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篇一:小学英语教师资格面试《Traffic lights》教案

小学英语教师资格面试《Traffic lights》教案


小编推荐>>> 教师考试面试备考指导|13个学科教案【汇总篇】(按住ctrl点击即可查看) 教师资格面试备考已经拉开序幕,一篇优秀的教案对面试的成功是非常重要的,国家教师资格考试网特为考生献上小学英语教师资格面试《Traffic lights》教案,希望对大家有所帮助。

Traffic lights teaching plan

Teaching Aims:

Knowledge aim: Students will know the way of pronouncing d, p, t and know the safe way to cross the road. Ability aim: Through different activities, students will read the chant fluently and vividly, their speaking ability can be improved.

Emotional aim: After this lesson, students will form good habit to cross road and have safety consciousness. Teaching Key Points:

Students will learn how to cross the road safely and read the chant correctly.

Teaching Difficult Points:

To help students feel the plosive and they can read the chant vividly.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Warming-up

1. Do a chant together.

Red is color for the tomato

Yellow is color for the banana

2. Ask students to find different colors in their life.

(Flower, table, skirt, shopping mall, traffic light …)

Step 2 Presentation

1. Listen to the tape and students need to answer “What is it about?”

Teacher should give them more knowledge about how to keep ourselves safe in our life.

2. Invite three students to read this chant and make a comparison to find the difference between their


3. Make a summary about how to read “d, p, t” in a sentence. And the teacher should read at least two times for students to make sure that students can understand it.

Step 3 Practice

Listen to the tape again and students read the chant in teams in 3 minutes, and then they will make a competition, the winner will get small gifts (post card, book marks and so on) from the teacher.

Step 4 Production

1. Give students 2 minutes; they need to collect some words which contain d, p or t with their desk mates (dog, food, feet…).

2. Brainstorm (2 minutes).

Which kinds of habits can help us avoid being injured in our life?

Teacher should give them a guidance and summary about the way to protect themselves in their life. Step 5 Summary and homework

Read the chant together, and ask them to make a small dance for it, we will perform it next class, students also need to sing this chant to their parents.

Blackboard Design:

Teaching Reflection:


篇二:2015海南教师资格面试小学英语《Traffic lights》教案

2015海南教师资格面试:小学英语《Traffic lights》教案

2015下半年教师资格面试备考已经拉开序幕,一篇优秀的教案对面试的成功是非常重要的,国家教师资格考试网特为考生献上小学英语教师资格面试《Traffic lights》教案,希望对大家有所帮助。

Traffic lights teaching plan

Teaching Aims:

Knowledge aim: Students will know the way of pronouncing d, p, t and know the safe way to cross the road.

Ability aim: Through different activities, students will read the chant fluently and vividly, their speaking ability can be improved.

Emotional aim: After this lesson, students will form good habit to cross road and have safety consciousness.

Teaching Key Points:

Students will learn how to cross the road safely and read the chant correctly.

Teaching Difficult Points:

To help students feel the plosive and they can read the chant vividly.

Teaching Procedures:

traffic lights怎么读

Step 1 Warming-up

1. Do a chant together.

Red is color for the tomato

Yellow is color for the banana

2. Ask students to find different colors in their life.

(Flower, table, skirt, shopping mall, traffic light …)

Step 2 Presentation

1. Listen to the tape and students need to answer “What is it about?”

Teacher should give them more knowledge about how to keep ourselves safe in our life.

2. Invite three students to read this chant and make a comparison to find the

difference between their readings.

3. Make a summary about how to read “d, p, t” in a sentence. And the teacher should read at least two times for students to make sure that students can understand it. Step 3 Practice

Listen to the tape again and students read the chant in teams in 3 minutes, and then they will make a competition, the winner will get small gifts (post card, book marks and so on) from the teacher.

Step 4 Production

1. Give students 2 minutes; they need to collect some words which contain d, p or t with their desk mates (dog, food, feet…).

2. Brainstorm (2 minutes).

Which kinds of habits can help us avoid being injured in our life?

Teacher should give them a guidance and summary about the way to protect

themselves in their life.

Step 5 Summary and homework

Read the chant together, and ask them to make a small dance for it, we will perform it next class, students also need to sing this chant to their parents.

篇三:小学英语教师资格面试《Traffic lights teaching plan》教案


小学英语教师资格面试《Traffic lights teaching


Teaching Aims:

Knowledge aim: Students will know the way of pronouncing d, p, t and know the safe way

to cross the road.

Ability aim: Through different activities, students will read the chant fluently and vividly,

their speaking ability can be improved.

Emotional aim: After this lesson, students will form good habit to cross road and have safety


Teaching Key Points:

Students will learn how to cross the road safely and read the chant correctly.

Teaching Difficult Points:

To help students feel the plosive and they can read the chant vividly.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Warming-up

1. Do a chant together.

Red is color for the tomato

Yellow is color for the banana

2. Ask students to find different colors in their life.

(Flower, table, skirt, shopping mall, traffic light …)

Step 2 Presentation

1. Listen to the tape and students need to answer “What is it about?”

Teacher should give them more knowledge about how to keep ourselves safe in our life.

2. Invite three students to read this chant and make a comparison to find the difference

between their readings.

3. Make a summary about how to read “d, p, t” in a sentence. And the teacher should read at

least two times for students to make sure that students can understand it.

Step 3 Practice


Listen to the tape again and students read the chant in teams in 3 minutes, and then they will

make a competition, the winner will get small gifts (post card, book marks and so on) from the


Step 4 Production

1. Give students 2 minutes; they need to collect some words which contain d, p or t with

their desk mates (dog, food, feet…).

2. Brainstorm (2 minutes).

Which kinds of habits can help us avoid being injured in our life?

Teacher should give them a guidance and summary about the way to protect themselves in

their life.

Step 5 Summary and homework

Read the chant together, and ask them to make a small dance for it, we will perform it next

class, students also need to sing this chant to their parents.

Blackboard Design:

Teaching Reflection:


篇四:英语教案traffic light

大班幼儿英语教案——the traffic lights

活动名称:Traffic lights



②引导儿童乐于参加英语活动,大胆说英语,体验英语活动的乐趣 活动准备:动物头饰若干,司机、警察头饰各一个;红黄绿色气球各一个;ppt课件 活动过程:


Ⅱ、Lend in: 播放一个视频,引出红绿黄灯,“红灯停,黄灯等,绿灯行”

T: At the beginning of this class, I’ll show you a video. After watching the video, I have a question for you. Please listen carefully.

T: What did you see? What did you hear? S: red /yellow/green

T: yes! We have learned that three words, red yellow and green.(show the picture of traffic light) Look! Here is traffic light. Do you know some rules of the traffic light?



① repetition : setting the scene “here come a school bus!”

T: (show the picture of the driver) who is him?

S: driver

T: Yes! Now, I’m the diver, and let’s do some exercises! Stand up!

教师带领全体幼儿一起做韵律操:green light green light go go go ,red light red light stop stop stop, yellow light yellow light wait wait wait

② Role play:请4个小朋友分别选择扮演自己喜欢的动物,一个小朋友扮演警察,控制红绿灯。四个“小动物”要过马路,在路口喊出“I am a pig/tiger/monkey/rabbit”,下面所有的小朋友根据警察控制的traffic light一起指挥小动物,“pig pig (tiger/monkey/rabbit ) stop stop stop(go/wait)”.

T: There are some old friends, do you know him? Who are them?

S: Pig/rabbit/tiger/monkey

T: Those friends are going to cross the road, could you help them?

S: Yes!

T: Now, here are those animals. (Show the picture of animals) who want to act? Choose the animal you like best to act.

T: and then, I need a boy to act the policeman. Who want to try?





护建乡初级中学 吴朋莉

一、摘 要

英语阅读在英语学习中起着至关重要的作用,它不仅是增长知识获取信息的重要途径,而且也是提高听、说、读、写能力的有力杠杆。它是中考考查的重点。所以做好阅读理解题,是获得中考英语高分的关键。 根据教育部制定的英语课程标准,初中毕业生应达到五级综合语言运用能力。


? 1、能根据上下文和构词法推断、理解生词的含义;

? 2、能理解段落中各句子之间的逻辑关系;

? 3、能找出文章中的主题,理解故事的情节,预测故事情节的发展和可能的结局; ? 4、能读懂常见体裁的阅读材料;

? 5、能根据不同的阅读目的运用简单的阅读策略获取信息;


? 1、把握文章的主旨和大意,同时明确说明主旨和大意的事实和细节。 ? 2、理解具体事实和内在的抽象含义。

? 3、既要理解字面意思,也要理解深层含义。

? 4、逐句、逐段理解意思,弄清全篇的逻辑关系。

? 5、用自己已有的知识、常识去理解。








?(四)阅读理解解题方法:一般说来做阅读理解题有两种方法: ? 1、先看文章,再看试题。

? 2、先看试题,再看文章。


? 1、扫读:即快速阅读,通览全文,把握文章中心。

? 2、细读:集中精力研读全文,分清文章体裁,把握文章中心和主要内容,进而掌握文章的细节信息。

? 3、查读:认真检查,尽量减少答题错误。







? 即五个W, who,what,when,where,why画出来.


? 一、集中精力阅读,在阅读正文中要一气呵成,最好不要停顿或复读,从而对文章有一个整体认识,有助于文章中心思想的把握。

? 二、不要一遇到生词就查字典,而是通过文章上下句或构词法等方面的知识快速判断该词的含义。这样可以更快地了解文章的内容,加快阅读速度。 ? 三、要以整句而不是单个的词作为意义单位去解释。。

? 四、扩大阅读量,培养语感。

? 五、在进行阅读教学中,注意培养学生的阅读兴趣,并指导学生掌握一定的阅读技巧。

? 六、在对阅读理解的讲评中,应注重讲评的计划性和、针对性和多元性。


? Mr King works in a shop and drives a car for the manager. He drives carefully and can keep calm in time of danger. And he escaped from several accidents. The manager pays him more and the traffic policemen often speak highly of him.

? Mr Baker, one of his friends, works in a factory outside the city. It‘s far from his house and he has to go to work by bus. As the traffic is crowded in the morning, sometimes he’s late for the work. His manager warns the young man that he will be sent away unless he gets to his office on time. He hopes to buy a car, but he hasn‘t enough money. He decides to buy an old one. He went to the flea (跳蚤) market and at last he chose a beautiful but cheap car. He said he wanted to have a trial (试验) drive, the seller agreed. He called Mr King and asked him to help him.

? Mr King examined the car at first and then drove it away. It was five in the morning and there were few cars in the street. At first he drove slowly and it worked well. Then he drove fast. And when he reached a crossing, the lights turned red.

?He tried to stop it, but he failed and nearly hit an old woman who was crossing the street. A policeman told him to stop, but the car went on until it hit a big tree by the road.

? “Didn?t you hear me?” the policeman asked angrily.

? “Yes, I did, sir,” said Mr King,“Since it doesn?t listen to me,can it obey you?” ?根据以上短文内容,然后从每题所给的四个选项中选择最佳选项。 ? 1. Mr King is paid more because he _______.

? A. always drives very slowly B. is not afraid of danger

? C. had driven for years D. drives very well

?选D.由句子He drives carefully and can keep calm in time of danger. And he escaped from several accidents.可知,Mr King drives very well,因此老板付给了他更多的薪水。答案选D.

? 2. Mr Baker went to the flea market to _______.

? A. buy a second-hand car B. have a trial drive

?C. choose a new car D. sell his old car

?选A.Mr Baker因为交通拥挤而经常迟到,受到老板的责骂,所以He hopes to buy a car. 但是他没有足够的钱,所以He decided to buy an old one,可见他去跳蚤市场是buy a second-hand car(想买一辆二手车),因此答案选A.

?3. Mr King tried to stop the car when _______.

? A. he saw an old woman crossing the street

? B. he saw a big tree

? C. the traffic lights turned red

? D. the policeman shouted angrily at him

? .选C. Mr King试车到了一个十字路口时,The light turned red,所以He tried to stop it,因此答案选C.

? 4. Which of the following is true?

? A. Mr King will be sent away if he keeps being late

? B. Mr Baker can‘t afford to buy an old car

? C. Mr King didn‘t hear the policeman

? D. Something was wrong with the car \

?选D. Mr King在交警的警告下也没有停住车,最后撞到了树上,他的解释是:It doesn?t listen to me(车不听我的话),可见车有问题,所以答案选D. ?

