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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 07:22:02 小学作文



When we hear the word ‘terrorism’, we will think of the 911 event, which caused much damage. In fact, international terrorism has existed since World War Two. As society develops, many means have been used in terrorism such as hijacking, explosion, kidnapping and so on, which attracts much attention in the whole world.

Faced with so many terrorist activities, we can not help to think about the roots of terrorism. In my opinion, there are three reasons for the problem. Firstly, extreme nationalism, which is intended to resist the foreign oppression and seek for national independence, is the main root of terrorism. Although some countries did succeed by this way in history, the way itself should not be advocated. Besides, terrorism is the product of intensification of contradictions in the domestic and overseas. In other words, the gaps between rich and poor countries become wider and wider, leading to terrorism against the globalization of capitalism. In all, the main reason lies in the economy. So, how to make fair distribution around the world is worth thinking deeply. Last but not least, religious factors and cultural conflicts should be responsible for this serious problem. As we know, some crazy religious believers play important role in terrorist events in several years.

Frankly speaking, it is impossible to make terrorism disappear. So how to reduce it seems very important. After all, all kinds of terrorist activities do harm to society and human-beings. For a country, it threatens country’s public security and economic development. For the whole world, it keeps people all of the world in a mess. These horrible consequences warn that it is necessary to solve the problem.

As far as I am concerned, what is the most important is to keep developing the global economy and try to promote fair distribution of economy. Especially, developed countries should provide support of economy and technology for developing countries in order to keep the balance of economy in the world. Because we can not prevent the development of global economy, so it is wise to join in the global market and take opportunities of developing own economy. As people say, seizing chances is the basic of creating chances. Next, it is the key to deal well with the religious problems. We must realize that religion is a part of culture and not able to be connected with policy. Governments of the world should give religions enough freedom and respects that they should get. What’s more, strengthening communications of different cultures is helpful to enhance each other’s understandings. In other words, seek common points and put differences aside. We should believe that peaceful negotiations are better than unwise violence. Besides, it will reduce the damages caused by terrorism by improving the systems of public security. Of course, these points seem easy but difficult to carry out. This is the reason why terrorism is still expanding in the world. But I still believe that the problem will be eased with the help of all countries and all people. I hope the day would come as soon as possible.


This is a world full of killing and violence. From 911 events in the United States last May 1, Osama bin Laden was killed. A full decade, the terrorists bring to the people of the world of endless disaster. Now, the ongoing fight against terrorism worldwide. America take the most actives and the United States made the biggest achievements. Today,the topic of my speech on counter-terrorism. Now, let's begin

The first question is what is terrorism? A common definition of terrorism, it only refers to those acts of violence designed to create fear, religion, political or ideological goals crime, deliberately ignoring the safety of civilians and the establishment of non-governmental organizations. This is a brutal and Dangerous terrorists, Which we are most familiar with is the terrorist chieftain Osama bin Laden. Osama bin Laden is the founder of the Islamic extremist organization al-Qaeda, most widely recognized for the September 11 attacks on the United States. The second point is the terrorists brought to mankind countless pain. The most famous are The September 11 attacks and The Domodedovo International Airport bombing. The September 11 attacks, were a suicide attacks by al-Qaeda upon the United States on September 11, 2001.

On that morning, 19 al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four commercial

passenger jet airliners. The hijackers intentionally crashed two of the airliners into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, killing everyone on board and many others working in the buildings.Both towers collapsed within two hours, destroying nearby buildings and damaging others. There were no survivors from any of the flights. From the pictures, how residues cold means, how poor people! The second Sad thing is The Domodedovo International Airport bombing.The 2011 Domodedovo International Airport bombing was a suicide attack in the international arrivals hall of Moscow 's busiest airport, Moscow Oblast , on 24 January 2011.

The bombing killed at least 37 people and injured some 180. From the pictures, how residues cold means, how poor people!

The terrorists are so evil, how to govern them? First, we take a look at how the U.S. fight against terrorism.

Surrounded by officials who have spent the last six weeks in the war on terrorism, President Bush signed an extensive anti-terrorism bill into law on Oct.26 2001. The law, which provides police and law enforcement agencies with broad new powers of tracking and observation, was approved 99-1 in the Senate, and passed handily in the House. We look at how other countries around the world fight against terrorism. In Jan.2011, an UN

anti-terrorism conference in Saudi Capital Riyadh has discussed ways to counter the threats of terrorism.

The conference attended by senior officials and experts from around the world focused on ways to use the internet to counter the extremist groups.

Opening the conference the Chairman of UN Anti-terrorism working group Richard Barrett stressed the need for properly delivering the message against violence and terrorism. I believe that more equality and respect around the world, our lives will become infinitely better. Thank you

China's anti-terrorism measures

First, China Strengthen the domestic capacity to counter terrorism .Improve the legislative system, and to provide a legal basis for the fight against terrorism. Second China Strengthen international cooperation in anti-terrorism. China has actively participated in international cooperation against terrorism, support the leading role of the United Nations in the fight against terrorism. China Strengthen regional and bilateral cooperation against terrorism


On the morning of April 15,Beijing time,suddenly two bombs exploded near Boston Marathon finish line. The serial bombings has killed three people, at least 176 people were injured.From the number of explosive device, hiding place and detonation time, this is a carefully planned terrorist attack.

According to the report,suspect of the attack is a pair of American brothers.They confessed that the reason this happens is because they hate the United States launched the war in Afghanistan and Iraq war unceasingly. Boston is regarded as the birthplace of the revolutionary spirit and has been hailed as a revolution to commemorate the Holy Land, terrorist attacks here can hit the morale of the American nationa obviously. Frequent attacks on the United States, it should reflect its international image and foreign policy, terrorism, however this is not perfect enough, anyway, the killing of innocent civilians are humanitarian injustice.Terrorism don’t have the lower limit and regardless of the objects, to be wordly-wise and play safe is not security, there is only one way: punishing terrorism together. At the same time, the terrorists want is the fear of people, and everyone still normal life is the best response to terrorism, Boston has said th(转 载于:wWw.SmHaIDA.cOM 海达 范文 网:恐怖主义英语作文)at next year will continue to marathon, peace-loving people won't bow to terrorism.

and has been hailed as a revolution to commemorate the Holy Land, terrorist attacks here can hit the morale of the American nation obviously.

篇四:高中英语作文素材 我们应该如何对付恐怖主义 How We Should Combat Terrorism

我们应该如何对付恐怖主义(How We Should Combat Terrorism)

Ever since September 11 happened in 2001, whole world has been appealing to combat terrorism. As we can see, people in different country hold very different opinions on the issue how we should combat terrorism. Obviously, Americans think that they can keep them away from terrorism by evanishing all their so-called enemies such as Iraq and Afghanistan, and now both country are under their control, however, terrorism does not disappear as they have hoped. Contrarily, there seems to be an ever-increasing trend, just leaving countless guiltless people suffering from the war。It is said that about 5451 people died in the disaster of 9.11, while the casualty of common of Iraq has reached more than 6087 according to the statistics freshly released by white house. So we should always keep in mind what we are supposed to do and what are not, do not make yourself a terrorist because of your hate of terrorism.

In my opinion, in order to combat terrorism, firstly, we should combat all inequality and injustice deeply rooted in our society. There are so many people had been and are wrongly and unfairly treated : you are not allowed to sit in some special preservation in a bus just because you are a black, you are forbidden in entering some occupations because you are a black, you do the same job like others while getting lower rewards than others just because you are a black or you are a women .you are turned down again in a job applying because of your age. If all abovehappened inside a country, then following are among countries: some countries request for illegal rights interfering in other country’s national affairs rely on their enormous economic and military power, they suppress and crack down on Muslim countries, separate their people from their religion.

Can you believe that all this things happened in a society claimed to be more and more democracy and free? No one wants to be guilty unless they are forced to be. Now you see,many people are thirsty for equality and justice as you for peace and quite. Giving them what they want, then you will get what you want.


1. rampant 猖獗 2. condemn 谴责 3. explode 爆炸 4. Embassy 大使馆


AL-Qaeda-linked group 跟基地有联系


6. be blamed for 因??而受到谴责 7. impending 即将发生 8. wanted 通缉 9. identity 认定 10. offer a reward of 悬赏 11. be credited with 因??而有功 12. is claiming responsibility for 声称

对??负责 13. take responsibility for 对??负责 14. suicide bomber 人体炸弹

15. be targeted in the attacks 被定为攻击的


16. detonate 引爆

17. the general prosecutor 总检察官

18. be charged with 被指控(犯有)?? 19. prior to 在??之前 20. repression 压制 21. pound猛烈轰击 22.

barbarity 野蛮

23. deployment 调度

24. shooting spree 连环射杀

25. month of Ramadan 斋月

26. face a major military onslaught 面临一

次重大的军事攻击 27. interim 临时

28. radicals 激进份子

29. conspiring with 与??同谋

30. an inverted-pyramid style 倒金字塔型


31. beheading 斩首

32. launch preemptive strikes



33. bounty for 悬赏给

34. nationwide manhunt 全国范围搜捕 35. vice presidential 副总统 36. the acting Prime Minister 代总理 37. the hostage takers 人质劫持者 38. set fire to 放火烧?? 39. disperse 驱散

40. ransack 洗劫

41. reaffirm one’s absolute solidarity with 重申与??绝对团结 42. reiterate 重申

43. pay a condolence visit to 去??吊唁 44. “lethal” attacks 致命打击 45. whereabouts 行踪 46. fugitive 逃犯

47. a brief firefight 短暂的交火 48. never get far 难逍遥法外 49.

explosives 爆炸

50. mastermind 幕后操纵者

51. committed supporter 坚定的支持者 52. sentence sb in prison 判某人监禁 53. be found guilty of 因??而被判有罪 54. gas leak 煤气泄漏 55. resorts 旅游胜地

You cannot tell from appearances how things will go.Sometimes imagination makes things out far worse than they are;yet without imagination not much can be done.Those people who are imaginative see many more dangers than perhaps exist;certainly many more will happen; but then they must also pray to be given that extra courage to carry this far─reaching imagination.But for everyone,surely,what we have gone through in this period─I am addressing myself to the school─surely from this period of ten months this is the lesson:never give in, never give in,never



or small,large


petty─never give in expect to apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.We stood all alone a year ago,and too many countries it seemed that our account was closed ,we were finished.All this tradition of ours,ours songs,ours school history,this part of the history of this country,were gone and finished and liquidated.
