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篇一:【美高网】美国迈斯特中学The Masters School

美国迈斯特中学The Masters School

美国迈斯特中学the masters school完美地利用了邻近纽约市的地理优势,让纽约市成了学生的第二课堂,在那学生可以通过许多课外活动来赚取额外的学分,如:参观该区的宗教组织机构和各大学科学实验室、与华尔街响当当经济学专家交流、旁听美国联合国大会等。但是上述“Big Apple”项目,除了让学生按照老师们指定好的光观路线参观外, 到校是需要向老师递交参观门票和游记或文字上的信息反馈,进过评定后才能赚取额外的学分。

教学理念:美国迈斯特中学the masters school宣扬“客观”、“正直”、“责任感”, 除了在充满挑战的学术环境下,培养学生创新和独立思考能力外,还非常注重培养学生处事待物的习惯,即“认真对待每一件事情”,希望学生能意识到“尝试着做”和“做”的区别。1996年学校引入圆桌教学法,以师生互相讨论为基础,考验学生对自己所学知识进行思考,构建话题,提出问题,并引发讨论,发展学生相互协作以及知识运用和表达思想的能力。



美国迈斯特中学the masters school学生的人数虽然不多,但学生各个都是精英;学生尊敬老师、老师爱护学生,师生共建一个愉悦祥和、春风化雨的学习环境。英语教学方面的成绩非常优秀,成绩更是有目共睹的。





住宿条件:宿舍数量 5个(3个女生宿舍,2个男生宿舍)

宿舍设施 Game Room Laundry Facilities Lounge Wireless Internet Vending Machines Gourmet Kitchens

着装要求 Casual



篇二:The New Schoolmaster

The New Schoolmaster

The summer afternoon was warm and sticky.Jonathan Cranwell sat on a hard bench behind the

long narrow desk and watched the flies flit lazily in the sun.The droning voices of the younger boys

chanting letters and the older boys reciting Latin verbs made him sleepy. Jonathan had to force his

eyes to stay open.He sighed.He didn’t see the use of most of his studies.He had already memorized

all his lessons and read most of the books in his father’s study.He wanted to take on the new world

of 1755.He wanted to learn something new!

He looked up at the schoolmaster’s high desk in the front of the room.The new teacher was

from Harvard College.Jonathan’s father had been impressed with him,but so far to Jonathan he

seemed just like all the other schoolmasters.The boys had already had several other teachers,men

who taught them their lessons day after day,but none of them seemed to inspire Jonathan.So

far,there was nothing to show that this one was special,though he’d only been there two days.

The schoolmaster was coming around his desk.“It’s too hot to sit and memorize lessons,”he

said,looking straight at Jonathan.“It’s a good time to begin our nature studies.We’ll move ontdoors

for the next part of our lesson.”He led the group of boys into the schoolyard.“You younger lads,dig

for grubs and beetles.Count their feet.see if you can describe their shells.”

Jonathan watched the teacher surrounded by laughing young students.No one had ever used

the schoolyard itself for a classroom.“What next?” he thought.Soon he didn’t have time to think

about the younger boys,for he was chasing butterflies and dragonflies himself.When the class

(来自:WWw.SmhaiDa.com 海达范文网:the,masters,school)

finally went inside,the older boys were ready to follow the instructions to study the insects they had


Jonathan and his friends liked this new way of learning.They began to see that their education

didn’t stop when they went home after the school day.

“It will be a clear night tonight.Go outside and look at the sky”,said the schoolmaster.“Look

at the stars and notice their brightness and the patterns they make.These patterns have names from

Greek mythology,names like Orion,Aries,and others.Tomorrow we will learn about the ancient

stories connected with these names.”

“How is the new schoolmaster?”asked Jonathan’s father that evening,when Jonathan

announced he was going out to look at the sky.

“He’s different from any schoolmaster we’ve had,”Jonathan admitted.“He seems interested

in everything around him,and he wants us to be curious too.He even used the schoolyard as a


“So Mr.John Adams and his new ways make school useful to you after all,”teased

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Jonathan’s father.

“I believe he has,”said Jonathan.“I know I won’t forget the lessons he has taught us!”

EPILOGUE:Some years later,John Adams went on to become a lawyer,a member of the

continental congress,an ambassador to France,and the first United States ambassador to

England.He was the first vice-president and the second president of the United States.

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Lesson38: Making School a Better Place

Further reading materials Passage 1 Student council

? A student council is a group of students that shares their ideas, interests and concerns with teachers and school principals. They raise funds for school-wide activities including social events, community projects and school reforms. ? According to several schools:

? "A Student Council is a representative structure for students only, through which they can become involved in the affairs of the school, working in partnership with school management, staff and parents for the benefit of the school and its students.”

? In Canada, the student council is used for helping the school with special events and planning other events, also raising money for food banks Passage 2 The student council of Discovery College

? The Student Council’s role is to represent all Discovery College students in terms of school improvement and College-wide projects. We get meet regularly to discuss a range of matters that relate to student issues. Over the past year we have hosted a number of visitors to Discovery College as well as representing the College at events, including a trip to HK Disneyland to look at conservation

measures and meet with Mr. Gary Locke, the United States Commerce Secretary. ? Who we are


Track 3-1-OL-9

Sun-hee, Claudia, and Tara are preparing to go to Mexico for a vacation. While Sun-hee is talking to Mike on the phone, Claudia and Tara have some trouble preparing for the trip. First, Tara can't find her bag and then Claudia doesn't know where her ticket is. But Sun-hee is totally relaxed because she has already finished getting ready. Sun-hee tells Mike about all the errands she had to do earlier that day. She had to confirm her flight, get traveler's checks, change her voice-mail message, and pay the bills. Finally Tara and Claudia are ready to go and Sun-hee checks to be sure they have everything. However, after they leave, Sun-hee soon comes running back in. Why? She forgot to take her ticket and passport! Track 3-5-OL-9

Takeshi get a letter from the Columbia graduate School. While Sun-bee and Mike wait for him to Come home, they talk about Takeshi's plans for grad school. Takeshi applied to several graduate programs, but two schools have already rejected him! Mike says that Takeshi is going to hit the road if he doesn't get accepted. When Takeshi gets home, he explains that if he doesn't get accepted, he's going to travel for a while and then he'll apply to graduate school again. He also says that ifhe is accepted, he's going to become a film director. Takeshi finally opens the letter- and it's good news! Takeshi is going to go to grad school at Columbia!

Track 3-2-OL-9

It's home to find Mike using his imaginationa very hot day and Takeshi comes to how to imagine being at the beach. Mike stay cool. Mike tries to teach Takeshi even Takeshi tells Mike he's not allowed to use wants to have a barbecue, but a asks grill in Mike where the the apartment. water for When the beach Takeshi is, him to "feel the ocean mist." Takeshi sprays Takeshi with water and tells angry gets plants, not me!" Then, Mike and says, "Mike, that's for spraying usethough an ironing pretends to Takeshi Takeshi board tells him for surfing not even imagination and says, "decides to try using to. So, his wave? as he Watch out for that Mike it's isn't too throws water all overhappy, but Takeshi Mike. thinks pretty funny!

Track 3-3-OL-9

Claudia Roberto's new job. Roberto is and Roberto are talking he's excitedabout software nervous about learning a , but new to worry and says she'll help him learn it. program. Claudia tells him not Then get Roberto asks Claudia if she might transferredpromoted soon because her boss was promoted is no . Claudia says that getting her big deal. She explains that relax. goal is to quit her job someday planned already Roberto, however, says his life and is He well-defined goalsthinks it's right up to retirementimportant to have . Roberto and should keep , but Claudia says that his options open, but only ifthe "flow" follows "go with the flow." Roberto agrees, his plan!

Track 3-4-OL-9

Sun-hee Takeshi doesn't feel well, they arrive, Takeshi asks Sun-hee how she and Mike to come so overTara . When asks is little feeling. Sun-hee says she's very tired, a a has fever.dizzymeeting also Tara , and that she might even been then have very explains anxious that aboutSun-hee universitywith the president of her a something, . not hungry." Then the phone rings. It's the but Mike she tells says, Sun-hee "i can't eat. to i'm eat president's secretary. She tells Tara to tell Sun-hee canceledthat she starts to feel much better and says, "It . When tonight's Sun-hee meeting gets the has news, been must be a friends just really nervous about know miracle or somethingit's not a miracle. ." But her the meeting!

She was Track 3-6-OL-9

Roberto and Mike are in a woman is talking loudly Roberto says, "1 can't on a cell phonerestaurant. A Mike says he unless it's very important. But then Mike's avoids taking calls in public stand cell phones." . father phone calls Mike's number. to give While Mike his new cell She starts to ask Mike to mother calls on they the are talking, for take a message other line. messageshis dad, but Mike can't stand taking father.who At , so he connects his mother and earlier was talking that point, so loud the on same her woman Then she says to Mike, "Do you mind?" phone same thing Roberto said. "i can't stand cell turns to her friend and says the phones --especially in public places!"

When I think of people in this world who have really made a difference, I think of my parents. They were truly saints among ordinary people. I was one of the ten children my parents adopted. They (1) each of us from a life of poverty and loneliness. They were hardly able to (2) themselves from bringing home more children to care for. If they had had the (3) they certainly would have .Most people do not realize how much they (4) someone until they pass away. My sisters and brothers and I did not want this to happen before we (5) the words "Thank you" to our parents .Although we have all grown up and (6) about the country, we got back together to thank our parents. My

brother Tom (7) the task of organizing While many private schools are focusing more on values, public schools are moving toward testing standards. The national government demands (1) success and tests are taken as a key measurement for a school's performance. Schools with low test scores face (2) such as a reduction in money to run their schools. And, even individual teachers are being graded on how they're preparing their students for these tests. "We have (3) too much on teaching the kids how to take these tests," commented one elementary school teacher. "We should be providing a more (4) curriculum to these kids. We should be (5) leadership and curiosity. Unfortunately, there is never time ."One school principal

As a surgeon, I have seen a lot of deaths. I am rarely astonished by anything. The other day, however, one humorous and slightly odd story I heard touched me. A doctor told me that a very old woman he was treating was lying (1) on her pillow face down. He thought she was dead, but when he (2) , he noticed she was breathing. Her hospital gown (3) her back bare, so he put a cover over her. Just then she sat up slowly, (4) the doctor. She seemed quite alive "I thought you were nearly gone," the doctor said. "Your breathing was so (5) and you seemed lifeless." "Never mind that, doctor, I've been waiting for you," the

old woman said quite (6) , as if she were his mother. She had been a good mother to four, but she had (7) them all. She remarked, "It's true that it would be (6) the Dad have had the ham dinnerspecial at the event. Every Friday night, Mom and same restaurant for the last That knowing. is where we twenty years. them coming across the street, we all hid When we waited first caught without a (8)their of (9)leapt out and shouted, "Thank you, Mom a big table. When they entered, we and Dad." My brother Tom a pretended card and we (10) them with under 1.rescued the that table he all all had hugged. My Dad along.known Answers we were :4.appreciated 2.restrain 7.undertook 5.uttered 3.resources 10.presented 8.glimpse 9.underneath 6.scattered

Women who exercise regularly need to be careful have exercise found with what evidence they eat. that Researchers even (1) said can result in losing iron. They especially that women iron. in who exercise regularly, becoming In order (2) activities, typically lose those women consume more meat or take a problem, to prevent it is important this from that (3) not bother to get plentiful amounts of iron to replace the iron lost. Those who do may begin to feel weak and tired. "If you can get the recommended daily in better," your diet, you (4) of iron shortcoming of taking iron pills is that the said one will diet probably specialist. perform "One pill sometimes make you form is not well

(5) and can sick. It is preferable that you try todeficiency meats by getting more iron-rich (6) the help your bodyin your diet. "There are ways to in. body is able to By getting plenty (7) away the iron it takes of Vitamin C, your Researchers different serious for some. Because it is impossible and (9(8), or use, the iron better. the ) that problem everyone's will body be less is to problem decide is for whether or not this could be a when you can't feel it, you may still have (10) to check you, health your iron specialists levels. say Even it a 2.endurance 3.supplements 4.allowance problem. answers :1.moderate 5.absorbed 9.acknowledge 10.advisable 6.remedy 7.store 8.process

to scores our kids if they were getting better trouble on like is the subjects being tested. The perform ours, that in poorer areas of the city overcome before we can teach them basic well. kids We start have school m anyless (8) (7) to to subjects. shouldn't be tested that way." "The goal is All schools are not (9), so they toproviding (10) performance in schools that are not success," said one government official. He their students with tools for admits, however, that he is having a hard time plan convincing faculty and teachers this 2.penalties will work. Answers:1.academic

4.comprehensive 3.concentrated

6.beneficial 9.alike 10.improve7.equipped 5.cultivating

8.obstacles 4For permanently many, fashion, beauty linked and With fashion regard are


style. the Barbie doll has been (1) in

took clothes. care From to the dress first them Barbie in dolls, detailed,Mattel


fashions Some (3of the Barbie observers note that the

complain ) perfectly "average" that since the models 1959. doll While trace fashion

do not critics


complain Some have criticized the about female the bodies, Barbie they also

doll as an unattainable ideal of the female

(5) of the Barbie

doll's size.

shape. Charlotte Johnson, the Barbie doll's

first dress designer, explained that the doll

was not (6) to reflect a female figure realistically, but rather to portray a(n)shape However, underneath (7) the the unrealistic fashionable dimensions clothesof


criticism doll an (8)have brought the strongest

Convinced obsession the doll's encouragement of

with weight and looks.

Barbie of the (9) effects of the

of amore High doll Self on children, Esteem Toys Cathy developed

Mere dig

1991. realistically proportioned doll in

however Her Barbie doll has had several .Throughout doll did the not sell well,

have glamour been Answeroffered able to (10)years, , but none


by compete the Barbie with doll.


3.trends :1.consistently 2.fashionable

6.intended 4.represent 9.negative 7.exaggerated 5.dimensions

10.competitors 8.regarding

gracefully strawberry some," she said. He jam. handed "Take the the doctor (8) a jar of her handing him a piece of paper with writing. it was delicious. (9)"Good," a little and told off and try she said, "This what took it with thanks and then left. The old a(n) is how (10)to make she had it." given He understood him and woman lay back down and died soon after his 2.approached departure. Answers:1.motionless 5.shallow 8.lid 9.sampled 6.confidently 3.exposed 4.startling 10.privilege7.survived

Do Groundhog's Day(you know February 2nd it that on this morning, if a groundhog can 土拨鼠日)? Legend has is

see itsof (1) spring winter. , there will be six more weeks the is on If the it cannot way. see its shadow, often incorrect. Others argue that it is means of forecast is Some rather believe (2) and that is because parts of nature are connected in some way. it recognizes that the different (3) Each part is a healthy system. Some farmers pay close (4) on the rest of the parts for attention geese guess an early winter is coming when you when to (5the ) the behavior weather. of It ducks is (6)and to see ducks and geese moving south in October. Many dog owners can winter or spring will come bytell when In (7) their pet.

becomes thicker. Dogs lose hair as spring preparation for winter, a dog's hair sets can help people to takein. Information gathered from nature winter even earthquake will occur. People holding this believed or bad to storm. (8) against a hard be able Some to (9animals ) when are an belief information even go further to say that often Isn't it time we started paying attention to (10) and nature is far more accurate: gathered by computers is what 1.shadow is around dus? Answers :4.dependent 2.arbitrary 3.significant 7.stroking 5.predicting 6.sensible 10.worthless 8.precautions 9.detect


Unit 6 Study

Part I Talking face to face

Teaching Objective

1.The students should grasp the words、 expressions related to study.

2.The students should know some information about diploma and talk about it.

3.The students should be able to talk about their study experience.

4.The students should be able to ask others’ study experience.

Teaching Time

2 periods

Key Points

1. Words and Phrases:

2. Expressions for talking about study

Teaching Methods

Communicative Approach

Task-based learning

Teaching Procedures

1. Study of the topic-related words and phrases.

2. Study of topic-related expressions.

3. Learn the diploma and practice the students’ oral English

4. Presenting the student’s own study experience.

5. Talking about study –related and graduation-related topic on p87 (dialogue 1and dialogue 2).

6. Put in use

7. After-class related exercises.

Teaching Materials

Task 1 Lead-in or Warming-up

The teacher may ask the following questions:


Why do you come to school as a student?

Which school do you study now?

What’s your major?

How many courses do you take in this term?

Which subject are you most interested in?

What do you plan to do when you graduate?

Task2 Words and phrases related to study

diploma 文凭

Certificate 证书、文凭

major 专业

graduate 毕业

award 给予

definitely 一定

education 教育

enroll for 参加

graduate school 研究生院

Professional college 职业院校

computer programming 电脑程序设计

further one’s study abroad 到国外深造

work part-time to earn money 从事兼职工作来赚钱

graduation certificate 毕业证书

bachelor’s degree学士学位

master’s degree 硕士学位

doctor’s degree 博士学位

do an M.A. in? 攻读硕士

intensive course / study强化课程;集中学习

take a French course 修一门法语课程

enroll for the intensive course 报名参加强化班

complete all the prescribed courses 修满规定的课程


Hereby 特此

Certify 证明

Female/male 女性/男性

Prescribed 规定

satisfactory 满意的

Applied Chemistry 应用化学

be entitled to 被授予

Signature 签名

Issued 颁发

Duly 正式的,按时的, 准时

Confer 授予(学位等) (+on/upon)

Task 3 Expressions for talking about study

1.What’s your major? =What do you major in?


2.What university did you graduate from?


3. When and where did you get your diploma?


4.Which subject are you good at?


5.Getting all the degrees takes time and money, isn’t it?


6.How long did you study there?


7. When did you graduate?


8.I did ……program/major of …… at New York University.



9. Work part time to earn money.


10.I think you can do even better than me .


Task 4 Oral Practice


We the undersigned hereby certify that

Li Hong, female, born on July 4,1982, Chemistry major

Having completed all the prescribed three-year courses


Passed all the examinations with Satisfactory results

At the Department of Applied Chemistry

Zhonghua Engineering College

From September 1999 to July 2002

Is entitled to be awarded this diploma



Zhonghua Engineering College

No. 8111100008

Issued on: July 15,2002

Answer the following questions according to the diploma:

1.Whose diploma is it?

→ It’s Li Hong’s.

2.What’s LiHong’s major?

→ Her major is Chemistry.

3.How about her study?

→ Her study is very good.

4.When and where did she graduate from ?

→ She graduated from Zhonghua Engineering college in July 2002. 4

5.When did she get the diploma?

→ She got her diploma on July 15,2002.

Use your own words to make a presentation of the diploma : This is Li Hong’s diploma. From her diploma, we can

know that she was born on July 4,1984. Her major is

chemistry. she studied at the Department of Applied

Chemistry of Zhong hua Engineering College from

September 1999 to July 2002. Because she had

completed all the prescribed three-year courses and

passed all the examination with satisfactory results, she

got the diploma. The diploma was issued on July 15, 2002.

Talking about your study experience:

Your experience should include these items: your school, your major, the subject that you are interested in or good at, the time of graduation and plans after graduation .etc.

Task 5 Study the dialogues in details.

一.1)Questions about the dialogues after first listening. (P87 ) Dialogue 1:

Q1: What’s Meng’s major? →English

Q2: What qualifications should he get if it is to find a job?

→With a computer certificate and a college diploma

Q3: What does Meng plan to do after he graduate?

→ He’d like to further his study abroad.

Dialogue 2:

Q1: Where did prof. get his doctor’s degree?

→ Texas Tech. University.

Q2: When he did his master’s program, What did he have to do?

