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摘要: 今天是外公最开心的日子,也是我最开心的一天,我会永远记住这一天。我从心底深深地祝福外公永远健康,永远和我们在一起!?? 今天可是个好日子,因为今天是我外公的六十大寿。

听妈妈说,外公出生于旧社会一个贫穷的农村家庭,每逢过生日时只有两个红鸡蛋和一碗面,对那时候家境不是很好的外公来说,这已经就心满意足了。外公现在住的石头房子已有四十多岁了,今天外公的六十大寿将在这里举行。 一大早,我起床后,只见外公穿着一套笔挺笔挺的西服站在门口,咦!还穿着一双擦得油光发亮的皮鞋,连头发也梳理得整整齐齐。我见状对外公说:“外公,您今天穿着这身衣服可真神气,仿佛年轻了许多呢!”外公听了乐呵呵地笑了起来,风趣地说:“你外公我活了这几十年,只有今天最开心呀!能不好好打扮打扮吗?”说罢,又甜蜜地笑了起来。看着外公这副样子,我也忍不住开心地笑了起来!



掌声和欢呼声过后,寿宴开始了。桌上摆满了香味俱全的酒菜。大家欢欢喜喜地吃了起来。妈妈特意夹了一碗长寿面给外公。小超连忙拿来一个红蛋,高兴地对外公说:“好爷爷,要把这些全吃了,才会长命百岁的哦!”我也按奈不住了,把“可口可乐”斟满酒杯,恭恭敬敬地端到外公面前,说:“外公,一杯可乐表深情,献给盛世老寿星,祝您‘福如东海长流水,寿比南山不老松!’”“好!好啊!”外公高兴得合不拢嘴,“你和小超都是好孩子,将来你们有出息,外公决定再活一百岁??”外公越说越欢。此时,我看到外公的眼里还噙着泪花,我想那一定是激动的眼泪,是幸福的眼泪,是希望的眼泪吧。 今天是外公最开心的日子,也是我最开心的一天,我会永远记住这一天。我从心底深深地祝福外公永远健康,永远和我们在一起!


我的生日 My Birthday

My birthday is on May 6. My parents and friends celebrate it to me every year. On that day, we usually hold a small birthday party at home and invite my friends to come for a dinner. We chat, watch TV or play games together that we really enjoy ourselves. When we are playing, my parents prepare a delicious dinner. My friends and I like the dishes very much. Of course, I can get some gifts from parents and friends. I am very happy because they always know what I want and need. But, on the other hand, when the birthday comes, I am a year older, so that I must be more sensible and independent. Last but not the least, it’s also a time to show my appreciation to my parents. They work hard and do their best to bring me up.




摘要: 今天是外公最开心的日子,也是我最开心的一天,我会永远记住这一天。我从心底深深地祝福外公永远健康,永远和我们在一起!?? 今天可是个好日子,因为今天是我外公的六十大寿。

听妈妈说,外公出生于旧社会一个贫穷的农村家庭,每逢过生日时只有两个红鸡蛋和一碗面,对那时候家境不是很好的外公来说,这已经就心满意足了。外公现在住的石头房子已有四十多岁了,今天外公的六十大寿将在这里举行。 一大早,我起床后,只见外公穿着一套笔挺笔挺的西服站在门口,咦!还穿着一双擦得油光发亮的皮鞋,连头发也梳理得整整齐齐。我见状对外公说:“外公,您今天穿着这身衣服可真神气,仿佛年轻了许多呢!”外公听了乐呵呵地笑了起来,风趣地说:“你外公我活了这几十年,只有今天最开心呀!能不好好打扮打扮吗?”说罢,又甜蜜地笑了起来。看着外公这副样子,我也忍不住开心地笑了起来!


掌声和欢呼声过后,寿宴开始了。桌上摆满了香味俱全的酒菜。大家欢欢喜喜地吃了起来。妈妈特意夹了一碗长寿面给外公。小超连忙拿来一个红蛋,高兴地对外公说:“好爷爷,要把这些全吃了,才会长命百岁的哦!”我也按奈不住了,把“可口可乐”斟满酒杯,恭恭敬敬地端到外公面前,说:“外公,一杯可乐表深情,献给盛世老寿星,祝您‘福如东海长流水,寿比南山不老松!’”“好!好啊!”外公高兴得合不拢嘴,“你和小超都是好孩子,将来你们有出息,外公决定再活一百岁??”外公越说越欢。此时,我看到外公的眼里还噙着泪花,我想那一定是激动的眼泪,是幸福的眼泪,是希望的眼泪吧。 今天是外公最开心的日子,也是我最开心的一天,我会永远记住这一天。我从心底深深地祝福外公永远健康,永远和我们在一起!


? My Mother's Birthday


? March 19th Saturday Rainy

3月19日 星期六 有雨

? Today is mother's birthday, but I didn't know what to by for her.A watch was a good present, but it was too expensive for me to buy.Flowers were not so expensive, but they would die soon.A birthday cake was too sweet and mother didn't like it.


? Then father thought a good idea.He said, "Why don't we make a wonderful dinner for her?That will show our love for her!"Oh, that was good.Love is the most expensive present in the world.


? I will never forget the smile on mother's face when we were having supper together.




No. 01

假若今天是你的生日,你的父母给你100元钱购买生日礼物。而作为一名英语爱好者,却没有一本好的英语词典,所以就想用100元钱去买一本你心仪已久的《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》(Oxford Advanced Learners’ English-Chinese Dictionary)。但刚好今天老师在课堂上给你们读了一篇有关灾区(disaster area)受灾的报道,并鼓励大家为灾区人民献爱心??为此,你的心情很复杂??



Today is my birthday. I’m glad my parents gave me 100 yuan to buy a present. I like English very much, but I don’t have a good English dictionary. So I wanted to use the money to buy a copy of “Oxford Advanced Learners’ English-Chinese Dictionary”, which I have been longing to have for a long a time. But in the last class our teacher read us an article about the disaster area and asked us to do something we can for the people in the disaster area. Hearing this, I felt very sad. What could I do with the 100 yuan? If I donated it, I wouldn’t be able to buy the dictionary. But if I bought the dictionary, I felt that I was too selfish. After a hard struggle in my mind, I decided to donate the money, because I can wait to buy a dictionary, but can’t wait to help the people in the disaster area.

No. 02




Recently a survey was made on 100 students in our school about the question “Do you remember the birthday of…”. The result shows that only three out of the 100 students

answered yes to the question “Do you remember your parents’ birthdays?” But 62 of the 100 students can remember their best friends’ birthdays and everyone remembers his or her own birthday. When asked whether they remember their grandfather’s and grandmother’s birthdays, none of them say yes. I’m surprised at the result. But if I were one of the 100 students and were asked these questions, what would my answers be? I don’t know. I really feel very shame about this.

No. 03



Everyone has his or her own way to celebrate his or her own birthday. Some of my classmates celebrate their birthdays like this—buying some birthday presents, having a birthday party, eating a birthday cake. Of course I can’t say that there isn’t anything wrong with such things, but I think there must be some other ways more interesting and more special than those. For example, we can help our parents to do some housework, which will show that we are one year older and have known more, or we can plant an evergreen tree, which can show that our youth is as green as growing tree.

To celebrate a birthday, I think its content is much more important than its form, do you agree with me?

No. 04



Today is my birthday. On this special day I received a special present—a very fine notebook from one of my classmates with whom I had had a big quarrel. On the first page of the notebook, he wrote, “Let’s forget the past and be friends again. Happy birthda

y.” Seeing this, I was very much moved. And I decided to find a chance to have a good talk with him. I think our talk might be like this: First I will thank him for his fine present, then I’ll tell him that I want very much to have a chance to make it up with him and that I will cherish our friendship more than ever.
