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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 09:29:58 字数作文

篇一:现实版的Tom和Jerry the real Tom and Jerry

现实版的Tom和Jerry the real Tom and Jerry

Looming menacingly, a prowling pussycat(猫) eyes a lone mouse stranded all alone

in the snow.

Surely thinking his luck is in, the cat swaggers over only to find the plucky rodent

(啮齿目动物) is prepared to put up a fight.

Here's the story...Felix--the cat

Lunchtime: Felix eyes up his prey, who has nowhere to hide in a snow-covered German back garden

David and Goliath: The plucky rodent decides he's not going to let Felix eat him

Strike: Felix has had enough of this mouse and lashes out with his right paw

But he misses... and the mouse fights back, startling Felix, before scurrying away to safety But in true cartoon style, the mouse leaps for his life and scurries across the snow to freedom.

The unusual scene took place in a back garden in Siegen, Germany.

It only goes to show that no matter how bleak the situation, one last push can sometimes save the day. And that sometimes, mice too have nine lives.

Cartoon foes: Tom and Jerry duke it out onscreen

篇二:Tom and Jerry --Dog Trouble

Tom and Jerry --Dog Trouble is running across横穿 a tablecloth. He is not

going anywhere. As Jerry runs, is pulling拉 the

cloth like a 跑步机. Tom reaches达到 the end

尽头 of the cloth and Jerry runs across to the other side

of the table as Tom chases. Jerry tries to stop at the

end of the table, but Tom's open mouth is waiting for

him to run in! How dangerous it is. See Tom’s big

open mouth on the left. Jerry cannot stop himself, but he uses one of the cat's whiskers胡须 to swing使旋转 himself back out, and then runs into his mouse hole. Getting very angry, Tom then knocks hard on the wall and tries to make Jerry come out again, and to our surprise, this time Tom patiently耐心地 waits there as Jerry tiptoes['tipt?uz] 蹑手蹑脚地行进 through an

open hole on the other side of the wall. He sees a piece of cheese

奶酪on a mousetrap捕鼠器 and takes it out for Tom's tail尾巴 to fall

into. When the cat's jumping tail doesn’t fall into the mousetrap

at all, Jerry himself does the job of putting the cat’s tail in to the

mousetrap and Tom cries loudly, feeling painful as he is trapped

by the mouse trap. Quickly, Jerry runs for his life逃命 as Tom

直接地sleeping bulldog, the Killer () and doing this, he puts

himself in the danger of almost killing himself. Tom's chase makes

himself run into the dog, causing them both to kiss. Spike wakes up in

anger at his being unable不能 to sleep comfortably. Responding 反应

quickly, the cat runs away, very afraid of Killer Spike. Tom hides

himself by climbing up a lamp灯

. Jerry gets into trouble, too, when the

dog hears Jerry laughing at Tom's misfortune不幸 and starts to chase the

mouse instead. Jerry escapes by climbing up the 布谷鸟, but

accidentally 意外地open the door of the clock, causing the bird to pop out 突然伸出. So Jerry is now he fails失败. Killer goes away, returning to sleep. In delight, Tom climbs down from the lamp, feeling delighted and wanting to sing a song to enjoy himself, but the alert警觉的 Spike appears again and forces迫使 Tom to climb up the lamp again. The same相同的 thing happens发生 to Jerry,

and this time when the cuckoo bird pops out突然伸出with Jerry hanging out, Spike catches the cuckoo

直到嘎吱嘎吱声Spike to run after him again. Seeing Tom in danger, the mortified ['m?:tifaid]受辱的mouse decides to help Tom, his enemy fight against the greater danger. The cat jumps onto a desk as the dog tries to bite him, and Jerry whistles ['wislz]吹口哨for Tom to climb up onto the top of the clock and it's safe there. Tom doesn’t want to be bitten by Spike. He leaps跳跃 all the way一路 to the clock, but unluckily, the clock is not stable稳定的 and Jerry begins to fall into the big mouth of that strong 提供

his tail to pull Jerry out of Spike's mouth, and with this alliance [?'lai?ns] 联盟, Tom and Jerry shake摇hands, becoming good Tom and Jerry think of a plan together; Jerry sneaks潜行 across the ceiling天花板, down a curtain窗帘, and into a basket. He wants to tie系 a piece of the long thread线 to his body and starts to sneak潜行 through穿过 the house. As a part of Jerry's plan, Tom makes faces to the dog to make the stupid dog angry. And finally the stupid fat dog will make mistakes. So laughing at the fat but strong foolish dog, Tom holds out伸出 his tail, but pulls it quickly up every time Spike tries to bite it. At the

same time, the mouse has make a trap for Spike. As the dog runs

here and there angrily, Jerry appears behind the dog and kicks him

in the rear [ri?]屁股, causing the dog to scream and cry in pain.

When the dog stops running, Jerry sticks out伸出his tongue and

makes faces to Spike, getting him to chase him around the corner角

落. The mouse then hides and leaves Spike to fall into the trap,

completely完全making the room in a mess混乱promptly迅速地enters the room and sees the scene in a mess and Spike is dragged拖拉 across the floor by Mammy and thrown out of the house, as he is not her dog any more.

Tom and Jerry wave挥手to Spike as they watch仔细看 him

get thrown扔出out of the room, and Tom sits down in relief欣

慰地and suddenly a loud sound is heard behind the curtain窗帘

they are hiding. Tom's tail has been-caught in another

mousetrap. This time, Jerry doesn’t put the tail of Tom in to

mousetrap, but Jerry is believed to have done it, so the chase

between the cat and mouse begins again. Poor Jerry!

篇三:Tom and Jerry Kids

Tom and Jerry Kids,

tom and jerry全集

Gotta be there where all the action is. Tom and Jerry Kids,

Tom and Jerry Kids new show!

(music intro)

There's Spike and Tyke,

Droopy and Dripple,

Come on and have some fun It's oh-so simple...

Talking 'bout the

Tom and Jerry Kids

Come on and be where all the action is Tom and Jerry Kids

Tom and Jerry Kids

Tom and Jerry Kids new show



ANT:噜啦啦噜啦啦~The weather is nice today!

WEN:OH!GOSH!MY neck! HEY! Blamed cat!HOW RUDE YOU are!

ANT:oh~~ my beauty~` how lovely you are~! I am gonna to see you now! You will like this cute present~ will you?~\

WEN: bad tom! This bowknot is so ugly! 哼!

ANT: EM~ MY DARLING~I am coming now!~

Wen:A hateful cat!

MOL: come in please!~

ANT:hello~ hold it~thanks~

Where is my sweety?~ oh~! There!!

MOL:啦啦啦啦~ see! My fingernails are so beautiful~ aren’t they? ANT:of course ~sweety~

MOL:OH?! Who are you ?

ANT: I am handsome tom~ here you are~flowers~

And a cute gift!


MOL:Oh~ I like it~

ANT: see!

WEN:GOSH! What you wanna do?!!! Oh!please be gentle!

哼!I will draw a big circle to curse you ! bad tom!

MOL:啊哈~ that’s wonferful!

ANT:see again~!

WEN:A ball? 咕噜咕噜。。。 OH!!! 啊啊啊啊啊!my head!! OH! STOP! 啊哈! It’s funny!

ANT:come here! Little mouse!

WEN:oh! My god!!!


MOL:oh~ you are so great!

ANT: that’s small case!~

WEN:咳咳咳咳。。。啊。What’s you gonna do?!!

ANT:嗯哼~ WAIT ANDsee~

WEN:啊!!! Hot hot hot!!! Oooooooo///// owo~

Gosh!! Help!!!

Ant: like it?~~?

MOL: that’s wonderful !!!

ANT: then give me a kiss~~!!【 这里你自己看怎么改吧。如果你不介意也没什么 - -】

MOL: oh!NO!

WEN:哼!I will give you a big surprise! 啊哈~ I see!

ANT: 啊啊啊啊!!MY TAIL!!

MOL: oh!it’s smell foul!

(等笑完) 哼!

篇五:Tom and Jerry

Part 1






接下来,我们要讲述的就是Tom and Jerry 的故事。

在9月烈日的照耀下,怀揣着对大学生活美好的憧憬,Tom and Jerry 踏进了自己梦寐以求的大学—华软的大门。

在经历过严峻的军训,继而观看完新生汇演师兄师姐们精彩的表演过后,Tom and Jerry 更加坚定了自己要加入社团大干一番的决心。


Part 2





Part 3




Part 4





