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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 00:42:12 字数作文

篇一:34 Fancy Dress Party粉红小猪字幕

1. Peppa:I’m Peppa pig.

This is my little brother, George.

This is Mummy Pig, and this is Daddy Pig.

Fancy Dress Party

2. ( Peppa and George are having a fancy dress party. )

( All their friends are invited. Peppa is dressed as a fairy princess.)

( And George is dressed as a dinosaur.)

3. George :GrrrrDine-saw!

( Here are Peppa's friends, Candy Cat, Suzy Sheep, Danny Dog, Rebecca Rabbit and Pedro Pony.Suzy is wearing her nurse's costume. )

4. Daddy pig :Hello, Suzy!

Suzy: Hello, Mr. Pig!

Dad: I'm glad the nurse has arrived! Have you just come from the hospital? Suzy:Er, I'm not a real nurse. It's just pretend.

Dad: ha hahaVery good.

5. Dad: My, my! Who have we here?

Danny:Woof! Woof! I'm a pirate! Shiver me timbers!

6. Candy:Meow! I'm a witch! I can turn you into a frog.

Pedro Pony: Neigh! I'm a clown!

Dad:That's funny! And what are you, Rebecca Rabbit?

Rebecca:I'm a carrot.

Dad :Fantastic! Come in. There's a fairy princess and a dinosaur waiting to meet you.

7. Peppa:Hello, everyone!

All the animals: Hello, Peppa!

Baa! /Meow! /Woof! /Neigh!

Peppa:Hello, Suzy, I'm Princess Peppa. You must bow when you speak to me. Suzy :Hello, your majesty. Baaa! I'm Nurse Suzy! Open wide and say "ahhh". Peppa: "Ahhh"!

8. Pedro:Neigh... I'm a clown.

Rebecca:Do something funny!

Danny: Woof! Rebecca, why are you dressed as a carrot?

Rebecca:I like carrots.

George :Grrrrrrr! Dine saw!

Danny: A scary dinosaur!

9.(Peppa is admiring herself in the mirror. )

Peppa:Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all? You are, Peppa.

10.candy:Meow! Hello, Peppa.

Peppa:Hello, I'm a little fairy princess.

candy:I'm a witch. Meow! And I've got a magic wand!

Peppa:I've got a magic wand, too!

candy:I can turn you into a frog.

Peppa:And I'll turn you into a frog.

11. George :Dine saw. Grrrrrrrrr!Waaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

( Oh, dear, George is scared of his own reflection.)

Mommy:Silly George, look, it's you in the mirror.

George :Grrrrr!

12. mum: Children, it's time to decide who has the best fancy dress costume.

Dad: We need a judge.

All the animals: Me! Me! Me!

Dad:As it's Peppa's party, maybe she should be the judge.

13. Peppa:I'm the judge! I'm the judge! Daddy, what is a "judge"? Dad:The "judge" decides who has the best costume. Oh, goody! ( Peppa is going to choose who has the best costume. )

14. Peppa:Suzy, can I see your costume, please?

Suzy :Baaa! I'm Nurse Suzy. I make people better.

Peppa:Very good, Nurse Suzy. Now, Danny!

Danny:Woof! I'm a pirate! Shiver me timbers!

Peppa:Now, Candy.

Candy :Meow. I'm a witch. I can turn you into a frog!

Peppa:Well, I'm a fairy princess and I can turn you into a frog! Mummy Pig:Children! Children!

Peppa:Sorry, Mummy.

Mummy Pig:Who's next?

Pedro:I'm a clown!

Peppa:That's funny!

Peppa:And Rebecca?

Rebecca: I'm a carrot.


Peppa:And my little brother, George, is a scary dinosaur. George :Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Peppa:Everyone's costume is very good.

All the animals:Hurray! Baa! /Meow! /Woof! /Neigh!

15. Mummy Pig:Now you say who the winner is. Peppa:Oh, yes! Uh hum! And the winner is... Me!

Mummy Pig:Peppa you can't pick yourself! You're the judge! Peppa:Oh! Can't I?

Mummy Pig:You have to pick another winner.

Peppa:Okay, the carrot wins.

All the animals:Hurray!

Rebecca:Thank you.

( Peppa loves fancy dress parties! Everyone loves fancy dress parties! )

篇二:2013.03.12 Flights of fancy

Flights of fancy Unmanned gliders: Powered drones are old hat. The latest robot aircraft are wafted around by the air itself, allowing them to stay aloft far longer

ALTHOUGH undeniably graceful, gliding has until now been suitable only for pleasure flights. But this is changing, as researchers enhance the capabilities of unmanned aircraft. Small drone gliders will soon be able to stay aloft for weeks, acting as communications relays, keeping a persistent eye on the ground below and even tracking marine animals thousands of kilometres across the ocean.

One such glider, the hand-launched Tactical Long Endurance Unmanned Aerial System (TALEUAS), is being developed at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California. It needs an electric propeller to get airborne, but having reached a reasonable altitude TALEUAS can fly all day just by riding rising currents of warm air called thermals.

When TALEUAS encounters a thermal it senses the lift and spirals around to take advantage of it. Vultures and eagles use the same technique, and Kevin Jones, who is in charge of the project, says he has often found TALEUAS sharing the air with these raptors. On some occasions, indeed, the birds found that the thermals they were attempting to join were too weak for their weight, as the drone is more efficient at gliding than they are.

TALEUAS’s endurance is limited only by the power requirements of its electronics and payload, which at the moment are battery powered. Dr Jones and his team are, however, covering the craft’s wings with solar cells that will generate power during the day, and are replacing its lithium-polymer battery with a lithium-ion one capable of storing enough energy to last the night. That done, TALEUAS will be able to stay aloft indefinitely.

TALEUAS does, however, depend on chance to locate useful thermals in the first place. Roke Manor Research, a British firm, hopes to eliminate that element of chance by allowing drones actively to seek out rising air in places where the hunt is most likely to be propitious. As well as thermals, Mike Hook, the project’s leader, and his team are looking at orographic lift, produced by wind blowing over a ridge, and lee waves caused by wind striking mountains. Their software combines several approaches to the search for rising air. It analyses the local landscape for large flat areas that are likely to produce thermals, and for ridges that might generate orographic lift. It also employs cameras to spot cumulus clouds formed by rapidly rising hot air.

Perhaps the most ambitious scheme for a robot glider, however, is the artificial albatross proposed by Philip Richardson of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, in Massachusetts. Like its natural counterpart, this artificial bird harnesses wind shear—the difference in wind speed at different heights—in a technique called dynamic soaring.

The air is quite still near the surface of the sea even when it is blowing strongly just a few metres above, so an albatross can rise to gain height like a kite in a breeze, then glide down in any direction. By repeating this trick it can fly thousands of kilometres without flapping its wings, and by tacking it can travel anywhere, regardless of the wind direction. Dr Richardson hopes to replicate this with his robot bird. If he can, he will surely break all records for the time a heavier-than-air artefact has stayed aloft.

Flights of fancy


Unmanned gliders: Powered drones are old hat. The latest robot aircraft are wafted around by the air itself, allowing them to stay aloft far longer


ALTHOUGH undeniably graceful, gliding has until now been suitable only for pleasure flights. But this is changing, as researchers enhance the capabilities of unmanned aircraft. Small drone gliders will soon be able to stay aloft for weeks, acting as communications relays, keeping a persistent eye on the ground below and even tracking marine animals thousands of kilometres across the ocean.


One such glider, the hand-launched Tactical Long Endurance Unmanned Aerial System (TALEUAS), is being developed at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California. It needs an electric propeller to get airborne, but having reached a reasonable altitude TALEUAS can fly all day just by riding rising currents of warm air called thermals.


When TALEUAS encounters a thermal it senses the lift and spirals around to take advantage of it. Vultures and eagles use the same technique, and Kevin Jones, who is in charge of the project, says he has often found TALEUAS sharing the air with these raptors. On some occasions, indeed, the birds found that the thermals they were attempting to join were too weak for their weight, as the drone is more efficient at gliding than they are.

“泰洛士”遇到一股热气流后能察觉到其升力,然后就开始盘旋飞行以利用这股上升的气流。兀鹫与苍鹰都采用这种飞行策略。凯文?琼斯(Kevin Jones)是这个项目的研发负责人,他说自己经常看到“泰洛士”与这些猛禽一同在上升的热气流中盘旋。有时这些大鸟也想同无人机一道盘旋,但感到上升气流太弱,难以支撑自己的身躯。而这架无人机的滑翔效率要超过这些鸟类,因而依然能够自由翱翔。

TALEUAS’s endurance is limited only by the power requirements of its electronics and payload, which at the moment are battery powered. Dr Jones and his team are, however, covering the craft’s wings with solar cells that will generate power during the day, and are replacing its lithium-polymer battery with a lithium-ion one capable of storing enough energy to last the night. That done, TALEUAS will be able to stay aloft indefinitely.


TALEUAS does, however, depend on chance to locate useful thermals in the first place. Roke Manor Research, a British firm, hopes to eliminate that element of chance by allowing drones actively to seek out rising air in places where the hunt is most likely to be propitious. As well as thermals, Mike Hook, the project’s leader, and his team are looking at orographic lift, produced by wind blowing over a ridge, and lee waves caused by wind striking mountains. Their software combines several approaches to the search for rising air. It analyses the local landscape for large flat areas that are likely to produce thermals, and for ridges that might generate orographic lift. It also employs cameras to spot cumulus clouds formed by rapidly rising hot air.

然而,“泰洛士”能否翱翔天空首先取决于能否找到可以利用的热气流。罗克?曼勒研究公司(Roke Manor Research)是一家英国企业,该公司希望无人机能主动搜寻,在最可能出现的地区找到上升气流。迈克?胡克(Mike Hook)是负责这个项目的研发负责人,他与其研发团队除了寻找热气流之外,也在寻找地形抬升和背风波现象。风刮过山脊就会产生地形抬升;大风直接刮向山岭则产生背风波。他们研发的软件综合了数种方法来寻找上升气流。这套软件通过分析地形地貌来做出判断。平原地区可能产生热气流,而山脊则可能出现地形抬升。这套软件还使用摄像机来寻找快速上升的热气流产生的积雨云。

Perhaps the most ambitious scheme for a robot glider, however, is the artificial albatross proposed by Philip Richardson of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, in Massachusetts. Like its natural counterpart, this artificial bird harnesses wind shear—the difference in wind speed at different heights—in a technique called dynamic soaring.

然而无人驾驶滑翔机领域最雄心勃勃的研发当归人造信天翁项目了。该项目由位于马萨诸塞州的伍兹霍尔海洋研究所(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)的菲利普?理查森(Philip Richardson)发起。这种人造大鸟使用一种叫做动力滑翔的技术,就如同自然界的信天翁一样,通过驾驭风的切变翱翔空中。风切变(wind shear)是指风速在不同高度上的突然变化。

The air is quite still near the surface of the sea even when it is blowing strongly just a few metres above, so an albatross can rise to gain height like a kite in a breeze, then glide down in any direction. By repeating this trick it can fly thousands of kilometres without flapping its wings, and by tacking it can travel anywhere, regardless of the wind direction. Dr Richardson hopes to replicate this with his robot bird. If he can, he will surely break all records for the time a heavier-than-air artefact has stayed aloft.





1. What?s ______ job?

A. yours B. your C. you

2. Who is that man over there? Do you know ______ name?

A. he B. he?s C. his

3. Mary is making ______a beautiful dress.

A. myself B. himself C. herself

4. You have more apples than _____ do. But _____ are better than yours.

A. us, we B. we, ours C. ours, us

5. _____ people are my friends. _____ people are my husband?s friends.

A. These, Those B. This, That C. Here, There

6. I have two brothers. One is a driver, ______ is a policeman.

A. one B. other C. the other

7. London is _____capital of Britain, and it is _____ great city, too.

A. a, the B. the, a C. a, a

8. David is _____ only accountant in my son?s company.

A. a B. an C. the

9. He works in _____ Finance Department (财务处) of _____ large company.

A. the, a B. a, the C. a, a

10. The Business Banking Department is on _____ third floor.

A. / B. an C. the

11. —

— It was very exciting.

A. How B. What C. Which

12. — ______ is the man near the window?

— Oh, he is Tom.

A. What B. Who C. How

13. _____ of these two books do you prefer?

A. Which B. What C. How

14. _____ wine do you need for the party?

A. How much B. How little C. How many

15. —

— It?ll take two hours, I think.

A. How many B. How much C. How long


A. How many B. How much C. How about

17. Which is ____, the Yangtze River or the Yellow River?

A. a bit long B. longer C. more long

18. I?m bad at spelling, but Jane is ______ than me.

A. bad B. worse C. less

19. Rose is _____ than Frank.

A. very easy-going B. much easy-going C. much more easy-going

20. This watch is ______ that one.

A. as expensive as B. very expensive than C. more expensive to

21. I don?t like London. It is _____ Beijing.

A. different from B. different as C. as different as

22. I don?t want _____ milk in my coffee.

A. any B. some C. many

23. Pandas and monkeys are not _____ dangerous animals.

A. some B. any C. /

24. I usually go to the office _______ train.

A. about B. by C. on

25. He goes to work ______foot but comes back home ______taxi.

A. by, by B. on, by C. by, on

26. I usually have breakfast _____ 8 o?clock in the morning.

A. at B. in C. on

27. I sometimes go to the pub _____ Friday.

A. in B. on C. at

28. The area is convenient A. at B. on C. for

29. I?m a deputy manager. I work _____ an IT company.

A. for B. about C. with

30. I?m interested _____ cooking.

A. in B. to C. at

31. Mark is responsible _____ the international market.

A. in B. for C. of

32. This is his book. Could you give it _____ him?

A. to B. with C. for

33. I?ll give ______.

A. the man the book B. the book the man C. the book for the man

34. Does David ______?

A. like flying B. likes flying C. likes to fly

35. My aunt _____ for her friends at home.

A. enjoys cooking B. enjoys to cook C. enjoy cooking

36. Carlos _____ serve the drinks and take the orders.

A. has B. has to C. have to

37. What _____ “nr” mean?

A. is B. do C. does

38. He A. live, lives B. lives, live C. live, live early.

A. come always B. always comes C. always come

40. Jack _____ late because he is a good student.

A. never come B. never comes C. comes never at six every day.

A. is closing B. closes C. closed

42. It often _____ in winter in the north of China.

A. snow B. snows C. is snowing

43. Mr Manning _____ in Paris today and tomorrow.

A. work B. is working C. worked

44. It is eight o? clock. The boy A. do B. does C. is doing

45. Sally?s parents ______ come and stay with her soon.

A. are going B. is going to C. are going to

46. _____ Chris worried about the presentation last week?

A. Is B. Was C. Were

47. — I have got a pain in my chest.

— You _____ see the doctor.

A. should B. need C. have

48. — Should I take some medicine?

— No, you don?t _____ to take any medicine.

A. should B. must C. need

49. I _____ buy any wine.

A. need not B. don?t need C. don?t need to

50. _____ a coffee machine in the room?

A. Are there B. Is there C. Have there

51. There _____ three plants in the office.

A. is B. are C. be

52. I think there will ______ 50 people at tomorrow?s party.

A. be B. being C. are

53. — I like documentaries on TV.

— _____.

A. So am I B. So do I C. So have I

54. — I prefer watching TV.

— So A. have B. am C. do

55. — I don?t get up late on Sundays.

— _____ do I.


必修二 Unit 2: The Olympic Games

基础 知能 回扣

Day 25



1.compete v. n.(竞争)

adj. n.竞争者 adj.(有能力的,胜任的)

2. admit v. n. adj. (可容许的,可接纳的) adj. 被承认的,被确认无疑的 n.(入场权,准入)

3. volunteer v. adj. (自动的,自愿的)

v. n.(回应)

5.advertise.v. n.(广告) adj.

6.regular adj. v. (使有规律) n (规律性,规则性)

adv. n.(规章,规则)

7. value n. ________________adj.(贵重的,很有价值的) __________________adj.(无价值的;没有用处的)

8.survive v. _______________ n. (存活;幸存) ________________n.(幸存者)

9.decorate v.装饰 _______________n.装饰;装潢 ________________adj.(装饰的)

二. 高频短语.

1.参加 2.查明,找出 3.每四年,每隔三年 4. 允许某人做某 5.允许干某事 6.和……结婚 7.一套,一组 8.在某方面竞争9.为……而竞争10.与……竞争 11. 获准做某事 作为…被接受



15.和……一样 16.有(没)做……的机会 17.伴随,与……搭配 18.把……与关联起来19.和……有关 20.和……赛跑 21. 听说 22.确定 23.轮流24.一个接一个三. 重点句式.

1. ___________ athletes from all over the world ____________competitors.


2. All countries can take part if their athletes reach the standard to _____________ the games.


3. Mary ____________her husband is going to have a job interview tomorrow.


4. Tom, who married a pretty musician,_____________ for ten years. 汤姆和一个美丽的音乐家结婚已经十年了。

5. All the players__________ honour as well as gold medals.


6. These words___________each other in meaning.


7. The 2008 Olympics _________ in Beijing, ________is a great honour to us.


8. I have never been dishonest, nor do I ________ being so now. 我从来没有不诚实过,现在我也不打算变得不诚实。

9. Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 早睡早起使人健康、富有和聪明。

10. Getting rid of a bad habit is _________________ forming a good one. 摆脱坏习惯就像养成好习惯一样需要努力。

11. He often works deep into the night every day. __________ he always gets first in the exams.


12. He had _________________ but he forgot.


13. I am asked to design a poster to advertise the sporting events that ——————————————— in the stadium.

(将来进行时的被动语态. )


Day 26

四. 课文完形:


This passage is (concern) with the modern and ancient Olympic Games. The ancient Olympic Games were held four years in (希腊). There are certain (相同点) between the ancient and modern Olympic Games. For example, they both encourage (friend) and cooperation. there are also many significant differences between them. For example, nowadays, women can in the games and there are more in the modern Olympic. these differences, it is important to remember the (change) – swifter, higher and stronger.

五. 单词拼写:

1. The work cost us nothing; it’s all done by v________ from a university.

2. Michael Phelps won eight gold m________ in the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

3. London is the h________ city for the next Olympic Games.

4. The football game will be played at the capital s________.

5. Stress has an effect on both your p________ and mental health.

6. When we say one keeps r________ hours, that means he or she gets up and goes to bed at the same time each day.

7. P________ Anne is the prettiest one of all the daughters of the king.

8. Tom’s f________ behaviour made me think he was out of his senses.

9. The m________ of the Olympics is ―Swifter, Higher, Stronger.‖

10. The s________ between the two reports suggests that one person wrote both.

11. We were impressed by the ruins of an a________ building in Rome.

12. C________ among youths to enter the best colleges is intense (激烈的).

13. The fairy’s m________ changed the two brothers into ducks.

14. An a________ is a person who competes in sports such as running and jumping.

15. That second-hand table was a real b________ at only $ 6.

16. She a________ that she had stolen the bicycle.

17. Even if Lincoln was not ready to confess (承认) it, black people knew that this was a war against s________.

18. He r________ his brother as captain because his brother was ill.

19. The bad girl d________ to be punished—nobody took pity on her.

20. If you want to sell your products better, you had better a________ them.

篇五:unit4 导学案


1. Story sharing

Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink, so all repaired their boats and left. Love wanted to persevere until the last possible moment.

When the island was almost sinking, Love decided to ask for help. Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat. Love said, “Richness, can you take me with you?” Richness answered, “No, I can?t. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place here for you.” Love decided to ask Vanity (虚荣) who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel, “Vanity, please help me!” “I can?t help you Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat.” Vanity answered. Sadness was close by, so Love asked for help, "Sadness, let me go with you." "Oh....Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!" Happiness passed by Love too, but she was so happy that she did not even hear when Love called her!

Suddenly, there was a voice, "Come Love, I will take you." It was an elder. Love felt so blessed and overjoyed that he even forgot to ask the elder his name. When they arrived at a dry land, the elder went his own way. Love realized how much he owed the elder and asked Knowledge, another elder, "Who helped me?" "It was Time," Knowledge answered. "Time?" asked Love. "But why did Time help me?" Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered, "Because, only Time is capable of understanding how great Love is."

2. compound dictation

By age eight, the pattern for our ideal mate has already begun to float around in our brains. Researchers find that there are many [S01] __________ between our ideal mates and our moms. Yes, our mothers—the first real love of our lives—write a [S02] _________ portion of our love map. When we?re little, our mother is the center of our [S03] ________, and we are the center of hers.

So our mother?s characteristics leave an indelible (擦不掉的,难以去除的) [S04] __________, and we are forever attracted to people with her facial [S05] _______, body type, personality, even sense of [S06] ______.

The mother has an [S07] _________ influence on her sons: she not only gives them [S08] _____ to what they will find attractive in a mate, but also affects how they feel about women in general.

Just as mothers influence their son?s general feelings toward women, fathers influence their daughter?s general feelings about men. Is there love[S09] ______________Why not? When people become love-struck, what happens in that instant is the couple probably discover a unique something they have [S10]_____________ .

一. Lead-in: proverbs about love





4) 没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣

, and the one who is, won?t make you 5)纵然伤心,也不要悉眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。

who is fancy

_____, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with 6)爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式爱你,那并不意味着他们没有全心全意地爱你。 _____ you want them to,

_____they don't love you with all they have.


_____ them to.

8) 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。

_ because it happened.


_____ one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be g__________.

10)Love sought is good, but given unsought is better.




1.Terra (['ter?] Roman Goddess) = Gaea (['d?i:?] Greek Goddess)= Mother Earth

territory (L.14)land owned or controlled by a particular country, ruler, or military force

2.sport para 10 vt. to wear or be decorated with sth.

e.g. The front of the car sported a German flag.

He was heavily-built and ____________________.


e.g. Eric was sporting a new camel-hair coat.

a sporting chance (of doing sth.)

= a fairly good chance of succeeding or winning

of winning.

3. identical adj. 完全一样的,完全相同的

be identical with 与…完全一样

e.g. The number on the card should be identical with the one on the cheque book.


4. departure n. [C,U] 离开,出发

departure from…..离开


翻译:They had received no news of him since .

depart v. 离开,出发

depart for…动身去往某地 depart from…从…出发



e.g. 我们将搭乘下一班次飞机前往巴黎。

翻译 by the next plane.

5. destination n. [C] 目的地;终点.

arrive at/reach your destination 到达目的地

6. overseas adv. 海外

eg: This will be my first trip overseas and I am looking forward to it.


adj. 海外的

海外市场 留学生

海外贸易 海外旅行

6. decrease n. [c, u]减少,降低

decrease in…. 在某方面的减少

on the decrease 在减少


翻译:There has been 40% in the period of Financial Crisis. vi. & vt. 减少,减小,降低

decrease from sth to sth 从…减少了…

decrease by…以…速率减少

e.g.人口增长率(population growth)正在以每年 1.4% 的速度下降。

翻译 eg:独立公司的数量从198减少到了86个.

翻译 e.g. 该城市的交通事故减少了.


7. nourish vt. 滋养;给…营养.

All the children were well nourished and in good physical condition.

翻译 美好的回忆将永远滋养我们的婚姻。

翻译 University study nourished his ability to think critically.

翻译 nourishment n. 营养,滋养

8. decline 1. vt. 拒绝;谢绝. decline to do 拒绝做…

2. vi. 减少,降低,下降. decline from…to… 从…降到…

3. n. 减少,下降. decline in sth. 某方面减少,下降

正在下降,正在衰退 in decline 或 on the decline

eg: NBA球星拒绝回答记者的任何问题。

翻译 eg:员工人数从2000降到1200.

翻译 eg: 青少年吸烟的人数在下降。


9. forbid (forbade, forbidden)

vt. 禁止 forbid sb. to do 或者 forbid sb. from doing 禁止某人做…

forbid doing 禁止做…



e.g.我禁止你踏出(step out of)这房子半步。

翻译:We 我回来前禁止你离开。

翻译:You before I come back.

10. spectacular adj. 1.壮观的 2,引人注目的,惊人的:

e.g. Niagara Falls is one of the most spectacular waterfalls in the world.

翻译 Any spectacular achievement in science was never made without efforts.



1. n. [C,U] 1)想像力 2)爱好,喜爱 take a fancy to (喜欢,爱上)






2. vt. [U] fancy doing sth.1)想要,想做 2)喜爱;喜欢:



e.g. 他一直想要一辆那样的车。


3. adj. 1)别致的,花式的,花哨的 2)充满幻想的;多变的

That pattern is too fancy for an old lady.

翻译 He is full of fancy ideas.


12. vanish vi. 消失.

e.g. My glasses seem to have vanished

翻译 e.g. 我的希望华为泡影。


13. compress vt. 压缩;压紧. compress sth into sth 把…压缩进….

e.g. 你能把你的讲话精简为五分钟吗?


14. longing n. 渴望 have a longing for sth /sb 对…渴望

e.g. 那位青年作家强烈渴望出名.(fame)


15.resist vt. 忍住;抗拒. resist the pressure 顶住压力 resist the urge 克制冲动 e.g. They are determined to resist pressure to go on with the reform.

翻译: e.g.:我无法克制早些回家的冲动。


三 短语练习:


write back: 回信

1.I am our teachers who is respectable.


4.You me 7. Our profits will be good the US dollar remains strong.

四:课文速读练习 (判断正误)

1. John Blandford waited at the Grand Central Station to see a woman he had dated over the last

13 months.

2. Many soldiers in the army received book from a woman named Hollis Meynell and wrote


3. It was the letters from Ms. Meynell that encouraged nourished John and encouraged him to


4. Ms. Meynell declined to send photo to John because of her plain appearance.

5. The beautiful young woman coming toward without wearing a rose. John wasn?t Ms.


6. Blandford succeeded to resisted the urge to follow the beautiful young woman.

7. Blandford felt to the woman who once wrote to hime and encouraged him.

8. of love set by Ms. Meynell.


1. 自愿参军

2. 祝某人平安

3. 出发那天

4. 感激某人的支持

5. 一遍遍读某人的信

6. 收到某人的回信

7. 战争的艰苦岁月里

8. 从未减少过

9. 谢绝某人的要求

10. 解释反对的理由

11. 可以自由做某事

12. 感到与某人有联系

13. 立刻

14. 犹如春天般生气盎然

15. 嘴角露出笑容

16. 与某人同路

17. 向某人靠进一步

18. 一位四十好几的妇女

19. 让别人认出他

20. 因某事而感激某人


1.Describe one of your group members and a famous person, and then ask your classmates to
