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篇一:Mother's Day教案

Teaching Plan of Oxford English 2B Module 4 Unit 2 Mother’s Day

School: Dongmen Primary School of Qingpu District Teacher: Zhu Yanjian Contents:

1. Words and phrases: hug, kiss, smile 2. Sentence structure: Happy Mother’s Day! I hope you’re happy every day. Language function: 1. Talking about Mummy.

2. Expressing your love to Mummy. Difficult point:

1. Be able to realize and understand mother’s love. 2. Be able to express love to Mummy by writing a poem. Culture:

Be able to realize and understand mother’s love and to express love to Mummy.

Teaching procedure:

输入文本: Mummy, Mummy, I love you. A hug for you. A kiss for you. Mummy, Mummy, I love you so.

A big hug, A big kiss. Just for you, My dear Mummy. I love your smile. I love you so.


Dear Mummy, I love you. I love your smile. I love you so. A hug for you. A kiss for you. Mummy, Mummy, I love you so.

Mummy, I love you.

Happy Mother’s Day!

I hope you’re happy every day.

I love Mummy.

She is _____ and ______. But she is very busy. I can _______ for Mummy. I can _________________. I love Mummy so.

篇二:the Mother's Day的教学设计

the Mother’s Day 的教案

邯郸市大名县西店中学 李雪娜

一 教学内容分析

The Mother’s Day 冀教版英语教材八年级下册的Mothers And Fathers Are Special 的其中一部分内容。这部分内容由三部分组成:When is Mother’s Day? How do people celebrate it? How did Mother’s Day start? 通过学习这部分内容让学生掌握听、说、读、写这四方面的能力,进而达到教育现代子女要有一颗感恩的心这一目的。

二 学情分析


三 教学目标:

通过对Mother’s Day这一课的学习,要求学生掌握重点难点以及达到了解异国文化,扩展视野的目的。同时增强学生对天下父母的爱戴。 教学目标的确定

1: 情感态度和价值观:通过阅读母亲节的真实材料内容来庆祝母亲节,增强对天下父母的爱戴,同时了解异国文化,拓展视野,了解西方对传统节日的庆祝方式。




四 教学重点、难点



五 课前指导活动:让学生查找有关母亲节的资料,想一想应该为.母亲做



六 教学步骤

1 导入新课

通过幻灯片上的一幅图画和满文军的“懂你”这首歌来导入新课先让学生听并告诉学生听后回答问题。由此创设情境把学生引入学习的主题。 师:Ok, everyone! Let’s listen to the song. Then answer my questions. 1: What’s the song about? 以激发学生学习动机为主线,充分动用现代化的教学手段和学生的互动等多种形式,激发学生的学习的兴趣; 2: Do you love your mother?


生1:It’s about mothers. I love my mother.

生2:It’s about mother’s love. I love my mother too.

2 、学习新单词




讲解alive ,live, lively的用法并给出练习。

3、 由问题导入内容。先让学生考虑以下几个问题。

师:Please think about it!

1: When is Mother’s Day?

2: How do people celebrate it?

3: How did Mother’s Day start?



5 、因为下一段是讲How do people celebrate the Mother’s Day? 所以我在讲之前让学生进行了一项活动。同桌之间互相提问What will you do on Mother’s Day?我走到学生之间给予一定的指导。然后让学生表达自己的想法。

生1:What will you do on Mother’s Day?

生2:I will buy a gift for my mother.

生3:What will you do on Mother’s Day?

生4:I will do housework. What about you?

生3:will study harder.

师:Ok, everyone! You are good children.

Do you want to know how people around the world celebrate it? 生: Yes.


接下来讲段落的时候我讲了几个可以接双宾语的及物动词并给学生总结了顺口溜:“七给”“一带”to 不少,“买” “画” “制作”for 来了。 6 、针对中考需要考听力所以在平常就经常练习听力。我没有出示幻灯片而是先让学生听,再进行提问。


师:Who start the Mother’s Day?


师:Why did she start it?

生:She wanted children to say “thank you” to

mothers day 教案

their mothers.


8 、 homework

NO.1: Read the text.

NO.2: If you have time you can write a letter to your mother.


七 板书:

The Mother’s Day

Language Notes:

1: When is Mother’s Day?

2: How do people celebrate it?

3: How did Mother’s Day start?

4:七给 “一带”to 不少,“买” “画” “制作”for 来了。 5: Who start the Mother’s Day?

6: Why did she start it?

教学反思:我感觉情感教育收到了很好的效果;最后感情得到了升华; 导


篇三:Shopping for Mother's Day教案

Unit 5 Shopping for Mother?s Day

Lesson 10教案

一、 教学目标:


2、句型:The yellow one is nicer than the blue one.

二、 教学重、难点:

1 复习比较级构成及其句型

2 掌握并运用选购商品的句型




1 Warming up

1) Sing a song : Thank you, Mom.

2) Free talk: What will you do for your mother on Mother?s day? Will you give her some flowers?

What will you buy?

2 Lead in

T: We all know that Mother?s Day is coming.

And Mr Miller is going to buy a present for ….Yes, Mrs Miller. She is his wife.(PPT, practice the word and spell on the blackboard.) Kate is Mrs Miller?s daughter. She is going to buy a present for her mom..Let?s look at the screen and guess which one are they going to buy.

3 Presentation:

1) Revision about the comparative degree:

①T: Look at the screen, please. Last period, we learnt that what Kate

wanted to buy for her mom. What is it?


T: Yes. Kate wanted to buy a handbag. But, look, do you know which one

she is going to buy today? The bigger one or the smaller one? Before that, let?s do some comparations.

Look, what?s this?


T: Yes, it?s a doll. But is it a big one? No, it?s a small one. Then I have

another one. Look, is it big? Right, it?s small, and even smaller than the first one. So we can say, this one is smaller than that one. Can you spell “smaller”? Show me your fingers and write together s-m-a-l-l-e-r.

T: Look, what?s this? Is it a new one? No, it?s a little old. The other one…

is it old? No, it?s a new one. And it?s newer than that one. Spell “newer” together.

②Game: Happy Hour (flash)

T: Now can you say some other comparaive degrees? Look at the screen,

please. Firstly, read the word you see until the letters show up in the mirror. Let?s have a try.

T: Then let?s have a happy hour. Ready? Go !

(Show the rules about comparaive degrees. )

③T: This turn, I will ask some you to say some words.

Just open my magic bag. And take out what ever you like.

S1: (choose 2 jellies)

T:Which one do you like to have?

S1: This one.

T: Why?

S1:….( Lead the s to say nicer)

T: Good, I want to send it to you.

(Then S2 & 3)

④Sentence structure

T: Look, here are 2 dresses.What color are they?

Yes. Mother?s Day is coming. I?ll buy her a dress. I don?t know which

one is better. Please give me some advice.(PPT提示学生用比较级的句型)

Ss: …

T: Why? (show the Ss pencils, and ask them to pick 2 of all. Then choose only one.

If they can say the correct sentence using comparative degree, they ?ll get the pencil.)

4 New Text:

1) Listen carefully

Answer and give T or F:

( )Sally?s dad wants to buy a dress for Sally.

( )The yellow dress is nicer than the blue one.

( )Sally?s mom doesn?t like yellow color.

( ) They?ll buy a yellow dress.

2) Read the dialogue together

3) Ask some students read the text

5 Consolidation:

1) PPT shows 4 groups of phrases, let the Ss write down the numbers to

make up a complete sentence.

2)Game: Relay Race

Each S read the 4 sentences by themselves. Then each group say 2 of the

sentences on the screen. Everybody can only say 3 words. The shortest time, the 1st place they win.

3) Listening

4) Writing:

Say something to your mom on Mother?s Day.



2、完成《活动手册》L 10。

3、在母亲节时向妈妈说声Happy Mother?s Day.

篇四:2B-M4U2教案Mother's Day

Module 4 Unit 2 Mother’s Day

Period 1





篇五:Mothers Day

Mothers Day

母亲节是五月的第二个星期日。今年母亲节那天,我为母亲买了一件毛衣和一束鲜花作为礼物,感谢母亲为我付出的辛苦。母亲收到礼物后,非常高兴。 Mother's Day comes on the second Sunday in May each year. On that day this year, I bought a sweater and some flowers for my mother to thank her for her hard work for me. Receiving my gift, my mother was very happy.
