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篇一:Unit5Lesson1This is my desk

Unit5Lesson1This is my desk.

一、Teaching Aims

(一) Knowledge objectives

1、正确认读单词: our new classroom desk chair that

2、学会并使用句型: This is……That is…… 。

3、准确认读字母:Hh Ii Jj Kk

(二) Ability to target

1、能区分this that ,my your,并能准确运用。

2、会使用句型This is……That is……对事物进行介绍。

(三) Affective objectives


二、Difficult Points

1、Emphasis:(1)单词welcome our classroom desk chair that

(2)句型This is……That is……的正确运用。

2、Difficulty:this that my your 区别与运用。


Step 1 Warming-up

1. Greetings

1 T:Hello, boys and girls! Nice to meet you!

S:Hello , Mr Wang ! Nice to meet you , too!

2 . Sing the song This is jenny,教师对学生的英语歌进行评价。

“This group is the best! and this group is Group H”,教师出示字母卡,教读字母H,在黑板上提前画好的表格框中范写字母H的大小写,学生伸出食指进行空写。

“This group is I??”依次类推,教学生读并且写本课活动3中的四个字母。齐读四个字母。

Step 2 Presentation

1. Leading-in

教师结合本校新学年刚刚搬入新教学楼的实际“My kids , we’re in a new classroom now,(教读classroom) and Danny has a new shool too, do you want to know what Danny’s new school is like ?”

2. Listen to and watch the CD-ROM , try to understand the text and find the new words .

3.Listen again and follow to learn the text and the new words . 利用语音浸入式教学方式教读新单词our,并教读新句子This is our classroom。

带领学生拼读单词,T H I S ----this,教师板书单词,当有本组名字字母的时候,请本组的同学集体说our这个单词(既巩固新单词,又让课堂有兴趣), 用同样的方式教学其他的句子。

Step 3 Practice


Step 4 Production

1、利用教室里的实物在身边的用this,远一点的用that,教师先示范,This is my desk. That is your desk.然后学生自己起来边说边指。that指的某物,某物的学生起来接着说。用自己的物品来练习,尽量要求不要说与前一个同学相同的物品。同样展开小组竞赛。

2、Listen and draw

教师在黑板先示范,然后再要求学生画图,用图片区分好This /That。然后集体展示。奖励表现好的小组。 Step 5 Summary

Conclude and consolidate the language focus together . Step 6 Homework

必做: 1、Listen and repeat.

2、Introduce some things to parents.


篇二:2013-2014学年人教版七年级英语上册测试题:Unit4 Where is my schoolbag(含答案)

英语人教七年级上综合测评Unit 4

(分数:100分 时间:90分钟)

第Ⅰ卷 听力部分(15分)








第Ⅱ卷 笔试部分(85分)


16.—Excuse me.______ is the tape?

—It's on the table.

A.Where B.What C.How D.That

17.I have some ______ in my schoolbag.

A.book B.pencil C.eraser D.pens

18.—Is the pencil box on the floor?

—Yes, ______.

A.it isn't B.it is C.they are D.they aren't

19.The pen is ______ the drawer(抽屉).

A.at B.under C.on D.in

20.—Where are the keys?

—Sorry, ______.

A.here you are B.I don't know

C.it's on the table D.they're in the bag

21.______ alarm clock and ______ pen are on the computer desk.

A.An;a B.A;an C.A;a D.An;an

22.—Where ______ the boys?

—______ in the room.

A.is;It's B.are;They're

C.are;He's D.is;He's

23.There are some ______ on the table.

A.orange B.book C.tapes D.apple

24.The door (门) is ______ the wall and the clock is ______ the wall.

A.on;on B.in;on C.in;in D.on;in

25.There ______ a map ______ China.

A.is;in B.are;in C.is;of D.are;of


Here is a picture.It is a picture of my is my quilt is on it.Two ,too.It's 9:??Oh,it's in my English book.

I like my room.It is nice.

26.A.room B.school C.family D.tape

27.A.watch B.flowers C.bed D.schoolbag

28.A.keys B.baseballs C.bags D.chairs

29.A.photo B.sofa C.computer D.CD

30.A.picture B.clock C.dictionary D.jacket

31.A.books B.number C.pencil box D.color

32.A.erasers B.tables C.drawers(抽屉) D.dressers(梳妆台)

33.A.in B.on C.under D.at

34.A.What B.How C.Where D.What color

35.A.spell B.take C.ask D.know



This is a room in Kate's house.There is a big bed,a table,a computer and some chairs in it.There's a glass and some books on the table.There is a picture on the wall.Kate is in the room.She is looking at the picture.Her father and mother are in the school.They work hard.

36.How many rooms are there in Kate's house?

A.Only one. B.There is a bed.

C.There is a computer. D.I don't know.

37.What's in the room?

A.Only a bed. B.Only a table.

C.Only some chairs. D.A bed,a table,a computer and some chairs.

38.Is there anything on the table?

A.Yes,there is. B.No,there isn't.

C.Some books. D.A glass.

39.Who is at home?

A.Kate's father. B.Kate's mother.

C.Kate's brother. D.Kate.

40.Kate's father and mother are ______.

C.friends D.at home


Hello!(be)my picture.My computer is on the desk.My jacket is on the bed.45.keys are on the chair, too.My books are on the 根据短文内容。完成以下各题。


41. A.teachers B.students

42. A.on the chair

43. B.on the desk

C.on the bed








47.Where are Cindy's books?






50., under the chair.

51.,but Cindy isn't.Look,her books are everywhere.



53.Those are ______ (desk).

54.Where ____________ (be) my books?

55.I have two ____________ (hat).

56.Please take these ____________ (tape) to your brother.

57.—What are those on the table?

—____________ (it) are books.



______ ______ his schoolbag?

59.My keys are under the book.(改为一般疑问句)

______ ______ keys under the book?

60.A baseball is on the floor.(用some替换a改写句子)

my desk is

Some ______ ______ on the floor.

61.—Is Lucy's schoolbag red?(作否定回答)

—No, ______ ______.

62.—What are those?(回答问句)

—______ ______ tapes.




A:Is my computer game on the table?

B:No,it isn't.It's on the bookcase.

A:Oh,OK.64.____________ Are they on the bookcase,too?

B:65.____________ They're on the chair.

A:Oh.So,where is my pencil case?


A:And where's my backpack?

B:It's under the table.And your baseball is under the chair.

A:Oh,OK.And where are Mom's keys?




提示词:near在……附近 door门 like喜欢




篇三:My desk

My desk


My desk-mate is a pretty girl. The clearest characteristic of hers is the smile on her face. Any time you meet her, she will give you a sweet smile that is just like spring wind.

When she does something good, she might smile as well. And even when she is wronged or criticized, she will smile it away. What a happy girl she is!

篇四:初中英语作文:我的同桌-My Desk-mate

初中英语作文:我的同桌-My Desk-mate

My Desk-mate

Jenny is my desk-mate. She is a hard-working girl. When she was twelve years old, she won the first in a city-wide poetry recitation contest. Now she is chairman of the Student Union in our school. She gives us the impression that her ability to express her ideas is excellent. In spare time, she likes to carry a book .with her and writes down what she sees and hears. She's such a lovely girl that I enjoy talking with her to share her ideas.

篇五:Module 3 作业本

Module 3 My new school

Unit 1 There are 46 students in my class.




一、根据句意和首字母提示或汉语提示完成单词 1. You can see a (黑板)and twenty-two desks in my classroom.

2. How many (图片)on the wall? 3.My grandma is (九十)years old this year. 4. Is her answer (正确)or wrong?

5.There are (二十八)students in my class. 二、用所给词的适当形式填空

1. There are some (computer) on our desk. 2. There (be) some bread on the table. 3. There (be) a cap and some coats on the bed. 4. There aren’t (some) pictures on the wall. 5. Mr. Zhang is (we) English teacher. 三、单项选择

(C)1. --- Are there _____ teachers in the office? --- No, but there are _____ students in it. A. some, any B. some, some C. any, some D. any, any

(B)2. There _____ a pen and a pencil in the box. A. am B. is C. are D. be

(A)3. There is _____ office in my school. A. an B. a C. the D. ∕

(D)4. ---Are there any students in the gym? ---____. They are in the library. A. Yes, there is B. No, there isn’t C. Yes, there are D. No, there aren’t (C)5. There are _____ boys in my class. A. twentys B. twenties C. twenty-one D. twenty one 四、按要求完成下列句子

1. There are some people over there. (改为一般疑问句) there people over there?

就划线部分提问) students are there in your class? 3. This is a book.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)

Is this a book ? No, .

4. There is some water in the glass.(改为否定句) There water in the glass. 5. Is there a map on the wall? (作肯定回答) Yes, .

6. The hotel has twenty rooms.(改为同 义句)

twenty rooms in the hotel. 7. nineteen. are, in Betty’s, there, boys, class (.) (连词成句)




Look! This is a picture of our classroom. There are fifty desks and chairs in it. They are for students. On the desks are our books. There is also a big desk in the classroom. It’s for our teachers.

Under the teacher’s desk, there are two basketballs and a football. We can play basketball and football after class. What other things can you see? Yes, there are two maps on the wall, a map of China and a map of the world. Our classroom is very nice. I like it very much. 根据短文内容,回答问题 1. Is this a picture of our school?

2. How many students are there in our class?

3. Is our teacher’s desk big?

4. What are under the teacher’s desk? 5. What are on the wall? _

Unit2 Where’

s the library?




一、根据句意和首字母提示或汉语提示完成单词 1. There aren’t a students in the room.

2. The tall b is a hotel and there are a lot of rooms in it. 3. There is a big g in our school and we often play basketball in it.

4. —Where’s my sbook?

—It’s in the lab.

5. Don’t sit in f of me. I can’t see the blackboard.

1. That is classroom.

2. There are five in our factory. 3. Where Betty and Daming?

4. She is the one to answer my question. 5. --- Where is your teacher? --- He is in science . 三、单项选择

(C)1. The office is _____ the classroom. A. next B. the next C. next to D. to next

(C)2. ---Excuse me (打扰了). _____ is the dining hall? ---It’s next to the library.

A. What B. When C. Where D. Which (C)3. --- Is there a library in your school?


A. Yes, it is B. No, it isn’t C. Yes, there is D. No, there aren’t (B)4. _____ the school there is a river. A. In front B. In front of C. In the front of D. In the front (A)5. --- Are there any offices? --- Yes, there is _____ behind the library. A. one B. it C. them D. a 四、根据汉语完成句子 1. 老师经常站在我们的前面。 The teacher often stands us. 2. 他坐在我的旁边! He sits . 3. 我喜欢在早上读英语。

I like in the morning. 4.在图书馆里有一些好书。

There are some good books . 5.在你们学校里有多少个班?

classes are there in your school? 五、按要求完成下列句子

1. There are some photos on the wall.(改为否定句) There photos on the wall.

on our teacher’s desk.(就画线部分提问)

What is on our teacher’s desk?

就画线部分提问 your school?

4. My desk is behind Tom’s desk. (改为同义句) Tom’s desk is my desk.

5. any, there, school, are, libraries (?) (连词成句) _拓展延伸训练



Mr. Wang is my Chinese teacher. This is her room. It's very new and big. You can see some flowers on the table. Some books are on it. Next to the table there is a desk. On the desk, there is a computer. Behind the desk, there is a chair. Under the chair, there is basketball. Mr. Wang can play basketball. He likes it very much. There is a map on the wall. It's a map of China. There are some pictures on the wall, too. (B)1. This is room. A. my English teacher’s

B. my Chinese teacher’s

C. Mr. Li’s D. my father’s

(D)2. There are on the table. A. some books and a television B. some books and a computer C. some apples

D. some books and some flowers

(C)3. The computer is 

A. on the table B. on the chair (Bon the wall.

A. Some pictures and a map of England are  B.A map of China and some pictures are C.A map and a kite are D. A map

Unit3 Language in use

C. on the desk D. black (A)4. Mr. Wang can . A. play basketball

B. play football

C. ride a horse D. drive a car



一、根据句意和首字母提示或汉语提示完成单词 1. F and fifty is ninety.

2. There is a big apple tree in f of my house.

3. We can use the d to look up (查找) the new words. 4. She is b the door. I can’t see her.

5. There are tstudents in my class. They are 16 boys and 14 girls.

二、用所给词的适当形式填空 1. We live in a tall (build).

2. Are there (some ) old bikes behind the house? 3. There (be) some fish in the dish (一道菜). 4. They are two_ (library) in our city. 5. Give the book to (she) , please.


(A)1. There ___ a computer and some books on the desk.

A. is B. are C.be D. has

(B)2. Are there ___ boys and girls in the classroom? A. some B. any C.a D. / (A)3. —___ the library?

—It’s next to the classrooms.

A. Where’s B. What’s C. How many D. How (D)4. Betty is next to ___ .

A. I B. my C. our B. me

(C)5. This is __ classroom, and __in front of the library. A. we, its B. our, its C. our, it’s D. we, it’s


1.There are some girls in the classroom. (变为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)

girls in the classroom? , .


classrooms are there in your school? 3. There are some trees on the hill. (变为否定句)

trees on the hill. 4. The office is in front of the classroom. (写出意思相反的句子)

The office is the classroom.

5. on, are, and ,three, books ,there, a, pen ,the, desk(.)(连词成句)

五、根据汉语完成句子 1. 教室在餐厅的前面。

The classroom is the dining hall. 2. 图书馆的旁边有一个商店。 a shop the shop. 3. ---体育馆在哪里? --- is the gym?



--- It’s the university. 4. 你们班有多少学生?

students there in your class? 5. 她的教室里有一张讲桌。

a teacher’s desk in classroom.




This is a picture of my classroom. Please at it.

On the front wall of the classroom there is a It is very big. There a clock

and two pictures on the front wall, too. In front of the blackboard there is a desk. It’s our There is a computer it.

There are forty-six students in our , so there are 47 desks, the boys, twenty-two for the girls, and one for the teachers. I sit in Row(排) 2. Betty is in front of me is Kate.

On the back wall there is a picture. Next to the picture

答案:1. look 2. blackboard 3. is 4. teachers’ 5. on 6. classroom 7. twenty-four 8. me 9. Next to 10. of 七、阅读理解

Look! This is a picture of our classroom. There are fifty desks and chairs in it. They are for students. On the desks are our books. There is also a big desk in the classroom. It’s for our teachers. Under the teacher’s desk, there are two basketballs and a football. We can play basketball and football after class. What other things can you see? Yes, there are two maps on the wall, a map of China and a map of the world. Our classroom is very nice. I like it very much. 根据短文内容,回答问题

1. Is this a picture of our school?

2. How many students are there in our class?

3. Is our teacher’s desk big?

4. What are under the teacher’s desk? 5. What are on the wall?
