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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 07:30:25 字数作文

篇一:My Ideal School Life

My Ideal School Life

I study in a middle school. We have a wonderful school life, but I hope to have a more enjoyable school life. I ‘d like to have more school activities such as ball games, swimming , drawing singing and dancing. In this way, our school life will be more exciting. I’d also like to have more school trips to other places because I think we can learn a lot from the experience of travelling. Besides, we have much homework every day, so I’d like to have less homework. This is what my ideal school life is like.

I am a middle school student. We have a lot of homework every day. I always feel very tired so I’d like to have a different kind of school life. First of all, I’d like to have less homework. Next, I’d like to have more school activties. For example, I’d like to have more outings. Picnics in the park will be fun. We can share our food. How wonderful it will be! The last but not least, I ‘d like to have a swimming pool in the school because I enjoy swimming a lot. I am really eager to have this kind of school life. It is my ideal school life.

I am good at my study and I enjoy my school life very much. However, I hope we can make some changes to our school. For example, I’d like to have more books and magazines in the library. It will be nice to have a bigger library. I am interested in reading all kinds of books. Besides, I ‘d like to have more display boards in the classroom. We can put up some good works of my classmates on the display boards. In this way, we can learn more from each other. It will also be helpful to have a modern science laboratory in our school. We need to do a lot of experiments when we have chemistry and biology lessons. How wonderful my ideal school life is!

We have a wonderful school life, but I hope to have a more enjoyable school life.

I always feel very tired so I’d like to have a different kind of school life.

I am good at my study and I enjoy my school life very much. However, I hope we can make some changes to our school.

First of all,

The last but not least,

For example,

I ‘d like to have…

I’d also like to have

It will also be helpful to have


, so

In this way

have more outings

am interested in

enjoy …. a lot

We need to do a lot of experiments when we have chemistry and biology lessons. more school activities such as ball games, swimming , drawing singing and dancing put up some good works of my classmates on the display boards

can learn more from each other

Picnics in the park will be fun.

How wonderful it will be!

It will be more exciting.

It will be nice to have a bigger library.

can learn a lot from the experience of travelling.

This is what my ideal school life is like.

I am really eager to have this kind of school life. It is my ideal school life. How wonderful my ideal school life is!







篇二:My ideal school day

My ideal school day/My ideal school?

早上,我可以晚点起床(get up),因为睡觉是很重要的( important)。八点左右(about)我吃早饭并且看新闻节目(news programme)。我可以了解(know about)世界!八点半我到达(get to)学校,上午课从九点开始到十一点半(from…to…)结束。我可以上两节课。10点我可以休息一下(have a break)。我和同学们在操场上做运动(do sports),我们会玩得很开心(have a good time)!午饭(is)在12点,餐厅里有各种各样(many kinds of)的美食,而且也有西餐(western)。我最爱的食物是汉堡包和冰淇淋,但我知道它们是不健康食品,吃多了不好(be bad for)!下午我上一节课,是艺术课。我可以听音乐、画画(draw)。三点课就结束(over)了。放学后我可以和朋友一起踢足球,或者我们可以去图书馆读书,或者去看电影(see a film)(go to cinema),然后回家。每天我在网上(online)做作业半小时,因此我有大量的自由时间(free time)。我可以和父母一

起去散步(go out for a walk),和父母谈话。晚上,我一家人一起看电视,谈论(talk about)各种新闻。大约九点我上床睡觉,在那之前(before that),我喜欢刷刷牙(brush)、洗洗脚。多美(beautiful)好的一天啊!

篇三:My ideal school

My ideal school

There are many problems in the school education nowadays, and most of these problems are the problems left over by history,which have their reasons. So the effective reform of education in short time is not realistic.. But if I were an educator, I would hope that my school is not the same as the present..

First, I think my school should make some requirements on the quality of the students and teachers.. I'll put the emphasis on the student's interest.Regardless of age, wealth, races, as long as the students are interested in some districts, they can enter my school.In that case,my school must be "rich and colorful ".Why do i design my school like this?

Because we all know that every student is different, and have their own strengths and interest points. But the school now is more stubborn to attach importance to cultural studies, so that the education view of our students possibly is formed by a false guide, students would think in their mind that just learning cultural lessons is absolutely enough to college.To avoid that, I will pay more attention to the students' ability of self-study, so I will design some of the courses of valuing thinking to let their capacity to put in practice. In sum,only if the students are relatively persistent, I will do everything possible to develop the students in my school.However, students still need to comply with some basic moral rules and school rules and regulations, the bad behavior of students in our school is not welcome. In short, in the quality of the students, I will pay more attention to the students' interest and exploration of the enthusiasm.

As for the teacher's request, the first request (simultaneously the most important) is the teacher must be a person who is expert at a certain field, and must love working on education itself. In addition, the teacher must have the teacher's basic moral and professional responsibility. This is the quality that teachers must have in my school.What’s more, I will not require the teacher to send a paper per year in order to measure and maintain the teacher's professional skills. As an alternative, I will ask the teacher to pay a reflective education every semester. Based on that,the evaluation of teachers is made.

It is a need to pay attention to the p

my ideal school中英

rogress of the students' practical ability in our school.. Compared to the school now pay more attention to great achievements, my school pay more attention to students in their ability to explore the progress.And scores is established through students' own assessment and st mutual evaluation among other students and teacher.

Specifically to the school structure, the school will comply with the existing school structure model. But there is no leadership between teachers and students but the friendly relationship . Each student is not under control of teachers ,they are responsible for themselves.

What is my school class like?

My school’s characteristics is that there is no class in the class and no leading teacher but the life teacher and the psychological tutor who is responsible for the psychological counseling.As for the monitor, we are designed to take turns. And each will have the chance to be the monitor.In the course of monitors,he will take notes of the incidents happening in class and make his assessment. Every good monitor will get the reward at the end.

What's the number of our class? There are more or less 20 people in our class , so that the students learning and life can be easy for teachers to know. And we are also relatively easy to form a group, similar to the study group. In this group, the students will get to know each other better, so we are not only classmates, but also good friends. Because let we look at the present education,

the students are isolate as if others life have no meaning with them. Such education is a failure.. My education is the pursuit of academic and communicative skills, my school's goal is to cultivate the students with knowledge and attention to friendship.

And the design of courses is also fixed, they can be divided into two parts. One part is the basis of subject, and it is the course that every student must choose.. Because a good student must have a good understanding of basic things, so that the direction of learning is clear. In addition, the school will also open free classes,according to the students' interest and ability , each divided into primary, intermediate and intermediate. The opening of these courses is completely for the students' opinion, and after careful consideration. The opening and assessment of these courses is not random.. After students choose these courses, they need to hand over their own work, or they are not passed..

Homework and exams, the above has been mentioned.he The homework is a little.And the final exam, it is not a rigid exam, but let the students prepare a paper to share to everyone about his achievements.

So my ideal school is just like this .

篇四:My ideal school

My ideal school

????My ideal school

????My ideal school day will start at 9:30 a.m. because I like sleeping. The school day finishes at 3:30 p.m. We will have more free time to do other things.

????We have an hour for lunch. There is a big and beautiful dining hall. We can eat tasty meals, chat and have a rest in it. We can listen to pop music while we have lunch. It's wonderful.

????We have seven subjects. They are Computer Studies, English, Geography, History, Home Economics, Swimming and Tennis. So we have a swimming pool and a tennis court. We also have many clubs, such as Cooking Lessons, Drama Club, Driving Lessons, Film Club, Reading Club, Singing Group.

????We wear school uniforms. Girls wear skirts, white blouses, ties and coats. Boys wear black trousers, white shirts, ties and coats.

????There is a beautiful park and some shops near the school. In the school, there is a big library with lots of books.

????We don't have homework every day. But we will do some exercises in class. Every month, we go on a school trip. It's interesting.


篇五:My ideal school

My ideal school

????My ideal school

????My ideal school day will start at 9:30 a.m. because I like sleeping. The school day finishes at 3:30 p.m. We will have more free time to do other things.

????We have an hour for lunch. There is a big and beautiful dining hall. We can eat tasty meals, chat and have a rest in it. We can listen to pop music while we have lunch. It's wonderful.

????We have seven subjects. They are Computer Studies, English, Geography, History, Home Economics, Swimming and Tennis. So we have a swimming pool and a tennis court. We also have many clubs, such as Cooking Lessons, Drama Club, Driving Lessons, Film Club, Reading Club, Singing Group.

????We wear school uniforms. Girls wear skirts, white blouses, ties and coats. Boys wear black trousers, white shirts, ties and coats.

????There is a beautiful park and some shops near the school. In the school, there is a big library with lots of books.

????We don't have homework every day. But we will do some exercises in class. Every month, we go on a school trip. It's interesting.

