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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 16:23:05 体裁作文

篇一:Unit 6 what do you want to be when you grow up

Unit 6 what do you want to be when you grow up ?知识结构图

Title:What do you want to be when you grow up?

Topic;Life goal


(1) what questions ,where questions ,when questions how questions

(2) yes /No questions and short answers

(3) be going to +动词原型

本课的词汇:cook,doctor,engineer,vionilist,pianist ,computer programmer,scientist ,driver,pilot,college,education,medicine,university,London ,article,send。。。 语言目标:

What do you want to b e when you grow up ?I want to be a doctor .

Where are you goin g to work ?I am going to move to Shanghai .

When are you going to start ?I am going to start when I finish high scho

when you grow up

ol and college.

H ow are you going to do that ?I am goin g to study math really hard


(1) 学习并且掌握职业词汇的用法。

(2) 通过学习句型how are you goin g to do that? 了解一般将来时态be going to 的用法.

(3) 掌握一般将来时be going to 中be 的具体形式和后面接动词原型的用法。

(4) 学习制定未来一段时间的计划。


What …….. want to be when ……..grow up?.......want(s) to be …..when ….grow(s) up . How are yo u going to do that ?

Where …be sb going t owork ?

When ……………………….start?


利用课件学习新词,通过对话,填空,小组合作讨论的形式练习be going to ,want to be 和what,where,when ,how 引导的特殊疑问句的用法,总结归纳一般将来时态,并巩固练习一般将来时态。

篇二:What will you do when you grow up教案

What will you do when you grow up?

Section B

Teaching aims and demands

1: Review lesson 4 part 1.

2: Practise the topic sentences:

What will you do when you grow up?

I will be……

Teaching method

three doubts three searches

Teaching preparation and method


Teaching procedures

Step 1 设疑自探


1. Show pictures of different jobs and riview those words.

2. Ask and answer to review the part1

T: What will you do when you grow up?

Ss: I will be……

3. First, look at pictures of part2, try to understand its meaning. Underline the words and the difficult points.

4. Show Ss’ questions, then, ask students to find out the keys to the questions.

a. What does the words mean?

b. Can you make dialogues about ideals with your partner? Step 2 解疑合探

1. 1. Listen to part 2 and ask studnts slove the problems.

2. Ask students work in groups to practise the sentence : What will you do when you grow up?

I will be a nurse/teacher/doctor/driver……

Step 3质疑再探

Any questions about this part? The teacher lead the studnts slove the questions together.

Step 4运用拓展

1. Make exercises for your classmates.

2. Practise the useful expressions by making dioglues freely. 3. Fill in the blanks according to the first letter of the word.

(1) What will you do when you__________?

I will ____ ____ singer.

(2) What will Tom do when he _____ up?

(3) Workers ____ houses for the people.

4. Summary:

Sum up the key points of this lesson.

篇三:When I grow up 当我长大后

When I grow up

When I grow up, I want to be an engineer. I want to build a big house with a nice garden, a bright balcony and a wonderful computer room. Yes , they are for my father and my mother. We will live in the house. When I come back from my work, I will go to the garden to enjoy the flowers and trees, I can take a walk with my parents and my child. In my mind , garden is a good place to relax. Do you think so? , My dear friends!

In the balcony, I ‘d like to watch the goldfish swimming around in the tank .They look so beautiful in the sun .You know ,as an engineer, I will be too busy to have a rest everyday. so ,I hope to share my free time with my family . I ‘m sure my family is the warmest place in the world, and my parents are the kindest!

I love my family, and I love my parents. I’ll try my best to make my parents happy when I grow up. Because they are doing a lot of things for me. They hope I can keep healthy, they often put a glass of milk on the desk while I ‘m doing my homework. They hope I can get good grades so that I can have a bright future. They spend much free time helping me with my study. Of course, they feel very worried, even angry if I play computer games. They often shout to me : Don’t play computer games . I have to stop. although I like playing it very much. I know it is just my parents’ love for me. I love my parents , so I have to give up playing computer games , I should study hard .Then I can achieve my dream ----to be an engineer . I will build a nice computer room for my parents and me, We can surf the Internet together happily and freely .

What do you want to be when you grow up? Would you like to be an engineer like me? Maybe, different people have different ideas. But for me ,I am looking forward to making my city more beautiful and making my family happier. From now on, I will study hard to make my dream come true!

Ok ! Come on!

That's all.

Thank you for listening!

篇四:what will you do when you grow up

课题:Lesson4 What will you do when you grow up?


教学内容 (Teaching Material) : Let’s learn

教学目标 (Teaching Aims) :

句型: A: What will you do when you grow up?

B: I’ll be?



教学重难点(Main and Difficult Point):


教学准备(Teaching Aids): 录音机 多媒体 单词卡片

教学过程(Teaching Procedure):

Step1 Warm-up 师生之间用英语进行简单的问候。

自由对话 师生之间用英语进行3——5分钟的自由对话。如:

T: What’s the weather like?


What’s the weather like tomorrow?


What day is today?


What’s the date today?


Step2 Revision





用多媒体依次出示医生、护士、教师、农民------等10幅图片。 同学们真聪明,又顺利地闯过一关。现在只剩下最难的习巩固有关职业的单词,为新授做铺垫。

Step3 Presentation (Let’s learn) (1) 一般将来时的概念:表示将要发生的动作,要与以前学的正在进行时,一般现在时区分开。

(2) 复习一般将来时句子的构成:Will+动词原形

(3)一般将来时的句子,常用的时间状语如:tomorrow , the next day , (week year), the day after tomorrow 等。

(4)一般将来时的否定形式,在will后加not 。

(5)一般将来时的一般疑问句形式,将will提到句首,回答用Yes 或No (如Yes,I will / No, I won’t)


教师与几名同学进行对话导入Let’s learn:

What will you do when you grow up?

I will be a worker/a nurse/ a teacher/ a doctor/ a driver Step4 Practice


A 听录音 B 同座对话 C 指名表演

Step5 Let’s sing

教唱、歌曲 “Morning comes early”



What will you do when you grow up?

I will _____ a worker. 布置作业:

A.抄写Let’s learn 两遍。



Lesson4 What will you do when you grow up?

Let’s learn:

-What will you do when you grow up?

-I will be a worker.

a nurse a teacher

a doctor a driver

篇五:What will you do when you grow up

课 题:What will you do when you grow up?

教学目标:1.To master the words:soldier,worker,driver,singer;and the sentences:What will you do when you grow up?I will be...

2.To train the students’ ability of saying and acting;

3.To develop the students’ interest in English.


Sentences:What will you do when you grow up?

I will be...

教学难点:To use the key sentences make new dialogues.

教 具:Teaching cards,big screen

教 法 :The Cooperative Learning Method,The Natural Method. 教学过程:

Step 1:Revision


T:Hello,boys and girls!

S:Hello,Miss Meng!

T:There are so many teachers and leaders come to our class to learn Englishwith us,are you happy?


T:I’m very happy,too.Let us be positive youself,and let them remember you,OK?


T:First,let’s have a daily talk.What day is today?What’s the weather like today?


Step 2: Presentation and leading in

1.review words

T:OK!This class,we will learn Lesson 4(板书课题)First,let’s review some words.

(出示卡片)Let’s read them together.


2.learn new word

T:Very good.Now,look at the big screen.

What does he do ?He is a soldier.Please read after me ,

soldier,soldier.Ask students to guess the meaning of soldier.

S:Read after teacher,and guess the meaning of soldier.

3.Use the same method to learn the words:worker,driver,singer.

4.learn “grow up”means “长大,成长”.

What will you do when you grow up?What’sthe meaning of this sentence,who knows?


T:Very good!What a clever boy!

Teach students to read this sentence.

When someone asks:What will you do when you grow up?

We can answer:Iwill be...(领读,解释汉语意思)

T:What will you do when you grow up?

S:Some students stand up ,answer the teacher’s question.

T:Now ,I give you two minutes to practise the sentences,then I’ll ask you to askand answer in pairs.

5.Practise the key sentences in pairs.


T:Now,let’s play a game.I will divide you into four groups.I give each group a piece of paper.The first student in each group ask:What will you do when you grow up?The second student answer:I will be ...Then the second student ask,the third student answer...If you are finished,you must come to the front ,andask and answer in pairs.Are you clear?

S:Yes.Play the game.

7.listen to the tape

8.Read after teacher.

Step 3: Practising

T:I’d like to ask you to read the dialogue.Who wants to be...

S:Read the dialogue.

T:I give you three minutes to recite the dialogue in groups,then I’ll ask you to act it .

S:Recite and then act.ape

Step 4 Summary and homework

What will you do when you grow up?说课稿

一:本节课教学内容和要求:Lesson 4.Let's learn 部分。能听懂、会说、会认、会拼写 grow up,driver,worker. 能听懂、会说、会运用句型 What will you do when you grow up? I will be…. 进一步复习巩固了一般将来时的用法。

二、 教学重点 1. 词汇能听懂、会说、会认、会拼写一下单词grow,worker,driver.2. 本课的语言结构是“What will you do when you grow up? I will be….” 。

三、 教学难点:学习“一般将来时”与“职业”的话题相联系的用法

四、 教具准备: 单词卡片、录音机、图片、课件、调查表等。

五、教法学法:直观呈现,自主探究,合作学习,调查法等。 六:Let?s Learn 部分教学流程:

Step1: 课前三分钟练说(让学生介绍家人的职业)


1、 Greeting

2、 复习单词,chant导入新课


1、 出示“我的学习目标”。

教师:我们今天继续学习第四课let?s learn部分,请大家默读本节课的学习目标。



3、 组间交流,师指导学习生词,并对新词反复形式多样的练读。让学生找动词?名词之间的转换规律。

4、Listen to the tap (听录音2遍)


6、 朗读展示(评价一下,发奖励物)

7、 填写调查表,板书句型,并读一读(要求课件出示调查表,师示范填写)用句型:what will you do when you

grow up? I will be a ……

8、 Let?s do exercises.

9、 交流导思(what have you learned?)(时间不够则删去)


1、 搜集有关“职业”;类的单词

2、 以 “My idea”为题写一篇小作文。

3、 仿照Let's learn中的例句写5组句子。
