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篇一:Motherly Love

Motherly Love

As is often the case, to the world, you may just be one person, whereas to one person, you may be the whole world.

Regarding every mother, undoubtedly, their child means the life, means the whole world.

The quiet dew, motherly love likes, moistening everything silently; the island in life’s ocean, motherly love likes, vast and wide; the sunshine in winter, motherly love likes, warming children’s soul whenever they require.

For the first time in life, we greet our mothers with cry; in return, however, they welcome us with delighted smile. Since then, we gradually grow up under the motherly love. The first person who gets up to prepare for the breakfast, it’s our mothers; the only person who always remind us of the changeable weather to bless our health, it’s our mothers. The right person who looks forward not to accomplishing their own dreams, but to watching us accomplish ours, it’s still our mothers. The dedicated caring for so many years, mothers give, right, trivial and commonplace, yet like small pearl, woven into the most resplendent necklace in our lifetime. We are blessed with such mothers.

As regard motherly love, example are not rarely seen in our

daily life. Most of us have heard about the story of ChenYuRong, one of the greatest mothers in the world. She has a son who was diagnosed with and . however, she . without a moment’s hesitation, Chen adopted the doctor’s suggestion. In less than seven month, he successfully lost weight and . It’s the great motherly love which sustains indomitable faith, creating the miracle at the edge of death.

We have enough reason to assure that under whatever circumstance, the thing which always stays with us, its motherly love, we are bathing in it and taste the special love, which deepens every year.

篇二:Writing-Motherly Love

Motherly Love Only a mother's love is selfless love. Anyone can see how sincerely mothers love their children. When you were a baby, your mother protected you as much as she could. In your waking hours she held you in her arms. Whenever you made the least noise, she stopped her working to attend to you. Sometimes , when she slept at night , the least stir on your part would awake her . She gave her whole heart to you .

When you were old enough to go to school you might think this was only natural , but your mother would never forget that day . When the weather grew a little colder , she would think that you might be wearing too little

clothing. When it became a little warmer, she would be afraid that you were wearing too much. When there was anything nice to eat in the family, she would wish you were at home to eat it. When she heard of your good health and good work at school, she would feel as happy as though the good health and good work were hers. In case your health and work were not very good, she would feel sorry for you—even more sorry than you felt for yourself. When you went home for a vacation, she would make your bed and prepare foods for you as if you were a guest. When you were about to go back to school at the end of a vacation, she fixed up the things for you and told where your wadded clothing was put and

where your shirts were. If you searched the trunk carefully, you might find some tears in a corner, which your mother had shed because she could not bear the thought of your leaving.

When you have grown up and get married, you will leave to establish your own family. At that time your mother will feel very happy, for she will have brought you up without hoping for any reward, but only hopes for your happiness. Moreover, she is willing to sacrifice her own happiness for yours. That you become a good adult is the only reward she excepts—her only source of consolation. What sacred love it is!

篇三:Motherly and Fatherly Love

Motherly and Fatherly Love

Motherly love by its very nature is unconditional.

Mother loves the newborn infant because it is her child,

not because the child has fulfilled any specific condition,

or lived up to any specific expectation.

Unconditional love corresponds in one of the deepest longings,

not only of the child, but of every human being;

on the other hand, to be loved because of one’s merit, because one deserves it, always leaves doubt;

maybe I did not please the person whom I want to love me,

maybe this or that—there is always a fear that love could disappear.

Furthermore,“deserved” love easily leaves a bitter feeling that one is not loved for oneself, that one is loved only because one pleases,

that one is, in the last analysis, not loved at all but used.

No wonder that we all cling to the longing for motherly love,

as children and also as adults.

The relationship to father is quite different.

Mother is the home we come from, she is nature, soil, the ocean;

father does not represent any such natural home.

He has little connection with the child in the first years of its life,

and his importance for the child in this early period cannot be compared with that of mother.

But while father does not represent the natural world,

he represents the other pole of human existence;

the world of thought,of man-made things, of law and order, of discipline, of travel and adventure.

Father is the one who teaches the child, who shows him the road into the world. Fatherly love is conditional love.

Its principle is “I love you because you fulfill my expectations,

because you do your duty,because you are like me.”

In conditional fatherly love we find, as with unconditional motherly love,

a negative and a positive aspect.

The negative aspect is the very fact that fatherly love has to be deserved,

that it can be lost if one does not do to what is expected.

In the nature of fatherly love lies the fact that obedience becomes the main virtue, that disobedience is the main sin—and its punishment the withdrawal of fatherly love. The positive side is equally important.

Since his love is conditional, I can do something to acquire it, I can work for it; his love is not outside of my control as motherly love is.

篇四:Motherly and Fatherly Love

英语六级晨读美文100篇:Motherly and Fatherly Love(87) Motherly love by its very nature is unconditional.

Mother loves the newborn infant because it is her child,

not because the child has fulfilled any specific condition,

or lived up to any specific expectation.

Unconditional love corresponds in one of the deepest longings,

not only of the child, but of every human being;

on the other hand, to be loved because of one’s merit, because one deserves it, always leaves doubt;

maybe I did not please the person whom I want to love me,

maybe this or that—there is always a fear that love could disappear.

Furthermore,“deserved” love easily leaves a bitter feeling that one is not loved for oneself,

that one is loved only because one pleases,

that one is, in the last analysis, not loved at all but used.

No wonder that we all cling to the longing for motherly love,

as children and also as adults.

The relationship to father is quite different.

Mother is the home we come from, she is nature, soil, the ocean;

father does not represent any such natural home.

He has little connection with the child in the first years of its life,

and his importance for the child in this early period cannot be compared with that of mother.

But while father does not represent the natural world,

he represents the other pole of human existence;

the world of thought,of man-made things, of law and order, of discipline, of travel and adventure.

Father is the one who teaches the child, who shows him the road into the world. Fatherly love is conditional love.

Its principle is “I love you because you fulfill my expectations,

because you do your duty,because you are like me.”

In conditional fatherly love we find, as with unconditional motherly love, a negative and a positive aspect.

The negative aspect is the very fact that fatherly love has to be deserved,

that it can be lost if one does not do to what is expected.

In the nature of fatherly love lies the fact that obedience becomes the main


that disobedience is the main sin—and its punishment the withdrawal of fatherly love.

The positive side is equally important.

Since his love is conditional, I can do something to acquire it, I can work for it; his love is not outside of my control as motherly love is.

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篇五:The true meaning of motherly love- never regret

The true meaning of motherly love- never regret

Time is running out for my friend. While we are sitting at lunch she casually mentions she and her husband are thinking of starting a family. "We're taking a survey,” she says, half-joking. "Do you think I should have a baby?"

"It will change your life," I say, carefully keeping my tone neutral. "I know,” she says, "no more sleeping in on weekends, no more spontaneou


s holidays"

But that's not what I mean at all. I look at my friend, trying to decide what to tell her. I want her to know what she will never learn in childbirth classes. I want to tell her that the physical wounds of child bearing will heal, but becoming a mother will leave her with an emotional wound so raw that she will be vulnerable forever.

I consider warning her that she will never again read a newspaper without thinking: "What if that had been my child?" That every plane crash; every house fire will haunt her. That when she see pictures of starving children, she will wonder if anything could be worse than watching your child die. I look at her carefully manicured nails and stylish suit and think that no matter how sophisticated she is, becoming a mother will reduce her to the primitive level of a bear protecting her cub.

I feel I should warn her that no matter how many years she has invested in her career, she will be professionally derailed by motherhood. She might arrange for child care, but one day she will be going into an important business meeting, and she will think her baby's sweet smell. She will have to use every ounce of discipline to keep from running home, just to make sure her child is all right.

I want my friend to know that every decision will no longer be routine. That is a five-year-old boy's desire to go to the men's room rather than the women's at a restaurant will become a major dilemma. The issues of independence and gender identity will be weighed against the prospect that a child molester may be lurking in the lavatory. However decisive she may be at the office, she will second-guess herself constantly as a mother.

Looking at my attractive friend, I want to assure her that eventually she will shed the added weight of pregnancy, but she will never feel the same about herself. That her own life, now so important, will be of less value to her once she has a child. She would give it up in a moment to save her offspring, but will also begin to hope for more years—not to accomplish her own dreams—but to watch her children accomplish theirs.

I want to describe to my friend the exhilaration of seeing your child learn to hit a ball. I want to capture for her the belly laugh of a baby who is touching the soft fur of

a dog for the first time. I want her to taste the joy that is so real it hurts.

My friend's look makes me realize that tears have formed in my eyes. "You'll never regret it," I say finally. Then, squeezing my friend's hand, I offer a prayer for her and me and all of the mere mortal women who stumble their way into this holiest of callings.
