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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 17:12:10 字数作文



Ending A

【悪】 你是誰? 去雷尼的房間 進到建築物裡面看看 呼喚雷尼

【悪】 這樣雷尼無所謂嗎? 去露天咖啡廳看看 就這樣翹課 【悪】 我不需要 到城郊去看看

【悪】 你有天一定會後悔的 跟著雷尼 【悪】 算了。 跟雷尼一起吃

【悪】 而且我又不需要唸書 就這樣回家

【悪】 被殺掉比較好 去海邊看看

【悪】 這是很丟臉的食物嗎? 賽玖要做什麽呢? -

【悪】 你這不是很自私嗎! ………

……我會注意的。 乖乖聽話。

……這樣你很滿意嗎? 你這樣能保護我嗎? 不能光用手指 不回去

【 讀取SAVE 】

「 ※ 【従】 以悲傷的表情問問看 」 選擇這個回收差別CG。 不回收此差別CG無法攻略隱藏路線。


不是你先離開我身邊的嗎! 哭泣。

我已經找其他人保護我了 要是我的魔力恢復就好了。 光用手指就可以了 回去(Badend)

【従】 ……我知道啦。 去露天咖啡廳看看 就這樣翹課 【悪】 我不需要 到城郊去看看

【従】 如果我喜歡上雷尼也一樣 跟著雷尼 【悪】 算了。 跟雷尼一起吃

【従】 你愿意教我嗎? 就這樣回家

【悪】 被殺掉比較好 去海邊看看

【従】 我知道了,是秘密呀。 跟著雷尼出門 SAVE

※ 【悪】 帶著笑容問問看 ………

……我會注意的。 乖乖聽話。

我已經找其他人保護我了 要是我的魔力恢復就好了。 光用手指就可以了 回去(Badend)

Ending B

Ending C

Ending D

【従】 對不起。 去雷尼的房間 繞到後面看看

【従】……我會被罵,所以…… 接受邀約

【従】 很不好意思。 到城郊去看看

【従】 如果我喜歡上雷尼也一樣? 跟著雷尼

【従】 雷尼喜歡天空嗎? 跟雷尼一起吃

【従】你愿意教我嗎? 就這樣回家

【従】 被擁抱比較好 去海邊看看

【従】 我知道了,是秘密呀。 跟著雷尼出門

【従】 以悲傷的表情問問看 你之前很恨我嗎? 你知道是誰做的嗎? 有著殘缺不全的記憶我… 抱歉噢……


你跟賽玖間發生過什麽事呢? 為什麽只有雷尼被攻擊呢? 你是說我也有痛苦的回憶嗎?

【悪】 如果你求我的話…… 接受邀約

【従】 很不好意思。 到城郊去看看

【悪】你有天一定會後悔的 跟著雷尼

【従】 雷尼喜歡天空嗎? 跟雷尼一起吃

【悪】 而且我又不需要唸書 就這樣回家

【従】 被擁抱比較好 去海邊看看

【悪】 這是很丟臉的食物嗎? 跟著雷尼出門

【従】 以悲傷的表情問問看 你跟賽玖間發生過什麽事呢? 為什麽只有雷尼被攻擊呢?? 你是說我也有痛苦的回憶嗎?

Ending E

Ending F

已經……不想再重蹈覆轍了呀。 已經……不想再重蹈覆轍了呀。 不能好好談一談嗎?



Ending A

【悪】 你是誰? 去賽玖的房間

Ending B

Ending C

進到建築物裡面看看 呼喚賽玖 【悪】 想當魔王 去露天咖啡廳看看


【悪】 對呀,很稀奇對吧? 到商店街去看看 【悪】 也許吧。 跟著賽玖

【悪】 ……用嘴喂我。 跟賽玖一起吃

【悪】 不能成為自己很重要的東西嗎? 跟賽玖說話

【悪】 你不喝的話,我就要收走了 去頂樓看看

【悪】 你不會是在打什麽壞主意吧? 賽玖要做什麽呢? -

【悪】 你這不是很自私嗎! 你是故意讓她們如此的吧?


【従】 想也沒有用 去露天咖啡廳看看 回教室去

【悪】 對呀,很稀奇對吧? 到商店街去看看 【従】 真惡劣…… 跟著賽玖

【悪】 ……用嘴喂我。 跟賽玖一起吃

【従】 如果能找到珍惜他的人…… 跟賽玖說話

【悪】 你不喝的話,我就要收走了 去頂樓看看 【従】 好開心噢~ 賽玖要做什麽呢? SAVE

※ 【悪】 你這不是很自私嗎! ……

那樣的話我絕對不會讓自己去的 只想讓賽玖看到那樣的表情 只想讓賽玖看到那樣的表情 如果你會成為魔王就好 自己扭腰

你是來找我的嗎? 聽從

不能丟下賽玖不管 你希望我愛你嗎?

【 讀取SAVE 】

「 ※ 【従】 這是為什麽? 」 選擇這個回收差別CG。 不回收此差別CG無法攻略隱藏路線。

為什麽連我也? 今天晚上拒絕的那個好了 ……好過分啊 拒絕 逃走


為什麽連我也? 今天晚上拒絕的那個好了 ……好過分啊 拒絕 逃走 -

Ending D

【従】 對不起。 去賽玖的房間 繞到後面看看

【従】 ……我會被罵,所以…… 接受邀約

【従】 很不好意思。 到商店街去看看 【従】 真惡劣…… 跟著賽玖

【従】 我、我想吃…… 跟賽玖一起吃

【従】 如果能找到珍惜他的人就好了 跟賽玖說話 【従】 那當然 去頂樓看看 【従】 好開心噢~ 賽玖要做什麽呢? 【従】 這是為什麽? 為什麽你愿意保護我呢? 你吃醋了呢。

我想讓你打起精神來。 我知道了。


Ending E Ending F

【悪】 如果你求我的話…… 接受邀約

【従】 很不好意思。 到商店街去看看 【悪】 也許吧。 跟著賽玖

【従】 我、我想吃…… 跟賽玖一起吃

【悪】 不能成為自己很重要的…… 跟賽玖說話 【従】 那當然 去頂樓看看

【悪】 你不會是在打什麽壞主意吧 賽玖要做什麽呢? 【従】 這是為什麽?

失去魔力給你添麻煩了呢。 你討厭雷尼嗎?

是感謝你保護我的禮物呀。 我無法做到。 我想找回記憶。

失去魔力給你添麻煩了呢。 你吃醋了呢。

是感謝你保護我的禮物呀。 我知道了。 我想找回記憶。


Ending A

【悪】 你是誰? 去找凱爾 繞到後面看看

【悪】 如果你求我的話……

【従】 ……我會被罵,所以……

Ending B

Ending C


【悪】 不要裝熟啦

直接回家去 【悪】 拜托你了 留在教室

【悪】 要是引起騷動就糟了! 跟凱爾一起吃

【悪】 還是變回貓吧? 繞去其他地方

【悪】 再撒嬌一次看看 回家

【悪】 我絕對要回魔界! ( 偷偷溜出去玩吧 ) 【悪】 下次就吻在唇上吧 我作了有人喂我喝水的夢。 現在的凱爾變得很可靠呢。

熟悉的人出現在夢中了。 貓型也很可愛的說……


【悪】 不要裝熟啦 直接回家去 【従】 不用了 留在教室

【悪】 要是引起騷動就糟了! 跟凱爾一起吃

【従】 還是一起睡吧? 繞去其他地方

【悪】 再撒嬌一次看看 回家

【従】 可是,住在人界也不錯呢 凱爾要做什麽呢? 【悪】 發怒

我作了有人喂我喝水的夢。 貓型也很可愛的說…… 不過好像還是要你保護我就是了 ……我也無能為力啊。 ……我很生氣喔。 向他們求助 -

不過好像還是要你保護我就是了 你不為我高興嗎? 我也不想離開你呀。 ……我很生氣喔。 相信凱爾


Ending D

【従】 對不起。 去找凱爾 繞到後面看看

【従】 ……我會被罵,所以…… 接受邀約

【従】 很不好意思。 直接回家去 【従】 不用了

Ending E

……我也無能為力啊。 我不介意呀。 向他們求助 我自己也不知道啊。

Ending F

【悪】 如果你求我的話…… 接受邀約

【従】 很不好意思。 直接回家去 【悪】 拜托你了

篇二:The Moon Cakes and the Mid-Autumn Festival(学英语)

抢注网址: www.englishvip.com/wenkxd.htm

One of the most important Chinese festivals is the Mid-Autumn Festival. Chinese ancestors believed that the seventh, eighth, and ninth lunar months belong to autumn. So the Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month.

Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations date back more than 2,000 years. In feudal times, Chinese emperors prayed to Heaven for a prosperous year. They chose the morning of the 15th day of the second lunar month to worship the sun and the evening of the 15th day of the eighth lunar month to hold a ceremony in praise of the moon. In the western district of Beijing is Yuetan Park, which originally was the Temple of Moon. Every year, the emperor would go there to offer a sacrifice to the moon.

In mid-autumn, farmers have just finished gathering their crops and bringing in fruits from the orchards. They are overwhelmed with joy when they have a harvest and at the same time, they feel quite relaxed after a year of hard work. So the 15th Day of the eighth lunar month has gradually evolved as a widely celebrated festival for ordinary people. When the night falls, the land is bathed in silver moonlight. Families set up tables in their courtyards or sit together on their balconies, chatting and sharing offerings to the moon. Together, they enjoy the spell of night.

People in different parts of China have different ways to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. But one traditional custom has definitely remained and is shared by all the Chinese. This is eating the festive specialty: cakes shaped like the moon.

There is this story about the moon-cake. It says that in the 14th century, Chinese peasants could no longer bear the cruel rule of the Mongolians. They secretly planned an uprising on the night of the Mid -Autumn Festival. The peasant leaders took advantage of the custom of sending moon-cakes as festive presents. They left messages on paper about the plan and placed the messages under the moon-cakes. So all the peasants were informed about the uprising and finally, they won the battle.

Originally, moon-cakes were a family tradition. But gradually they began to appear at markets and stores. The moon-cakes made in various parts of the country have very different flavors. For instance, Beijing moon-cakes have a thin crust and fillings of bean and jujube pastes. So they are very sweet. Suzhou moon-cakes have a special people's favorite. Guangdong moon-cakes are perhaps the most delicately made. The fillings are carefully selected and include sesame, almond and walnut kernels, shredded coconut, lotus seeds and egg yolk. So don't forget to taste all the delicious moon-cakes at the Mid-Autumn Festival.



抢注网址: www.englishvip.com/wenkxd.htm




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篇三:在月亮下面 Under the moon 牛津书虫读物


Five hundred kilometres over Europe,Ship OM-45 moved north.In a room at the back of the ship,Kiah watched the numbers on the computer in front of him.

‘Time for dinner,’Rilla said.

The numbers changed quickly and Kiah's eyes didn't move.Rilla went across the room to his table.She began to watch the numbers,too.

‘What's wrong with the satellite?’she asked.She was a beautiful girl,about twenty years old,with long black hair and big eyes.

‘Nothing's wrong with the satellite,’Kiah answered quietly.‘It's the AOL.’He began to write the numbers in the book on his table.

Suddenly,the numbers stopped changing.Kiah looked at Rilla.‘Over Europe,’he said.‘It's happening.The AOL is breaking up.There are big holes in the AOL and they're getting bigger.’

‘You're right!Shall we see Captain Seru now,before dinner?’

Kiah stood up.He was nearly two metres tall,with dark eyes and hair.‘Yes,come on,’he said.

Quickly,they went to Captain Seru's room.They waited at the door.

‘Come in!’captain Seru called.She was a little woman with a fat face.‘Come in!Would you like a drink?’

‘No,thank you,’Kiah answered.‘I'd like you to look at these numbers.’Kiah gave Captain Seru his book.

Captain Seru looked at the numbers.Suddenly,her face changed.‘No,no, ’she said.‘I don't want to talk.It's late and I'm tired.Sit down and have a drink.’ Kiah and Rilla sat down.There was a big window in Captain Seru's room.Kiah looked out of the window at the dark sky.He saw the Moon.It was cold and white in the dark sky.

‘Captain Seru,’he began.‘It's important.Look at those numbers carefully.The AOL is beginning to—’

‘Stop!’captain Seru stood up and put her hands in her pockets.She went to the window and looked at the sky.

‘Three hundred years ago,Earth nearly died,’Rilla said.‘Earth stopped dying because of the AOL.But now,over Europe,the AOL is breaking up.We would like you to talk to Earth Commander.’

Captain Seru did not move.‘Do you remember Adai?’she asked.She didn't wait for an answer.‘I was on his ship,two years ago.One evening,the satellite gave us

interesting numbers about the AOL.We went back to Earth and saw Earth

Commander.’captain Seru stopped speaking.

Rilla looked at Kiah.‘And then?’she asked Captain Seru.

‘Gog was angry,very angry,’captain Seru said.‘In the end,he sent Adai to the Moon. Adai's there now,Commander of the Moon colony,under the Moon.’

Kiah waited for a second or two.‘I know about Adai. But we need to talk to Earth Commander again.These numbers are worse.’

Captain Seru's face went red.‘You don't understand.I'm not going to talk to Gog.Last time,he sent me to a weather ship in the Antarctic!This is my first Ship for two years!’And Captain Seru began drinking.

Kiah stood up.‘Thank you,Captain Seru.’

Captain Seru said nothing.

Kiah and Rilla left the room,and walked slowly downstairs.The Ship was dark and quiet.It was eight o'clock and every-body was at dinner.

‘What are we going to do next?’Rilla asked.

‘I need to talk to Adai,’Kiah said.

‘OK,talk to Adai.But he's far away on the Moon colony,’Rilla said.‘Let's visit Commander Zadak.’

‘Zadak?Commander of Australia? He's famous!’

‘Yes.He's my father's friend.He worked with my father in Brazil ten years ago.Perhaps he can help us.’

Kiah smiled.‘Good!We return to Earth next week.I can phone Adai from Kisangani and then we can go to Australia. But now,I'm hungry!Let's get some dinner.’

2 Visit to Australia

On Friday,after three weeks in space,Kiah and Rilla finished work and left Ship OM-45 on a space plane to Kisangani.Kiah phoned Adai and Rilla phoned Commander Zadak in Australia.The next morning they took an aeroplane to Sydney.A taxi took them from the airport to Commander Zadak's office,some kilometres north of Sydney.

‘Wait for us here,’Kiah said to the taxi driver.

Kiah and Rilla walked to the gate.About ten guards stood in front of the gate.Across the road,a train waited.

‘Rilla,OM-45,’Rilla said.‘To see Commander Zadak at four-thirty.’ ‘Let me call the Commander's office,’the guard said.

Kiah and Rilla waited.It was hot and Kiah began to feel thirsty.

The guard came back.‘I'm sorry,’he said.‘The Com-mander can't see you.’

‘But I talked to the Commander yesterday,’Rilla said.

‘He wanted to see us at four-thirty.’

‘The Commander is leaving on the train in three minutes,’the guard said. ‘Can we wait and see him here?’Kiah asked.

‘No!'the guard shouted.‘Get out of here!’

Kiah and Rilla walked back to the taxi.

‘Where's the driver?’Kiah asked.

‘Look!He's sitting under that tree,’Rilla said.

Just then,Commander Zadak came out of the gate.He was a very tall,big man with blue eyes and a lot of white hair.Two guards marched in front of him,and two guards marched be-hind him.They all carried guns.

‘There he is!’Rilla cried.‘Commander!’And she began to run along the road to him.

‘Commander Zadak did not stop.A guard opened the door of the train and the Commander got in.Slowly,the train began to move.’

Kiah ran to the taxi and jumped in.Then he drove the taxi fast down the road.The taxi driver saw him and ran after him.The train began to move faster.Suddenly,Kiah drove the taxi off the road.He drove in front of the train and stopped.

The train came nearer.And then the train stopped, very near the taxi,and some guards jumped off.Kiah opened the door and got out of the taxi.

‘Put up your hands!'the guards shouted.

Two of the guards began to hit Kiah.

‘Stop that!’someone shouted.‘Bring him over here!’It was Commander Zadak. Kiah stood in front of the Commander.Just then,Rilla ar-rived.

‘Oh,it's you!’commander Zadak said.He did not smile.‘Rilla,your father's going to be angry.’

‘We want to talk to you,Commander,’Rilla said.‘It's very important.’ ‘Very well.I'm listening.’

Kiah began to talk.‘Two years ago,Adai told you about the holes in the AOL.Now they're worse.The AOL is break-ing up over Europe.Please look at these numbers and this satellite picture.’

He gave his book to Commander Zadak and the Commander looked at the numbers. ‘It's important,Commander,’Kiah said.‘In ten years Earth is going to die.’ ‘You stopped my train because of this?’commander Zadak asked.‘Two years ago Adai talked to me about the AOL.Then he talked to Earth Commander,and what happened?Where is Adai now?Is the Moon colony helping the AOL?’

‘We know about Adai,Commander,’Rilla said.‘But someone needs to talk to Earth Commander again.’

‘I'm going to talk to Gog about rain,I can tell you that.Earth needs rain:there was no rain last winter.Half of Australia has no water and my trees here are dying.Without rain,many people are going to die.Is Gog going to understand that?I don't know!’

Commander Zadak began to walk back to his train.‘Move that taxi!’he called to his guards.

Some guards moved the taxi back to the road and then they jumped on to the train again.The train began to move.

‘OK,’the taxi driver shouted.‘What are you going to do next?Drive my taxi into the river?’

Kiah smiled.He took some money from his pocket and gave it to the taxi driver. The taxi driver looked at the money.‘OK,OK,’he said.‘Where now?Back to the airport?’

Kiah took Rilla's hand,‘Yes,’he said.‘Let's get back to Kisangani.We can phone Adai again tomorrow.’

3 Earth Commander

The next day in Kisangani,Kiah and Rilla waited quietly in an office in Gog's house.Suddenly, Commander Zadak came into the office and gave some letters to the man behind the table.He saw the two young people and stopped in front of them. ‘You again!’he said.‘What are you doing here?’

Kiah stood up.‘Good morning,Commander.We're here because we want to see Earth Commander.’

‘I saw Earth Commander some minutes ago and talked to him about rain,’Zadak said quietly.‘But he didn't listen.Your captain,Seru,was here earlier this morning and began to tell him about the holes in the AOL.But Gog doesn't want to hear about our planet.He's always talking about Mars.In the end,he's going to destroy Earth.’ ‘Please help us!’Rilla cried.‘Come and see Gog with us!’

‘No.’Zadak looked at Kiah and then at Rilla with his blue eyes.‘I'm not talking to Gog again.And you—Gog isn't going to listen to you.Be careful—and good luck!’ Commander Zadak opened the door and left the office.

Rilla looked at Kiah.‘Earth Commander is a difficult man.I don't understand him.’ ‘Everyone is afraid of him,’Kiah said.‘And Commander Zadak isn't going to help us.’

Kiah and Rilla waited.They waited and waited.At nearly twelve o'clock,a guard came into the office.

‘Come!’he said.

Kiah and Rilla went with the guard.The house was big and old,with big windows and many doors.The guard went downstairs and opened one of the doors.There was nobody in the room.

‘Wait here,'the guard said,and left.

Kiah and Rilla sat down on the expensive green and black chairs and looked at the expensive flowers on the tables.There were no windows in this room.Suddenly,the door opened and a tall,fat woman came in.Her name was Bel,and she was Gog's wife.She had a lot of long red hair and she wore an expensive blue dress.Bel liked expensive things.She carried a cat.The cat was black and white:half its face was black and half was white;half its body was black and half was white.

‘Why are you here? Why do you want to see Earth Commander?’she asked.

Rilla stood up.‘How do you do?’she said.‘We want to talk to Earth Commander about the AOL.We have new numhers from the satellite.’

Bel's face was red.‘The AOL!Earth Commander knows about the AOL,and he is the best man—’

‘Excuse me,’Kiah said quietly.‘We want to help Earth Commander.’

Bel began to laugh.‘Help?You?’the cat jumped down and walked across the room.‘How can you help?Why can't you understand? Listen.Earth Commander is working on the spaceship for Mars.It's difficult and expensive work.’the cat jumped on to Rilla's chair and looked at her with its yellow eyes.‘Two years ago,Adai wanted more money for the AOL—and Earth Commander sent him to the colony under the Moon.Now you're talking about the AoL.Do you want to go to the Moon,too?’

The door opened again and a different guard came in.‘Excuse me.Earth Commander is ready now.’

Bel stood up.‘You can see Earth Commander now,'she said coldly.‘But you're going to be sorry!’

The guard opened a different door,and Bel and the cat went into a beautiful room with expensive,very old tables and chairs.Rilla and Kiah went in behind them.There were no windows in the room,but a lot of pictures.There was Gog!The richest man on Earth;and the worst man on Earth.He was tall and fat,and without much hair.He sat behind a big table with a television,three computers and five telephones.He watched the television and didn't look at Kiah or Rilla.Two guards with guns stood behind him and two more guards stood near the door.





[在月亮下面 / 罗维纳·阿金耶米 著]

Under the Moon by Romena Akinyemi

■ 简介


事情发生在2222年。地球人制造了AOL——人工臭氧层。美丽的地球又有了1000年的生命。树又发芽了,下雨了,河里有了水?? 但现在是2522年,人工臭氧层已经破裂。幼嫩的树林开始枯萎,河流也逐渐干涸。凯和瑞拉从他们的宇宙飞船里看到了这危险的情景,可他们又能做些什么呢?月亮下面的部族里住着他们的朋友,可是路途遥远,而地球首领高格又不肯听从他们的指挥。


■ 1 AOL

Five hundred kilometres over Europe,Ship OM-45 moved north.In a room at the back of the ship,Kiah watched the numbers on the computer in front of him.

‘Time for dinner,’Rilla said.

The numbers changed quickly and Kiah's eyes didn't move.Rilla went across the room to his table.She began to watch the numbers,too. ‘What's wrong with the satellite?’she asked.She was a beautiful girl,about twenty years old,with long black hair and big eyes.

‘Nothing's wrong with the satellite,’Kiah answered quietly.‘It's the AOL.’He began to write the numbers in the book on his table. Suddenly,the numbers stopped changing.Kiah looked at Rilla.‘Over Europe,’he said.‘It's happening.The AOL is breaking up.There are big holes in the AOL and they're getting bigger.’

‘You're right!Shall we see Captain Seru now,before dinner?’ Kiah stood up.He was nearly two metres tall,with dark eyes and hair.‘Yes,come on,’he said.

Quickly,they went to Captain Seru's room.They waited at the door. ‘Come in!’captain Seru called.She was a little woman with a fat face.‘Come in!Would you like a drink?’

‘No,thank you,’Kiah answered.‘I'd like you to look at these numbers.’Kiah gave Captain Seru his book.

Captain Seru looked at the numbers.Suddenly,her face changed.‘No,no, ’she said.‘I don't want to talk.It's late and I'm tired.Sit down and have a drink.’

Kiah and Rilla sat down.There was a big window in Captain Seru's room.Kiah looked out of the window at the dark sky.He saw the Moon.It was cold and white in the dark sky.

‘Captain Seru,’he began.‘It's important.Look at those numbers carefully.The AOL is beginning to—’

‘Stop!’captain Seru stood up and put her hands in her pockets.She went to the window and looked at the sky.

‘Three hundred years ago,Earth nearly died,’Rilla said.‘Earth stopped dying because of the AOL.But now,over Europe,the AOL is breaking up.We would like you to talk to Earth Commander.’

Captain Seru did not move.‘Do you remember Adai?’she asked.She didn't wait for an answer.‘I was on his ship,two years ago.One evening,the satellite gave us interesting numbers about the AOL.We went back to Earth and saw Earth Commander.’captain Seru stopped speaking.

Rilla looked at Kiah.‘And then?’she asked Captain Seru. ‘Gog was angry,very angry,’captain Seru said.‘In the end,

he sent Adai to the Moon. Adai's there now,Commander of the Moon colony,under the Moon.’

Kiah waited for a second or two.‘I know about Adai. But we need to talk to Earth Commander again.These numbers are worse.’

Captain Seru's face went red.‘You don't understand.I'm not going to talk to Gog.Last time,he sent me to a weather ship in the Antarctic!This is my first Ship for two years!’And Captain Seru began drinking. Kiah stood up.‘Thank you,Captain Seru.’

Captain Seru said nothing.

Kiah and Rilla left the room,and walked slowly downstairs.The Ship was dark and quiet.It was eight o'clock and every-body was at dinner.

‘What are we going to do next?’Rilla asked.

‘I need to talk to Adai,’Kiah said.

‘OK,talk to Adai.But he's far away on the Moon colony,’Rilla said.‘Let's visit Commander Zadak.’

‘Zadak?Commander of Australia? He's famous!’

‘Yes.He's my father's friend.He worked with my father in Brazil ten years ago.Perhaps he can help us.’

Kiah smiled.‘Good!We return to Earth next week.I can phone Adai from Kisangani and then we can go to Australia. But now,I'm hungry!Let's get some dinner.’

■ 1 人工臭氧层

OM-45号宇宙飞船在欧洲上空500公里的高度向北飞行。飞船尾部的一个房间里,凯注视着面前计算机屏幕上的数字。 “该吃饭了。”瑞拉叫他。





“说得对,咱们现在去见塞鲁船长吧,待会儿再吃饭好吗?” 凯站起身。他身高几乎有两米,眼睛和头发都是黑色的。“好,走吧。”他说。




篇五:Steal the moon

Edith: She is self confident and she is a couch potato. She likes to watch action movies.

Egnes: She is a sound sleeper, lazy and stubborn. Margo: She is the oldest girl. She is very protective of the other girls. Dr.Gru: He is determined and has a high sense of responsibility. He likes to do incredible things.

Victor: He is sneaky, and he likes to destroy the environment. …………………………………………………………………...

Theme 1 Theme 2 Theme 3 Theme 4 Theme 5 Theme 6 Theme 7


Narrator: Dr.Gru has adopted three children from the orphanage. Over time, he grows to cherish and love them, changing Dr.Gru from super villain to super dad. One day, the children told him they want the Moon as a gift.

Children: “Daddy! We want the moon as a gift!”

Narrator: So Dr.Gru makes a plan to steal the moon for the children. While Dr.Gru is devising his plan, Victor (a new villain) elicit confidential on his plans and decides to steal the idea that Dr.Gru thought of. When Victor hears it, he tried to block all the way to the moon. The fight to steal the moon between Dr.Gru and Victor begins.

Narrator: Dr.Gru lives with the children in his house.

Children: Dad has just arrived for Halloween holiday which is coming soon, I would like a special gift more than ever before.

Egnes: Let’s go to an Amusement Park.

Margo: I want to go to a museum.

under the moon下载

Edith: But I want the moon!!!!

Egnes & Margo: Yes, Dad I want it too! Please, bring it for me.

Dr.Gru: OK, girls, I will do my best for you. Now it is late! Go to bed!

Children: Good night, Dad.

Dr.Gru: Good night, dear. Have a nice dream.

Narrator: Dr.Gru looks out the window with hope.

Dr.Gru: It would be a fantastic Halloween gift, I will bring down the bright Moon to my kids as a special gift.

Narrator: Dr.Gru plans to steal the Moon for his children. Victor (a new villain) accidentally hears Dr.Gru’s plan and steals his idea. He tries to stop Dr.Gru from stealing the Moon. The fight for stealing the Moon between Dr.Gru and Victor begins. Victor is very confident that he speaks out…

Victor: It’s a piece of cake, I will take it before Gru.

Narrator: Dr.Gru walks to the Laboratory to bring some equipment.

In front of the Laboratory

Narrator: Dr.Gru is going to the laboratory, to pick out equipment that will use to steal the Moon. While this is happening, Victor sends some of his henchmen to follow and spy on Dr.Gru.

Henchmen: Dr. Gru is going into his laboratory!

Victor: OK, I’m ready to go right now.

Narrator: Victor tries to follow Dr.Gru into the lab.

Victor is in the front of the Laboratory

Victor: Where is he?

Henchmen: He is in the lab!

Narrator: Victor tries to open the door, but it’s locked. Victor can’t get into the Laboratory, he has to hide outside and waits for Dr.Gru, but Dr.Gru exits through the other side.

Victor: I’m going crazy! The next chance I get, I will get in that lab and when I am done with Gru, he's going to be begging for mercy! Ha ha ha ha ha!

Narrator: After Dr.Gru has finished choosing equipment, he goes back home.

Edith: Daddy, where have you been?

Dr.Gru: I came back from my lab, did you have dinner?

Children: Yes, Daddy.

Dr.Gru: Good. How was school today?

Children: It was OK.

Dr.Gru: Now, it’s your bed time. Tomorrow you have to go to school.

Agnes: But it’s so boring! Studying is so hard, and it’s not fun!

Dr.Gru: Never give up, dear keep fighting!!!!

Children: Ok, Good night, daddy.

Narrator: The next day, Dr.Gru takes the children to school. Then he hurries to come back to take the Moon. Before going to the Moon, Dr.Gru says…

Dr.Gru: I am going to pull off the greatest crime of the century! I am going to steal the moon!

(Suddenly, Victor appears)

Victor: Stop now! Where do you want to go? Do you want to take the Moon?

Dr.Gru: How did you know?

Victor: I have spied on you! You’ll never get the moon! It’s mine!

Dr.Gru: Not a chance!!

(They fight. It is a difficult fight, but eventually Victor grows weary.)

Victor: Arr! That’s it! I give up! No more please! I’m sorry! You can take the moon!

Narrator: Victor gives up and finally Dr. Gru can bring the moon back to the Earth safely.

This story shows that no one will ever love you as much as your parents will love you. They will always be able to give love and comfort to their children and always give them what they need to be happy.

…The End…
