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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 01:22:44 体裁作文



With the development of the Internet and the popularization of computers, shopping on the Internet has become a commonplace in our life. Here consumers can buy almost everything they need. ??

Shopping on the Internet has a lot of advantages, of which the most important is perhaps its convenience. People don't have to waste a lot of their energy and precious time to go from one shop to another to choose the commodities they like. This is especially desirable to the old, the sick and the busy people who cannot go to the shops in person. The goods come in all shapes, sizes and colors on the Internet. All they need to do is to sit in front of their computers and click the mouses. The commodities they order will be delivered to them promptly. ??

However, shopping on the Internet also has its disadvantages. The first disadvantage is that the consumers can't see the goods or try them on personally. Sometimes, the real goods may not be the same as what they have seen on the computer. The second disadvantage is that some shops on the Internet are not registered. They will never deliver anything to you after they get the money from you. Once cheated, you will find that you have nowhere to go to complain. ????


In current society, shopping on the Interent is becoming more and more popular. It has many advantages and disadvartages .

Advantages: shopping on the Internet is convient and faster for customers. They can stay at home looking for the items, they need or like through the Internet which supplies a variety of products.People needn't to go shopping in stores . Then it can reduce cars' amount on the road. So it also can reduce pollution of the gas. It's unpollution and reduce energy.

Disadavantages:customers can buy false production. People will be demaged and have many bussniss also demaged .

So we shopping on the Internet shouid notice the production. And we should avoid the false production on the Internet .


Recently,there is a heat debate about on-line shopping is good or not. Everyone has his own idea. For me, I would love to buying things from internet.

There are lots of advantages of on-line shopping. Firstly,you can enjoy the convenience of on-line shopping:surf the internet and order your things easily.Secondly,you can search as much information as you can which normal couldn't do. What's more, lots of people love to pursue the fashion and then they choose on-line shopping.

But there is another voice:"The virtual is dishonest,it is not safe to do business through the internet." From Joozone.com.

In my view, on-line shopping's advantage outweights its disadvantage.With the development of network technology and human moral,our trade through the internet will be more safe.


▲ dir

▲ attrib

▲ cd

▲ copy

▲ xcopy

▲ del

▲ undelete

▲ deltree

▲ dos=high

▲ doskey

▲ emm386.exe

▲ fc

▲ format

▲ unformat

▲ interlnk

▲ intersvr

▲ memmaker

▲ memitem等

▲ mscdex

▲ msd

▲ prompt

▲ ramdrive

▲ subst

▲ mem

▲ "> < >> <<"工具

▲ move

▲ append

▲ call

▲ defrag

▲ device

dir [D:][PATH][NAME][[/A][:attrib]][/o:[sorted][/s][/b][/l][/c[h]

(1)dir /a:attrib 缺省包含所有文件(系统文件.隐含文件)











(3)/s 参数:对当前目录及其子目录中所有文件进行列表

列名:dir /s/a/o:n c:\>PRN


(4)/B 参数:将只显示文件名与扩展名

(5)/L 参数:将全部用小写字母对文件或子目录进行列表


dir /a 列当前目录所有文件(含隐含及系统文件)

dir /ah 列隐含文件(包含子目录(隐含的) dir /a-h

dir /as 列系统文件 dir /a-s

dir /ad 列子目录 dir /a-d

dir /o 按字母顺序

dir /B 只显示文件名与扩展名

二、attrib [+r|-r] [+a|-a] [+s|-s] [+h|-h] [d: ] [name] [/s] 缺省 attrib name 显示文件的(文件)属性

attrib io.sys (或子目录)

shr c:\ io.sys 指定为系统(s) 隐含(h) 只读(r)文件

也可以attrib *.sys 显示扩展名为sys的文件属性

参数 [+r|-r] 将文件属性设置或解除 只读属性

[+a|-a] 将文件属性设置或解除 归档属性

[+h|-h] 将文件属性设置或解除 隐含属性 (尤其对子目录也起作用)

/s 参数 将当前及当前子目录下的所有文件均起作用



attrib news86 列news86的文档属性

attrib +r report.txt 设置为只读 attrib -s -h record.txt

attrib +a a:*.*

attrib -a a:*.bak

xcopy a: b: /a 将A盘上的所有标志为"归档"属性的文件拷到B盘 xcopy a: b: /m 将A盘上的所有文件拷到B盘后并移去归档属性

三、cd 介绍: cd...返回上二级目录 "."代表当前目录 "."代表父目录 cd ..\..返回到上级目录的父目录(祖目录)

cd A:\ 将A盘的当前目录改为根目录

cd A:\xx 将A盘的当前目录改为子目录xx下

cd ..\98 先返回父目录,再进入父目录下的98子目录

cd ..返回到父目录

cd\98 进入根目录下的98子目录

四、copy [/y][/-y][/v][ /B]

copy /y 不加提示,对所有文件加以覆盖

/-y 加以提示,对所有文件 (yes或no提问 )

/v 拷贝以后加以校验

/B 按二进制进行显示

copy w1.wps con/b 可以将wps文件在屏幕上显示,而不必进入wps状态 copy ..\98 将父目录下的98子目录下的所有文件全拷到当前子目录 copy .\97 当当前目录下的97子目录下文件全部拷到当前目录

copy . c:\ 将当前目录下的所有文件拷到c盘根目录

. 意味着 *.* 文件

copy nul a.abc 将a.abc 文件清空(文件长度改为0)

copy 文件名+con 向文本文件中追加命令或内容

copy con 文件名 创建文本文件(F6存盘退出)

copy con prn 检测打印机的开关


xcopy [source] [d:date] [/p] [/s] [/e] [/v] [/y]

xcopy [d:date] xcopy a:b:\ /d:08/18/98/s/v 拷贝98.08.18年后的文件 xcopy [/p] 提示创建子目录

xcopy [/s] 连带子目录一起拷贝. 注意:若目标盘上不存在此子目录,而在目标 盘的结束符又不以"\"为结束,则将提示:

does destination specify a file name or directory name on the target


在目标盘上创建文件[按下]还是创建子目录[按下d] ?应选择d键

xcopy[/v] 带较验

*:(1) xcopy 不拷贝系统和隐含文件,应先予以修改属性再拷贝



在快速成型领域里主要的技术包括:SLA、LOM、SLS 、LOM及3DP等工艺技术,而这几种工艺又各有千秋,接下来就看一下这几种工艺的优缺点及比较:



















箔材叠层实体制作(Laminated Object Manufacturing)快速原型技术是薄片材料叠加工艺,简称LOM。

箔材叠层实体制作是根据三维CAD 模型每个截面的轮廓线,在计算机控制下,发出控制激光切割系统的指令,使切割头作X 和Y 方向的移动。供料机构将地面涂有热溶胶的箔材(如涂覆纸、涂覆陶瓷箔、金属箔、塑料箔材)一段段的送至工作台的上方。激光切割系统按照计算机提取的横截面轮廓用二氧化碳激光束对箔材沿轮廓线将工作台上的纸割出轮廓线,并将纸的无轮廓区切割成小碎片。然后,由热压机构将一层层纸压紧并粘合在一起。可升降工作台支撑正在成型的工件,并在每层成型之后,降低一个纸厚,以便送进、粘合和切割新的一层纸。最后形成由许多小废料块包围的三维原型零件。然后取出,将多余的废料小块剔除,最终获得三维产品。叠层实体制作快速原型工艺适合制作大中型原型件,翘曲变形较小,成型时间较短,激光器使用寿命长,制成件有良好的机械性能,适合于产品设计的概念建模和功能性测试零件。且由于制成的零件具有木质属性,特别适合于直接制作砂型铸造模。
















粉末材料选择性烧结(Selected Laser Sintering)是一种快速原型工艺,简称SLS。
















丝状材料选择性熔覆(Fused Deposition Modeling)快速原型工艺是一种

不依靠激光作为成型能源、而将各种丝材(如工程塑料ABS、聚碳酸酯PC 等)加热熔化进而堆积成型方法,简称FDM。

(来自:WwW.smhaida.Com 海达 范文 网:网上购物利弊英语作文)

丝状材料选择性熔覆的原理如下:加热喷头在计算机的控制下,根据产品零件的截面轮廓信息,作X-Y 平面运动,?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyurenzuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">人苄运孔床牧嫌晒┧炕顾椭寥热叟缤罚⒃谂缤分屑尤群腿刍砂胍禾缓蟊患费钩隼矗醒≡裥缘耐扛苍诠ぷ魈ㄉ希焖倮淙春笮纬梢徊愦笤?.127mm 厚的薄片轮廓。一层截面成型完成后工作台下降一定高度,再进行下一层的熔覆,好像一层层"画出"截面轮廓,如此循环,最终形成三维产品零件。

这种工艺方法同样有多种材料可供选用,如工程塑料ABS、聚碳酸酯PC、工程塑料PPSF 以及ABS 与PC 的混合料等。这种工艺干净,易于操作,不产生垃圾,并可安全地用于办公环境,没有产生毒气和化学污染的危险。适合于产品设计的概念建模以及产品的形状及功能测试。专门开发的针对医用的材料ABS-i,因为其具有良好的化学稳定性,可采用伽码射线及其他医用方式消毒,特别适合于医用。









(1)原型的表面有较明显的条纹,成型精度相对国外先进的SLA 工艺较低,最高精度0.127mm。




With the development of the Internet and the popularization of computers, shopping on the Internet has become a commonplace in our life. Here consumers can buy almost everything they need.

Shopping on the Internet has a lot of advantages, of which the most important is perhaps its convenience. People don't have to waste a lot of their energy and precious time to go from one shop to another to choose the commodities they like. This is especially desirable to the old, the sick and the busy people who cannot go to the shops in person. The goods come in all shapes, sizes and colors on the Internet. All they need to do is to sit in front of their computers and click the mouses. The commodities they order will be delivered to them promptly. 查字典英语作文

However, shopping on the Internet also has its disadvantages. The first disadvantage is that the consumers can't see the goods or try them on personally. Sometimes, the real goods may not be the same as what they have seen on the computer. The second disadvantage is that some shops on the Internet are not registered. They will never deliver anything to you after they get the money from you. Once cheated, you will find that you have nowhere to go to complain.


Nowadays, internet has made much large change. More and more people don’t go out. If people need some things, they would shop online.

There is no doubt that shopping online can save much time and energy. People only sit aside a computer and press mouse constantly. Then, the wares will be sent to home. Of course, the price may be lower than store’s. Every coin has two sides. Shopping online means that people can’t touch the goods after they pay for it. So good quality needs luck. People who like shopping online enjoy themselves when they run over the photos of goods. And other people are happy with going window-shopping well.

In a word, shopping online is not only a way of shopping but also a style of life. It is imaginable that the beneficiaries are the man who don’t want to be company with woman.
