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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 16:23:30 作文素材



A) The area is for passengers only.

B) The woman is asking the man to leave.

C) The woman feels sorry for the man.

D) The man is a member of the staff.


A) Water her plants while she is away.

B) Clean her house while she is away.

C) Water her plants when he is not at work

D) Buy her some plants and take care of them.


A) He doesn't have time.

B) It's not his office hour.

C) He is too tired after class.

D) He will only be available in the afternoon.


A) The man promised her a gift on her birthday.

B) The woman doesn't like watching TV.

C) The woman insists on going out.

D) The man is too tired to go out.


A) It is wiser to take more than four courses.

B) The man will take four courses next semester.

C) There are too many courses offered to students.

D) The woman should take fewer courses next term.


A) Invite Tom to the party.

B) Tell Tom to pick

send me on my way

up the Johnsons.

C) Get the Johnsons' address

D) Ask Tom to send an invitation.


A) Jane is on her way home.

B) Jane is looking for a summer job.

C) Jane is packing for the summer vacation.

D) Jane is eager to go home for the vacation.


A) Touring the city on a fine day.

B) Spending more time on sightseeing.

C) Visiting the city with a group.

D) Taking the man with her on the tour.


A) The woman is driving too fast.

B) The woman has broken a traffic rule.

C) The woman is driving at a slow speed.

D) The woman has parked her car in a wrong place.


A) She may see Joan's brother at lunch.

B) She must call on Joan after the reception.

C) She can tell Joan when she sees her at noon.

D) She should tell Joan's brother about the reception.

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. Passage One

Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard.


A) To teach and train citizens.

B) To save natural resources for future use.

C) To collect taxes.

D) To protect persons and property.


A) By selling public lands.

B) By selling land containing oil.

C) By selling coal and other natural products.

D) By selling services that make life comfortable.


A) People's attitude toward taxes.

B) Police efforts to protect people.

C) Taxes and services for the public.

D) Environmental pollution and protection.

Passage Two

Questions 14 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.


A) His eyesight was too poor.

B) He had to work to support himself.

C) Physics was too hard for him.

D) He didn't like physics any more.


A) He wanted to travel.

B) He found his job boring.

C) He was not qualified to be an engineer.

D) He was not happy with the new director.


A) He wanted to go to Spain.

B) He wanted to work with his friend.

C) He enjoyed travelling around the world.

D) He was rejected by the engineering firm.


A) The owner of the school promised him a good position.

B) He could earn more as a teacher than as a travel agent.

C) He wanted to earn more to support his family.

D) He enjoyed teaching English.

Passage Three

Questions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.


A) It grows easily in various conditions.

B) It gives higher yields than other grain crops.

C) It is delicious but inexpensive.

D) It can be cooked in many ways.


A) Tomato juice.

B) Chocolate beans.

C) Sweet corn

D) Fried potatoes


A) They brought great wealth to Spain.

B) They led to the discovery of America.

C) They made native American life styles well-known.

D) They made native American foods popular.


Section A


W: Excuse me, Sir. You are not supposed to be here. This area is for airport staff only. M: I'm sorry, I didn't note the sign.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?


W: If I buy some plants for the house, will you water them for me while I'm a way?

M: Sure I will, if you water mine while I am on vacation.

Q: What will the man do for the woman?


W: Excuse me, Professor Hill. May I ask you a few questions?

M: Yes, of course. But I'm sorry I have a class at ten. Why don't you come in my office hours. That is 4 to 5 P.m. Monday, Thursday and Friday.

Q: Why can't professor Hill answer her question now?


M: I don't feel like going out. Why don't we just stay home and watch TV instead?

W: Come on! You promised to take me out for dinner and to the theatre on my birthday. Q: What do we learn from the conversation?


W: I'm thinking of taking five courses next semester.

M: Wouldn't four be wiser?

Q: What does the man mean?


W: I want to ask the Johnsons to come to the party. Do you know their address?

M: No. But I like them to come. I think Tom can give you their address.

Q: What is the woman going to do?


W: Is Jane looking forward to going home for the summer?

M: She is counting the days.

Q: What does the woman imply?


W: I think I will take the half-day tour of the city.

M: Why not the whole day?

Q: What does the man suggest?


M: This is a one-way street. Didn't you see the sign?

W: Sorry. I didn't.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?


W: I ought to call Joan, and tell her about the reception this evening.

M: Why bother? You will see her at lunch.

Q: What does the man mean?

Section B

Passage One

We use all sort of services without thinking how we get them. But such services cost money. We pay for them throught taxes. What would happen if everyone in a city stopped paying taxes.The water supply would stop. The street might not be cleaned. There would be no police force to protect people and property.

The chief duty of every government is to protect persons and property. More than three-fourths of the money spent by our government is used for this purpose .The next largest amount of public money goes to teach and train our citizens. Billions of dollars each year are spent on schools and libraries. Public money is used to pay the teachers and other public officials.

Years ago the government made money from the sale of public lands. But most of the best public lands has now been sold. The money raised was used to help pay he cost of government. There are still some public lands that contain oil, coal, gas, and other natural products. They could be sold, but we want to save them for future years. So we all must pay our share for the services that make our lives comfortable.

Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard.

11. What's the chief duty of every government?

12. How did the government raise money in the past?

13. What is the passage mainly about?

Passage Two

When I was at school, my ambition was to be a pilot in the Air Force. But my eyesight wasn't

good enough. So I had to give up the idea. I went to university and studies physics. I wanted to stay on there and do research, but my father died at about that time. So I thought I'd better get a job and earn my living. I started working in an engineering firm.

I expected to stay in that job for a long time. But then, they appointed a new managing director. I didn't get on with him, so I resigned and applied for a job with another engineering company. I would certainly have accepted the job if they had offered it to me, but on my way to the interview I met a friend who was working for a travel agency. He offered me a job in Spain. And I've always liked Spain, so I took it.

I worked in the travel agency for two years and then they wanted to send me to South America. But I had just got married. So I decided to stay here. Then we had a baby and I wasn't earning enough to support the family. So I started giving English lessons at a school in the evenings.

I liked the English teaching more than working for the travel agency, and then the owner of the school offered me a full-time job as a teacher. So I resigned from the agency. Two years later, the owner of the school wanted to retire, so he asked me to take over as the director. And here I am. Questions 14 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.

14. Why did the man give up studying physics?

15. Why did the man resign from the engineering firm?

16. Why did the man take the job at the travel agency?

17. Why did the man start to teach English part time?

Passage Three

Columbus sailed from Spain in September 1492, looking for gold. Native Americans greeted him, offering gifts of corn. Columbus found little gold on that trip, but he collected many plants, including corn, to bring back to Spain.

Columbus didn't know it. But the corn was much more valuable than gold. Farmers from Europe to Asia accepted it immediately. They grew it on cold mountain sides and in tropical forest. Today it feeds millions of people all over the world .

On his second trip, Columbus brought back a few chocolate beans to make chocolate. Europeans and Asians love this new drink, and soon they were paying a great deal of money for the beans. Chocolate beans became so valuable in Central America that they were used as cash for 200 years. Tomatoes and patatoes took some time to become popular. Eventually, however, they became the basis of a lot of popular foods. It is hard to imagine life without fried potatoes or chocalate. Thanks to native American cultures, many people are able to enjoy lots of tasty food.

Questions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.

18. Why is corn feeding millions of people today?

19. What did Columbus bring back on his second trip?

20. What was the result of Columbus' two trips to America?


Part I Listening Comprehension

1-10: B A A C D C D B B C

11-20: D A C B D C C A B D


On my way into the house, I heard a child’s voice from the other side of a small forest. I had traveled several thousand kilometers to the center of Africa, to see this kid. I went through and saw a little boy walking up and down. “We are all the same,” he was saying. He paused, looked at the paper in his hand, then into the front. “We are not different from one another. We all belong (属于) to one family.”

His thin voice his weak body. His jacket was too large, and his trousers swept the ground. I thought he could not possibly be 11 years old. He had a certain unbelievable charm (诱惑力) – even in those 41 few moments I was moved by his amazing feelings.

“We are all the same,” he was saying again. It seemed to me that his words a faraway bell. He was reading those famous words spoken by Shylock in Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice.

The kid was not for himself, but a huge family he had not asked to join: the millions of Africans who a deadly virus (病毒) in their bodies. “We all belong to one family. We love and we laugh. We hurt and we cry. We live and we die.” He stopped, opened his arms, hands turned upwards and caught his shoulders (臂膀).

I went into the house with the boy had given me in those few moments. I had for five or six stories like, who was this kid, where did he come from, where did he get so much courage (勇气), and what would to him?

This was the beginning, that afternoon in the spring of 2000. Over the next year or so I try to find the answers to these questions. I was going to discover something that could make my life for ever.

38. A. the gates B. the houses C. the streets D. the trees

39. A. up B. down C. away D. back

40. A. matched B. touched C. met D. caught

41. A. first B. next C. later D. last

42. A. beat B. hit C. rang D. blew

43. A. saying B. reading C. talking D. speaking

44. A. took B. received C. grew D. carried

45. A. the lesson B. the memory C. the words D. the feelings

46. A. subjects B. topics C. questions D. troubles

47. A. appear B. come C. happen D. turn

48. A. would B. could C. should D. might

49. A. exciting B. rich C. comfortable D. beautiful


1. 你最好带上雨伞,外面正下着大雨。

an umbrella with you. It’s raining hard outside.

2. 看!同学们正忙着为运动会做准备呢。

Look!The students are busy 3. 请你递给我那本字典好吗?我想查几个生词。

pass me that dictionary? I’d like to look up some new words in it.

4. 等风停了,再开窗户。 Don’t open the windows 5. 那道数学题真难,我用了两个小时才做出来。

After lunch, Marjory left her office in Liverpool and walked into a hall. There a medical assistant took a drop of blood from her finger and test it. After a short wait, Marjory went into the treatment room and on one of the beds. A doctor put a needle(针) into her arm. Blood(血) started to run from her arm into a bag next to her bed. After about fifteen minutes, the bag The doctor took the needle out and Marjory rested in another bed for ten minutes. to work.

“It only takes an hour of your time, three times a year,” Marjory said. “I don’t have a lot of spare money to give, but I’ve needed blood in the past and who gives blood? Marjory has given blood fifty times in her life. “It’s so . It’s like going to the library.” Now both her sons have started giving blood. Many people find it easier to give blood in the centre of town in the afternoon or evening. “donor sessions”(献血活动) take place in most towns three or four times a year.

What happens to Marjory’s blood? Only a little blood donors is used as whole blood. The rest is separated into blood products. The blood is also tested for are OK, the blood is sent out to hospitals. Blood can only be kept for a short time, so it is to plan future supplies(供给).

Sometimes donors are by the act of giving blood. Every day about 100 blood donors find that they are unhealthy. They don’t give blood but visit their instead. Peter Collins was one of these people. After an operation(手术), Peter is getting better. So what about you? Will you give some of your blood when you grow up? You could save life. And you could need blood yourself one day.

38. A. lay B. laid C. put D. came

39. A. empty B. broken C. red D. full

40. A. went back B. came back C. had D. needed

41. A. he B. she C. I D. we

42. A. fast B. simple C. good D. interesting

43. A. But B. So C. Also D. Yet

44. A. to B. for C. from D. in

45. A persons B. patients C. hospitals D. diseases

46. A. important B. difficult C. easy D. useful

47. A. dead B. helped C. saved D. ill

48. A. parents B. rooms C. places D. doctor

49. A. somebody’s B.your C. our D. nobody’s



______________________. They’re doing morning exercises on the playground.


This computer is the best. But its price_________________I have to think about it.3、李明整Li Ming ________________________the English words all the morning. 个上午都在忙着抄写英语单词。


Tom is taller than Mike. But_______________________________________.


Nobody knows _____________________________________the novel.

Mark was walking home from school one day when he noticed the boy ahead of him had dropped all of the books he was carrying, along with a baseball bat and several other things. So Mark helped the boy to carry some of them for him. they walked, Mark found that the boy's name was Bill, that he games, baseball and history, but he was having a lot of trouble with his other subjects.

They arrived at Bill's home first and Mark was in for a Coke and to watch some television. The afternoon pleasantly with a few laughs and some small talks, and then Mark went home. continued(继续) to see each other around school, had lunch together once or twice, and then both ended up from the same high school. Just three weeks before graduation, Bill asked Mark they could talk.

Bill asked if he still remembered the day they met. “Do you carrying so many things home that day?” asked Bill. “I out all my things because I didn't want to leave a mess (脏乱) for anyone else, you see, I decided to run away. But after we spent some time together and laughing, I realized that if I had done that, I would have lost a new friend and missed all the fun we would have together. So you see, Mark, when you picked up my books that day, you did a lot more. You

38. A. put down B. pick up C. get up D. get down

39. A. As B. So C. Though D. Since

40. A. hated B. loved C. tried D. made

41. A. called B. helped C. invited D. allowed

42. A. stayed B. went C. ran D. passed

43. A. We B. He C. She D. They

44. A. so B. and C. if D. because

45. A. only B. first C. last D. next

46. A. ever B. usually C. even D. never

47. A. checked B. made C. cleaned D. put

48. A. talking B. playing C. reading D. watching

49. A. helped B. returned C. explored D. changed


1. 该上课了。咱们走吧!

______________________________ for class. Let’s go.

2. 今天天气真好!为什么不和我们出去散步呢?

What a lovely day today! ________________________ go out for a walk with us?

3. Mike过去常打篮球,但他现在对足球感兴趣。

Mike ________________________ play basketball, but now he is interested in soccer.

4. 上学期这个女孩在弹钢琴上花了很多时间。

__________________________________________________ the piano last term.

5. 我认为父母不会阻止我尝试这个新想法。

_________________________________________________________ the new idea.

One night it was raining a little, and the wind had begun to blow very hard. My father was getting ready for bed, ___38____he decided to go out and looked around the mine(煤矿). He wanted to be ___39___ that the horses were all right.

The wind was blowing harder and harder, and something ___40___ my father in the eye. It felt very sharp(尖锐).The pain was very strong. My father put his hand to his eye and ___41__ it lightly, but the pain continued. _____42___filled his eyes as he hurried to finished his work. It was dark and with one eye_____43____. He could see little. He looked after each horse though he felt painful. After making sure that everything was all right, he went ______44____ to the house.

On his way, my father began to worry. The pain in his eye became ____45____. It was a sharper pain than anything he had ever felt, but that wasn’t all. He felt a pain somewhere else, which he ____46____ talk about. He didn’t know where it was, he just felt it. He didn’t even know how to look for it.

When he got back to the house, some of the men _____47_____ cards. He called one of them, asking him to look into his eye. The man ____48___ a lamp close to my father’s eye, but he could see nothing. Then he _____49_____ for a magnifying glass(放大镜). This time he noticed a small black mark in the center of my father’s eyeball.

38. A. and B. but C. for D. or

39.A.worried B. known C. afraid D. sure

40. A. hit B. beat C. knocked D. touched

41.A. rubbed B. brushed C. swept D. felt

42.A.Wind B. Rain C. Tears D. Fingers

43.A.blind B. broken C. missed D. covered

44.A.up B. around C. back D. straight

45.A.heaveier B. harder C. worse D. more

46.A.wouldn’t B. couldn’t C. shouldn’t D. mightn’t

47.A.played B. were playing C. had played D. have played

48.A.carried B. got C. took D. brought

49. A. sent B. looked C. paid D. waited


1. 外出旅行时要带够了钱。这是很重要的。

________________________________take enough money with you while you are travelling.

2. 做这个飞机模型,李良用了一个星期的时间。

Li Liang ______________________________________________ the model plane.

3. 数学和英语都不难学。

_________________________________________________ easy to learn.

4. 你拦住孩子们,别让他们到街上去玩.

You must _________________________________________________ in the street.

5. 告诉你的妈妈尽快准备好晚饭。

Please tell your mother _________________________________________________.

In America, when people say “man’s best friend”, they don’t mean person. Instead they are talking about a lovely animal: a dog! These words show the friendship between people and to people’s lives. Some people think of their pets as their children. A few even leave all their money to their when they die!

Animals can help people, too. Dogs can be taught to become the “” for a blind(瞎的) person or “ for a deaf(聋的) person. Scientists have found that pets help people live They make people happier, too. Because of that animals are brought into hospitals for “visits”.

Americans hold “Be to Animals Week”, the first week of May. Pet shows are held during the week. Even if you don’t live in America, you, too, can do this. How? If you have a pet, take time this week to play with it. Remember to give it delicious

If you don’t have a pet, be kind to animals around you. If you see a dog, don’t kick it or throw things at it. Instead, just leave it alone, or better yet, make friends with it. If others around you do bad things to an animal, try to them. As people, we must protect animals who can’t speak for themselves.

( )38. A. another

( )39. A. persons

( )40. A. sadness

( )41. A. family

( )42. A. eyes

( )43. A. eyes B. the other B. people B. sad B. pets B. ears B. ears C. other C. plants C. happiness C. children C. hands C. hands D. others D. animals D. happy D. parents D. feet D. feet

D. longer

D. Sad

D. some

D. milk

D. home

D. stop ( )44. A. alone B. together C. shorter ( )45. A. Bad B. Happy C. Nice ( )46. A. less B. more C. no ( )47. A. food B. meat C. drink ( )48. A. lovely B. little C. street ( )49. A. help B. catch C. beat



Mum was ____________________ when I got home.


Jack’s brother is __________ a teacher __________ a doctor.


The new road is ____________________.


I ____________ all my free time in ______________.


All the Chinese __________________________________ the final exam in junior high school.



I was born in the city of York, in English, in the year 1632. My father was a man of some wealth, able to give me a good home and send me to school. It was his wish that I should be a lawyer but my head began to be filled very early with thoughts of travel, and I would be satisfied with nothing but going to sea. My father gave me strong advice against it, but with little effect. One day, being at Hull, I met a school-fellow who was about to sail for London in his father’s ship, and he invited me to go with him, and without telling my father, I went on board.

On the way to London, a storm arose, the ship was wrecked, and we barely escaped with our lives. I went on foot to London, where I met with the master of a vessel which did business with countries on the coast of Africa. He took a fancy to me, and offered me a chance to go with him on his voyages, which I gladly accepted.

A great storm came up, and the ship was tossed about for many days, until we did not know where we were. Suddenly we struck a bank of sand, and the sea broke over the ship in such a way that we could not hope to have her hold many moments without breaking into pieces. So we launched a boat. After we had been driven four or five miles, a mountainous wave struck us so hard that it overturned the boat at once. Though I swam well but the waves were so strong that I was dashed against a rock with such force that it left me senseless. But I recovered a little before the waves returned, and, running forward, got to the mainland safely.




3. What did the author want to do most when he was young? ----To sail the seas. Why did the author go on foot to London? ----The ship he took was destroyed in a storm. Why did they launch a boat?

----Their ship had struck sand and was about to break into pieces.



When the author finally arrived on land, he most probably阅读理解(二)

I worked a manager in a company for a number of years. I liked my job, and was doing well there, but our company was bought by a larger company and most of the managers at our place lost their jobs. That was when I decided to do something I’d always wanted to do ---become a freelance writer. Changing professions has meant that my lifestyle has changed in a number of ways.

The main difference for me now is that I have a much more flexible schedule. I work about as much as I did before ---between 45 and 50 hours a week ---but my schedule is much less rigid than it used to be. Before, I worked from 8 to 5 every day, with a few extra hours on weekends. Now, however, I work when I feel like it. For instance, sometimes I work until midnight or 2 A.M., then sleep until noon. I really prefer this kind of schedule. It seems more natural to me.

I also decided that it was about time I began to pay more attention 2

to my health. While I was working as a manager, I never exercised. I already felt tired after work, so I just came home in the evening and watched TV. However, last year I joined a health club and began to do regular exercise. As a result I have lost over 10 pounds and I feel much better. I’ve also started to eat more healthfully. I used to eat a lot of fast food, but now I do my own shopping. I buy lots of fruits and vegetables and cook them at home.

Of course, not all the changes have been that easy. For example, I don’t feel as secure financially as I used to. When I was working as a manager, I never worried much about money. I could always count on getting my paycheck every two weeks. Working freelance, I don’t have a regular paycheck. So now I have to make sure there’s enough money until the next check arrives.

All in all, I really like my current lifestyle. Of course, that doesn’t mean I’ll never want to have “regular” job. But for now, at least, it suits me.





5. Why did the author decide to become a freelance writer? ----He had always liked writing. What is the main difference the job change brought to the author? ----He can change his schedule as he likes. Why does the author do his own cooking now? ----He wants to eat more healthfully. What is his chief problem now? ----He has to worry about money. At the end of the passage, the author indicates that 3


There are two things I can count on my dad asking every time he calls me: “Is there anything I can do for you?” and “How’s the car?” I guess he asks what he can do for me because his dad (an air force officer) was never really there for him, and he’s determined to provide me with the support he lacked. During my youth he never missed a school play or softball game. In face, he was so supportive that I sometimes longed for one of those dads who dressed better and cared less. But my dad would forever be the guy wearing shorts with dress shoes and black socks, cheering me on, expecting greatness.

His other standard question---“How’s the car?” ---used to strike me as a waste of long-distance dollars from a man who once suggested making a list of what you want to talk about before calling someone out of state. What I now realize is that “How’s the car?” is not about the car. It’s a father’s way of asking his adult daughter how she is. The advantage is that if there’s something wrong with the car, he knows what to do about it and how much it will cost, whereas if you’re having marital problems or doubting a career choice, he might have to put Mom on the line.

At age 30 I finally took the plunge into adulthood by leasing a car without my dad’s help or advice. I’m sure y dad was hurt rather than proud. Though a daughter’s independence is evidence of a job well done, it still implies the job’s done, and many fathers are reluctant to retire. Even when my dad was overworked, he’d happily hop on a plane if I said I needed help. His frequent question, “Is there anything I can do for you?” underlines the fact that he wishes there was still something he 4

could provide. It’s interesting: Even though we’re tied by blood and I love him no fare ---to feel he has a role in my life.





5. The author now realizes that by asking “How is the car?”, her In case the author asked her father what she should do with her life, he would probably When the author leased a car without asking her father’s advice, he What does the author mean by saying “many fathers are reluctant

to retire”?

---They wish to keep playing some role in their daughters’ lives.


A study suggests that dirty air can reduce lung development. Researchers at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles published their work in the New England Journal of Medicine.

About one thousand seven hundred children from different communities in Southern California took part in the study. The scientists tested the children every year for eight years, starting at age ten. They say this is the longest study ever done on air pollution and the health of children.

The scientists found that children who lived in areas with the dirtiest air were five tines more likely to grow up with weak lungs. Many 5

篇四:新概念2册第3课中英文对照单词语法练习题Please send me a card

新概念2册第3课中英文对照单词语法练习题Please send me a card

Postcards always spoil my holidays. Last summer, I went to Italy. I

visited museums and sat in public gardens. A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian. Then he lent me a book. I

read a few lines, but I did not understand a word. Everyday I thought

about postcards. My holidays passed quickly, but I did not send cards to my friends. On the last day I made a big decision. I got up early and bought thirty-seven cards. I spent the whole day in my room, but I did not write a single card!

New words and expressions 生词和短语

send v. 寄,送 postcard n. 明信片

spoil v. 使索然无味,损坏 museum n. 博物馆

public adj. 公共的 friendly adj. 友好的

waiter n. 服务员,招待员 lend v. 借给

decision n. 决定 whole adj. 整个的

single adj. 唯一的,单一的

参考译文 请给我寄一张明信片



Comprehension precis and Composition.

Answer these questions in not more than 55 words.

1. Do postcards always spoil the writer’s holidays or not?

2. Where did he spend his holidays last summer?

3. What did he think about every day?

4. Did he send any cards to his friends or not?

5. How many cards did he buy on the last day?

6. Where did he stay all day?

7. Did he write any cards or not?

Key Structures

What happened?

Read this short conversation. Pay close attention to verbs in italics. Each of these verbs tells us what happened.

POLICEMAN: Did you see the accident, sir?

MAN: Yes, I did. The driver of that car hit that post over there. POLICEMAN: What happened?

MAN: A dog ran across the road and the driver tried to avoid it. The car suddenly came towards me. It climbed on to the pavement and crashed into that post.

POLICEMAN: What did you do?

MAN: I ran across the street after the dog.

POLICEMAN: Why did you do that? Where you afraid of the car?

MAN: I wasn’t afraid of the car. I was afraid of the driver. The driver got out of the car and began shouting at me. He was very angry with me. You see, it was my dog.


A. Look at the passage‘Please Send Me A Card’. Put a line under all the verbs which tell us what happened to the writer when he was on holiday in Italy. (读短文‘请寄给我一张明信片’,把作家在意大利度假的动词下画线。)

B. Give the correct form of all the verbs in brackets. Do not refer to the passage until you finish the exercise.

Last summer, I ( ) (go) to Italy. I ( ) (visit) museums and

( ) (sit) in public gardens. A friendly waiter ( ) (teach) me a few words of Italian. Then he ( ) (lend) me a book. I ( ) (read) a few lines, but I ( ) (not understand) a word. Every day I ( ) (think) about postcards. My holidays ( ) (pass) quickly, but I ( ) (not send) any cards to my friends. On the last day, I ( ) (make) a big decision. I ( ) (get) up early

and ( ) (buy) thirty-seven cards. I ( ) (spend) the whole day in my room, but I ( ) (not write) a single card!

C. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets in the passage blow. Each verb must tell us what happened:

My friend, Roy, ( ) (die) last year. He ( ) (leave) me his record player and his collection of gramophone records. Roy ( ) (spend) a lot of money on records. He ( ) (buy) one or two new records every week. He never ( ) (go)to the cinema or to the theatre. He

( )(stay) at home every evening and ( ) (listen) to music. He often ( ) (lend) records to his friends. Sometimes they ( ) (keep) them. He ( ) (lose) many records in this way.

Special Difficulties

He lent me a book.

Instead of saying: We can say:

He lent me a book. He lent a book to me.

He sent me a card. He sent a card to me .

He passed me the salt. He passed the salt to me. She bought me a tie. She bought a tie to me.

She made me a cake. She made a cake to me.


Write each of the following sentences in a different way(以一种不同的方式写下面的句子)

1. He paid the shop-keeper some money.

2. He handed me the prize.

3. The waiter brought a bottle of beer to the man.

4. He sold all his books to me.

5. The shop-assistant chose some curtain material for me.

6. He did me a big favour.

7. She showed her husband her new hat.

8. She promised a reward to the finder.

9. He gave his son some advice.

10. His uncle left him some money.

11. He is teaching English to us.

12. I bought this bunch of flowers for you.

13. Bring that book to me please.

14. He offered me a cigarette.

15. Read me the first paragraph.

16. I’ve ordered some soup for you.

17. I owe him a lot of money.

18. Pass the mustard to your father.

Supplementary Written Exercises


1. The wirter ( ).

(a) doesn’t like buying postcards. (b) doesn’t like receiving postcards.

(c) doesn’t like writing postcards. (d) doesn’t like postcards.

2. ( ) What was the writer’s‘big decision’?

(a) He decided to write postcards to his friends.

(b) He decided to spend the whole day in his room.

(c) He decided to buy a lot of postcards.

(d) He decided not to a single card.


3. Last summer he went to Italy. He was ( ) Italy last summer. (a) at (b) to (c) in (d) on

4. ( ) him a few words of Italian? The waiter.

(a) Who taught (b) Who did teach (c) What did he teach (d) Whom

5. He was a friendly waiter. He spoke to the writer( ).

(a) friendly (b) as friends (c) like friends (d) in a friendly way

6. The writer ( ) a few lines, but he didn’t understand a word. (a) reads (b) read (c) red (d) reading

7. He spent the whole day in his room. He was in his room ( ) day.

(a) the hole (b) the all (c) all (d) all of


8. A waiter usually works in a ( ).

(a) public garden (b) shop (c) restaurant (d) private house

9. The waiter lent him a book. He ( ) a book from the waiter. (a) lent (b) borrowed (c) took (d) stole

10. On the last day he made a big decision. It was the ( ) day of his holiday.

(a) final (b) end (c) latest (d) bottom

11. He made a big decision. He ( )

(a) thought about it (b) made up his mind (c) changed his mind (d) made a wish

12. He didn’t write a single card. So he ( ).

(a) write only one (b) didn’t write even one

(c) wrote just one (d) wrote all the cards except one




Music videos are everywhere:on the Internet,on TV,on our smart phones. But when did they first Musicians have been putting their songs to images(图像)for a long time now. Beatles made the films A Hard Day's Night,Help ! And Magical Mystery Tour. Each had a simple story and included music by the band.such as The Doors and Pink Floyd began making short on television when the bands weren't able to perform five(现场表演). ,everything changed.MTV was born.The first images were of the spaceship Columbia taking off,and the words were,“Ladies and gentlemen! Rock and Roll” Suddenly people could watch music videos 24 hours a day.The channel became hot at once. By l984,more than a 0f American teenagers who tuned on the TV tuned into MTV.And MTV became part of life.

Music videos became central to music marketin9.Bands that used MTV become very successful. Emerging artists such as Eurhythmics,The Police and Duran Duran made more videos.And MTV helped them sell more albums(专辑).





Walk.One . Grow. I. Into. If. Root. Good. Feel. When. Immediate. Bad.

Two seeds lay side by side in the spring soil.

The seed said;“I want to grow !I want to send my roots deep .warmth of the sun on my face.”

The second seed said,“l am afraid.If I send my into the ground below,I don’t know what l will meet in the dark.If I through the hard soil above me,I may damage my sprout(芽).what if I let my buds(花蕾)open and a snail tries to eat them.blossoms,a small child may pull me from the ground? N0,it is much .’’ And so she waited.

In a yard,a hen,around in the early spring ground for food found the waiting seed and ate it.




阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空 限填一词,每词限用一次。方框中有两个词是多余的。

Dream what you want to dream;go where you want to go;be what you want to be,because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.

May you have ,enough tries to make you strong,enough sorrow to keep you human,enough hope to make you happy.Always put yourself others’shoes.If you feel that it hurts you,it probably ,too.

The happiest people don’t necessarily have of everything;they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.

Happiness belongs to those who cry,those who hurt,those who have searched,and those who have ,.Love beans with a smile,grows with a kiss and ends with a tear.The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past,you call’t go:on well in life you let go of your past failures and heartaches.

When you were born,you were and everyone around you Was smiling.Live your life so that when you die,you’re the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying.

Please send this message to those people who mean something to you,life in one way or another,to those who make you smile when you need it,to those that make you see the brighter side of things when you are ,to those who you want to know that you appreciate their friendship.




阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空 限填一词,每词限用一次。方框中有两个词是多余的。

I. Good. Like. Day. How. Watch. Never. Walk. However. Why. Enjoy. Always.

I used to love swimming as a boy. My home was near a pool and I used to spend most of my Summer there.1 would go there early with just my swimming suits and a towel.I enjoyed for four hours—would swim and play games with my friends.I always home in the evenings with a smile on my face.As a boy I thought summer time at the pool was enjoying life.

.They would come every day carrying around their huge,heavy bags full of stuff.They would be dressed up in fancy swimsuit,cover themselves in lotion,then sit in the shade of a umbrella.They spent most of their time 70 0ther people swim.If they did dive in the pool,it was only for a few minutes before going back.I often wondered 7 1 they came to the pool at all.

Sometimes I think that life at the pool is a lot life in general.Some people spend so much time carrying around and worrying about their stuff that they swim at all .They just in the shade and watch their bags while everyone else the sun and delights in the day.Life is for living not for sitting with your stuff.Play,love,laugh,and celebrate life with everyone

around you.as it can get and help others to do the same.




阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空 限填一词,每词限用一次。方框中有两个词是多余的。

be feel off bag he try but never happy and different sad

Yesterday l was on my way to pick up my children.I met a man who taught me much·

I stopped at a traffic light.his bike in the middle of the mad. He was carrying two filled with clothes.I thought he was carrying all his things. He tried to get up and finally picked up his bike.,the man helped himself with his things and placed them on the sidewalk.. .I saw him stop and put his head down.At that moment I felt his pain.I knew what he Was .He was straggling to take hold of a situation, he couldn't.He felt helpless,discouraged and alone.I felt connected to him.Although our lives were suffering was·

I forget that mall.He helped me remember to be thankful that I had a car to take me home.that my clothes were safely folded in my wardrobe,that I had a safe place to rest.He reminded me to be grateful. every day !

五、66.appear 67.In 68.groups 69.played 70.But 71.first 72.quarter 73.their 74.quickly 75.better 五、66.first 67.into 68.feel 69.Grew 70.roots

71.my 72.if 73.better 74.walking 75.Immediately

五、66.enough 67.in 68.hurts 69.best 70.tried 71.importance 72.until 73.cryin9 74.your 75.really 五、66.days 67.myself 68.walked 69.However 70. watching

71.why 72.1ike 73.never 74.enjoys 75.good

五、66.off 67.bags 68.him 69.tried 70.sadly 71.Feeling 72.but 73.different 74.never

