind of society can be defined as harmonious. A harmonious society, in my view, should be one where its people show deep love for the nation. Besides, the citizens enjoy a high standard of civilization, respecting and caring for each other. Most importantly, people in such society ought to live in harmony with nature, which makes sustainable development possible.

Realizing the goal, of course, calls for everyone’s efforts. As citizens, we should take great pride in our nation and never do any harm to its image or benefits. Mutual care and understanding are also necessary when getting along with others as they will surely contribute to a harmonious social network. Furthermore, economic development should not be gained at the price of nature. Otherwise, not only we, but our future generations would not survive.








Part Ⅰ Writing (30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled A Harmonious Society in My Mind. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.




A Harmonious Society in My Mind

Part ⅡReading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes)

Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.

Entertainment in London

Buying Books

Londoners are great readers. They buy vast numbers of newspapers and magazines and even of books especially paperbacks, which are still comparatively cheap in spite of ever-increasing rises in the costs of printing. They still continue to buy "proper" books, too, printed on good paper and bound between hard covers.

There are many streets in London containing shops which specialize in book-selling. Perhaps the best known of these is Charing Cross Road in the very heart of London. Here bookshops of all sorts and sizes are to be found, from the celebrated one which boasts of being "the biggest bookshop in the world" to the tiny, dusty little places which seem to have been left over from Dickens' time. Many of them specialize in second-hand books, in art books, in foreign books, in books of philosophy, politics or any other of the various subjects about which books may be written. One shop in this area specializes solely in books about ballet!

Although it may be the most convenient place for Londoners to buy books, Charing Cross Road is not the cheapest. For the really cheap second-hand volumes, the collector must venture off the busy and crowded roads, to Farringdon Road in the East Central district of London. Here there is nothing so grand as bookshops. Instead, the booksellers come along each morning and tip out their sacks of books on to barrows(推车) which line the gutters(贫民区). And the collectors, some professional and some amateur, who have been waiting for them, pounce towards the sellers. In places like this one can still, occasionally, pick up for a few pence an old volume that may be worth many pounds.

Both Charing Cross Road and Farringdon Road are well-known places of the book buyer. Yet all over London there are bookshops, in places not so well known, where the books are equally varied and exciting. It is in the sympathetic atmosphere of such shops that the loyal book buyer feels most at home. In these shops, even the life-long book-browser is frequently rewarded by the accidental discovery of previously unknown delights. One could, in fact, easily spend a lifetime exploring London's bookshops. There are many less pleasant ways of spending time!

Going to the Theatre

London is very rich in theatres: there are over forty in the West End alone--more than enough to ensure that there will always be at least two or three shows running to suit every kind taste, whether serious or lighthearted.

Some of them are specialist theatres. The Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, where the great opera singers of the world can be heard, is the home of opera and the Royal Ballet. The London Coliseum now houses the English National Opera Company, which encourages English singers in particular and performs most operas in English at popular prices.

Some theatres concentrate on the classics and serious drama, some on light comedy, some on musicals. Most theatres have a personality of their own, from the old, such as the Theatre Royal (also 1

called the "Haymarket") in the Haymarket, to the more modern such as the recently opened Baibican centre in the city. The National Theatre has three separate theatres in its new building by Waterloo Bridge. At the new Barbican centre the Royal Shakespeare Company has their London home—their other centre is at Stratford-on-Avon.

Most of the old London theatres are concentrated in a very small area, within a stone's throw of the Piccadilly and Leicester Square tube stations. As the evening performances normally begin either at seven-thirty or eight p. m., there is a kind of minor rush-hour between seven-fifteen and eight o'clock in this district. People stream out of the nearby tube stations, the pavements are crowded, and taxis and private cars maneuver into position as they drop theatre-goers outside the entrance to each theatre. There is another minor rush-hour when the performance finishes. The theatre in London is very popular and it is not always easy to get in to see a successful play.

Before World War Ⅱ, theatre performances began later and a visit to the theatre was a more formal occasion. Nowadays very few people "dress" for the theatre (that is, wear formal evening dress) except for first nights or an important performance. The times of performance were put forward during the war and have not been put back. The existing times make the question of eating a rather tricky problem: one has to have either early dinner or late supper. Many restaurants in "theatreland" ease the situation by catering specially for early or late dinners.

Television and the difficulty of financing plays have helped to close many theatres. But it seems that the worst of the situation is now over and that the theatre, after a period of decline, is about to pick up again. Although some quite large provincial towns do not have a professional theatre, there are others, such as Nottingham, Hull, Coventry or Newcastle, which have excellent companies and where a series of plays are performed during one season by a resident group of actors. Some towns such as Chichester or Edinburgh have theatres which give summer seasons. Even in small towns a number of theatres have been built in the last few years to cater for the local population.

Music in Britain

It is debatable whether the tastes of kings reflect those of their subjects. However, three English monarchs certainly shared their people's linking for music. Richard Ⅰ(1157-1199), the "Lionheart", composed songs that he sang with his musician, Blondel. It is said that when the king was a prisoner in Austria, Blondel found him by singing a song known only to him and the king, who took up the tune in the tower of the castle in which he was secretly imprisoned. Henry VⅢ (1491-1547), notorious for his six wives, was a skilled musician and some of his songs are still known and sung. Queen Victoria (1819-1901) and her husband, Prince Albert, delighted in singing ballads. The great composer and pianist Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847) was a welcome guest at their court, where he would accompany the Queen and the Prince when they sang.

The British love of music is often unfamiliar to foreigners, probably because there are few renowned British composers. The most famous is Henry Purcell (1658-1695), whose opera "Dido and Aeneas" is a classic. The rousing marching song "Lillibulero" attributed to Purcell, now used by BBC as an identification signal preceding Overseas Service news bulletins, was said to have "sung James Ⅱ out of three kingdoms" when he fled from Britain in 1688. Sir Edward Elgar (1857-1934) is known for his choral and orchestral works, some of which have been made more widely known by the famous violinist Yehudi Menuhin. Benjamin Britten (1913-1976), a composer with a very personal style, has become world-famous for such operatic works as "Peter Grimes" and "Billy Budd". Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958) was deeply influenced by English folk music, as is shown by his variations on the old tune "Green-sleeves" (which most people consider a folk song). In recent years there has been a great revival of folk music, and groups specializing in its performance have sprung up all over Britain. This phenomenon has its roots in the work of Cecil Sharp (1859-1924), who collected folk songs and dances.

Present-day concern with music is shown by the existence of something like a hundred summer schools in music, which cater for all grades of musicians, from the mere beginner to the skilled performer. These schools, where a friendly atmosphere reigns, provide courses lasting from a weekend to three or four weeks, and cover a wide range, from medieval and classical music to 2

rock-and-roll and pop. There are also important musical festivals in towns such as Aldeburgh, Bath, and Cheltenham. Pop-music festivals draw thousands of people, especially young people. In the great cities there are resident world-famous orchestras and from all over the world great performers come to play or sing in Britain. In many towns there are brass bands, and the players are often such people as miners or members of the local fire brigade, for music in Britain is not just an elegant interest, it is above all democratic.

1. Which of the following do the great readers in London probably buy the least?

A) Newspaper B) Magazine C) Paperback D) Hardback

2. Chafing Cross Road is very famous because______.

A) all kinds of bookstores are along the streets

B) it lies right in the center of London

C) they have the cheapest books in London

D) the biggest bookstore in the world is there

3. What can you learn about Farringdon Road?

A) It's to the east of London.

B) It's a street of bookstores.

C) It's a center for second-hand books.

D) It's where worthless books are sold.

4. What does the author mean by saying "some of them are specialist theatres"?

A) Those theatres only have operas show

B) The theatres are especially good for their ballet show

C) These theatres offer really affordable ticket

D) They each hold a special type of play or show

5. Because of the theatre performances, the area around Piccadilly and Leicester Square tube stations gets crowded______.

A) before seven-thirty B) between seven and eight

C) at about eight o'clock D) from seven-fifteen to eight

6. What kind of change did World War I1 bring to the theatres?

A) The putting forward of dinner B) The costume of the performance

C) The time of the performance D) The restaurants nearly offer different food

7. What, according to the author, caused the decline of theatre business?

A) There are not professional theatres in large provincial towns.

B) During World War Ⅱ, a lot of theatres were destroyed.

C) Some people begin to choose stay at home and watch TV.

D) The performance of the plays is becoming worse and worse.

8. According to the author, three music lovers of the royal family members are______________.

9. The British love of music is not known to foreigners for__________________.

10. The courses offered by summer school in music where a friendly atmosphere reigns last _______.

Part Ⅳ Reading Comprehension(Reading in Depth)(25 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for

each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.


Education is a long process that not only provides us with basic skills such as literacy and numeracy, but is also essential in shaping our future lives. From the moment we enter small children, and as we progress through primary and secondary education, we are laying the foundation and work with those around us. And of course health education helps us to understand how we can

For most people, this process ends when they are in their mid-to-late teens. For others, however, it they will learn more useful skills such as computer literacy or basic business management. Others will enroll in a program of education at a university where, with hard work, they will have the opportunity to graduate after three or four years with a well-earned degree. After that, they may work —an M.A., for example, or a PhD. And if they live a long way from a college or university, they might follow a correspondence course using mail and the near a school for many years, have started to study again and can proudly class themselves as mature students.


But things are different now. The stock market bubble has burst and, despite signs of economic recovery. Wall Street seems to be sunk in gloom. A string of scandals at some of America's most high-flying firms--including Enron, Xerox. Tyco, Global Crossing and most recently, World Com has radically changed the public mood.

As political pressure for reform increases, so too does the heat on Mr Bush. Is the businessman's president really prepared to take business on and push hard for reform? Despite the set jaw and aggrieved tone in New York. Probably not. Mr. Bush thinks the current crisis stems from a few bad-apple chief executives rather than the system as a whole. Hence he focus on tough penalties for corrupt businessmen and his plea for higher ethical standards. The president announced the creation of a financial-crimes SWAT team, at the Justice Department to root out corporate fraud, and wants to double the maximum prison sentence for financial fraud from five to ten years. But he offered few concrete suggestions for systemic reform: little mention of changes to strengthen shareholders' rights, not even an endorsement of the Senate corporate-reform bill.

There are few signs yet that cleaning up corporate America is an issue that animates the voters. Polls show that Americans have little faith in their business leaders, but politicians do not seem to be suffering as a result. Mr. Bush's approval ratings have fallen from their sky-highs, but they are still very strong.

The president, therefore, need do no more than talk tough. This alone will convince ordinary Americans that he is on top of the issue. As the economy rebounds and public outage subsides, the clamor for change will be quieter. Democratic attacks will fizzle, and far-reaching reform bills will be watered down before they become law. Politically, the gamble makes sense. Unfortunately for American capitalism, a great opportunity will be missed.

57. We can infer from the third paragraph that Mr. Bush______.

A) didn't intend to take business on and push hard for reform

B) did not do anything at all for the presence of the current situation

C) took shareholders' right into account, but he didn't approve reform bill

D) took some measures to pave the way for the reform

58. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A) Bush had to offer concrete suggestions for reform as political pressure increase

B) At present, the maximum prison sentence for financial fraud is five year

C) It is laughable that M Bush publicly attacked America's corporate bosses

D) Americans have little faith in their business as well as political leaders

59. Which of the following statements about Mr. Bush is mentioned in this passage?

A) M Bush is the second President with an MBA in American history

B) M Bush contributes a lot to decade-long economic boom

C) M Bush's approval ratings are still high

D) M Bush didn't get support in his presidential campaign

60. The author's attitude towards the reform is______.

A) indifferent B) optimistic C) skeptical D) favorable

61. The phrase "a great opportunity" mentioned in the last paragraph refers to an opportunity to____.

A) carry out reform B) boom economy

C) animate the voters D) attack chief executive

Passage Two

Questions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage.

In recent decades, there is a phenomenon which makes us give some attention; the so-called Southeast Asian "tigers" have rivaled the western "lions" for stock cliches that make economic headlines. The myth of American economic hegemony(霸权) over Asia in the imposing and patriarchal figure of Uncle Sam has provided frequent political grist (有利) for Southeast Asian political leaders, particularly Malaysia's Prime Minister Mahathir. He has attempted to forge an 5




defuse (public) anger/discontent;to properly channel public sentiments


lack of credibility

3. 发展为了人民、发展依靠人民、发展成果由人民共享

development for the people, by the people and to the benefit of the people


all-win harmony;harmony and all winners


ensure equity and justice


foster a culture of clean government


reduce social inequalities


live in harmony


the characteristics of a harmonious society


Harmony generates and sameness stops/stifles vitality


Harmony is most precious;Peace is to be cherished.


Harmony is the Way to be. (The Doctrine of the Mean)


Gentlemen seek harmony but not uniformity.


Reconciliation benefits both; Peace benefits both.


Reconciliation leads to harmony.


the unity of man/human and nature; Heaven-Man Oneness(书面);

Heaven and man are one.(口译)

17.“和”是中国文化传统的基本精神, 也是中华民族不懈追求的理想境界。

Harmony is a defining/core value of China’s cultural tradition. It is an ideal that the Chinese nation has never ceased to pursue.


“Harmony is most precious”. This means that mutual help and friendly co-existence between states, nations and people should be our ultimate pursuit.


harmony in diversity/harmony without uniformity


“Harmony generates vitality”. This means that only with mutual interaction and enrichment can different

civilizations rejuvenate and continue to grow.


To build a harmonious world, we should uphold democracy and equality to enhance cooperation and coordination; ensure amity/fertility and mutual trust to achieve common security; uphold justice and mutual benefit to advance common development; and stay open to facilitate dialogue among



A harmonious country should be one of laws and stability, peace and prosperity. A harmonious world should be one of democracy, peace, justice and tolerance.


We Chinese hold that one should be as tolerant/encompassing as the vast ocean which admits hundreds of rivers and should draw upon other’s strengths.


Harmony rallys strength and leads to great successes.


China is eager to draw on/upon the strengths of other civilizations.


关于“xxx 观”的译法


scientific outlook on development


call for the establishment of a new just and equitable order


new thinking on development based on equality and mutual benefit


foster a new thinking on security featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination


foster a new thinking on civilization that respects diversity


new thinking on energy development



旧译 let the ancient serve the present, let the foreign serve the national

现译 draw from past and foreign achievements


cultural and art work; work in the cultural field


firmly keep to the direction of an advanced culture/cultural advancement


interaction between cultural work, and economic and political activities

cultural elements/factors intermingle with economic and political factors


a socialist culture that is distinctly Chinese, pro-science and people-oriented


promote mainstream values and uphold cultural diversity


Equip/empower people with scientific theories, guide them with correct opinions/ convey to them right messages/provide them with correct media guidance, imbue them with a noble spirit and inspire them with excellent/fine works


Chinese-style socialist culture; socialist culture with Chinese appeal


The pride of a nation is also the pride of the world.

What's unique for a nation is also precious for the world.

When you are unique, the world comes to you.


Culture and arts should be/keep close to the people, their lives and reality.


Art nurtures the soul and culture cultivates the mind.


Culture is the spiritual bond that ensures the continuity of our Chinese nation.


We must never sever the cultural vein of our nation.


to foster a right/correct outlook/view on the world, life and values


cultural market, cultural trade


always put social benefit first


support major/top-notch cultural projects and art troupes that represent national characteristics and national level


1.文化体制改革 reform of cultural administrative system

2.文化(事业内部)机制改革 internal reform of cultural institutions

3.文化事业 public cultural undertakings

4.文化产业 cultural industries

5.文化事业单位 cultural institutions

6.社会文化和图书馆事业 work of community culture and libraries

7.经营性文艺演出 commercial (art and cultural) performance

8.经营性文化单位 cultural enterprises

9.“全国舞台精品工程” Works of Excellence on the Nation’s Stage

10.“文化扶贫计划” Culture-aid Program/Cultural Aid Program

11.“全国文化信息资源共享工程” National Project for the Sharing of Cultural Information and Resources

12.“国家清史纂修工程” National Project for the Recompilation of Qing Dynasty History

13.“三下乡”(文化、科技、卫生) Bringing Culture/Science and Technology/Hygienic Health to the


14.“群星奖” Galaxy Award (for amateur artists and community culture)

15.“文华奖” Splendor Award (for professional theatrical artworks)

16.“荷花奖” Lotus Award (for professional dance)

17.“孔雀奖” Peacock Award (for ethnic minority artists and artworks)

18.“五个一工程奖” the Best Works Award

19.“三个一百” “A Hundred Patriotic Films/Songs/Books” List


There should be cultural center and library in every county and cultural station in every township.


principles for the protection of cultural heritage: “preservation with timely rescue; utilization under strict control”.

22.全国重点文物保护单位 important heritage site under state protection

23.全国一级文物保护单位 Class A Heritage site under state protection

24.国家一级保护文物 Class A heritage/cultural property under national protection

25.保护和振兴地方戏曲 protect and rejuvenate local operas

26.曲艺 Quyi folk show,chuyi folk show(folk ballads and story-telling, etc.)

27.讴歌时代 extol/hail/sing praise to(the progress of)the times

28.国家一级演员 National Class-A Actor/Actress/Performer/Artist

29.晚会 Evening performance,Soiree,Gala Night/Evening

30.总策划 Producer

31.策划 Executive Producer

32.顾问 Advisor

33.主办 under the auspices of / sponsored by / hosted by

34.协办、支持 co-sponsored by,supported by

35.承办 presented by

36.监制 supervised by


37.创意 event/concept designed by

38.对外文化贸易 international cultural trade

39.对外文化传播 international cultural communication

40.对外文化宣传 international cultural publicity

41.小额文化援助 small-fund aid for cultural development


Pursue scientific, harmonious and peaceful development


Fully apply(put into practice)the Scientific Outlook (Thinking) on Development


The central government revenue exceeded targets by a fair amount for the years 2003 through 2006. 避免经济增长由偏快转为过热

Prevent rapid economic growth from becoming overheated


Major progress has been made in the current stage of our efforts to bring order to small coalmines. 实事求是 Pursue a realistic and pragmatic approach

解放思想 Free our minds

电视覆盖从行政村向自然村延伸 TV coverage extends from incorporated villages to unincorporated villages.

不搞一刀切 without imposing a single solution

保证人民的知情权﹑参与权﹑表达权和监督权 Ensure people’s right to know, to participate, to express and to supervise.

加强支农、惠农政策 Strengthen the policy of supporting agriculture and benefiting farmers 单位 Organizations and institutions


The path of peaceful development has both external and domestic dimensions. Thus, we must bear closely in mind our overall interests, both internal and external.


Like it or not, the diversity of civilizations is a reality.

对外宣传工作 conduct public diplomacy programs

解决民生问题 to improve people’s well-being


“To win distant friends, one needs, first of all, to have good relations with his neighbors. To avoid adversity, one needs to ease animosity.”

我的脑子里充满了忧患。 I am preoccupied with pressing challenges.

到……挂职 to take up provisional post in

非政府组织 / 民间组织 / 群众组织 / 人民团体

NGOs / civil society / people's organizations / civic organizations

巡视员 inspector

调研员 researcher

主任科员 principal staff

副主任科员 senior staff

科员 staff member

编内职工 permanent staff

中编办 Central Staffing Department

编制人数 staff size

国家行政编制 government staff status

事业编制 staffing of government affiliated institutions

党政正职领导干部 chief Party and government officials



To truly put economic and social development on a scientific track

科学民主决策 Make decisions scientifically and democratically

中央 The national leadership/The central Party and government authorities/The central government 我们要发展老龄事业 We will develop old age programs.


We must maintain a strong sense of responsibility to the country and people and take forceful measures
