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Unit 1

1-7 Y Y N Y NG Y N

8. have a feeling of direction

9. contribute to

10. Pay attention to

11-15 CDBAB 16-20 CBBDC 21-25 AACAB

26-30 DBBBA 31-35 ABCDB

36.invaded 37.emitting 38. corn 39. portion

40. releases 41. respond 42. nourish 43. specific

44. This explains how a wasp can find a caterpillar in a huge field of corn.

45. By enhancing this natural response in plants, researchers might reduce, some day even eliminate, the need

46. or they might transplant specific genes to increase the release of the chemical signals.

47-51 IJBGA 52-56 MKFCH

57-61 CBDAB 62-66 BCDAC

67-71 BADAC 72-76 CABBA 77-81 DCACD 82-86 AABBC

Unit 2

1-7 Y N N Y NG Y Y

8. the brainwave patterns

9. rapid eye movement

10. 90 minutes

11-15 BDBAD 16-20 ABBDC 21-25 DCADD

26-30 CBDAB 31-35 BCADD

36. unrelated 37. increasingly 38. helpless 39. solemn

40. swore 41. sense 42. abandoned 43. divorced

44. not necessarily because they love each other, but because they were stuck, and it was better to be stuck comfortably than otherwise .

45. some divorcees even argue that divorce is beneficial, educational, that the second or third marriage is “the best”, and the only reason left to marry is love.

46. In other respects, our rapidly-rising divorce rate and the declining marriage rate represents a loss .

47-51 LFHAJ 52-56 EGKBN

57-61 BAADC 62-66 CACDB

67-71 DDBAC 72-76 ABCCB 77-81 CDABD 82-86 ACBAC

Unit 3


8. sunlight

9. toxins

10. foods such as liver, yeast and dairy products

11-15 CCABD 16-20 BDACD 21-25 CACAA

26-30 BACCD 31-35 ADDBA

36. civilization 37.developed 38. probably 39. ancient

40. societies 41. roles 42. pattern 43. responsibilities

44. What is remarkable about the history of toys is not so much how they changed over the centuries but how much they have remained the same.

45. It is the universality of toys with regard to their development in all parts of the world

46. Variations depended on local customs and ways of life because toys imitate their surroundings.

47-51 BJDNE 52-56 OKLHM

57-61 DCACB 62-66 DCBBD

67-71 CABDA 72-76 DCCBA 77-81 ADBCB 82-86 DACBD

Unit 4

1-7. Y Y N N Y N NG

8. 80,000,000

9. split the ranks

10. 40%

11-15 DADAB 16-20 ABACA 21-25 DCDCB

26-30 CDBBA 31-35 DBABD

36. refers 37. various 38. ruin 39. scattering

40. exhaust 41. disturbing 42. serious 43. survival

44. Pollution of the soil reduces the amount of land on which we can grow food

45. Everyone wants to reduce pollution, but the pollution problem is as complicated as it is serious

46. For example, exhaust from automobiles causes a large percentage of all air pollution, but the automobile provides transportation for millions of people

47-51 BLFGK 52-56 EMOIC

57-61 CDABB 62-66 ACCBA

67-71 CCDBB 72-76 ACABA 77-81 CDADD 82-86 BCABB

Unit 5

1-7. Y Y N Y N NG N

8. 528,431

9. liberalized

10. public charges

11-15 CBDCA 16-20 BBBAB 21-25 DBBDB

26-30 BCCCB 31-35 DADBA

36. terrible 37. expected 38. pressure 39. embarrassed

40. pretended 41. delighted 42. continued 43. illegally

44. Fortunately I was never stopped by the police and the next time I took my driving test, I passed

45. Anyway, I’d been thinking about learning to drive and I persuaded her to let me have a go.

46. We were having such fun that we didn’t notice the tide was coming in until the car was actually swimming in the water

47-51 DFLJG 52-56 IHCMB

57-61 ADDCA 62-66 BADCC

67-71 CADAB 72-76 BCCAD 77-81 DADBB 82-86 CDABC

Unit 6

1-7. NY N Y Y N NG

8. protein

9. less important

10. beta carotene

11-15 DCDBD 16-20 BABCB 21-25 BCCDC

26-30 BACAD 31-35 BBABD

36. generally 37. characteristic 38. relaxation 39. scenic

40. refreshed 41. sessions 42. effective 43.


44. If you set impossible goals for yourself you can only be disappointed in your progress.

45. this period can last for days or even weeks

46. like Chinese medicine, the effects of your study come slowly but surely

47-51 CHDEM 52-56 ANFGL

57-61 CADDD 62-66 BDCCB

67-71 AAADC 72-76 BADCD 77-81 CBBCA 82-86 DCCBD

Unit 7

1-7. N Y Y N N Y NG

8. failed to perform properly





1.会议一开始由他来汇报上个月的活动。(start with; activity)

The meeting started with his reporting last month’s activities.

2.这个慈善机构对所有志愿者不分职业一律欢迎。(regardless of)

The charity welcomes all new members regardless of jobs.


Nothing can alter the fact that he is responsible for the traffic accident.

4.在婚礼上,新娘总是最美的。(look one’s best)

(转 载于:wWw.SmHaIDA.cOM 海达 范文 网:英语练习册)

At weddings, the brides always look their best.

5.她在会上陈述了她作出这个决定的理由。(set out)

She set out the reasons for her decision at the meeting.


Little did he care about his own safety though he was in great danger himself.


The door opened and out rushed a white cat.

8.工人们力争在年底前造好这幢办公大楼。(aim at)

The workers aim at completing the office building before the end of this year.

9.为了保持健康,她明天锻炼。(keep fit)

In order to keep fit, she exercises every day.


Doctors strongly recommend that everyone should have a yearly medical examination.


Lisa overdid it in the gym, and hurt her ankle.

12.主席对大家的讨论作了一个总结,并希望各方共同考虑如何更好的解决这个问题。(sum up)

Summing up the decision, the chairman hoped that all parties would consider a better way to solve the problem.



The manager is always friendly with his inferiors and never yells at them.


The tourists exchanged some pounds for dollars at a local bank.


After a short break of 10 minutes, they proceeded to the destination.


The old machine will be replaced with a new one to increase our work efficiency.

5.抢劫犯立即逃跑,消失在街道的尽头。(at the end of?)

The robber ran off at once and disappeared at the end of the street.


Is there any possibility that he has changed his mind on second thoughts?


We haven’t yet settled the question where we’re going to spend our summer vacation.


You may have to undergo disappointment and failure before you succeed.


It is reported that a number of middle school and college students have volunteered to work for the next Olympic games.

10.你难道还没意识到他的回复相当于拒绝吗?(be equivalent to)

Haven’t you realized that his response is equivalent to a refusal?

11.我设法用笑来消除她的疑虑。(laugh away)

I tried to laugh away her doubts and worries.


To everyone’s surprise, the witness denied having seen the suspect at the scene of the crime.

Unit 3


Turkeys are often associated with Thanksgiving Day.


In Europe, the color white symbolizes purity, so brides are usually dressed in white.

3.《泰坦尼克号》被人未识他迄今为止执导过的最好的一部影片。(think of ?as?) The “Titanic” is thought of as the best film he has directed so far.


He went to work in Beijing, and thus he has the chance to visit the Palace Museum.


The government declared that it would made every effort to stimulate economic growth.


Hoe the ancient Egyptians built the pyramids remains unknown.

7.他为医药科学做出了巨大的贡献,这是千真万确的。(由that引导的主语从句) It is true that he has made great contributions to medical science.


It is important that one should stick to his moral values.


My final decision will depend on your attitude towards study.


The beauty of West Lake reminded the girl of the scenery back home.

11.那人退休以后,搬到了农村,希望能够得到安宁。(peace and quiet)

After the man retired, he moved to the country in the hope of finding some peace and quiet.

12.面试时,你的行为举止是否得体将起到重要作用。(make a big difference) It will make a big difference whether you behave well at an interview


Answers Unit 1

Part I Writing

How to Improve Your Reading Comprehension

To improve your reading comprehension, you should read 提出问题。

extensively and constantly. In addition, you should master some

reading skills. Now, let me develop these two points:

Reading extensively and constantly requires you to make full 解决提高阅读

use of your time to read a large number of books. In fact, you 理解能力的措施一。 should read some newspapers, magazines and novels besides your

books in your spare time: after class, during vacations, on a

journey, etc. It will help you to enlarge your vocabulary, to

strengthen your language sense, to understand the grammatical

rules better and to acquire a great deal of knowledge. In the long

run, it will improve your reading comprehension.

In addition, mastering some reading skills are also necessary, 解决问题的措

such as scanning, skimming, recognizing signal words, 施二。

understanding figurative language, using context clues and word

part clues, grasping topic sentences, and so on. Skillful reading will 结论。本段运用make you get twice the result with half the effort. 例证法扩展段落。

Part II Reading Comprehenion (Skimming and Scanning)

Part III Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)

Section A

11.D) 12.I) 13.G) 14.K) 15.L) 16.E) 17.N) 18.O) 19.B) 20.A)

Section B

21----25. B A C C D 26----30. D B B B C

Part IV Vocabulary and Structure

31----35 C A C B A 36----40 C C A B D 41----45 C B D A A

46----50 C B C D D 51----55 D A C A D 56----60 A C C A C

Part V Cloze

61--65. A B C D B 66--70. A C A B A 71--75. C C B D A 76--80. B A C A C

Part VI Translation

Section A

Section B

86. 这种态度造就了一个决心投身于研究、实验和探索的民族。

87. 部分原因在于这样一个事实:美国的电话服务是一流的,而邮政服务的效率则差劲多了。 88. 但在美国,能迅速而又成功地解决问题或完成工作,则被视为是有水平有能力的标志。

Unit 2

I. Vocabulary

Section A. 1—5 BCCCA

Section B. 6—10 DCCBC 11—15 AADAC 16—20 DACAB

II. Structure

21—25 CCAAA 26—30 DDDAB

III. Reading Comprehension

31—35 CCCCD 36—40 ABDAB 41—45 CABAD

31. C A 和B 未提及。根据第一段中的”This coal was a powder, clean and brilliant.” 就可排

除D, 而肯定 C.

32. C. 文章第二段指出这些工具“traditionally proven”, 而并不意味着这里的人都很传统,

同时文章也只是说这些工具很奇妙 “curious”, 并不是说这里的人有很好奇的习惯。由

此可以排除A 和D。 B 未提及。另外,根据第二段对这些工具的描述,我们可以断

定这些工具很实用,C 为正确答案。

33. C. 根据第二段可以排除A, B和D.而根据最后一段 “a lady’s bike was no good because it

lacked a crossbar, and that was an essential element in transporting sea-coal.” 就可以肯定D


34. C 根据第三段对自行车装载的描写:One full sack could be slung through the triangular

frame of a man’s bike, another over the crossbar and , sometimes, even a third on top of that.

由此可以肯定C 正确。

35. D 根据 “it was being wheeled home”, 就可以排除A. 根据 “it (the bicycle)…enabled

one to move the sea-coal from place to place”, 就可以排除B. C在文中未提及。根据 “the

pressure of the metal bar against the full, wet sacks forced excess water out of the coal”, 克

肯定D 正确。

36. A 根据第一段中的 “we must be careful not to credit the little winged fellows with

intelligence”, 可以断定A 正确。

37. B 根据第四段 “I tripped over a nine of diamonds which someone had left lying on the

floor”, 可见B 正确。

38. D 根据第六段中“For there on the floor lay the cards scattered all about just as I had left

them the night before”, 可以排除A, 而D 正确。根据第一句 “When I came down the next

morning Pudge was still asleep in her box”, 可以肯定B the author realized that the wasp

had been trying to help 错误。C 在文中未提及。

39. A 作者根本就没有见到wasp 昨晚的所作所为,一切的一切都是作者想象出来的。可

见 A 正确

40. B 作者根绝自身的经历,以调侃的口气,从反面证实了Professor Bouvier 的观点。所

以 B 正确。

41.C. 根据第二段第二句 “Arts students may well find that their official contact with teachers is

less than this average, while science and engineering students may expect to be timetabled

for up to 20 hours per week.”, 我们可以断定C 正确。而A , B 和D 在文中未提及,也


42. A 根据第二段中的 “Lectures, seminars and tutorials are all one hour in length”, 就可以肯

定 A 正确。

43. B. 文章第一段第二句就是本文的主题句 “The greatest of these have probably been in the

economic lives of women.”, 由此可以断定B 正确。选项A 范围太大。C 范围太小,只

涉及到第四段部分内容。D 也仅仅涉及到第三段部分内容。

44. A. 根据全文,尤其是第一段的描写,可知这是一场破坏性极强的、使数千人丧生的灾

难,我们不难看出A 正确。

45. D A, B 和 C 都只涉及文章一部分内容,只有D 才最全面。

V. Cloze

46-50 CAABD 51-55 CDACC 56-60 AAAAD 61-65 BBCCD

46. C in recent years 最近几年中 (固定表达法)

47. A 下文有提示

48. A leisure time (习惯用法)从花费大量时间的责任、任务或活动中解脱的空闲时间,

闲暇 B 不做事的,游手好闲的 C 名词, 偶像,崇拜物 D 方便的

49. B 曝光(在公共场所获新闻媒介露面)例如an actor with much recent exposure in

television 近来在电视上露面的一位男演员A 动词,使暴露C 名词 爆炸,爆发D 名

词, 围场,围栏 例如enclosure movement (英国的)圈地运动

50. D more percentage 不搭配

51. C ever before 以前 ever since 从那时到现在

52. D thanks to 由于,幸亏

53. A at(a very) early age 小时后,幼年,早期

54. C fit…into给。。。安排时间 fit…up安装 fit on 装上,试穿 fit out装备,配备

55. C

56..A 论证或证明。。。正当、正确或有效。例如:justify each budgetary expense as necessary


57. A have interest in 对。。。有兴趣,(固定搭配)

58. A keep in condition 保持健康状态 (固定搭配)

59. A 根据上文应选择regularly , 定期地

60. D be popularly with 受。。。 欢迎,(固定搭配)

61. B 惯例(按惯常遵循的已规定好的行为作法),固定的娱乐节目,而A 则专门指“从


62. B who 指代前面的 people,且在定语从句中担当主语。

63. C be likely to 可能 likable 可爱的 likewise 照样地,同样地,又,也

64. C 此处更多地强调由一些疾病所带给人们的警告、警示,而不是具体的疾病或表面的


65. D pay off 赢利,取得好结果。例如: The effort pays off in the long run这种努力最终会

有好结果。. pay in 解款人 pay for 偿还

VI . Short Answer Questions:

66. they want to know more about the world

67. Because they are the source of news and other information.

68. selective and influenced by various factors

69. Social context of exposure.

70. hardly (scarcely) planned

VII Translation

Directions: Please translate these sentences into English.

71.我们要采取什么措施才能使数百万人转变观念,接受计划生育?(convert to )

72.我国北方农村一带盛产经济作物,如玉米、棉花。(be abundant with)

73.这家公司许诺,他们将千方百计满对产品质量的要求信度心存疑虑。(try every means to fulfill the requirements for/the questions still remains as to


74.The use of atomic energy will lead to a great technical revolution.

75.As a symbolic architect, a stadium which can hold up to 30,000 people is located in the center of this city.

76.Tom wanted to go to America by himself,but his parents frowned on the idea.

Part VIII Writing (30 minutes)


My View on Sense of Responsibility

By responsibility, we mean the realization of one’s task, duty 提出概念,以例

or obligation. As college students, our task is to study hard and well 证法论证责任感的

so that we will be able to apply our knowledge and skills in the 内涵。

construction of our country. A teacher’s duty is to be responsible to

his students. He should try to make all his students master what he


As ordinary Chinese citizens, we have every reason to 进一步以例证

shoulder the responsibility of making our country strong. China is 法扩展段落:对国家

still a developing country. It is our duty to keep it powerful in the 的责任感。

world. Therefore we should obey national laws. We should work

hard for the country’s prosperity. When the country is threatened by

any possible invaders, young people should be ready to join in the

service of defending the country. In short, we must place the

country’s future above our own needs.

Finally, we should keep in mind that we have the

responsibility to make the world a better place to live in. We long

for peace and hate war. We should protect the environment.


Unit 3

I. Vocabulary

Section A. 1.C 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. A

Section B. 6.B 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. B 11.B . 12.A 13.B 14 A

15.B 16. C 17. D 18. A 19. C 20. C

II. Structure

21.A 22. D 23.A 24. C 25. C 26. D 27. C 28. B 29. B 30. C III. Reading Comprehension

31. N 32. NG 33. Y 34. N 35. Y 36. Y 37. N

Passage Two: Careful reading

38.C 39.F 40. I 41.K 42.A 43.H 44.M 45.O 46.G 47.J

V. Cloze

56. A 57. C 58. C 59. D 60. D 61. A 62. A 63. B 64. A 65. C 66..A 67. D

68. A 69. A 70. A 71. C 72. A 73.B 74. B 75. C

VI . Short Answer Questions:

S1. They were spoiled and indulged.

S2. Because the river was full of unpredictable twists and turns.

S3. It was in adversity.

S4. Distrust and lack of teamwork.

S5. The spirit of teamwork.

VII Translation

Section A

1. 人生充满了欢乐与痛苦。

2. 工作人员对这一说法的真实性有些保留看法。

3. 他企图以滔滔不绝的谈话来拖延时间。

Section B

1. During our two years together we had experienced the usual ups and downs of a couple

learning to know, understand , and respect each other.

2. That point was emphasized by the fact that Gail’s parents, after thirty-five years of marriage,

were going through a bitter and painful divorce, which had destroyed Gail and for a time had a negative effect on our budding relationship.



样题一 144-150页

1-5 A DCBA

6-10 BCCAD

11-15 BDDDC

16-20 DBCAB

21-25 DBCCD

26-30 AACBD

31-35 ABACD

36-40 CBCAB

41-45 DCCAD

46-50 ABABC


51.Can you tell me where the train station is

52.You may take bus NO.12

53.But where is the nearest bus stop

54.Turn right at the second traffic lights

55.You are welcome

样题二 150-156页


6-10 ACDCB

11-15 DBCBC

16-20 ADACA

21-25 DABBC

26-30 DDCBD

31-35 ACABA

36-40 DCDDA

41-45 DDAAD

46-50 CBBCB


51.What is wrong

52.Very good at it

53.I was too careless

54.A whole page of the test

55.Be careful

样题三 156-163页


6-10 BBCDD

11-15 DDDDC

16-20 AACAB

21-25 CACDA

26-30 CBCDA

31-35 DABAC

36-40 AABCA

41-45 DBCAD

46-50 ABABC


51.Can you tell me where the train station is

52.You may take bus NO.12

53.But where is the nearest bus stop

54.Turn right at the second traffic lights

55.You are welcome

样题四 164-171页


6-10 AADBB

11-15 BDADC

16-20 DCBBB

21-25 BCABD

26-30 DCACB

31-35 DDCAA

36-40 BDCBA

41-45 CBBBD

46-50 ACDBA


51.Which on do you mean

52.Yes,I did

53.What is it about

54.Sorry,I did not

55.See you later

样题五 172-179页


6-10 CBAAC

11-15 BCCCA

16-20 BCABB

21-25 BADCD

26-30 ACBAB

31-35 CDADC

36-40 CCDAD

41-45 BBCDC

46-50 DBCBC


51.How are you?

52.do you feel like going to that new disco?

53.what about having a pizza first.

54.Sure, why not ?

55.Ok, See you.

样题六 179-186页


6-10 CABBC

11-15 CDBBB

16-20 CCACD

21-25 BACBD

26-30 CADCA

31-35 BDBCD

36-40 CACDA

41-45 BDBBD

46-50 BBBDC


51. I swim and run every day.

52. I don't eat

53. Do you eat a lot of vegetables

54. They're very bad for me..

55.What do you drink

样题七 186-193页


6-10 BCADC

11-15 ABADA

16-20 BABDD

21-25 ABCAC

26-30 BDCBA

31-35 BCDAD

36-40 BCCAB

41-45 BBDAB

46-50 DBBCA


51. Can I help you

52. What's your name , please?

53. Where do you live ?

54. What's your telephone number?

55. I'm a salesman.

样题八 194-198页


6-10 BDCDD

11-15 DCDAA

16-20 CDCCC

21-25 ACADD

26-30 ABBBC

31-35 CDABD

36-40 DACBD

41-45 BABDC

46-50 BDBAC


51.what can I do for you?

52.Do you have size?

53.Do you have any other color?

54.How much?

55.It's too expensive

样题九 199-205页


6-10 ACDDB

11-15 ACCBC

16-20 CBAAB

21-25 BACBD

26-30 CABCA

31-35 DCDAD

36-40 BADCC

41-45 BADAA

46-50 BABCB


51.It there Any message for?

52.your meeting time

53.At 3"clock friday afternoon

54.go to Beijing

55.is fine

样题十 205-212页


6-10 ACADA

11-15 BBCCC

16-20 DBACA

21-25 ACBCB

26-30 DABAD

31-35 CACCB

36-40 CDDCA

41-45 CBCAB

46-50 BBDBB


51.Have you taken your temperature?

52.How long have you been like this?

53.You've got a cold.

54.Is it serious?

55.How often do I have to take it?

样题十一 213-219页


6-10 BCAAB

11-15 CCCBB

16-20 ADACA

21-25 CABAD

26-30 BBDAC

31-35 CBADC

36-40 CBABB

41-45 CCDAC

46-50 DCDDB


51.What are they talking about

52.No,I did not

53.What a pity


55.At six o ’clock this evening
