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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 10:34:22 体裁作文

篇一:学生必须掌握的常用英语单Word list 4

语单词 Word list 4 体育运动 体操 gymnastics 游泳 swimming 击剑 fencing 举重 weightlifting 棒球 baseball 篮球 basketball 排球 volleyball 乒乓球 table tennis 足球 soccer /football 跳水 diving 马球 polo 水球 water polo 垒球 softball 网球 tennis 赛艇 canoe 冲浪 surfing 自行车 cycling 羽毛球 badminton

田径 track and field 手球 handball 摔交 wrestling 拳击 boxing 射箭 toxophily 射击 shooting 柔道 judo 骑马 equestrian 曲棍球 hockey 橄榄球rugby

语单词 Word list 5 学习用品 pen钢笔 pencil铅笔 pencil-case铅笔盒 ruler尺子 book书 bag包 comic book漫画书 post card明信片 newspaper报纸 schoolbag书包 eraser橡皮 crayon蜡笔 sharpener卷笔刀 story-book故事书 notebook笔记本 Chinese book语文书 English book英语书 math book数学书

magazine杂志 dictionary词典

人体 foot脚 head头 face脸 hair头发 nose鼻子 mouth嘴 eye眼睛 ear耳朵 arm手臂 hand手 finger手指 leg腿 tail尾巴

学生必须掌握的常用英语单词 Word list 6 颜色

red红 blue蓝 yellow黄 green绿 white白 black黑 pink粉红 purple紫 orange橙 brown棕 动物 cat猫 dog狗 pig猪 duck鸭 rabbit兔 horse马


ant蚂蚁 fish鱼 bird鸟 eagle鹰 beaver海狸 snake蛇 mouse老鼠 squirrel松鼠 kangaroo袋鼠 monkey猴 panda熊猫 bear熊 lion狮子 tiger 老虎


have a fever发烧 hurt疼痛 have a cold感冒 have a toothache牙疼 have a headache头疼 have a sore throat喉咙疼

语单词 Word list 7 职业 teacher教师 student学生 doctor医生 nurse护士 driver司机 farmer农民 singer歌唱家 writer作家 actor男演员 actress女演员 artist画家

TV reporter电视台记者 engineer工程师 accountant会计 policeman(男)警察 salesperson销售员 cleaner清洁工 baseball playe棒球运动员assistant售货员



bike自行车 bus公共汽车 train火车 boat小船 ship轮船 yacht快艇 car小汽车 taxi出租车 jeep吉普车 van小货车;面包车 plane/airplane飞机 subway/underground地铁motor cycle摩托车

语单词 Word list 8


rice米饭 bread面包 beef牛肉 milk牛奶 water水 egg蛋 fish鱼 tofu豆腐 cake蛋糕 hot dog热狗 hamburger汉堡包 French fries炸薯条 cookie曲奇 biscuit饼干 jam果酱 noodles面条 meat肉 chicken鸡肉 pork猪肉

mutton羊肉 vegetable蔬菜 salad沙拉 soup汤 ice冰

ice-cream冰淇淋 Coke可乐 juice果汁 tea茶 coffee咖啡 breakfast早餐 lunch午餐 dinner/supper晚餐meal一餐

篇二:Analysis of “Shooting an Elephant”

Analysis of “Shooting an Elephant”

This story is about an English policeman. But he is not working in England, he is working in Anglo-Indian official. There are a lot of yellow faces of young men. The local people are not very friendly to the policeman. Because he is the colonialist. One day an elephant rushed into a village. “It is a wild elephant.” The location villagers thought. But it was wrong, on the precious night the elephant had broken its chain and escaped. It destroyed bamboo hut, killed a cow and raided some fruit-stalls and so on. When the policeman heard this news, he took a gun and wanted to kill the elephant. After he had arrived at there, he found the elephant was eating grass peacefully. He thought he didn’t want to kill it. But more and more villagers had come to his back. Gradually, the villagers had surrounded he and the elephant, they all wanted to see that how the policeman kill the elephant.

The English was fidgety, I think. He was standing in front of the unarmed native crowd, so he must have a lot of pressure. Maybe he had no alternative. So he shot the elephant. He shot five times, but the elephant had not been dead. He could not bear to the dying animal. He went away.

His boss thought he did right. But his colleagues did not think so. I think he should not kill the elephant. Because there must be another way to deal with this elephant. But I can understand his mind at that time. He could not control himself, I think. He is

just a ordinary man. So he may make mintakes. After reading the whole story, I think he is a goodness man. He don’t like kill anything. But at that time, The pressure has been strengthened. He should boost up the prestige of the crowded. Because if he don’t do that, he will lose control of the local people. So he shoot! What he had down is positive to himself. He is sapiential.

In the article, the author described a few environment like season, weather. These depiction can reflect the psychology of the policeman. It is very good and we should learn from the author. It is also my analysis.

篇三:英文最常用词汇表_General Service List

这个词汇表是1953年由一个国际知名英语专家组成的项目组研发的。这些词汇从此成为初级基础英语材料用词的主流。2285 accord account accuse accustom adopt adoption agency agent amount annoy annoyance anxiety anxious anyhow applaud applause appoint approve arch argue arise arrow attentive avoidance awake away awkward axe barrel beak berry bind blade block bound boundary bow bravery bribe bribery brick brush bucket bunch bundle bury button cage cake calculate calculation calculator call calm camera camp can canal cap cape capital captain car card carry cart case castle cat catch cattle cause caution cautious cave cent center century ceremony certain certainty chain chair chairman chalk chance change character charge charm cheap cheat check cheer cheese chest chicken chief child childhood chimney choice choose christmas church circle circular citizen city civilize claim class classification classify clay clean clear clerk clever cliff climb clock close cloth clothe cloud club coal coarse coast coat coffee coin cold

combine come comfort command commerce commercial committee common companion companionship company compare comparison compete competition competitor complain complaint complete completion complicate complication compose composition concern condition confess confession confidence confident confidential confuse confusion congratulate congratulation connect connection conquer conqueror conquest conscience conscious consider contain content continue control convenience convenient conversation cook cool copper copy cork corn corner correct correction cost cottage cotton cough could cow coward cowardice crack crash cream creature creep crime criminal critic crop cross crowd crown cruel crush cry cultivate cultivation cultivator cup cupboard cure curious curl current curse curtain curve cushion custom customary customer cut daily damage damp dance danger dare dark darken date daughter day daylight dead deaf deafen deal dear death debt decay deceit deceive decide decision decisive declare decrease deed deep

delicate delight deliver delivery demand department depend dependence dependent depth descend descendant descent describe description desert deserve desire desk despair destroy destruction destructive detail determine develop devil diamond dictionary die difference different difficult difficulty dig dine dinner dip direct direction director dirt disagree disappear disappearance disappoint disapprove discipline discomfort discontent discover discovery discuss discussion disease disgust dish dismiss disregard disrespect dissatisfaction dissatisfy distance distant doctor dog dollar donkey door dot double doubt down dozen drag draw drawer dream dress drink drive drop drown drum dry duck due dull during dust duty each eager ear early earn earnest earth ease east eastern easy eat edge educate education educator effect effective efficiency efficient effort egg either elastic elder elect election electric electrician elephant else elsewhere empire employ employee empty enclose

enough enter entertain entire entrance envelope envy equal escape especially essence essential even evening event ever everlasting every everybody everyday everyone everything everywhere evil exact examine example excellence excellent except exception excess excessive exchange excite excuse exercise exist existence expect expense expensive experience experiment explain explode explore explosion explosive express expression extend extension extensive extent extra extraordinary extreme eye face fact factory fade fail fan fancy far farm fashion fast fasten fat fate father fatten fault favor favorite fear feast feather feed feel fellow fellowship female fence fever few field fierce fight figure fill film find fine finger finish fire firm first fish fit fix flag flame flash flat flatten flavor flesh float flood floor flour flow flower fly fold follow fond food fool foot for forbid force

forth fortunate fortune forward frame framework free freedom freeze frequency frequent fresh friend friendly friendship fright frighten from front fruit fry full fun funeral funny fur furnish furniture further future gaiety gain gallon game gap garage garden gas gate gather gay general generous gentle gentleman get gift girl give glad glass glory go goat god gold golden good govern governor grace gradual grain grammar greed green greet grind ground group grow growth guard guess guest guide guilt gun habit hair half hall hammer hand handkerchief handle handshake handwriting hang happen happy harbor hard harden hardly harm harvest haste hasten hat hate hatred have hay he head headache headdress heal health heap hear heart heat heaven heavenly heavy height heighten hello help here hesitate hesitation hide high highway hill



accord account accuse accustom adopt adoption agency agent amount annoy annoyance anxiety anxious anyhow applaud applause appoint approve arch argue arise arrow attentive avoidance awake away awkward axe barrel beak berry bind blade block bound boundary bow bravery bribe bribery brick brush bucket bunch bundle bury button cage cake calculate calculation calculator call calm camera camp can canal cap cape capital captain car card care carriage cart case castle cat catch cattle cause caution cautious cave cent center century ceremony certain certainty chain chair chairman chalk chance change character charge charm cheap cheat check cheer cheese chest chicken chief child childhood chimney choice choose christmas church circle circular citizen city civilize claim class

classification classify clay clean clear clerk clever cliff climb clock close cloth clothe cloud club coal coarse coast coat coffee coin cold collar collect

color comb combine come comfort command commerce commercial committee common companion companionship company compare comparison compete competition competitor complain complaint complete completion complicate complication compose composition concern condition confess confession confidence confident confidential confuse confusion congratulate congratulation connect connection conquer conqueror conquest conscience conscious consider contain content continue control

convenience convenient conversation cook cool copper copy cork corn corner correct correction cost cottage cotton cough could council count cousin cover cow coward cowardice crack crash cream creature creep crime criminal critic crop cross crowd crown cruel crush cry

cultivate cultivation cultivator cup

cupboard cure curious curl current curse curtain curve cushion custom customary customer cut daily damage damp dance danger dare dark darken date daughter day daylight dead deaf deafen deal dear death debt decay deceit deceive decide decision decisive declare decrease deed deep deepen deer

degree delay delicate delight deliver delivery demand department depend dependence dependent depth descend descendant descent describe description desert deserve desire desk despair destroy destruction destructive detail determine develop devil diamond dictionary die

difference different difficult difficulty dig dine dinner dip direct direction director dirt disagree disappear disappearance disappoint disapprove discipline discomfort discontent discover discovery discuss discussion disease disgust dish dismiss disregard disrespect dissatisfaction dissatisfy distance distant distinguish district division do doctor dog dollar donkey door dot double doubt down dozen drag draw drawer dream dress drink drive drop drown drum dry duck due dull during dust duty each eager ear early earn earnest earth ease east eastern easy eat edge educate education educator effect effective efficiency efficient effort egg either elastic elder elect election electric electrician elephant else

elsewhere empire employ employee empty enclose enclosure encourage

english enjoy enough enter entertain entire entrance envelope envy equal escape especially essence essential even evening event ever

everlasting every everybody everyday everyone everything everywhere evil exact examine example excellence excellent except exception excess excessive exchange excite excuse exercise exist existence expect expense expensive experience experiment explain explode explore explosion explosive express expression extend extension extensive extent extra

extraordinary extreme eye face fact factory fade fail failure faint familiar family fan fancy far farm fashion fast fasten fat fate father fatten fault favor favorite fear feast feather feed feel fellow fellowship female fence fever few field fierce fight figure fill film find fine finger finish fire firm first fish fit fix flag flame flash flat flatten flavor flesh float flood floor flour flow flower fly fold follow fond food fool foot for forbid force foreign forest

formal former forth fortunate fortune forward frame

framework free freedom freeze frequency frequent fresh friend friendly friendship fright frighten from front fruit fry full fun funeral funny fur furnish furniture further future gaiety gain gallon game gap garage garden gas gate gather gay general generous gentle gentleman get gift girl give glad glass glory go goat god gold golden good govern governor grace gradual grain grammar grammatical grand grease great greed green greet grind ground group grow growth guard guess guest guide guilt gun habit hair half hall hammer hand

handkerchief handle handshake handwriting hang happen happy harbor hard harden hardly harm harvest haste hasten hat hate hatred have hay he head headache headdress heal health heap hear heart heat heaven heavenly heavy height heighten hello help here hesitate hesitation hide high highway hill hinder hindrance




1.—Shall we go to the cinema this evening?

—Sorry I can’t .I’m ________ my mum at the airport at 7∶00.

A.carrying away B.sending away

C.putting off D.seeing off

解析:see off意为“送行”。


2.The officer ordered the policeman to ________ that tall man in a black hat.He thought the man might be the

murderer wanted.

A.watch out for B.come up with

C.get along with D.stand up for

解析:watch out for意为“当心;注意;监视”。


3.________ every day will certainly do a lot of good to the health.

A.Taking plenty of exercises

B.Take plenty of exercises

C.Taking plenty of exercise

D.Take plenty of exercise



4.Offices cannot work properly ________ certain important ________.


B.without;pieces of equipment


D.unless;pieces of equipment



5.—Excuse me,I want to have my watch fixed,but I can’t find a repair shop.

—I know one nearby.________ I’ll show you.

A.I’m sorry. B.Come on.

C.Congratulations! D.What can I do for you?

解析:come on用于祈使句,意为:“来吧,走吧,赶快”。


6.The following day she didn’t go to the club.________,she took a short walk in the park nearby.

A.Therefore B.However

C.Instead D.Besides



7.The best job is one which uses your skill in doing something ________ your interest in the subject.

A.instead of B.as to

C.except for D.together with

解析:together with相当于as well as。


8.Tom was not happy at school.At 12,he ________ refused to go to school any more.

A.simply B.happily C.exactly D.only



9.________ there is something else to discuss,I’ll declare the meeting closed.

A.As B.While C.Since D.Unless





10.The fire started from the top floor.It didn’t ________ long before the whole building was s wallowed up by the

big fire.[来源:学科网ZXXK]

A.take B.need C.cost D.spend



11.________ in a heavy traffic jam is quite an unpleasant experience.[来源:学科网ZXXK]

A.Caught B.Having caught

C.Being caught D.To catch

解析:be caught in“赶上了??,遇上了??”。此题中前半部分是主语,故要用动名词形式。 答案:C[来源:学|科|网]

12.I had not driven many miles when I was ________ by a policeman.He asked to see my licence.[来源:学。科。网Z。X。X。K]

A.pulled up B.picked up

C.brought up D.taken up

解析:pull up“阻拦”;pick up“捡起”;bring up“抚养”;take up“占据”。


13.Successful people are always good at ________ the chances which ordinary people don’t value.

A.catching B.holding

C.keeping D.seizing



14.E-mail,as well as telephones,________ an important part in daily communication.

A.is playing B.have played

C.are playing D.play

解析:本题考查主谓一致。as well as telephones为插入语,主语为单数名词e-mail,所以谓语应用单数第三人称形式。


15.I arrived at the shop ________ I’d left all my money at home.

A.to find B.only to find

C.finding D.only finding

解析:only to do sth.这一结构常作结果状语,用以指随即发生的意料之外的事,有“反而,却”之意。句意:“我到商店却发现钱全放在家里了”。




A snow leopard roars in the high mountains of Asia.A black rhinoceros gallops across the plains of Africa.A grizzly bear hunts for fish in a North American river.A mother blue whale and her calf glide through the deep waters of the ocean.

All of these animals share the Earth with us.They fascinate us with their beauty,their grace,and their speed.We love observing their behavior,and learning more about their habits.But just loving them is not enough.All of these animals are endangered.Many of them have died,and without special care,they may someday disappear from the Earth.

Why is it important to care for animals like these?One reason is to protect the balance of life on Earth.Another reason is the beauty of the animals themselves.Each species of animal is special.Africa was once filled with an abundance of wild animals.But that is changing fast.One of these animals,the black rhinoceros,lives on the plains of Africa.It has very poor eyesight and a very bad temper!Even though the black rhino is powerful,and can be dangerous,its strength can’t always help it to escape hunters.Some people think that the rhino’s horn has magical powers,and many hunters kill rhinos for their valuable horns.This has caused the black rhino to be placed on the endangered species list.

The elephant seems to represent all that is strong and wild in Africa.It once had no natural enemies,but is now endangered-killed for its ivory tusks.

The fastest land animal,the cheetah,also lives in Africa.It,too,is becoming extinct as people take over more and more of the land that is the cheetah’s natural habitat.

Imagine Africa without the powerful rhino,the gentle,intelligent elephant,or the lightning quick cheetah.Once they are gone,they are gone forever.

16.The best title for this passage would be “________”.

A.Do what we can B.Gone forever

C.Help animals D.Live or die

解析:作者在最后一段作出结论(Once they are gone,they are gone forever.),揭示了本文的写作目的,故本文题目为B项。


17.Why has the black rhino been placed on the endangered list according to the passage?

A.Because its eyesight is poor and its temper is bad.

B.Because it has a horn.

C.Because it is believed that its horn has magical power.

D.Because people think it is powerful and dangerous.

解析:根据第三段最后两句“Some people think that the rhino’s horn has magical powers,and many hunters kill rhinos for their valuable horns.This has caused the black rhino to be placed on the endangered species list.”可得出答案。


18.Which of the following does NOT support the main idea of the article?

A.Ocean-dwelling animals are in danger of extinction as well.

B.Beautiful birds like the great green macaw are also becoming extinct.

C.Wherever people are careless about the land,there are endangered species.

D.The elephant seems to represent all that is strong and wild in Africa.

解析:本文的中心是呼吁人们保护濒危野生动物,而D项并不能反映本文的中心,故为正确答案。 答案:D
