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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 18:26:46 体裁作文



我们的外教老师 当英语老师告诉我们下一节英语课是外国老师教我们英语,而且是两个星期才有一次。真难得呀


,两个星期才有一次啊!可想想又让人觉得兴奋!! 铃、铃、铃......上课了,外教老师刚进门,原本热闹非凡的教室立即变得鸦雀无声。外教老师很风趣,老师和我们先互相做自我介绍。轮到邵耀萱说了,她说:I am Shao Yao Xuan。老师故意把她的名字说成了Shao 、Shao 、Shao 他那语调特别搞笑。顿时,同学们哈哈大笑起来。 到我了,我说:I am Tina。这时,老师张开双臂,我也跟着张开双臂。显然我误解了他的意思。他忽然把我抱了起来,并在我的右脸上猛亲了一下,我被刚才的情景吓了一跳,原来老师刚才的举动是对我的友好。他把我轻轻地放下来,并给我一块糖,我连忙对老师说Thank You。外教老师还和我们做了许多有趣的游戏,可惜的是我们听不懂老师讲的话,为了让我们长大后能够走出国门,学到更多的知识,我们一定要好好学 习英语。 我喜欢这位幽墨风趣的外教老师!



Ms Jerry is a foreign teacher. She oomes from New Zealand. She is

thirty-one years old. She has fair hair, white skin and gray eyes. She is tall and slim. She looks very kind. And in fact, she is kind indeed. Ms Jerry is a good teacher. Although she only comes to our school twice a week, yet she is very responsible to her work and strict with her students. Once. she was ill, but she went on giving us lessons. When we learned this, we all listened to her even more attentively than usual.

Ms Jerry teaches us English with great enthusiasm:" Eaoh lesson she Will bring us new pictures, new stories, new games and new songs. Her class is always full of happy laughter and merry songs.

Ms Jerry is such a good teacher that all of us love and respect her. "我的外籍老师"英语作文译文:

Jerry老师是个外籍教师,来自新西兰,今年三十一岁。瘦高身材的她头发金黄,皮肤白皙,眼睛灰蓝。她看上去很温柔,事实上她也的确很温柔。 字串8


Jerry老师以极大的热情教我们英语。每节课她都会给我们带采新图片,新故事,新游戏和新歌曲。她的课堂上总是充满着愉快的笑声和欢乐的歌声。 Jerry老师是一个人人都爱戴和尊敬的好老师。



Ms Jerry is a foreign teacher. She oomes from New Zealand. She is thirty-one years old. She has fair hair, white skin and gray eyes. She is tall and slim. She looks very kind. And in fact, she is kind indeed. Ms Jerry is a good teacher. Although she only comes to our school twice a week, yet she is very responsible to her work and strict with her students. Once. she was ill, but she went on giving us lessons. When we learned this, we all listened to her even more attentively than usual.

Ms Jerry teaches us English with great enthusiasm: Eaoh lesson she Will bring us new pictures, new stories, new games and new songs. Her class is always full of happy laughter and merry songs.

Ms Jerry is such a good teacher that all of us love and respect her. 我的外籍老师 英语作文译文:

Jerry老师是个外籍教师,来自新西兰,今年三十一岁。瘦高身材的她头发金黄,皮肤白皙,眼睛灰蓝。她看上去很温柔,事实上她也的确很温柔。 Jerry老师是一个好老师。尽管,每星期她只来我们学校两次,但她对工作负责,对学生要求很严。有一次她病了,但仍坚持给我们上课。当我们知道这个情况后,我们都听得比平时更仔细。

Jerry老师以极大的热情教我们英语。每节课她都会给我们带采新图片,新故事,新游戏和新歌曲。她的课堂上总是充满着愉快的笑声和欢乐的歌声。 Jerry老师是一个人人都爱戴和尊敬的好老师。



Ms Jerry is a foreign teacher. She oomes from New Zealand. She is

thirty-one years old. She has fair hair, white skin and gray eyes. She is tall and slim. She looks very kind. And in fact, she is kind indeed. Ms Jerry is a good teacher. Although she only comes to our school twice a week, yet she is very responsible to her work and strict with her students. Once. she was ill, but she went on giving us lessons. When we learned this, we all listened to her even more attentively than usual.

Ms Jerry teaches us English with great enthusiasm:" Eaoh lesson she Will bring us new pictures, new stories, new games and new songs. Her class is always full of happy laughter and merry songs.

Ms Jerry is such a good teacher that all of us love and respect her. "我的外籍老师"英语作文译文:

Jerry老师是个外籍教师,来自新西兰,今年三十一岁。瘦高身材的她头发金黄,皮肤白皙,眼睛灰蓝。她看上去很温柔,事实上她也的确很温柔。 字串8


Jerry老师以极大的热情教我们英语。每节课她都会给我们带采新图片,新故事,新游戏和新歌曲。她的课堂上总是充满着愉快的笑声和欢乐的歌声。 Jerry老师是一个人人都爱戴和尊敬的好老师。



初二六班 杨松宁 外教来了!”“外教来了!”这学期我们学校有外教课了,外教来的那一天,我们校园里沸腾起来了,前簇后拥,围着外教上看下看,左看右看,新鲜地跳啊!叫啊!好不热闹。

第一节外教课我记忆犹新,星期四上午第二节课是我们班的英语课,大家十分期待并谈论着外教的到来,不一会儿大家被一股隐隐约约的影子吸引了,后来这影子越来越大——外教站在了我们教室门口,大家都安静下来了,教师里静的出奇,鸦雀无声,外教走了进来,同学们的嘴巴张成“O”形。他黑黑的皮肤,白白的牙齿,一头短短的黑发,他的名字叫Andy,来自南非,中等身材,身着一件灰色衬衫,牛仔裤,脚穿一双棕色的皮鞋。“Good,afternoon”外教说,我们也大声回答,他又做了一下自我介绍,并重点说了他叫Andy。 我们每次回答问题后,他都满意地大声说“答对了”或者伸出大拇指说“ok”,这让我们发言更踊跃了。有一次Andy问我们excavator的意思,起初我们说“挖掘机”他用迷茫的眼神看着我们,我们都争先恐后地举手,想告诉他中文,最后大家集体一遍一遍的教他“挖掘机”的读音。


