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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 08:24:54 写作技巧





1. 认真读图,把握中心。一般说来,所给的几幅图都是围绕一个中心展开的。它们讲述的通常是一个小故事或小事件,这个小故事或小事件就是这组图画所要表达的中心。

2. 初步构思,考虑用词、短语、句型和时态。在把握了文章的中心后,应在内心构思一个基本的框架,并考虑使用恰当的词语、短语和句型,以充分地表达文章的内容。尽可能地充分利用所学的短语或句型来表述具体的内容。这是体现自身能力的重要一环。

3. 连词成句,然后再连句成文。运用适当的单词或短语正确表达各图的意思。然后再将各图的单个句子串连起来。串连时,要注意使用适当的连接词语或过渡性语句,不至于让读者觉得文章中出现跳跃现象,更使上下文更为紧凑、自然。

4. 反复审核,修改错误。一篇文章写好后,应进行检查,看短文中是否有错,如拼写、用词、时态、语态及表达方面的错误。

5. 宜详则详,该略则略。对于一些细节方面的内容,如果是文章必不可少的,在写作过程中是不可将其忽略的。如果是可有可无的细节,则可视具体情况进行增删。据此,我们在读图时一定要注意阅读各图中的一些细节内容,看其是否影响文章的内容。

6. 注意所给的汉语提示。一般说来,看图写话中的汉语提示往往给定了有关的时间、地点、人物等相关的信息,有的还规定了文章所采用的体裁,如使用书信、留言、日记等。因此,在审题时我们一定要注意所给的汉语提示。

7. 文章中少用复句,多用单句;少用直接引语,代之间接引语。


请仔细观察下图, 写一篇100词左右的短文, 要求故事完整, 句子通顺, 可根据需要适当增加细节, 但内容要与图片相符。参考词汇:bare (光秃的),destroy(毁坏)


Once there was a village at the foot of the hill. There were many green trees on the hill. The villagers were very poor. One day, a villager had an idea. He cut the tall trees on the hill and sold them. With the money he had built a new house. He seemed to have become rich. So many other villagers followed him and began to cut down more trees. Some time later, no trees were left and the hill was bare.

Unluckily the village became very hot in summer and there were heavy storms and

floods. Many of the fields and even the houses were destroyed. The villagers became poor again and even poorer.

(文/李兵章 祖瑞;英语辅导报初三版04—05学年度第9期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)


一、根据左面六幅图画,写一篇题目为“An Interesting Book”的小故事,词数


提示:1.画中人物:Mr. and Mrs. Smith;他们的儿子Mike。

2.故事的开头是:It was dinner time…


It was dinner time.Mr. and Mrs. Smith were about to begin their dinner when they

found that their son, Mike, wasn’t there yet.So Mrs. Smith asked her husband to go

and find him.Mr.Smith went to Mike’s room and found Mike lying on his face on the

floor, reading a book.He was laughing! Mr. Smith told him to go for dinner, and he

left quite unwillingly.Wondering what absorbed his son so much, Mr. Smith took a

look at the book.Now Mrs. Smith and Mike were at the table, waiting for Mr.

Smith.She got quite impatient and sent her son for his father.Mike went back to his

room.To his great surprise, he saw his father lying on the floor, reading the same

story book of his!



after-class activities


speech contest

Hi everyone,

It's so nice to see all of you here. I'm John Smith and I come from America.

I have been studying in this school since September 2000, and I have joined in

quite a few very popular and unforgettable after-class activities.

The school often holds the English Corner, in which the students practise their

spoken English. I have learned a lot more about China by talking with my Chinese

schoolmates. On New Year's Eve we have a New Year party with wonderful

performances of singing and dancing. In March, the school organized a tree-planting

activity in the countryside. Recently many students have taken an active part in the

English Speech Contest. All these activities have had a good effect on the training of

the students' abilities, so they are warmly welcomed by the students.

Thank you




One day, Mr. Li was reading a book in his office after school when a ball broke the

window and flew in. Mr. Li was greatly shocked when the ball hit him on the head.

He took the ball and came downstairs to see who threw the ball. He met a little boy at

the doorway and the boy said it was he who had thrown it. The boy said sorry to Mr.

Li and Mr. Li praised the boy for his honesty. Mr. Li told the boy to be more careful

next time. The boy thanked him for his kindness and said goodbye to him, running

away with the ball


I would like to make some recommendations to make your first visit to our town a

pleasant one

I would like to make some recommendations to make your first visit to our town a

pleasant one. The busiest street in our town is Prospect Avenue. There are many

things to do and see on this street. First, you could visit the Art Museum, where an art

show is going on. Directly across the street from the Art Museum is the Library. If

you would like to buy some books you could cross Third Street and go to the Book

Store. It is on the south side of Prospect Avenue. From there, if you would like a

snack, you have several choices. Continuing west on Prospect Avenue you could visit

the Ice Cream Shop, the Bakery, or the Candy Store. Finally, cross Second Street and

enjoy all the unusual animals at the Pet Store.

To find Prospect Avenue from the train station, turn left on Fourth Street and head

south. It is just two blocks to the entrance of the Art Museum. I hope you will enjoy

your visit!


明天下午王红同学的生日聚会,碰巧他不在。请你用英语给他留个条子, 邀请他

参加, 并告诉他王红家的路线。(参看下图)第一句话已给出。





Dear John,

I came to see you but you were out.


Dear John,

I came to see you but you were out. Tomorrow is Wang Hong's birthday. We'll have a party at Wang Hong's tomorrow afternoon. We'll dance, sing and we'll also have a big cake. We would be very happy if you can come.

Wang Hong's home is not far from our school. If you come, you may go straight along the People's Road, then turn right at the Happy Road, then go across the

Sunshine Road. And you'll find a cinema on the left. Wang Hong's home is just beside it. Hope to see you at the party.


Li Bing


One day my uncle was reading a newspaper and learned that birds are our friends. We should get along well with them. He looked at his nice bird in the cage, and decided to let it fly back home — nature. He took the cage with the bird in it and went to a little hill near his house by bike. He opened the cage door, and the bird flew away quickly. Seeing this, my uncle felt very happy. He went home with the empty cage. When he got back, he sat in a chair and had a rest. A moment later, to his surprise, he found the bird back in the cage.

It was March the eighth that day, Women’s Day. LiHua had a good idea and told his father that he was going to do something to celebrate it. He asked his father to help him. First they decided to do some housework, which was always done by his mother. LiHua cleaned the house completely while his father did some washing. Then they made a good meal, cooking fish, pork, chicken, soup and some other delicious dishes. LiHua laid the table and set a vase full of flowers in the middle of the table. After that they hid themselves behind the door, waiting for Mother so as to give her a happy surprise. When his mother came back and saw delicious dishes and drinks on the table, she felt very curious and happy. The family had a pleasant festival.

This afternoon,It was such an interesting movie that I couldn’t wait to enjoy it.I was on my way to the cinema when I happened to see a case fall off a man’s bike. After picking up the case, I shouted to the man loudly.But he rode too fast to hear me.I stopp


ed a taxi as quickly as I could in order to catch up with the man. And we caught up with the man. Getting the case back from me, the man took out some money to thank me.But I refused .Although I missed the movie, I was very happy to help others.

Last weekend the students from No.1 Middle School visited Guangming farm. They got together at the school gate and started off early in the morning. When they arrived there, the farm workers gave them a warm welcome. Then the head of the farm showed them around. They all were glad to see the crops and vegetables growing so well. At noon they had a picnic in the sunshine. After a short rest, they circled on the ground, singing and dancing. What great fun they had! Time seemed to pass very quickly. They had to say goodbye to the farm workers.
