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英语人教七年级下Unit9 What does he look like单元测评

(分数:100分 时间:90分钟)

第Ⅰ卷 听力部分(20分)





( )6. A. Not bad. B. An artist. C. He is short and fat.

( )7. A. Yes, she does. B. No, she isn’t. C. Long and straight hair.

( )8. A. Hamburgers. B. Two big eyes. C. Jeans.

( )9. A. No problem. B. She is short. C. Yes, she is.

( )10. A. To the cinema. B. I live in the neighborhood. C. It’s too noisy.



( )11. What does the boy’s mother look like?

A. Heavy and tall. B. Short and heavy. C. Thin and tall.

( )12. Who is the man over there?

A. The boy’s friend. B. The boy’s teacher. C. The boy’s father.

( )13. What does the girl’s sister do?

A. She is an actress. B. She is an artist.

( )14. What’s the girl’s last name?

A. Black. B. Brown. C. She is a musician. C. Hand.

( )15. Where is Linda from?

A. Canada. B. China. C. America.



( )16. Where is Lucy from?

A. China. B. America. C. Canada.

( )17. What does Lucy look like?

A. Tall with long curly hair. B. Short with short straight hair.

C. Tall with short surly hair.

( )18. Who is Nancy?

A. Lucy’s mother. B. Lucy’s sister. C. Lucy’s friend.

( )19. How old is Adam?

A. 15. B. 14. C. 12.

( )20. What does Adam wear?

A. A red sweater. B. A blue shirt. C. A red T-shirt.

第Ⅱ卷 笔试部分(80分)


21.There is ______ milk in the glass and it's ______ bad.

A.a little;a little bit B.a little;a bit of

C.a little bit;a bit of D.a little;little

22.—Is Miss Li tall?

—No,she isn't tall,and she isn't short,either(也).She is ______.

A.medium height B.medium build C.a little heavy D.thin


—She has big eyes and small nose.

A.How old is she B.What does she do

C.What does she look like D.How is she

24.Lily is ______ medium build ______ long blonde hair.

25.A.in;of B.in;with C.of;of D.of;with

25.Tom ______ his father and his father ______ very young.

26.A.looks like;looks like B.looks like;looks

C.looks;looks like D.looks;looks

26.The boy ______ tall and ______ short black hair.

27.A.has;has B.has;is C.is;is D.is;has

27.My aunt is too ______,she wants to be slim(苗条的).

A.heavy B.tall C.short D.thin

28.Miss ______ has curly ______ hair.

A.Brown;brown B.Brown;Brown

C.brown;brown D.brown;Brown

29.Mr. Dean______ a medium build,and he has yellow hair.

30.A.is B.has C.looks like D.isn't

30.—What does Mr. Chen look like?


A.He likes sports B.He is very quiet

C.He is of medium build D.He likes wearing glasses


Johnny is twelve old.He is very tall and he loves _32__ basketball.His curly hair.She likes hard.Dave of medium height.He 31.A.year B.years C./ D.years'

32.A.play B.plays C.to playing D.to play

33.A.is B.are C.comes D.be

34.A.not wear B.do wear C.doesn't wear D.don't wear

35.A.has B.have C.is D.are

36.A.sing B.singing C.sings D.don't sing

37.A.works B.working C.to work D.don't work

38.A.are B.be C.is D.am

39.A.plays B.playing C.to play D.play

40.A.jokes B.joke C.to joke D.not joke



I'm Jack. My father is tall and has short gray hair. He wears glasses with heavy black frames. But I just saw a picture of him of 1968.What a surprise!In the picture, he's 15 years old. He's short and he has glasses with small round frames. He has long yellow hair and it's really straight.He's wearing blue jeans and a T-shirt with the word “Love” .I 'm 15 years old now. I'm of medium height and I have short hair.My hair isn't yellow;it's blue.My dad thinks it's strange, but my friends think it's great.I wear glasses, but my glasses have bright red frames.They're so cool!I have an earring in one ear, too.Dad really can't understand that. I never wear blue jeans.I like big baggy pants and long T-shirts.Most of my T-shirts have pictures of my favorite rock bands

on them.

41.What kind of glasses did Father wear when he was fifteen years old?He wore ______.

A.glasses with heavy black frames B.long and yellow glasses

C.glasses with bright red frames D.glasses with small round frames

42.What color is Jack's hair?It's ______.

A.yellow B.blue C.gray D.red

43.Jack likes to wear ______.

A.blue jeans and a Tshirt

B.yellow jeans and a Tshirt with the word “Love”

C.big baggy pants and long Tshirts

D.blue jeans and an earring

44.What's on Father's Tshirt?

A.The word “Love”. B.Heavy and black frames.

C.Pictures of rock bands. D.An earring.

45.Who has an earring in one ear?

A.Father. B.Jack.

C.Jack's favorite rock bands. D.Jack's friends.


My name is Tom.My best friends are John and Ann.We do many things together.John lives near my house and we are in the same class.He's fifteen years old and he's tall and thin.He has blonde hair and blue eyes.He's polite and very clever.He's good at math and helps me with my homework sometimes.He usually wears jeans and a Tshirt, but in the photo he's wearing black trousers and a yellow Tshirt.We also play basketball at a nearby park together and sometimes we play video games at my house.

Our friend Ann doesn't go to our school.She's short and slim with straight brown hair and brown eyes.She's a little bit shy.We all have kungfu lessons every Tuesday and Friday afternoon.We love them.Ann is really good at kungfu.We call her the “kungfu kid”.She sometimes plays basketball with us, too.In the picture she is wearing a dress, but she doesn't usually wear skirts or dresses.She often wears Tshirts and a baseball cap.The three of us have great fun together.

46.What things do the three children do together?

A.Play baseball. B.Play basketball.

C.Play tennis. D.Play video games.

47.What are John and Ann's favorite clothes?

A.Tshirts. B.Jeans. C.Trousers. D.Jackets.

48.Who is good at math?

A.Tom. B.Ann. C.John. D.We don't know.

49.When do the children have kungfu lessons?

A.Every Thursday. B.Every Tuesday afternoon.

C.Every Friday afternoon. D.Both B and C.

50.Where do they play video games?

A.In the nearby park. B.At John's house.

C.At Tom's house. D.At Ann's house.


My name is Paul.I'm an actor.I have short blonde hair.I'm not very tall or heavy.


I'm Karen.I work in a restaurant.I look like my mother.I have big eyes and long curly hair.I'm tall and a little thin.I like meeting people.

I'm Peter.I'm a bank clerk.My eyes are small.My hair is(2)(3)short and a bit heavy.

I'm Cindy.I'm a teacher.I always wear glasses.(4long black hair. I'm fun and my students all like me.





53.What does Paul look like?




55.What does Karen like?




56.,and she has long hair.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空(5分)

61.The boy is of medium ______(high).

62.It's ______(real)hot today.

63.Johnny Dean is my favorite pop ______(sing).

64.Does your father often wear a pair of ______(glass)?

65.Please do it in different ______(way).



A:Do you know my cousin?He's new here in our school.


A:He is very tall and has short curly blonde hair.





1. How many new ___________ (建筑物) are there in your city this year?

2. It is ___________ (不可能的) for us to finish the work in such a short time.

3. That baby is able to ___________ (穿衣) himself now.

4. What will our life be like ___________ (在将来)?

5. ___________ (好像) they have known our new address.

6. I hear a great ___________ (science) will give us a talk tomorrow.

7. I think I can do all the housework by ___________ (I).

8. Computers can’t take the place of ___________ (human) completely.

9. We must try our best to save water and ___________ (electric).

10. Would you like to go ___________ (skate) with us this weekend?

11. There will be a sports meeting this weekend. (改为同义句)

There ___________ ___________ ___________ be a sports meeting this week. (对画线部分提问)

___________ ___________ you think Sally ___________ ___________ in five years?

13. There will be fewer people in 100 years. (改为一般疑问句)

___________ there ___________ fewer people in 100 years?

14. There won’t be any paper money. (改为同义句)

There will be ___________ ___________ money.

15. My classmates often help me learn English. (改为同义句)

My classmates often ___________ me ___________ my English.

16. 凯蒂不能参加运动会了。

Kitty ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ take part in the sports meeting.

17. 昨天有好几百人来我们学校参观。

___________ ___________ people came to visit our school yesterday.

18. 彼得在上海找到了一份工作,他不得不在那里独自生活。

Peter finds a job in Shanghai, so he has to ___________ there___________.

19. 我们家乡的污染没有以前严重了。

There is ___________ ___________ in our hometown than before.

20. 十年后你会是什么样子?

How ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ in ten years?


21. I often hear her c____________ about her son’s laziness(懒惰).

22. It’ll be better to have a_______ around. It’s dangerous for you teenagers to go camping alone.

23. He didn’t pass the exam, so he was u____________.

24. My job doesn’t i____________ making coffee for the boss.

25. This coat is in s____________. I like it very much.

26. The children enjoyed ____________ (they) in the museum last Sunday.

27. Sally brought us a piece of ____________ (surprise) news.

28. Everyone in my class was ____________ (invite) to the party except me.

29. There are all ____________ (kind) of computers in that shop.

30. Julia ran past the finishing line as fast as ____________ (possible).

31. I think you should do it by yourself. (改为否定句)

I ___________ ___________ you ___________ do it by yourself.

32. What do you think of our city? (改为同义句)

___________ do you ___________ our city?

33. She has to take her daughter to piano lessons. (改为一般疑问句)

___________ she ___________ to take her daughter to piano lessons?


___________ are parents trying ___________ ___________?

35. I have this kind of book. Johnson has this kind of book, too. (改为同义句)

Johnson has ___________ ___________ kind of book ___________ me.

36. 他需要足够的睡眠。

He ___________ to get ___________ ___________.

37. 学习很重要,但另一方面,你也要多做运动。

Study is important. But ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________, you should

exercise more.

38. 我妈妈希望我每天晚上都呆在家里。

My mother wants me ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ every night.

39. 你和同学们相处得怎么样?

How are you ___________ ___________ ___________ your classmates?

40. 我想弄明白为什么汤姆没邀请我参加他的生日聚会。

I want to ___________ ___________ why Tom didn’t invite me ___________ his party


41. While I was cleaning the room, Mum was cooking in the k____________.

42. Wow! It’s a____________ to see UFOs!

43. I’m new here. I haven’t any e____________ in doing this.

44. I h____________ him shouting. It’s horrible(可怕的).

45. Your s____________ on this event surprised me. You should say something.

46. —Don’t watch such childish(幼稚的) TV programs.

—It’s not childish, Mom. Batman and Spiderman are my ____________ (hero).

47. What’s the ____________ (mean) of “I don’t know”? When can you know something?

48. —My mother ____________ (buy) me a computer last week.

—Then we can chat on the Internet.

49. They lived in London in ____________ (recently) years.

50. The number of her ____________ (fly) is HU 7382.

51. She studied hard in order to pass the exam.

She studied hard ____________ ____________ she could pass the exam.

52. They are too tired to walk farther.

They are ____________ tired that they ____________ walk farther.

53. All the students passed the math exam except Bill.

____________ Bill ____________ the math exam.

54. I telephone him last night.

I ____________ him ____________ last night.

55. I am sitting in front of her.

She is sitting ____________ ____________.

56. 妈妈打电话时我正在写作业。

I was doing my homework ____________ my mother ____________ ____________ on the phone.

57. 你在开玩笑吧!

You ____________ ____________.

58. 你能想象那有多奇怪吗?

Can you ____________ how ____________ it was?

59. 尽管有雾,飞机还是起飞了。

The plane ____________ ____________ though it was foggy.

60. 汤姆到学校的时候我正在跑步。

I ____________ ____________ when Tom ____________ ____________ school.



61. The mountain is too high. So the air is t____________ when you climb to the top of it.

62. There are hundreds of poor families in this a____________. Many of them can’t afford their children’s education(教育).

63. When the teacher asked Marcia to answer the question, she became n____________.

64. —Sorry, Ben isn’t here now. Can I take a m____________ for you?

—Yes. Please ask him to call me when he comes back.

65. As a student, you mustn’t c____________ other’s’ homework.

66. The building is 200 ____________ (meter) high.

67. These women are waiting for their ____________ (husband) to come back from the war

68. Lucy made her ____________ (decide) to live with her mother.

69. Lana ____________ (eat) an apple and some bread this morning.

70. Many students don’t do their homework by__________(them). They always have their parents aside(在旁边).


71. The girl in Sam’s class said, “I love singing.”


72. Lily’s best friend Judy said, “I’m buying a present for Lily.”


73. Liu Qiang said, “I go to the beach every Saturday.”


74. The teacher said to the student, “I will call you tomorrow.”


75. Nana said, “I can speak three languages.”


76. 安迪说他会带一些饮料去参加那个惊喜聚会的。

Andy said he __________ __________ some drinks to that __________ __________.

77. 首先,让我们翻开课本。

__________ __________ __________, let’s open our books.

78. 抄袭别人作业是一个坏习惯的开始。

__________ __________ __________ will __________ a bad habit.

79. 多锻炼,就能保持健康。

You can be __________ __________ __________ if you do more exercise.

80. 来吧,试一试,你可以做得更好的。

Come on. Have a try. You __________ __________ __________.


81. If you want to have a trip, you can call a travel a____________

82. O____________ a birthday party for my best friend is tiring but interesting.

83. I am a____________ following others everywhere, because it is boring.

84. —I thought the news was on last night’s CCTV news.

—No. It’s on t____________ news.

85. I want to be a l____________ in the future. I’m always interested in dealing with(处理) cases.

86. You’d better do some ____________ (打扫). It’s so dirty here.

87. France lost the c____________ of winning 2006 World Cup FIFA.

88. The man fell off his bike and got i____________.

89. Students are not allowed to use ____________ (移动电话) in school.



一、写出26 个英文字母(大小写)。


帽子 蛋糕 地图 脸

五 六 大的 风筝

狗 鼻子 妈妈 笔记

鸭子 可爱的 向上 使用

米饭 他 红色 我们


( ) 1. A. parents B. doctor C. driver ( ) 2. A. fork B. soup C. spoon ( ) 3. A. school B. bedroom C. kitchen ( ) 4. A. bread B. dinner C. egg

( )5、A.door B. floor C. window D. near ( )6、A. blackboard B . fan C. light D. computer

( )7、A. classroom B. light C.blackboard D. picture ( )8、A on B in C. teacher?s desk D. near

( )9、A.teacher?s desk B. pupil C. student D. teacher ( )10.A. long B. short C. shirt ( )11.A.friends B.strong C. thin

五、判断下列划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的打“√”不同的"×”。 ( )1. phone hot ( ) 2. cute study ( )3. sofa no ( ) 4. in rice ( )5. fridge window ( ) 6. nap snack



( )1 、What?s_____ the classroom?

A. on B. in C.under

( )2、 Where?s my seat? It?s____ the door.

A. on B. in C. near

( )3 、Let?s clean the classroom. ----_____.

A. Good job B. Good idea C. It?s nice

( )4、Let_____ put up the picture. A. my B. I C. me

( ) 5、 Where ______it? A.is B.are C.am ( )6 、It_____ near the computer. A.is B.are C.am ( )7. — —20 erasers and 15 crayons.

A. Where?s it? B. What?s in it? C. What?s it? ( ) 8、The kite is_____the window. A. for B.near C.to ( ) 9、A:What?s this ? B:It?s _____bee.A.a B.an C.some

( )10、The picture is _____the wall. A. in B. on C. to ( ) 11、Let?s go and _____. A .see B .sees C. to see ( ) 12— __________ in the classroom?

—A board, two lights, many desks and chairs.

A. Where B. What?s C. How many

( )13、This _______my classroom A. am B. is C. are ( ) 14、 I have ____English book. A. a B. 6 C. an ( ) 15、Put your math book __ your desk . A. at B. on C. the

( ) 16、---Let me help you ---__________A. Thank you B. Here you are. C. You?re right.

( )17、.I have____new schoolbag. A. a B. an C. the

( )18、.How many ___do you have ?A. English books B. English C. English book

( )19.、--- __________is the pen? ---Blue. A. What B. What colour C. How many

( )20、I have_____eraser. A.a B. an C.the

( )21、I have two____. A.Chinese books B. Chinese book C. a Chinese book

( ) 22、Wu Yifan __ big eyes and small mouth.A.have B,has C. had ( )23、What?s___name? A. she B. he C. his

( )24、Zhang Peng_____ short hair.A. have B. has C. had ( )25、Is that a boy _____ a girl? A. or B. and C. is ( )26、My friend ____strong. A. is B. are C. am ( )27、A:___is he? B:He is Mike .A.What B.who C.Why ( )28、Amy has big____. A.eye B.eyes C.a eye ( )29、He has short_____. A. hair B. a hair C.hairs ( )30、They are_____. A.friend B.a friend C.friends ( )31、Where are the keys? _____

A.They are in the door.B. It's in the door.C.We are in the living room.

( ) 32、Is Chen Jie in the bedroom? _______A. Yes, it isn't. B. No, he's in the kitchen C. Yes, she is.

( )33、Are they in the door? _________A. No, they aren't. B. No, it isn't. C. Yes, it is.

( )34、Are the keys in the door? Yes,______.A. they aren?t B. it isn?t C. they are

( )35、Are they near the phone? No,______.A. they aren?t B. it isn?t C. they are

( )36、The keys are_____the door. A. in B. on C.under

( )37、_____are you? I am in the living room.A.What B.Who C. Where ( )38、______ would you like? I'd like some noodles A. What B. Where C. Who

( )39、What would you like for dinner? ___________

A. I'd like some meet. B. I have some fruits. C. I like rice. ( )40— Can I have some noodle, please? — Sure. _______

A. Thank you. B. Here you are. C. Wait and see.


( )41、Dinner____ready. A.is B. are C.am

( )42、I?d like______rice and soup.A.a B.an C. some

( )43、Have some____,please. A.beef B.beefs C.a beef

( )44、Here _____are. A.your. B.yours C. you

( )45 、I _____hungry. A. is B. am C.are

( )46、Pass_____the knife,please. A.I B.my C.me

( )47、I?d like some___ .A.vegetable B.vegetables C. a vegetable

( )48、How many ___ are there in your family? A. people B. peoples C. a peole ( )49、My family _____ seven members.A. have B. has C. is

( )50、----Is this your aunt? ----____________A. Yes, he is. B. No,

she is. C.No, she isn?t. ( )51. — is the ruler? —It?s in my bag.A. Who B. What C. Where ( )52. He has hair.A. short B. big C. quiet ( )53. Go to the to read books. A. fridge B. study C. door ( )54. What?s your father? A. He?s a driver. B. She?s a nurse. C. Yes, he?s my father. ( )55. My family seven members.A. have B. has C. is ( )56. —your brother? —He is a student .A. Who?s B. What?s C. What ( )57. —that man? —He is my uncle. A. Who?s B. What?s C. Who ( ) 58. —that girl? —She is my friend.A. Who?s B. What?s C. Who ( ) 59. —his name? —His name is Zhang Peng. A. Who?s B. What?s C. Who ( )60. —Are you in the study? —A. No, he isn?t. B. No, I?m not. C. No, I don?t. ( ) 61. ______ name is Amy.A. Her B. His C. She ( ) 62. --- ______ is the boy? --- He is my brother.A. What B. Who

C. Where ( ) 63. How many ______ do you have?A. maths books B. math book C. a math book ( ) 64. What?s in the classroom ? ----_____________ A blackboard, six lights and a computer. B It?s blue. CIt?s in the schoolbag. ( )65. _____ is it ? --- It?s blue and white.A. Where B. What C. What color

( ) 66. I have two _____.A. friend B. book C. books

( ) 67. --- _____ is my pencil ? --- It?s under your Chinese book.A. What B. Where C. Who ( ) 68. ---What?s _____ name? ---John.A. his B. her C. he ( ) 69--- What?s in your hand? --- It?s a ________.A. pen. B. eraser C. living room ( ) 70. There are 5___in my bedroom.A. chairs B. chair C. study ( ) 71. --- _____is Mike? ---- He is in the bathroom.A. What B. Where C. What color ( ) 72. I?d like some _______.A. chicken B. Chinese C. China ( )73. _________ is it? ---It?s red.A. What B. Where C. What colour

( )74.We ______ a new classroom.A. have B. has C. had ( ) 75.---_______ is my pencil? ---It?s under your book. A. What B. Where C. Who ( )76.Is Chen Jie in the bedroom? _______ A. Yes, it isn't. B. No, he's in the kitchen C. Yes, she is. ( )77. Is she in the kitchen? _____A.No, she is. B.Yes, she isn?t. 3

C.No, she isn?t

( the window. A. in B. on C . near

( )79.Who's he? ________ A. She is Bai Ling. B. He's Zhang Peng. ( )94---_____are you? ---Fine, thank you.

A What B Where C How

( )95She is _____teacher.A a B an C the ( )96 ---Who is that_____? ---She?s my sister. A boy B C.It's a book.

( )80. Is this your bedroom?- B. Yes, it is. C .Yes, he is.

( )81.Where is the cat ?- .A. It?s Mimi. B. I like the cat. C. It?s in the kitchen.

( )82、Where are your pens ? _______. A.It?s on the desk B.Yes,it is. C.They are on the desk

( )83、Are the boys in the classroom?

A. Yes,they aren?t. B.Yes,it is. C. Yes,they are.

( )84. Where is your mother ? ___________.

A Yes,he is. B.He is in the home. C.She is in the kitchen.

( )85. Are the keys in the door ? Yes, __________.A they aren't B it isn't C they are

( ) 86.A: Is she in the kitchen? B: No, she ________ A. is B. isn?t C. aren?t

( ) 87 Is Tom in the study? B: Yes, ________ is. A. he B. she C. his

( )88. He ______ two small eyes. A. is B. has C. have

( )89. What?s ______name?A. he B. she C. her ( )90. _______ the door.A. turn on B. Turn on C. Open ( )91.Where are the keys? _____

A. They are in the door. B. It's in the door. C. We are in the living room.

( )9 2 The desks _____green.A / B are C is ( )93 Where are _____from?A you B your C she

girl C man

( ) 97____some fruit.A Has B Has C To have ( )98 ----______is your aunt? --She?s a doctor.A Where B What C How

( )99. Mike: Miss White: Thank you!

A. Let me clean board. B. Let?s clean the board. C. Let me help you.

( )100.Mike : Good morning. John: _____________.

A Nice to meet you. B Good morning.

( )101. --Our new classroom is very big. --Let's go and have ____ look. A. the B. a C. /

( ) 102. --________ John's seat?A. What's B. Where C. Where's

( ) 103. There is a picture ______ the wall.A. on B. in C. at

( ) 104. Your school is ________ big.A. so B. go C. to

( )105.______ go and have a look.A. Let B.Let's C. Let to

( )106.This is a desk.A.teacher B. teacher's C. teachers

( )107. __________? It's near the window. A. Do you like it? B. It's green. C. Where's my seat? ( )108.Look! This is my red desk. __________ .

A. Great! It's very nice. B. Thank you. C. Nice to meet you.

( )109. Put your math book ______ your desk . A. at B. on


C. the A. Do B. Can C. Am ( )110.--- I have a new MP5. ---_________? What colour is it ? ( ) 125. Come ________ meet my family.A. on B. for

A. Good B. Really C. No C. and

( )111、Turn the light. A. \ B.on ( ) 126. My family ________ seven members.A. have B. has

C.in ( )112、

Look ________ the blackboard!A. at B. / C. to ( )113.The desk is the window.A. on B. under C. near ( ) 114.---_______ is my pencil? ---It?s under your book. A. What B. Where C. Who ( )1115. Mike : Nice to meet you .

John: _____________________. A. Nice to meet you,too. B. Good morning . C. Hi ( )116.Is Chen Jie in the bedroom? _______ A. Yes, it isn't. B. No, he's in the kitchen C. Yes, she is. ( )117.The lamp is _____ the desk. A. on B. in C. under ( )118.The dog is _____ the chair,A. in B. under C. in ( )119.Are they ____ the door? Yes, they are.A. in B. under C. on ( )120.Who's he? ________A.She is Bai Ling. B. He's Zhang Peng. C.It's a book. ( )121. ______ would you like? I'd like some noodlesA. What B.

Where C. Who ( )122. — Can I have some noodle, please? — Sure. _______ A. Thank you. B. Here you are. C. Wait and see. ( )123.______ are you? I am in the living room.A. What B. Who C. Where ( )124.---- Mom,_________ I help you? -----Yes, Pass me a plate please!

C. is ( ) 127. --_______ boys are there in your classroom? ---23 A. Waht B. Where C. How many ( ) 127 ----Who?s this man? ----___________ A. She is my teacher. B. He is my uncle. C. He?s strong. ( ) 128. This little boy is my ___________.A. sister B. baby

brother C. baby sister ( ) 129. He __________ strong.A. look B. looks C. likes

( )130. ---- Where is my book? ---- It is your bag? A. in B. on C. at ( )131. ---- are you? ---- I am in the living room.A. What B. What C Where( )132. Go to the____________. Watch TV.A. bathroom B. living room ( )133. Are ____________ on the table?A. my B. they ( )134. Chinese (经常) use (使用)____________ .A. fork B. Chopsticks

( )135. ---- What?s in your schoolbag? ---- ____________.

A. Some books and a pencil-case. B. A phone and a sofa. 七、情景反应:请你为下面的情景选择恰当的答案,将其标号填写在括号内。 ( )1. 如果你需要打扰别人,你会有礼貌地说: A. Excuse me. B. I?m sorry. C. Let?s go. ( )2. 朋友到你家做客,用餐时,你会热情地对朋友说: A. I like Chinese food. B. Help yourself.C. Here you are.





1、动物类:(26个) 9、数字类(20个)

ant bird bear cat duck dog deer elephant one two three four five six seven eight nine ten fish fox goose giraffe kangaroo lion mouse eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen monkey pig panda rabbit snake squirrel tiger seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty zebra (wolf horse gorilla) 10、交通工具类(7个)

2、水果类(8个) jeep taxi bus bike plane boat car apple orange peach pear strawberry watermelon banana 11、国家类(4个) grape PRC——China CAN——CandaUSA——America 3、颜色类(10个) UK——United Kingdom

yellow red black white purple 12、反义词类(6组) pink green orange blue brown big small long short(短的) tall short(矮的)

4、学习用品类(9个) open close A .M. (a.m. ) P.M. (p.m. ) yes no

bag book ruler pen pencil pencil-case 13、位置类(4个) crayon eraser sharpener in(在??里) on(在??上) under(在??下) behind(在??后)

5、饮料类(8个) 14、物品类(21个)

Coke coffee tea milk water TV watch(手表) CD VCD key lock juice ice ice-cream umbrella violin vest window yo-yo

6、食物类(8个) desk chair lamp walkman picture

hamburger hot dog ice-cream chicken ball doll balloon kite nest French fries bread cake egg 15、人体部位类(13个)

7、家庭成员类(6个) head eye nose mouth face ear arm

father mother sister brother hand finger leg tail foot hair grandfather grandmother 16、天气类(2个)rain wind


teacher student(boy girl man woman queen) 一、同义词:

hi—hello bye ---goodbye yes -–yeah nice---fine/ good Thanks.---Thank you. a ---an 二、分写与缩写 let’s(分写) let us he’s(分写) he who’s (分写) who is name’s (分写) I’m(分写)I am it’s (分写) it is she’s(分写) she is name is that’s (分写) that is is can’t(分写) can not you’re(分写) you are don’t (分写)do

not what’s(分写) what is


father---mother brother---sister hhis(他的) –her (她my(我的) –your(你的) I(我)---youe –she this(这) ---that (那) 的) teacher---student boy ---girl (你) yes---no 四、容易混的词语

nice好的 you 你 parent book 书 red 红色 an 一个(只?) it父母 duck 鸭子 family 家庭 它 nine 九 your 你desk 书桌 friend朋友 read 阅读 ant蚂的 present礼物 ice 雪 what 什么 she 蚁 is 是 fine好的 cook烹调 he她 is 是 bread 面包 and 他 can 能 blue 蓝色 rice 米饭 what’s 是什和 it’s它是 five 五 look看 she 么 she’s 她是 isn’t 不cat猫 ten十 她 can’t 不能 balloon 气球 是 hat帽子 pen 钢笔 五、同音词

he’s他是---his他的 Oo----oh噢 Uu---you你 六、复数


table—tables book—books cat---cats goat----goats piano---pianos TV---TVs egg—eggs hat—hats 2、辅音+ y 结尾,把y 改ies

baby---babies family—families 3、特殊变化

fish –fish sheep-sheep goose-geese foot-feet 七、同义词

paint ( 涂油漆)---draw (绘画)

八、is、 am、are 的用法 have has

I 用am, You 用are, is 用于he, she, it和单数,名词复数全用are, are, are,要想提问be(is are am) 题前,否定not在be后面 。 练习题:

用is、am 、are have has 填空 1、 Yeah, she______ a student.

2、 I ______ Jenny. He______ Peter. 3、 How old ______you? I’m ten. 4、 _______ this a cat? 5、You _____ my friend.

6、What _____ this ? It’s a cat. 7、My sister_______ a teacher. 8、How old ______ your brother?

9.I _____a big mouth, he ____a small nose.

10.The elephant _____so big, it_____a long nose. 11.The tiger ______big,it____a big mouth,The cat ______small, it ______a long tail.

12.Mike _____tall,he ____big eyes,ChenJie_____short,she ______big eyes,too.

13.I _____10 books,she____12 books. You_____11 books. 14.I ____Mike, I _____tall,I_____big eyes. 15.This_____a book.

16They _______many apples.


1. two(同音词)_____________ 20. close (对应词)_____________ 39.is (复数)______________ 2. for(同音词)_____________ 21. peach (复数)______________ 40. you(单数)_______________ 3. write(同音词)_____________ 22. mango (复数)______________ 41. he (物主代词)_____________ 4. I (同音词)_____________ 23. watch (复数)______________ 42. she (物主代词)_____________ 5. C (同音词)_____________ 24. bus (复数)______________ 43. I (物主代词)_____________ 6. T (同音词)_____________ 25. dress (复数)______________ 44. you (物主代词)_____________ 7. black (对应词)_____________ 26. box (复数)______________ 45. it (物主代词)_____________ 8. wrong (对应词)_____________ 27. pencil box (复数)______________ 46. I (宾格)_______________ 9. yes (对应词)_____________ 28. oranges (单数)______________ 47. we (宾格) _______________ 10. father (对应词)_____________ 29. apples (单数)______________ 48. evening(近义词)______________ 11. woman (对应词)___________ 30. photo (复数)_______________ 49. desk(近义词)______________ 12. brother (对应词)_____________ 31. man (复数)________________ 50. picture(近义词)______________ 13. this (对应词)_____________ 32. women (单数)______________ 51. isn’t (完全形式)____________ 14. bad (对应词)_____________ 33. knife (复数)_____________ 52. I’m (完全形式)____________ 15. minus (对应词)_____________ 34. Walkman(复数)_____________ 53. let’s (完全形式)____________ 16. tall (对应词)_____________ 35. family (复数)______________ 54. that’s (完全形式)____________ 17. fat (对应词)_____________ 36. juice(复数)________________ 55. what is (缩略形式)_____________ 18. small (对应词)_____________ 37.I (复数)______________ 56. he is (缩略形式)____________ 19. long (对应词)_____________ 38. it (复数)______________ 连词成句

1. have, new, a, we, today, friend ( . )

________________________________________________________ 2. are, from, where, you (?)

________________________________________________________ 3. Canada, from, I’m ( . )

________________________________________________________ 4. have, can, some, I, water ( ? )

________________________________________________________ 5. again, see, nice, to, you ( . )

________________________________________________________ 6. Mr. Black, teacher, a, is (.)

________________________________________________________ 7. my, is, friend, this, new ( . )

________________________________________________________ 8. that, who’s, woman (?)

________________________________________________________ 9. mother, she, my, is ( . )

________________________________________________________ 10. love, I, father, my (.)

________________________________________________________ 11. I, kite, new, have, a ( . )

________________________________________________________ 12. many, can, see, you, how, cats (?)

________________________________________________________ 13. black, is, one, bird, a, the ( . )

________________________________________________________ 14. my, new, at, look, crayons ( . )

________________________________________________________ 15. you, how, pencils, have, many, do ( ? )

________________________________________________________ 16. see, open, and, it ( ! )

________________________________________________________ 17. have, I, three, pens, long ( . )

________________________________________________________ 18. like, you, do, bananas (?)

________________________________________________________ 19. I, like, don’t, pears ( . )

________________________________________________________ 20. to, school, welcome, back ( . )

________________________________________________________ 21. more, have, some (?)

________________________________________________________ 22. like, very, I, peaches, much ( . )

________________________________________________________ 23. a, let’s, game, play (.)

________________________________________________________ 24. bike, where, my, is (?)

________________________________________________________ 25. on, desk, the, it’s (.)

________________________________________________________ 26. I, your, use, lamp, can ( ? )

________________________________________________________ 27. Children’s, Happy, Day ( ! )

________________________________________________________ 28. taxi, under, the, is, chair, the ( . )

________________________________________________________ 29. deer, the, short, is ( . )

________________________________________________________ 30. has, long, it, a, tail ( . )

________________________________________________________ 31.elephant, big, the, is, so ( ! )

________________________________________________________ 32. a, tiger, big, what ( ! )

________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 33. feed, don’t, animals, the ( ! ) 40. your, what’s, box, in ( ? ) ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 34. monkey, tail, the, has, long, a ( . ) 41. cute, they’re, so ( . ) ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 35.an, can, have, orange, I (?) 42. pandas, at, look, the (.) ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 36. have, some, let’s, peaches (.) 43. one, count, fifteen, I, from, can, to ( . ) ________________________________________________________ 37.grapes, what, about (?) 44. can, get, pears, the, I ( . ) ________________________________________________________ 38.can, I, 20, see, lions ( . ) 45. small, has, it, ears, big, eyes, and ( . ) ________________________________________________________ 39. a, let’s, fly, kite (.)

用数字给下列的句子排序,使其成为一个完整、通顺的对话。 A. C. ( ) Where is my ruler? ( ) How many books do you have? ( ) Excuse me, Sarah. ( ) Look at my new books! ( ) Look! It’s on your pencil-case. ( ) You’re right. ( ) No problem. ( ) Guess. ( ) Thank you. ( ) Open it and see! ( ) Here you are. ( ) Wow, how nice! ( ) Can I use your ruler? ( ) Eleven? B. D. ( ) Who’s that boy, Amy? ( ) Yes, I do. ( ) Where are you from? ( ) Oh, I like them very much. ( ) Nice to meet you. ( ) Do you like watermelons? ( ) He is my friend, John. ( ) Great! ( ) I’m from America. ( ) What about peaches? ( ) Hello, John. ( ) Let’s have some watermelons and peaches. ( ) Nice to meet you, too. E. ( ) No, it’s not in the toy box. F. ( ) Dad, where is my toy jeep? ( ) Come on, children. ( ) Thank you. ( ) Look, it has a long tail. ( ) In your toy box? ( ) What about the rabbit? ( ) Under the bed? ( ) Look at the monkey. ( ) You’re welcome. ( ) It has long ears. ( ) Oh, yeah! ( ) It’s so cute. ( ) You’re right. 写出下列单词的意思。 boy( ) I’m=I am( ) great( ) that( ) oh( father( ) grandfather( ) welcome( ) see( ) funny( girl( ) nice( ) really( ) she( ) sorry( ) dad( ) grandpa( ) back( ) again( ) big( mother( ) good and( ) he( ) ant( teacher( ) morning( ) new( ) class( ) ice--cream( ) mom( ) sister( ) how( ) fish( ) apple( student( ) good where( ) we( ) ice( man ( ) afternoon( ) family( ) goose( ) Mr( ) this( ) brother( ) you( ) today( ) come in( ) woman( ) meet( ) come( ) watch( ) egg( ) my( ) let’s=letus( ) from( ) Miss( ) grandmother( ) goodbye( ) who’s=who TV( ) friend( ) great( ) is( ) watch out( ) grandma( ) too( ) America( ) wow( ) eleven( ) fourteen( ) eighteen ( ) how many ( ) fly ( peach( ) watermelon( ) strawberry ( ) some ( ) yes ( twelve( ) fifteen( ) nineteen ( ) can ( ) draw ( ) pear ( ) apple ( ) grape ( ) thanks ( ) please ( thirteen ( ) sixteen( ) twenty ( ) look at ( ) picture ( orange( ) banana( ) like ( ) hungry ( ) don’t=donot( )

) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

beautiful ( ) more ( ) short( ) in( ) umbrella( ) them ( ) lock ( ) desk( ) animal( ) USA( ) jeep ( ) rainbow ( ) tall( ) on( ) violin( ) very much ( ) night ( ) chair( ) children( ) A.M.(a.m) jump ( ) rain ( ) giraffe( ) here( ) ( ) hmm ( ) nest ( ) walkman( ) so( ) vest( ) kangaroo ( ) snake ( ) deer( ) toy( ) P.M.(p.m)( ) taste ( ) tiger ( ) lamp( ) has( ) window( ) key ( ) taxi ( ) cute( ) box( ) zebra( ) queen ( ) your( ) tail( ) wind( ) guess ( ) Bus( ) lovely( ) under( ) yo-yo( ) quiet ( ) small( ) zoo( ) CAN( ) excuseme( ) open ( ) bike( ) at( ) yeah( ) fox( ) fruit ( ) big( right ( ) taxi( certainly ( ) long( ) lion ( ) jeep( 1._____from China. A I B I’m C I’m 2.Whatch______ A look B on C out 3.Nice______meet you. A too B / C to 4. ______ in please. A in B Come C come 5.Have_______.please A some tea B an chiken C some apple 6.They______my books A is B are C am 7.Who’s that old man? A grandpa B dad C brather 8.Is she your sister? No,she’s my____ A sister B brother C friend 9.I like _______very much A orange B an orange C oranges 10.______that woman? She’s my sisiter A Who B Who’s C Where 11.Look_____me. A on B see C at 12.I can use_____all. A them Bthey C it 13.What a big cake. _____ Whtch out Where are you from?( ) I’m sorry( ) Is she your mother? ( ) This is my friend. ( ) How many books do you have? ( ) How are you? ( ) I have a new bag( ) What about peaches? ( ) Do you like peaches? ( ) Is the mouse under the chair? ( ) Can I have some juice? ( ) Have some more? ( ) On the desk? ( ) Can I use your pen? ( ) Where are the animals? ( ) Let’s go to the park( ) ) play( ) PRC( ) noproblem( ) ) feed( ) look here you game( ) out( ) are( ) ) feed( ) UK( ) whtch out


A Wow B yes,I do C Guess 27.Let’s have _______pears 14.This is ______book A a B an C some A My B me C my 28._____is my book? It’s on the desk 15.How many____can you see? A Where B what C who A sheep B sheeps C rabbit 29.Look,____on the chair. 16 I_____a cute cat. A IS B It C It’s A have B has C am 30____is that? It’s a cat 17.Count___one____ten A What B Where C How A for,to B to,from C from,to 31.It has_____big eyes 18.I have_____English book A a B an C / A a B an C / 32.It’s____big 19.The bird ______beautiful. A a B so C on A is B am C are 33.Look_____the pandas. 20.Mr Ye is my teacher,I’m his____ A at B to C in A boy B girl C student 34._____!The monkey is funny 21.We______friends A Look B look C Look at A am B are C is 35.She has _______ 22.______my sister A long hair B long hairs C a long hair A He’s B She’s C this 36.How many____? 23.Let me share ___you Aanimal B animals C an animal A and B or C with 37.The tigers____in the zoo 24.Do you like pears? No,I___ A are B am C is A not B don’t C am not 38.I_____apples very much 25.Do you like_____? A have B like C look A chikens B peachs C peaches 39.Is he your friend? Yes,____ 26._____you are. A he’s B he isn’t C he is A Here B How C There 选择 A They are in the zoo B certainly C Yes,it is D Yes,I do E Oh I like them very much. F Five G Nice to meet you H Yes,she is I It’s OK J I’m from China K Oh no L Fine M Oh,it’s beautifu. N No,thank you O No, it’s in the desk P No problem R Great




21. 8 o’clock in the morning. A.at B.in C.on D. for 22.Tim’s. A.Tina and Mingo B.Tina’s and Mingo C.Tina’s and Mingo’s D.of Tina and Mingo

23.The job is too difficult.. A.am B.is C.are D.be

24.The shoes don’t fit me well.. A.one B.ones C.pair D.pairs

25.. A.see B.hear C.follow D.be

26.long hair. A.is,has B.is,with C.are,has D.are,with

27.-Sir. What about this bag? I’m sure your wife will be very pleased with your decision. -Oh .no.. A.had been B.have been C.is D.are 28.-What's your plan for your vacation.Judy?

- I don’t . A.stay B.to stay C.stayed D.staying 29.The Y. A.the first B.a first C.the second D.a second 30.

-Wonderful idea! A.pleasant B.a pleasant C.pleased D. a pleased

31.,dear.The volume isn’t loud enough.I can’t hear the news clearly. A.turn the radio up B.turn the radio down C.turn the radio on D.turn the radio off

32.here this afternoon.

-He’s a little busy these days,I'll let you know at once. A.comes,comes B.will come,will come C.comes,will come D.will come,comes

33.I visited many places of interest in Chongqing today.back to the hotel,it was already 11:30. A.reached B.returned C.got D. arrived 34.Canada or Germany? A.more developed B.more developing C.most developed D.most developing

35.I must return the books to the librarythem for over 10 days

A.have borrowed B.borrowed C.have kept D. kept 36.-Is that Jimmy speaking?

-Oh,he’s not in right now.A.has been to B.has gone to C.have been to D.have gone to 37.-Can you tell ? -About once a month. A.how often do you visit him B.how many times do you visit him C.how oflen you visit him D.how long you visit him 38.-Thanks a lot for helping me. A.It doesn't matter. B.No,thank you. C.It's very kind of you. D.My pleasure. 39.-Listen! Is that Kate playing the piano in next room? -No..She has gone to London. A.must B.may not C.can’t D. needn’t

40.The price of I can’t. A.expensive;wait B.high;wait C.expensive;afford D.high;afford 三.完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)


Water is the most important of all the things we eat and 41. Not many people under-stand this, but it's quite 42. The human body (A£

Many people don't understand water the human body work well, and many people do not drink enough, in hot weather. Our body is mostly(:大部分)water about 67-75 percent(百分之). 48 we don't have enough, we'll feel 49 and many will get ill. So, , how important water is to us all. 41. A. have B. drink C. take D. cook 42. A. true B. difficult C. easy D. wrong 43. A. food B. water C. drink D. air 44. A. in B. through C. without D. with 45. A. many B. much C. widely D. a bit 46. A. and B. to C. its D. or 47. A. even B. ever C. almost D. still 48. A. Because B. For C. Since D. If 49. A. worried B. angry C. tired D. afraid 50. A. hear B. know C. guess D. look 四.阅读理解。(每小题2分,共30分)



One day John went to a shop to get some new clothes and a new pair of shoes. The shoes in the shop were quite good and were not expensive. But none of them were the right size. They were either too big or too small. Then John asked the shopkeeper for a suit, but it was too dear, so he chose a jacket. He tried it on and thought it was very nice. He picked up the jacket and told the shopkeeper to put it in a bag. At that moment his old friend Ron came into the shop. They hadn't seen each other for months. They were so pleased to see each other. They talked on and on.

It was late, so they decided to go and have dinner. John picked up the bag, and walked towards the door of the shop. The shopkeeper stopped them and asked John to pay for the jacket. John looked at him in surprise at first, but soon he remembered that he hadn't paid for it. He said sorry and paid for the jacket. Then he left the shop with his friend. for his feet. A. the wrong size B. the right size

C. good and expensive D. neither too big nor too small 52. John didn't buy any shoes, did he?

A. Yes, he didn't. B. Yes, he did. C. No, he didn't. D. No, he did. 53. John bought

A. a pair of shoes B. a suit C. a shirt D. a jacket .

A. sad B. well C. worried D. glad . A. he didn't want to B. he forgot to

C. he was poor D. the shopkeeper gave it to him for a present


Mr Smith moved to another town, and soon he needed a new doctor, so he went to see one. He sat down in the waiting room and looked around. The doctor's degrees( ft)were on the wall. Suddenly Mr Smith remembered: there had been a classmate with the same name in his class at school, and he had become a doctor!

As he went in to see the doctor, he remembered a young, handsome(5il8l59) student, and was sad to see how old and heavy this man looked. He said to him, "Good morning, Doctor. Did you go to King High School?" The doctor answered, "Yes, I did. " "Were you there from 1942 to 1946?" Mr Smith asked. "Yes, I was. " the doctor answered. "How did you know?" Mr Smith laughed and said, "You were in my class!" "Oh?" the doctor said and looked at him carefully for a few minutes, "What were you teaching?" , so he needed a new doctor.

A. visited a town B. went to live in another town C. went away from a town D. was badly ill


A. roommates B. students C. friends D. classmates


58. Who were in King High School from 1942 to 1946?

A. Only the doctor. B. Only Mr. Smith. C. Both Mr. Smith and the doctor. D. Neither of them. .

A. his patient (病人) B. his classmateC. his teacher

D. his friend

. A. even older B. much younger C. younger than he D. as old as he


Why does the Leaning Tower of Piza(比萨斜塔)in Italy lean(倾斜)? It leans because of a mistake. It has leaned almost since the day the tower was built.

In 1174, the people of Piza, Italy wanted to build a bell tower. They wanted the tower to be the most beautiful bell tower in all of Italy. The city also needed a bell tower because the church(教堂)did not have one.

As soon as the first floor of the building was finished, the tower started to lean. Builders tried to make the building straight again as they added(增加)more floors, but the Leaning Tower only got worse as the tower grew.

It looks almost 180 years to finish the tower. Today, the Leaning Tower has eight floors. It is 54. 5 meters tall, and it leans almost 4 meters to one side. The tower is also sinking(下沉)into the ground on which it was built. Every year, the tower leans another 1. 5centimetres.

Like all old buildings, it is also falling apart(破裂). If someone cannot figure out a way to save the tower, it will fall apart after 175 more years. 61. Why did the people of Piza want to build the tower?

A. They needed a new church. B. They needed a bell tower.

C. They wanted to spend a lot of money. D. They wanted to build a leaning tower. .

A. after the first floor was built B. after the last floor was built C. from the first day it was built D. 180 years after it was built .

A. in 1174 A. D B. in 1420 A. D C. in 1280 A. D D. in 1354 A. D 64. What problem does the tower have today?

A. It is falling apart. B. It is leaning more each year. C. It is sinking into the ground. D. All of the above.

65. The phrase "figure out" in the last sentence ". A. show B. pass C. find D. ask



B: How much is it? A: 1000 Yuan. B: Any discount(折扣)?How about 800?

that’s the best we can do. OK? B: OK. I'll take it.

A: Thank you. VIII.书面表达(15分)

下图是对班上56位同学的周末活动进行调查后得出的结果。同学们的周末活你和你的同学是如 动真是丰富多彩。想想

何试过周末的? 结合右图及自己的实际情况写一篇名为“Weekend Activities”的文章,谈谈你们的周末活动。

要求: 1、语意连贯,句式规范,字迹工整: 2、文中不得出现你的真实信息; 3、词数80-100为宜; 4、开头已写出,不计入总词数。

Weekend Activities 5分)

B: Yes, please. I'm looking for a mobile phone, but I have no idea. A: We've got all kinds of mobile phones here. Which do you prefer, Nokia or Motorola?

B:I really know little about them. Which one sells better these days? A: Mm…,

B: How much is a Motorola? B: 。 A: What about this one? It looks nice and works well.



