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篇一:四年级英语My Classroom同步练习题1

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Hello, Li Hong. Let's go and have a look. Ok. Wow!

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篇二:Unit 1 My Classroom 习题卷 2013新版人教版四年级英语上册


四年级unit 1 练习题

姓名:____________ 家长签名:_____________ 分数:_________



( ) 1. A. door B. window C. clean ( ) 2. A. open B. blackboard C. close

( ) 3. A. desk B. classrom C. chair ( ) 4. A. one B. two C. picture

( ) 5. A. see B. door C. chair ( ) 6. A. turn on B. light C. put up


( ) 1. A. cat B. bag ( ) 2. A. dad B. hate

( ) 3. A. cake B. Kate ( ) 4. A. hat B. make

四、选择题。w W w . x K b 1.c o M

( ) 1. --_________ my picture? -- It’s on the blackboard. A. What’s B. Where’s C. Where

( ) 2. Wow! It’s _____ beautiful! A. so B. how C. a

( ) 3. Open the ______. A. picture B. light C. door

( ) 4. Close the ______. A. blackboard B. floor C. window

( ) 5. Let’s go _____ see. A. and B. or C. /

( ) 6. We ____ a new classroom. A. has B. have C. are

( ) 7. This is a ______ desk. A. teacher B. teacher’s C. teachers

( ) 8. The window _____ green. A. am B. is C. are

( ) 9. This is ____ chair. It’s red. A. my B. me C. I

( ) 10. Look! This is a TV. It’s ______. A. a black B. black C. a big

( ) 11. Let ____ clean the blackboard. A. I B. me C. we


( ) 1. 你想让别人和你一起打扫教室,你说:_________.

A. Let me clean the classroom B. Let’s clean the classroom C. Let’s clean the window.

( ) 2. 你想自己擦桌子,你说:________

A. Let’s clean the desk. B. Let me clean the desk C. Let me clean the chair.

( ) 3. 你想帮助别人,你说:_________X k B 1 . c o m

A. Let me help you. B. Let you help me C. Let’s help each other

( ) 4. 你想问别人叫什么名字,你说:_______

A. Where is it? B. What’s your name? C. Where are you from?

( ) 5. 你想问别人来自哪里,你说:_______

A. Where is it? B. What’s your name? C. Where are you from?

( ) 6. 你想找你的铅笔,你会问:_____

A. Where is my pencil? B. Where is it from? C. What’s its name?


( ) Good morning, Amy. Let’s clean the classroom.

( ) Then let me clean the desks and chairs.

( ) OK. Let me clean the blackboard.

( ) Good morning, Sarah..

七、阅读对话,判断正 √ 错×。

A: We have a new classroom.

B: OK. Let’s go and have a look.

A: Look, five fans and four doors.

B: And a new computer. It’s cool.

A: I like my new classroom.

B: Me too. w W w .X k b 1.c O m

( ) 1. We have a new classroom.

( ) 2. We have two fans.

( ) 3. We have six lights.

( ) 4. We have a new computer.

( ) 5. We like the new classroom.




____b____ ____D____ ____G____ ____h____ ____ K ____


( )1.Mike : Good morning. John: _____________.

(A) Nice to meet you. (B) Good morning.

( )2.Sarah: What’s in the classroom? Wu Yifan:_________.

(A) One blackboard, one TV, six lights. (B) It’s nice and clean. ( )3.Chen Jie :Let me help you. Amy: _____________.

(A)Thank you. (B) Hello.

( )4.门是橘红色的。

(A)The door is orange. (B)What’s on the door?

( )5.我们有一间新教室。

(A)I have a pen. (B)We have a new classroom.

my classroom练习题

( )6.A: Where’s the computer? B:_____________.(在窗户旁边)

(A)It’s near the window. (B)It’s near the desk.

( )7.我喜欢我的教室。

(A)I like my classroom. (B)The classroom is so big.

( )8.A:Hello! B:______!

(A) Nice to meet you. (B) Hello.

( )9.A: Where is the blue pencil box ? B: _______.(在地板上)

(A) It is on the floor. (B) It is under the teacher’s desk.

( )10.让我来擦黑板吧!

(A)Let’s clean the window. (B) Let me clean the blackboard.


( )1、你想问同学你的教室里有什么,你应该说:

A. What’s in the classroom?

B Where’s the classroom?

C What is the classroom?

( )2、你建议Zhang Peng去看一看,你应该说:

A. May I have a look?

B. Let me see.

C. Let’s go and see.

( )3、你向别人介绍你们的新教室,应该这样说:

A. This is my new seat.

B. Our classroom is beautiful.

C. This is the new classroom.

( )4、建议同学们打扫教室时,应该说:

A. Let’s clean the classroom.

B. Let me clean the windows.

C. We have a new classroom.


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

(A).Turn on the light . (B).Clean the floor . (C).Open the door.

(D).Clean the blackboard. (E).Put up the picture. (F).Clean the window.

五.把下列句子翻译成汉语。 1 We have a new classroom.

2 Let’s go and see.

3 It’s so big.

4 Where is it? --------It’s near the window.

5 Let me clean the teacher’s desk. 6 Let me help you.


1. and the Let's classroom clean


2. me the Let desk clean teacher’s


3. up picture Put the


4. classroom What’s the in


5. near window the It’s



Hi! I'm Sarah. We have a new classroom. It's very big. You can see two blackboards, one computer, six fans, many desks and chairs. Three pictures are on the wall. They're nice. The windows are blue. The floor is purple. The door is yellow. My seat is near the window. I love my classroom.

( ) 1. Sarah's classroom is small.

( ) 2. You can see six fans.

( ) 3. The windows are yellow.

( ) 4.There are two blackboards in the classroom.

( ) 5. Sarah's seat is near the door.

篇三:2013年pep小学四年级英语上册unit1 My Classroom测试题

英语四年英语上册 unit1 My Classroom 姓名: 分数:

2 l___gh___(灯)

4 ___ict___ ___e(图画)

6 f___ ___(风扇)

8 com___ ___t___ ___(计算机) 一 根据汉语提示补全下列单词(10分) 1 ___ind___w(窗户) 3 ___ ___ll (墙) 5 d___ ___r (门) 7 ___loo___ (地板)

9 bl___ ___kb___ ___rd (黑板) 10 t___ ___cher’s desk(讲台)

二 英汉互译(10分)

1 擦黑板___________________ 2 clean the classroom_________________ 3 好主意___________________

5 打开 ____________________

7 开门 ____________________

9 好吧 ____________________ 4 fish bowl _______________________ 6 near the window___________________ 8 on the fan ______________________ 10 look at _______________________

三 单项选择(20分)

( )1 Let_____ clean the classroom.

A my B me C I

( ) 2 The desks _____green.

A / B are C is

( )3 ---Where is my pencil? ---It’s_______.

A on floor B on the floor C on floors

( ) 4 Let’s go and _____.

A see B sees C to see

( )5 Where are _____from?

A you B your C she

( )6---_____are you? ---Fine, thank you.

A What B Where C How

( )7 She is _____teacher.

A a B an C the

( )8 ---Who is that_____? ---She’s my sister.

A boy B girl C man

( ) 9____some fruit.

A Has B Has C To have

( )10 ----______is your aunt? ---She’s a doctor.

A Where B What C How

四 从方框中选择合适的单词或短语补全句子。(12分)

1 Let’s_________ the classroom.

2 My seat is ________the door.

3 Let me ________the floor.

4 _________the TV. Let’s watch a football match.(足球赛)

5 We _________a new picture every year.(每年)

6 ________the door.

五 情景对话(15分)

( )1 当你的同学Amy建议大家一起打扫教室时,她说:

A Let’s clean the blackboard. B Let’s clean the classroom.

C Let me clean the classroom.

( ) 2 小刚找不到他的书包,他问小华,应该用英语这样说:

A What’s in my school? B Who’s this? C Where’s my schoolbag?

( )3 当你看到Chen Jie 的教室特别大时,你会说:

A It’s so big. B It’s so nice. C It’s so beautiful.

( )4 你想说我们都是好朋友,你会说:

A She’s my good friend. B We are good friends.

( )5你想把Li Yan介绍给你的朋友Lisa,你要说:

A Li Yan, this is my friend Lisa. B Lisa, this is my friend Li Yan.

六 连词成句(15分)

1 me, clean, the, blackboard, let,(.)


2 in, the, is, what, classroom,(?)


3 have, we, a, new, computer,(.)


4 my, is, where, seat,(?)


5 wall, the, white, is,(.)


七 阅读短文,对的在( )写“T”,错的在( )写“F”.(18分)

I am Jim. I’m from England. I’m ten. I’m a student. My father is a driver. My mother is a teacher. Kate is my good friend. She’s from China. She’s ten, too. We are in Class One Grade Three. Her mother is a nurse and her father is a postman(邮递员)。

( ) 1 Jim is from England.

( ) 2 Jim and Kate are students.

( ) 3 Jim’s father is a teacher.

( ) 4 Kate’s father is a postman.

( ) 5 Kate is eleven.

( ) 6 Jim and Kate are good friends.

篇四:unit 1 My classroom 练习题

Unit 1 My classroom 单元练习题 一 根据汉语提示补全下列单词。

1.win___ ___w(窗户) 2. l___ gh ___(灯)

3. ___ ___ll (墙) 4 .___ict___ ___e(图画)

5 .d___ ___r (门) 6. f___ ___(风扇)

7. ___loo___ (地板) 8 .com___ ___t___ ___(计算机)

9. bl___ ___kb___ ___rd (黑板) 10 .t___ ___cher’s desk(讲台)


1、Turn ____the light ,please !

A、 under B、 on C、 in

2、We have ____new classroom.

A、the B、 an C、 a

3、We have five new ____.

A、 chair B、 chairs C、 chaires

4、 Let me ____the window.

A、 sweep B、 put up C、 clean

5、 What is this?

It is a ____.

A、 bee B、 egg C、 orange

6. Let_____ clean the classroom.

A my B me C I

7. The desks _____green.

A / B are C is

8. ---Where is my pencil? ---It’s_______.

A on floor B on the floor C on floors

9.Let’s go and _____.

A see B sees C to see

10. Where are _____from?

A you B your C she

11.---_____are you? ---Fine, thank you.

A What B Where C How

12. She is _____teacher.

A a B an C the

13. ---Who is that_____? ---She’s my sister.

A boy B girl C man

14.____some fruit.

A Has B Have C To have

15. ----______is your aunt? ---She’s a doctor.

A Where B What C How


( )1 当你的同学Amy建议大家一起打扫教室时,她说:

A Let’s clean the blackboard. B Let’s clean the classroom.

C Let me clean the classroom.

( ) 2 小刚找不到他的书包,他问小华,应该用英语这样说:

A What’s in my school? B Who’s this? C Where’s my schoolbag?

( )3 当你看到Chen Jie 的教室特别大时,你会说:

A It’s so big. B It’s so nice. C It’s so beautiful.

( )4 你想说我们都是好朋友,你会说:

A She’s my good friend. B We are good friends.

( )5你想把Li Yan介绍给你的朋友Lisa,你要说:

A Li Yan, this is my friend Lisa. B Lisa, this is my friend Li Yan.

四. 连词成句:

1 me, clean, the, blackboard, let,(.)


2 in, the, is, what, classroom,(?)


3 have, we, a, new, computer,(.)


4 my, is, where, seat,(?)


5 wall, the, white, is,(.)



( )Amy: Hello ,Mike.

( )Mike: Really ? Let’s go and have a look .

( )Mike: Hi, Amy. This is Zhang Peng. Our new classmate.

( )Zhang Peng : Where’s my seat?

( )Amy : Mike, we have a new classmate.

( )Mike: It’s near the door.


( )1.我们有一间新教室。 A.Let me clean the board. ( )2.让我来擦黑板。 B.We have 6 new lights.

( )3.教室里有什么? C.Good idea!

( )4.我们有六盏新灯。 D.We have a new classroom. ( )5.擦窗户! E.It’s nice and clean.

( )6.我的座位在哪儿? F.What’s in the classroom? ( )7.好主意! G.Good job!

( )8.干得好! H.Where is my seat? ( )9.它又漂亮又干净。 I.Clean the windows!

( )10.我们去看一看吧! J.Let’s go and have a look.


Chen Jie: Hello, Zhang Peng. __________

Zhang Peng: Hello, John. We have a new classroom.

Chen Jie: __________

John: Wow! It’s so big.

Chen Jie: I have a new desk.

Zhang Peng: __________

John: Look at the picture,

Chen Jie: __________ John: Where’s my seat?

Zhang Peng: __________


Alice: Hello, I’m a new student.

Amy: Hello, my name is Amy. Welcome to our school!

Alice: Thank you. I like my new school very much.

Amy: Me too. Let’s go to our class, OK?

Alice: OK. Let’s go. Who’s that man? Is he our Chinese(语文) teacher? Amy: No, he’s our English teacher, Mr Zhang.

Alice: I see. Who’s that girl?

Amy: She’s Helen. She’s a new student, too.

( )1、Alice is a new student.

( )2、Alice and Amy like the school.

( )3、Mr Zhang is a Chinese teacher.

( )4、Helen is a boy.

( )5、Helen is a new student, too.

篇五:词汇练习(My Classroom)(1)

Book 2 Unit 16 词汇练习(My Classroom)



课室( ) board rubber 黑板擦( )

tape recorder 录音机( ) dictionary 字典( )

blackboard 黑板( ) mouse 老鼠(单数)( )

exercise 练习( ) chalk 粉笔( ) mice 老鼠(复数)( )


1 2 3

4 5


7 8 9
