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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 15:24:39 体裁作文





























杨千慧 "我望眼欲穿,看我看不到的你......"熟悉的音乐响起,我睁开惺忪的睡眼,伸了个懒腰,抖一抖睡眠的残屑,瞅一瞅窗外,窗外的天空像一块布,灰黑色的云朵是布满的墨荷花纹,构成了一块漂亮的布料.想着想着,便不由的高兴了起来,背上书包,开始了我的一天.

子曰:"学而不思则罔.思而不学则殆 ......"教室里人声鼎沸,迅速到校的同学,立马拿出课本背诵,朗读.早自习的朝气蓬勃驱赶了我全部的睡意,是我全身心的投入了学习之中.






下午,班上召开了以感恩为主题的班会,为了这次班会,大家前前后后可能准备的有一个月的时间。老天不负有心人,班会课受到了领导老师家长的一致好评,为班级争得了荣誉。 这是忙碌的一天,又是充实的一天,让我们珍惜这样的日子,珍惜它带给我们的收获。


附表2 “评选类项目”推荐作品登记表







描写人物的 英语作文一 自我介绍 Myself (我自己)

Hi ! My name is Jim. I am 13 years old. My birthday is on May 10th, My telephone number is 13577827977, My QQ number is 3591721,I am a happy boy. I’m a good boy, I’m a school student. I have a happy family. I have a good mother and a good father, They love me . I like apples , I like red, My favorite color is red .I like sports, My favorite sport is basketball, I like NBA, My favorite star is Yao Ming, I think he is great, I like playing computer games because it’s fun. At school , I have some good friends, and I have some good teachers. My favorite subject is P.E because it’s fun , I have P.E on Monday .My favorite teacher is Mr Wang, He is an English teacher, He is a good teacher, His class is interesting. I want to be a good teacher. This is me, Do you like me ?

描写人物的英语作文二 My family (我的家庭)

I have a happy family. There are 3 people (人) in my family. They are my parents and I. My father and mother are teachers. They’re good teachers . My father is 40 years old , His birthday is on July 4th, He likes oranges , He likes chicken, His favorite color is blue, My mother is 37 years old, Her birthday is on March 11th, She likes salad , but she doesn’t like ice cream, She likes bananas, but she doesn’t like apples. She likes green but her favorite color is white, I have a cat, Its name is Xiao Ming, I'm a school student. My favorite color is red. I like apples , I like red, My favorite color is red .I like sports, My favorite sport is baseball , it’s fun. My favorite subject is art because it’s easy for me , After dinner, we watch TV.

My parents love me very much. I love my parents, too. I lo


ve my family.

描写人物的英语作文三 My good friend (我的好朋友)

I have a good friend,His name is Peter. He is a good boy, He is 12 years old . His birthday is on August 6th, His telephone number is 18087881209, His QQ number is 39721. He likes tomatoes , but he doesn’t like ice cream . He likes pears, but he doesn’t like strawberries. His favorite color is blue, He likes pingpong because it’s easy, but he doesn’t like soccer because he thinks it’s boring, His favorite subject is math, because it’s difficult but interesting. His math teacher is Mr Chen, His favorite day is Tuesday because he has math on that day. He is in Class One, He has lunch and dinner at school . He is a good student, He likes sports. After school, We play games .

He is really my good friend! I love my good friend.

描写人物的英语作文四 My favorite teacher (我最喜欢的老师) In my life, I meet many good teachers, but my favorite teacher is Miss Li.

Miss Li is my English teacher, She is 36 years old, Her birthday is on October 16th, She is nice, She is fun, She is friendly(友好的) to us. She is a good teacher, She is my good friend, too. She always helps us. Her class is interesting. She likes milk , but she doesn’t like ice cream, She likes bananas, but she doesn’t like apples. She likes green but her favorite color is white. She likes sports, She likes games, After class, she plays games with us, Her favorite sport is volleyball. She likes watching TV. She has lunch and dinner at school .

I love my English teacher , how about you

My room (我的房间)

Look, This is my room. It’s not big but tidy. In my room, You can see a bed, a desk and a sofa. Where is my schoolbag? It’s on the sofa. Where is my pencil box? It’s in the schoolbag. I have a computer , It’s nice. It’s on the desk. I can play computer, I like computer because I think it’s useful to me . I like playing computer games because it’s fun . I have some books,

They’re on the desk, too. I have a computer game, it’s under the bed. I have a basketball, it’s under the sofa.

I love my room, how about you?

Unit 5 英语作文 谈谈自己喜欢的运动

Hi,I’m a boy , I’m a good boy. I’m a student, I like vegetables and fruit , I love sports. I like basketball, it’s fun. I have a basketball. After class, I play basketball with my friends. I like baseball, it’s interesting. I like tennis, it’s relaxing. I like ping-pong , it’s easy for me. But I don’t like soccer ball, I think it’s boring.

I love sports, I play sports every day (每 天), I’m healthy. How about you?

Unit 6英语作文 谈谈自己(和家人)一日三餐吃些什么

Hi,I’m a boy , I’m a good boy. I’m a student, I like vegetables and fruit , I’m healthy。 For breakfast , I like milk , but I don’t like salad, I like apples ,but I don’t like bananas. For lunch, I like rice , but I don’t like chicken, I like tomatoes ,but I don’t like eggs. For dinner, I like rice and chicken, but I don’t like hamburgers. For breakfast , my mother likes milk , but she doesn’t like bread. For lunch, she likes tomatoes ,but she doesn’t like chicken, For dinner, she likes rice , but she doesn’t like salad. She is healthy.

For dinner, my father likes oranges , but he doesn’t like bread .He likes rice but he doesn’t like chicken.

Unit 9英语作文 My busy day (我忙碌的一天)

I’m busy on Friday, From 8:00 to 8:40, I have math, it’s difficult but interesting. From 9:00 to 9:40, I have history, it’s boring. From 10:00 to 10:40, I have Chinese, I like Chinese because it’s easy for me . From 11:00 to 11:40, I have science, I think it’s useful. At 12:00, I have lunch at home. From 2:30 to 3:10, I have music , it’s relaxing. From 3:20 to 4:00, I have English, it’s interesting. From 4:10 to 4:50 , I have P.E. My favorite subject is P.E, because it’s fun . My P.E teacher is Mr. Chen, he is fun.

After school , I play sports . I like sports . I like basketball, I

play basketball with my friends.

I have a busy day ! I like Friday because the next day is Saturday . How about you ?
