作业帮 > 字数作文 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 08:20:39 字数作文


阅读表达 (每小题2分,共10分)


[1]Stamp collectors usually collect stamps only from certain countries or regions. The traditional method of stamp collecting is to organize stamp collection according to the issue dates.

[2]Of course, there are many other methods of collecting stamps. You can collect stamps relating to a particular theme. For example, sport lovers may choose the Olympic theme. They try their best to find Olympic stamps issued by various parts of the world every four years. Some of them may want to concentrate on even more specific sport activities like ball games, gymnasium, swimming, etc.

[3]If you like astronomy, you may be keen on collecting stamps describing the stars, planets, spacecraft, spacemen, etc. Once you have fixed the topic, you no longer need to bother about stamps other than the theme you selected. Then, you can put all your effort to collect the stamps around it.

[4]China issues zodiac animal stamps (十二生肖邮票) every year to celebrate the Lunar New Year. They are extremely popular and a lot of collectors wait patiently for 12 years to collect a full set of them. Hong Kong’s Lunar New Year special stamp series began in 2000 with the Year of Dragon and the twelfth and final set was issued in 2011, the Year of Rabbit. Recently some Western countries have issued zodiac animal stamps, which attract a lot of attention as well.

[5]You may choose any theme you like. However, you should bear in mind an essential point. The topic you choose should not be too narrow. Otherwise, it is very difficult to accumulate stamps around the topic. You will be depressed and even lose your interest in collecting stamps.

[6]Collecting stamps with these is especially popular among teenagers because there is a wide range of choices for The main challenge is how you organize and expand your collection around your theme.

1. What is the main idea of the passage? (no more than 5 words)


2. What should you do if you want to collect a full set of zodiac animal stamps? (no more than 7



3. List the three general themes in collecting stamps mentioned in the passage. (no more than 5 words)


4. What does the word "them" in Line 2 Paragraph 6 probably refer to? (no more than 2 words) ___________________________________________________________________________

5. What theme would you like to choose if you collect stamps? Why? (no more than 20words)

1. Collecting Stamps with themes.

52. We /I should wait for 12 years.

53. Sports; astronomy, animals.

54. teenagers.

55.(Open.) e. g. I’d like to choose sports. Because sports is a wide topic, and it is easy to accumulate stamps around this topic./ I ‘m interested in sports and it is easy for me to collect stamps about sports.



行人(passer-by)闯红灯的危害 : 妨碍交通,影响车辆的正常行驶,容易引发事故,危及他人和自身的生命安全, (自己设想)对行人闯红灯的处罚措施 批评教育,让其一是到闯红灯的危害性, 当场给与警告并罚款……


2. 参考词汇:jaywalk乱穿马路,


Recently we held a class meeting to discuss the problem of passers-by crossing the street while the traffic light id red. As we can see, some passers-by don’t obey traffic rules and jaywalk frequently. This blocks traffic, seriously affects drivers and causes accidents to happen, endangering the safety of passers-by and drivers. In a word, jaywalking produces negative effects and does not help develop good social behavior.

It is really a pity to see all this in our society. To deal with the situation, the government has taken some measures. When caught jaywalking, the passers-by are criticized so that they will become aware of the dangers of doing so, or they are fined on the spot. Sometimes the traffic police will report jaywalkers at their workplace and expose them to the public. However, it will still take a long time to stop passers-by from jaywalking. We should start from ourselves right now.

假设你是星光中学的李华,将参加主题为“let’s ride bicycles”的英语演讲比赛。写一份演讲稿,主要内容包括:



Good morning, everyone,

I am Li Hua form Xingguang Middle School. The topic of my speech is "Let's Ride Bicycles". As is known to all, with the improvement of people’s living standards, cars have become a popular means of transport, bringing great convenience to our life. However, they have also caused some problems such as air pollution and traffic jams.

How can we solve the problems then? As far as I’m concerned, riding bicycles is a good solution. For one thing, bicycles don’t need any petrol and they are energy – saving. For another, bicycles are environmentally friendly because they won’t give off waste gas. What’s more, riding bicycles is a good way for us to exercise and it is beneficial to our health.

Therefore, let’s take the responsibility to build up a low carbon city by riding bicycles. Come on and join us! Thank you!





行人闯红灯的危害 对行人闯红灯的处理措施

1. 妨碍交通,影响车辆的正常行驶 1. 批平教育,让其意识到闯


2. 容易引起事故,危及他人和自身 2. 当场给予警告并罚款。


3. ---- (自己设想) 3. ----- (自己设想)


乱穿马路 jay-walk ; 批评,训诫 reprimand

Recently we held a class meeting to discuss the problem of pedestrians

crossing the street while the traffic light is red. As we could see, some

pedestrians don’t obey traffic rule ,and jay-walk frequently. This blocks

traffic seriously affects drivers and causes accidents to happen,

endangering the safety of pedestrians and drivers alike. In a word ,

jaywalking produces negative effects and does not help to develop good

social behavior.

It is really a pity to see all this in our society, and to deal with the

situation , the government has taken some measures. When caught

jaywalking, pedestrians are reprimanded so that they will become aware

of the dangers of doing this , or they are fined on the spot. Sometimes the

traffic police will report jaywalkers to their workplace and expose them

to the public. However, it will still take a long time to stop pedestrians

from jaywalking.

P62. w2




1. 说明招募志愿者活动的目的;

2. 说明此次的活动安排;

3. 报名方式;

4. 联系方式。


Our school will organize a volunteer activity during the coming

summer holiday. The volunteer team will go to the rural areas to give

poor children computer and English lessons. This activity aims to give a

chance to show and prove the students’ abilities.

This activity is arranged to last 7 days or so. It is planned to begin on

July 10. The team members will be arranged to primary schools in

different countries. Your main task is to teach those poor children how to

use computer and learn English well.

Anyone who has good English and computer knowledge is welcomed

warmly. Those who are interested can contact 55886699 or e-mail to

volunteer @sina.com for further information. Looking forward to your

active participation.

P83 w6




关于捐款 关于捐物

1. 捐款可以直接帮助人们 1. 捐物可以旧物利用;

购买生活必需品或用于重建 2. 捐物可能造成浪费,因为家园等。


2. 中学生无生活来源,无钱 所需要的物品。



1. 生活必需品 daily necessities

2. 灾区 disaster-stricken areas

We often give money to the people in poor or disaster-stricken areas. Some students don’t think it a good way to help people there. However, some prefer helping the unfortunate with money . In their opinion, money can be used to buy daily necessities and can help people rebuild their hometowns, while sometimes the things are not what they need actually. But some other students think that giving used clothing to the people in those areas is better. Many people , especially in rich areas and in cities, have much clothing they no longer like or need. By giving it away to the people in need we can make the best use of it. Besides, we are just students ,and we have no income of our own. anyhow, no matter which way is considered better, we should try our best to help those who need help. It goes without saying that money and other donations can be very















五(4)班 陈威全












并列递进:both…and…: and; neither…nor…;either…or…;

not only…but also…;as well as;

表转折或让步:but;although;yet; however;after all;

表举例:for example;such as;in other words

表个人观点:in my opinion ;in our life

表顺序:first of all;besides;

表时间:when;after;before;as soon as ;since then,then; later; next; at last;finally 表因果:because of this ;so;therefore;because;as;for;

表结果:in a word;in short;on the whole, so





3.尾段:豹尾(多运用so, if等)

1.My dream job 2.enjoying the life of Junior high school

3.Helping others makes me happy 4.Life become wo nderful because of helping others

5.What’s the real friendship ? 6.Learn to smile 7.Happiness 8.Face failure bravely

9.keep away from net bars 10.save water

Failure is the mother of success (失败是成功之母)

We all have failure. There is a saying that "Failure is the mother of success". It tells us .Because failure give us more hopes and chance.

One day , I failed an English test . I was very sad. I almost wanted to give it up. At that moment , my friend said to me ,"failure is not a bad thing, but important thing is how to face it bravely . " With her help , I studied harder than before. I practiced speaking English with my friends every day. Day by day, my English was better and better. At last, I got good grades in the exam. I was so happy.

From the thing, I learned a lot . My friend, whenever you are in trouble, please remember, "Failure is the mother of success."

Learn from my friends (向我的朋友学习)

. Everyone has their own advantages, so we should learn from everyone. Maybe you are good

at math, but the others are good at English. So everyone can be your teacher. I should learn from my friend , Lucy.

Lucy is my friend. She is a clever girl. She is kind to others. She often comes first in the exam. She is brave and helpful. One day, her friend’s keys fell into the water. She jumped into the water and found the keys. We all admire her. But she said, “We are classmates. We should help each other.”

I learn a lot from her. such as bravery, kindness .So everybody can be your teacher, you should learn from everyone.

Mother’s Love behind me(妈妈爱在我的身后或母爱)

In my daily life ,I often 遇到困难) and get unhappy. Whenever a person is always (鼓励和帮助我)all the time. That person is my mother.

One evening, I got a bad headache. My mother was so worried that she took me to the hospital at once. At that time, it was raining hard and it was very dark outside. 全身湿透). I couldn't help crying . My mother looked after me all night .The next day I felt much better, but my mother got ill.

How great mother's love is! Mother, what a beautiful word! She gives me life, she helps me to grow up in a healthy way. Mother's love is the greatest in the world. Mother's love is here and there.

Thank you ! Dear teacher(谢谢你,亲爱的老师)

(光阴似箭) It has been three years since I became a middle school student . I remember all my classmates and teachers. The teacher I never forget is Mr. Luo,an English teacher .He is very kind and friendly. He helped us not only in class but also after class.

Two years ago ,my English was very poor. I wanted to give it up. Seeing this ,my English teacher said to me:” where there is a will, there is a way. if you study hard , you will succeed. I will help you.” So he gave me many advice to improve it., he also gave me every chance to speak in class. With his help, my English has greatly improved. Now I do well in English.

I must thank to Mr. Luo. I wish him a healthy and happy life in the future!

Learn to smile(学会微笑) / Smile to life (微笑面对生活)

Everyone can meet trouble in daily life .we must learn to smile to


life, or we can’t get the happiness,

Last term ,I (考试不及格). At first ,I was so sad .I cried 脚弹钢琴). And he said :“ If you don’t want to cry ,you should laugh loudly.” I thought his words were right .And I was luckier than him ,I didn’t (没有理由哭) .I decided to study harder.

From then on ,I learn to smile to life .If you smile to life ,the life will smile to you .

The first time I learn to…(我第一次学会了、、、、、、) .

I still remember the first time I learned to ride a bike. That was a summer afternoon when I was seven years old, I told my father how I wanted to learn to ride a bike. My father was very pleased to be my “coach”. At first I was too afraid to have a try. Father encouraged

from the bike(跌落几次后), Finally, I could ride a bike. How excited I was!

Now I ride my bike to school, to the shop, to the park, to my friend’s house…. It gives me a lot of pleasure. Whenever I see other kids learning to ride a bike, it reminds me of that summer afternoon.

Helping others makes us happy(帮助别人使我很快乐) \ Happiness (幸福)

Many things make me happy in my life. Happiness is here and there. I can't forget one thing.

Last summer vacation . I went to Dali with my family for a week. The third day, my father took me to Yulong mountain. How beautiful it is! When we went back, I saw a little girl crying in the corner . She couldn't find her mother. We helped her find her mother. Her 是帮助别人的幸福).

It's happy for me to help others. If we can help each other, the world will be better and better.

Saving water is our duty(节约用水时我们的职责)

We live in the world. We have only one earth. Water is important in our lives. Saving water is to save our lives. (没有水我们不能生存).

Now, some people don’t care about it. They wa(倒脏水) in the river. Water pollution is getting more and more serious. In many places, plenty of animals are dead because of the dry weather. So we must save water and stop pollution. Don’t forget to (关水龙头)after washing hands. We mustn’t wash cars with too much water, and we mustn’t water flowers with clean water. We should not 保护水资源) and to find a good way to save it.

Saving water is our duty. If everyone saves much water, the world will be more and more beautiful.

How to keep away from danger的英语作文,要求中学生在学校要注意安全

提示:1遇到坏人时,应向老师寻求帮助,也可打110 。2不吃不干净食物,不吃垃圾食品。 3上学和放学的途中,骑车不要太快,不要闯红灯。 4不要独自到河流、湖泊里面游泳,否则很危险。 5不可以沉迷于网络,不可以独自会见网友

How to keep away from danger(怎样远离危险) . Danger is everywhere(危险无处不在), so we should learn how to keep away from danger. (遇见坏人), we should ask teacher for help. We also can call 110.

Secondly, We shouldn’t eat bad food, we also have less junk food at school. It is bad for our health. (注意安全)on the way home or to (不闯红灯).

Fourthly, we mustn’t swim in a river or a lake alone, or we may be in danger.

At last, we should stay away from computer games, we shouldn’t meet the net friend alone.

Stay away from Computer Games(远离地懊恼游戏)

even middle school students. I read some news before that some college students play computer games and fail in their study. Some students spend too much time in games and them playing at home, so 哄骗) money from parents. Some even (偷钱) from others, which is too serious.

Therefore, it’s extremely important for students to stay far from computer games. But we should be reasonable to use computers to learn on the computer to become a good helper.
