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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 14:30:35 作文素材



1. 写作指导 叙事类记叙文主要由时间(when)、地点(where)、人物(who)、原因(why)、

经过(how)和结果(what)六大要素构成。 写叙事记叙文的注意事项: (1) 结构要完

整。事件的前因后果,来龙去脉要讲清楚;文章的标题和内容要一致; 文章的结尾与开头

要呼应。 (2) 人称要清楚。写记叙文可用“你、我、他”三种人称。叙事时应根据需要

转换人 称,但不能引起混乱,让读者分不清谁是谁。 (3) 线索要连贯。线索是把文章

的全部材料串连成一个有机整体的纽带。时间、人物 和事件都可以成为线索,但必须前后

连贯,不能割裂开来。 (4) 构思要新颖。构思新颖就是文章的立意要新颖,组织材料和

表达思想内容的手法 要巧妙,与众不同。这样才能引起读者的兴趣,使读者爱不释手。 总



2. 2.满分作文 根据中文大意和英文提示词语,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于60

词的短文。所给英文提示词语供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。 汶川地震

(Wenchuan Earthquake)发生后,9岁学生林浩(Lin Hao)救了两名同学,然后步行7个

小时到达安全地点。 请你就林浩同学的事迹,以“Learn from the Hero”为题,给你校


提示词语:a student, nine years old, happen, save, walk, to safety, be deeply moved, brave, give


Learn from the Hero

Lin Hao is a student. He is only nine years old. After Wenchuan Earthquake happened, he

saved two of his classmates. Then he walked for seven hours to safety.

I was deeply moved by his story. I think he is a brave boy. He did his best when he faced

great danger. I should learn from him. I will think of others first and help then as much as possible.

I will never give up when I face any difficulties


去野餐_______________ 聚会___________________

去野营_______________ 去钓鱼_________________

骑马_________________ 放风筝_________________

散步_________________ 购物___________________

急忙去??_______________ 照相___________________

出发_________________ 看病___________________


帮助某人做?? ___________________很明显_____________________

thanks to___________________as a result______________________

luckily______________________because /because of ________________

at last/in the end ________________ It is clear that?____________________

Ⅲ.家庭作业 无论是在校内还是校外,你一定有不少美好的经历。请你把其中有意义的


项:1. 请从两个题目中任选一个;2.请选用表格中的词汇;

3.词数不少于60; 4.文中不得出现真实的校名和姓名。

A good day out of school

cloudy, sunny,

like?, learn?, play? do?, help?, with? visit?, be interested in?, like? go to?, play?, do?, help

?with?, work for?


第八讲:说明文 说明文是用来说明事物,阐明事理的一种文体。说明文具有科学性和客观性两大特点。说明 文的主要时态为现在时,涉及其它时态时要根据内容、情景作出准确选择。 Ⅰ. 写作指导

1. 抓住事物的特征。说明文要有明确的目的性,文章内容应紧紧围绕事物、现象的规律性特 征而展开,这样才能将事物的形状、性质、成因、功能和意义等交代清楚。

2. 合理安排说明顺序。对不同的对象采用不同的说明顺序安排: ? 时间顺序:讲述事物的发展过程。按事物的发生、发展的先后顺序进行说明。 ? 空间顺序:说明事物外形或特征。空间顺序包括:远近、内外、高低、上下、前后、左右、整体、局部等。 ? 逻辑顺序:说明一个事理。多按事理内在的逻辑关系来安排内容:从现象到本质、 从原因到结果、从主要到次要、从概括到具体、从特点到用途等。

3. 选择恰当的说明方法。根据说明对象特性,合理选择说明方法。说明文常见方法有: ? 罗列法:适用于各类指导性的说明文。在文章开始时提出需要说明的东西和观点, 之后常用first, second,?and finally加以罗列说明。 ? 定义法:对具体事物概念进行说明。其基本要素是定义句,常见模式是: 被定义对象+is+所属类别+限制性定语。 ? 举例法:通过具体例子表达主题。常用for example, for instance, another exampleis?等关联词(组)。 ? 比较法:对两个对象进行比较时使用。可以比较相同点,也可以比较不同点。比 较相同时,常用similarly, also, too, in the same case?;比较不同时,常 用however, but, on the other hand, in contrast?

4. 使用准确周密的语言。对说明文的语言要求是: ? 准确,以保证其科学性; ? 简明扼要,避免夸张的辞藻; ? 客观表述,避免主观色彩。采用被动语态是客观表述事物的常用手法。


1. 请用罗列法说明Early rising(早期)的好处 Early rising is helpful in more than one ways. First___________________________________________________________






2. 给student/teacher下个定义

A student (teacher) is



Ⅱ. 满分作文 根据以下有关Alan Brown个人情况的介绍,以Alan Brown为题,写一篇介绍他的短文。 要求:(1)运用第三人称; (2)所给信息必须全部使用;(3)语句通顺连贯; (4)可以适当扩展;(5)不少于60词。

Name: Alan Brown

Age: 16

Address: 69 Park Road, Sydney

Nationality(国籍): Australian Occupation(职业): student Favorite subjects: art, musicWeekday activities: swimming and walking

Usual Saturday activity: having parties

Usual Sunday activity: watching TV

Alan Brown

Alan Brown is a 16-year-old boy. He is an Australian high school student. He lives at 69 Park Road, Sydney. Art and music are his favorite subjects.

He loves studying and sports. He usually goes swimming three or four times every week. And he often walks after supper every day. Cool water and clean air always makes him happy. Australian students are different from our Chinese students. On Saturdays, he usually has parties with his friends and they always enjoy themselves. On Sunday, he usually stays at home and watches TV.

Ⅲ. 必备(背)词句


1. first of all / at first / firstly 首先

例句:______________________________________________________________. 首先,请认真阅读指令。

2. secondly / then / next 其次、然后、之后

例句:Secondly, he looked down on other people.


3. in the end / finally / eventually / at last终于、最终、最后

例句:______________________________________________________________. 他们终于让步了。

4. last but not least 最后但并非最不重要的

5. 例句:Last but not least, we must thank our host for his hospitality.



1. 地点介绍 ? ? in the (north) of ? 在? 的北部

例句:___________________________________________________________. 北京位于中国的北部。 ?

There be? 有...

例句:___________________________________________________________. 教室前有块大黑板。 ?

lie / be located /be situated (in/on/at a place) 位于?

例句:___________________________________________________________. 广东位于中国南部。

The city is located on the eastern coast of the United States.


2. 事物说明 ? sth is ? meters long, ?meters wide. 什么东西?长, ?宽

___________________________________________________________.例句:这座桥20米长,10米宽。 ?

be made of? 由?做成

例句:___________________________________________________________. 这是由金属和塑料制成的。

3. 表述方式、方法的说明文 ?

be easy to do sth. 做?很容易


First??, Next??, Then??, Finally??

如果你按下列步骤做橙汁,那会很容易:首先,? 接下来,? 然后,? 最后?。? There is more than one way to do sth? 做? 的方法不止一个

例句:__________________________________________________________:使我们保持健康有很多方法。 ?

Please do as the follows:

____________________________________________________________ ?

? times a day (week, month?) 每天(周、月?)多少次


4. 事理说明 ? to play an important role in sth. 在?方面起着重要的作用

例句:___________________________________________________________. 学校在社会中起着重要的作用。 ?

The reason is that (it can do sth.) ? 理由是?

例句:___________________________________________________________. 理由是它能帮我们学习更多知识。

Ⅳ. 实战演练: 按要求填写所缺信息 根据下面的提示写一篇介绍长城的短文。 (1) 长城又叫万里长城,长约6000公里,宽4-5米,高6-7米; (2) 很多人都会问在没有任何现代机械的情况下,人们是怎样建筑长城的; (3) 今天长城已成为名胜古迹,许多人来长城游览; (4) 词数:80词左右。

The Great Wall The Great Wall of China is known to people all over the world. It is also called “The_______________________________ Great Wall” in Chinese. It is about __________________________. It took millions of men hundreds of years to build it. How did the Chinese people build it___________________________________?

Today the Great Wall has become ____________________________________. People from all over the world come to visit it.

Ⅴ. 家庭作业 Mike是你班的一位来自澳大利亚的同学,她患了感冒,去药店买来一盒药,向你咨询服药方法。请你根据药品说明,向Mike解释,并告诉他如何预防感冒。给出的首句不计入总词数。 要 求:词数不少于80个;语句通顺连贯;适当扩展。服用说明: 「适应症」适用于感冒引起的咳嗽、头疼等症状。 「用法与用量」饭前口服,1次1-2片,一天3次,疗程3-5天。 「不良反应」偶有瞌睡感。 「禁忌」服药期间忌鱼、酒、辛辣食品。

This medicine is used for curing cough, headache and something like that caused by cold. ___________________________________________________________________








Go for a Walk

Yesterday evening, I went out for a walk with my mother. On the road,we met a foreigner. He asked me the way to the Hot Spring Hotel. I told him to walk along the road and take the third turning on the left,then he could see the hotel. He thanked me very much for my help. I was happy that I could help him.

To Visit

It was fine last Sunday. We went to visit a modern car factory. It was eight o’clock when we arrived there by bus. Pingping’s uncle who was an engineer there showed us around the factory. First we followed him to some workshops,and then he told us something about the different kinds of cars. After hearing what he said,we all knew the cars they produced were both cheap and beautiful. What’s more,they are very popular with people.

Summer Holidays

Summer holidays are coming. During the holidays,the first thing I do is to get relaxed. I’ll do morning exercises every day as I did at school. And in the afternoon,if I’m free,I will go

fishing in the park. I like reading.So I’d like to spend some time reading books. I will also try to study maths,for I’m not good enough at it. During the holidays, I’ll help my parents do housework as much as possible.I also want to visit some of my friends and relatives. I’m sure I will have a pleasant time this summer.

A Trip

I went hiking to a mountain with my friends last summer. It was a good trip at the beginning but something unexpected happened on the half way. One of my friends suddenly felt a terrible pain in his stomach and he couldn’t move any further. Nobody knew what to do. One girl tried to call her mum with her mobile phone but there was no signal in the mountain area. Luckily we brought a tent with us. We put it up and let him rest in it. He took some medicine. Then he drank some water and ate some food. After a while,he felt much better and we walked on. We all enjoyed ourselves on the top of the mountain.

A Football Game

Yeserday we had a football game against the team from Class Four. Their players were good. We really felt a little afraid of

them. But Zhang Xin,the leader of our class team,said,“Although they are good players,their team is weak.”Zhang Xin is about 1.68 meters tall and his number is twelve. He can kick two or three goals every match. Then he told us,“Remember that we are a team and we’ll win the game.”

At the beginning of the match,a player from Class Four ran with the ball. Zhang Xin ran over quickly to stop him. He got the ball and kicked the goal! He kept on passing the ball to other players. We passed the ball to each other like him. The players from Class Four were getting anxious. They were angry with us. But we continued to pass the ball.

At last we kicked four goals and they kicked two. We won the game! We were very happy.

A Woman and a Boy

One day,a boy bought a pair of new shoes. He was so happy that he rode his bike very fast. Suddenly he saw a woman in f(转载于:www.Zw2.cN 爱 作 文 网)ront. He quickly stopped his bike,but it was too late. The woman was hit and nearly fell down. But the boy quickly got on the bike and rode his bike away in a hurry. About half an hour later the boy found his shoes missing. He thought the woman had gone away,so he went back to look for his new

shoes. To his surprise he found the woman standing there with the shoes. She said to him,“Here are your shoes,young man.I am OK.Take good care of yourself.”

The boy’s face got red at once.



初中英语学习 2010-03-12 14:22:59 阅读4067 评论3 字号:大中小 订阅



[1] It is widely(commonly) accepted(hold)+THAT

[2] A widely accepted(commonly) hold idea(point of view,viewpoint, opinion,assumption)is +THAT/NP

[3] A/The dominant(prevalent, prevailing)idea(see [2])is NP/to DO

[4] It is taken for granted+THAT(or:We often/frequently take it for granted THAT)

[5] People(The majority) seem to get accustomed to the idea(see [2]),without questioning,THAT )

[6] People are willing to regard NP1 as NP2/ADJ

[7] People are willing to DO,while reluctant to DO


[1] However (But),…

[2] Such idea(see[1-2]),if not entirely ADJ1,is somewhat ADJ2 and needs careful consideration.

ADJI=ueasonable,unacceptable, inappropriate,improper,undesirable,


ADJ2=misleading,doubtrul, etc

[3] In fact(As a matter of fact),…(follow[2])

[4] However, it is not (quite, necessarily)the case. (

[5] This (It) is not (quite, necessarily) the case and needs to bo fruther

considered/discussed.(or:further consideration/discussion)


[1] The reason lies in several aspects, (

[2] The reason why+clause+[1, underlined] (

[3] There are several remarkable reasons. (

[4]层进in addition, besides, fruthermore, what's more, on the other hand, meanwhile, for one thing…for another; finally, above all, in short.

[5]举例for example, for instance, such (general term) as (specific terms),a typical (striking) example is that, a case in point

[6]转折however, but, nevertheless,on the contrary

[7]条件if , provided that, unless, as long as,etc


[1] as far as …is/are concemed: As far as current situation is concerned

[2] as t the problem as to NP有关…的问题


[1] Although much effort has been made, the situation is far from satisfactory (or: the problem remains unsolved, little improvement has been achieved)

[2] There is a tendency, as recent study (investigation) has pointed out (shown, revealed, indicated),+THAT

[3] There is growing concern about +NP

[4] It will inevitably (is likely to )result in (lead to ) unwanted (serious) consequence (or NP)

[5] Unfortunately,…

[6] We will not be able to afford the risk of overlooking the seriousness of the matter.

[7] The process, once initiated, is most likely irreversible.

[8] We are constantly (frequently) faced with NP (


[1] NP1 is of great importance (necessity, value) in NP2 (or: NP is of enormous significance)


[2] The importance (necessity) of NP (to do sth.) lies in (the fact) that…

[3] NP1 plays, as is known, an irreplaceably important role in NP2

[4] The irreplaceably important role NP1 plays in NP2 is significant (obvous)

[5] NP1 is an indispensable part of NP2)

[6] It is important (necessary) to DO (or:THAT)

[7] Special attention should be pay to …(or: We should pay special attention to…)

[8] What we should take into consideration is +NP


[1](immediate, emergent, effective) Measures are being taken (has been taken, should be taken) to DO

[3] We have made much effort, there is still more we need to make (cf. We have learnt a lot, there is much more we need to lea123)





在文章的结尾,把含义较深的话放在末尾,以点明主题,深化主题,起到画龙点睛的效果。如“I Cannot Forget Her” (我忘不了她)的结尾:

After her death,I felt as if something were missing in my life. I was sad over her passing away,but I knew she would not have had any regrets at having given her life for the benefit of the people.


结尾回到文章开头阐明的中心思想或主题句上,达到强调的效果。如“I Love My Home Town”(我爱家乡)的结尾:

I love my home town,and I love its people. They too have changed. They are going all out to do more for the good of our motherland.



I caught as many as twenty fish in two hours,but my brother caught many more. Tired from fishing,we lay down on the river bank,bathing in the sun. We returned home very late.


用比喻或含蓄的手法不直接点明作者的看法,而是让读者自己去领会和思考。如“A Day of Harvesting”(收割的日子)的结尾:

Evening came before we realized it. We put down our sickles and looked at each other. Our clothes were wet with sweat,but on every face there was a smile.


虽然形式是问句,但意义却是肯定的,并具有特别的强调作用,引起读者深思。如“Should We Learn to Do Housework?”(我们要不要学做家务?)的结尾。

Everyone should learn to do housework. Don’t you agree,boys and girls?


结尾表示对将来的展望,或期待读者投入行动。如“Let’s Go in for Sports”(让我们参加体育运动)的结尾:

As we have said above,sports can be of great value. They not only make people live happily but also help people to learn virtues and do their work bettter. A sound mind is in a sound body. Let’s go in for sports.



记叙文是记人叙事的文章,它主要是用于说明事件的时间、背景、起因、过程及结果,即我们通常所说的五个" W "( what, who, when, where, why )和一个" H "( how )。记叙文的重点在于"述说"和"描写",因此一篇好的记叙文要叙述条理清楚,描写生动形象。下面就谈谈英语记叙文的特点和写好记叙文的基本要领。




The other day, I was driving along the street. Suddenly, a car lost its control and ran directly towards me fast. I was so frightened that I quickly turned to the left side. But it was too late. The car hit my bike and I fell off it.

用第三人称叙述,优点在于叙述者不受"我"活动范围以内的人和事物的限制,而是通过作者与读者之外的第三者,直接把故事中的情节展现在读者面前,文章的客观性很强。如:Little Tom was going to school with an umbrella, for it was raining hard. On the way, he saw an old woman walking in the rain with nothing to cover. Tom went up to the old woman and wanted to share the umbrella with her, but he was too short. What could he do? Then he had a good idea.



