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势的睡鼠到精神错乱的“疯帽子先生”,从一只“常露齿嬉笑的猫”到一只喜欢抽水烟袋、名叫阿布索伦的毛毛虫;从让人感到毛骨悚然的“白色皇后”到她那一直怀恨在心的姐姐“红桃皇后”- -虽然她脾气又坏且喜欢使性子,但她却是“地下生活”真正的主宰者。在经历了一连串险象环生的意外事故之后,爱丽丝将会在这片有如童话般虚幻的奇妙世界里重新找到那个迷失了的自我。






I've been accused of being Alice and of not being Alice, but this is my dream. 我已经受够了你们对我身份的指责,这是我的梦境。

I'll decide where it goes from here.从现在起一切由我说了算.I make the path.我会开出一条路。





《爱丽丝梦游仙境》(又名爱丽丝漫游奇境;英语:Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)是英国作家查尔斯·路德维希·道奇森以笔名路易斯·卡罗尔于1865年出版的儿童文学作品。故事叙述一个名叫爱丽丝的女孩从兔子洞进入一处神奇国度,遇到许多会讲话的生物以及像人一般活动的纸牌,最后发现原来是一场梦。本书出版之后即广受欢迎,儿童和成人都喜爱这部作品,并且反复再版至今。至今已有超过五十种语言的译本,上百种不同版本,以及许多戏剧、电影等改编作品。



故事讲述了已经20 岁的爱丽丝和母亲参加一个宴会,却发现自己将在众多傲慢自大的人面前被求婚。于是她跟随一只白色的兔子逃到一个洞里,进入仙境。13年前,爱丽丝曾来过此地,但她现在却一点也不记得了。在这里,爱丽丝与那些可爱的老朋友们重逢了:虚张声势的睡鼠,美丽的白皇后和她可憎的姐姐红桃皇后,还有双胞胎兄弟,毛毛虫,白兔,疯帽子等等。在奇妙的仙境历险中,爱丽丝了解到自己身负的重大使命,那就是带领地下世界的居民们结束红桃皇后的邪恶统治,恢复昔日仙境。


Little Women is a novel published in 1868 and written by American author Louisa May Alcott. The story concerns the lives and loves of four sisters growing up during the American Civil War. It was based on Alcott's own experiences as a child in Concord, Massachusetts with her three sisters, Anna, May, and Elizabeth. Little Women is the story of The Marches, a family used to hard toil and suffering. Although Father March is away with the Union armies, the sisters Meg, Jo, Amy and Beth keep in high spirits with their mother, affectionately named Marmee. Their friendly gift of a Christmas holiday breakfast to a neighbouring family is an act of generosity rewarded with wealthy Mr. Laurence's gift of a surprise Christmas feast. However, despite their efforts to be good, the girls show faults: the pretty Meg becomes discontented with the children she teaches; boyish Jo loses her temper regularly; while the golden-haired schoolgirl Amy is inclined towards affectation. However, Beth, who keeps the house is always kind and gentle. After certain happy times winning over the Laurences, dark times arrive as Marmee finds out about her husband's illness. Worse is to come as Beth contracts scarlet fever in her Samaritan efforts for a sick neighbour and becomes more or less an invalid. The novel tells of their progress into young womanhood with the additional strains of romance, Beth's terminal 1

illness, the pressures of marriage and the outside world. This is the story of their growing maturity and wisdom and the search for the contentedness of family life. It was written in 1867 and is a fictionalised biography of Alcott and her sisters. It has become a much loved classic tale and, while some of its issues seem outdated, many of the trials of the sisters are all too relevant today as evidenced by its continued following


by American female writer Louisa Alcott. It is mainly about four distinctive sisters in the March family. They were kind to each other, 2

hardworking, stayed with neighbor Laurence friendly. The novel hasn't got fantastic plot, but the author described the happy family life with the simple language.

As poor as these girls were, they all had the positive attitude to any matter. The common characteristic of the four girls is relying on themselves. And they always found their shortcomings and corrected them as soon as possible. It is worthwhile our learning to them.

I am fond of Meg for her looking down on money and being ready for the love of poverty. I prefer Joe for her steadfast determination which struggled for dreams. I am enthusiastic about Beth owing to her gentle and doing anything without any complain, appreciating her good personal character which always considered for others. I also love Amy for supporting the poor people as her own faith. Though their ideas were diverse, they had all found their own love.

From their point of view, home was not only the place which they grew up, but also a location avoided hardship. They followed their mother's instruction, using their skilful hands, bright brains to create their meaningful life. The author used neither magnificent nor boring words, showing us the great family love, friendship and love of human beings.

From them I learnt strength, full of hope to future life and never giving up.


金银岛英文简介 英文:

Treasure island

Treasure Island (Treasure Island), the nineteenth century was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, England, the famous writer Robert Louis Stevenson (depend) Treasure Island is his life is one of the most popular novels.

also called pine island. In Spanish long 4 years, the colonial rule is world-famous pirates of the Caribbean roar together, those who escaped and the heaven in the sea around on and freight to the deserted island, hidden in the cave, mysterious slowly. Treasure island originated.

Everywhere is dense tropical island of pine trees, and therefore paihuli. Island, Living in wild boar and other animals pigeons. The gulf coast, more irregular small, small bay name for AiSiTeJiao in six famous cave still retains 235 of ancient indians painting, Haiti's strange beautiful coral geological structure, and caves. Countless tubular sponge, multicolored various schools of fish, characteristic of the Caribbean Marine plants and rich seafood. Here is the ideal diving underwater world of good place to watch. Various fauna, hummingbirds, herons plodded... . Annual average temperature here is 27 degrees Celsius, up to 28 degrees, the summer rain rarely. There are many beautiful island south near the island.

The story is a master Jim, ten years old boy, Jim's parents in Montenegro bay near the hotel management called "general" bobby. One day, the hotel is a face with scar, tall, very conspicuous guests, he is bill, captain.

Jim likes to tell a story, captain bill that sounds frightening experience, like criminals were hanged, pirate's hands are tied up and blind walk the springboard, the sudden storms at 4




主要人物:Alice, Red queen(红皇后), Mad Hatter(疯帽子),knight(骑士) 群众演员:dog sir


Alice: I’m Alice. A hero in this story. It’s me who save the magical kingdom, but to tell the truth I just want to find my prince at first.

Red queen: I’m the queen of the kingdom , everyone should obey my rules, if one dares offend me ,I will cut off his head.


Iwas a imperial hat making genius when the kingdom was dominated by white queen. I must find alice, only she can save us.


I’m the knight of red queen, a loyal and rare warrior left .really i don’t like her big head, but it’s my duty to kill anyone who obey her.



when I was very young, I had a dream. In my dream, if a pure lovely girl fall asleep under the tree, then a dog sir will come to take her to the fairyland, and meet the dream prince.

(这时,爱丽丝果真看见一只dog sir走过去了,于是爱丽丝追上去) Dog sir: it’s getting late, it’s getting late.

Alice: hey, dog sir, dog sir, wait!

(艾丽丝追逐dog sir ,dog sir 出场,爱丽丝昏倒,晕厥)


(来自:WwW.smhaida.Com 海达 范文 网:爱丽丝梦游仙境简介)

人物:爱丽丝,dog sir


Alice: where it is? (指着地上的蘑

菇)oh my god, how big the mushroom is! how small I am! Is it fairyland? Dog sir? Where are you ?

dog sir(突然出现):who are you? Little girl ?

Alice(惊吓,后退一步): i’am alice.

Dog sir:oh ,warrior ,it’s you! you come back!


what are you talking about? I come to find my prince. Where is my prince?

Dog sir(兴高采烈,跑出,边跑边喊):

the warrior of the underground kingdom come back! Ah, brilliant light!

爱丽丝:hey! wait!

Dog sir (回过头去):alice , follow me .



红皇后(大吼):who have stolen my apple pie?

骑士(凑在女王耳边,谄媚之):Queen, I know .

红皇后:Dear, tell me, who is it?



Tell me, and I will cut off the man's head! Dear, aren't you most like this game?


Oh, of course, so, I tell you, is Alice who stolen your apple pie. 红皇后:alice? What’s it?


alice, not anything, the warrior of the white queen, she will destroy everything you own, take the crown away from you, Then wear it in white queen's head .



no ,that will be the last thing happen in this world. Off the head! 骑士:

I promise , I will complete your order right now, all is for your big head, is my honor to serve for you, my honorable queen.


You are the true aesthetes, there’s no one but you can appreciate my beauty.




疯帽子:let’s drink tea. (疯帽子举起茶杯,面向其他人,其余人用伞代替) Look, How beautiful the blue tea is!

疯帽子:it’s worth to get more, my guests.

Time for questions, may I have the honor to ask you, indeed it’s for pleasure.



yeah, at the first time I saw you ,I guess you are alice, the warrior of the underground kingdom.


I don’t know what you mean, and there is no necessary to disscuss. I come to find my prince.


子:alice, listen to me .perhaps you don’t remember ,but it’s true, you are the hope of the kingdom. The kingdom has been occupied by red queen, she is so cruel, people are living in sorrow, and all of we are waiting for a hero come to rescue.

爱丽丝:a hero?

疯帽子:yes, you.


疯帽子:if you don’t believe my words, then I give you the evidence. (疯帽子拿出一张图给爱丽丝看,爱丽丝若有所思)


yeah, it’s a map, and very magical. It has recorded all happened . it’s you who saved us last time.



后:well, well, see, who’s that? mad hatter, accordance of my sister, white queen.

士: that’s it. You tried to conspire against the state, this time I will mercilessly kill you.


红皇后:who’s this ugly girl?




then everyone is here, I don't need to send troops to take you everywhere.

疯帽子:alice, please, it’s your mission ,no excuse to escape. (这时,骑士走上前把白皇后绑住,拖到红皇后面前。)

红皇后(打疯帽子):off the head! Madman!


疯帽子(欣喜):alice, I know you will make the right decision . (这时所有人都走向红皇后,群起而攻之)


Why no one obey my rule, alice, one more chance ,I’ll off your head. (说完倒地死亡)


Beat it, beat it , beat it……)



感想、评论:Spring has just spread its wings. I always walk by the garden and think. “What a beautiful season!” I like reading as much as people like spring. I enjoy reading books under a tall cherry blooms tree. The petals fall down slowly and lightly and make me very happy, just like going to a sweet dream. If the book is Alice in Wonderland, I think it will be wonderful. I finished reading this book a few days ago. The plot in this book is very attractive. Oh, in my opinion, it is not only a book but also a story about adventure, that?s boys? favorite. And it is a fairy tale about daydream, too. I think most of girls like daydream, including me. So I love this book very much. Alice is a little simple girl. She was sitting under a tree at first. Then she saw a white rabbit and ran after it, the rabbit jumped into a rabbit-hole and so did Alice. She fell down and down and came to a different place called ?Wonderland?. Everything was strange there. She saw the bottle which had ?Drink me? on it and drank it, her size changed. That was really exciting! I always imagine that I can change my size according to my wishes, and then I can be tall enough to reach the biggest red apple which is hanging over on the top of the tree. Or I can be short enough to visit the house of ants. Do you think it would be interesting? So we can know how lucky Alice was! Alice also met some birds and took part in a strange race called Caucus race. It was funny because everybody started to run at different times and stopped at different times too. After the race, the birds said goodbye to Alice and went away. Alice walked and walked, she met the white rabbit again but it did not recognize her, it called her ?Mary Ann? and asked her to bring its hat for it. Alice was afraid and would like to get bigger, so she found some strange mushrooms for dinner. She talked to the caterpillar which was sitting on the top of the mushroom. At last the big caterpillar told Alice ?Eat the mushrooms you will change you size.” And then it vanished. After that, Alice went to her adventure. She met Duchess, the Cherish Cat. The Cherish Cat was very strange. It had a smile on its face. What a lovely and different cat! Later, she took part in a tea party and she discussed about time with a mouse and a hare. But actually she thought the tea party was very boring and stupid so she went away and came to a garden. To her surprise, everyone here was only card! The queen of the cards was bad-tempered. If you meet her, you?ll be afraid because she always shouted “Cut off his head! Cut off her head!” And they hold a trial because they thought someone stole the tarts. In the end, Alice found that was only a dream, she was still sitting under the tree. And the story ended. But I learnt many things from this book. In Alice in Wonderland, impossible is nothing, but the wonderland seems to be strange and stupid to us. Because the things we do or we think are always sensible. We will lose so much fun in this way. In fact, the story is a dream, but it shows me a different idea, just like our childhoods. I don?t want to grow up. I will have no choice but to face many difficulties and bad things when I grow up. Actually Wonderland is a nice place. That?s why I like this book. I always believe, the world is peace and wonderful, the cherry will always be in full bloom. Like what Dickens said “The pure, the bright, and the beautiful. These things shall never die.”
