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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 14:33:25 初中作文




The computer is a wonderful machine. It is the most important invention in many years. Today it is used a great deal in various fields. Especially, it is useful in automatic control and data processing. And now it is finding its way into the home.

Computer plays an important role in our life. They can do most of things people can do. They can give you information on buying and selling things, provide you with suggestions of how to deal with certain illness and how to solve the problems you are faced with. There is no doubt that people can live much easier with the help of the computer.

However, many scientists don't think that computers will replace us completely. No matter how clever they may become, computer are no more than an extension of our human brains

2. Something You Must Know

This library is and English Language teaching and learning library. If you want to borrow some books, you must fill out a library application form and put it in the box on the librarian's desk. Because of the large number of applications we receive each week, you must wait oneweek. Please bring your student or work card to pick up your library card. Library application forms which are not picked up within 2 months will be discarded and you will have to reapply.

3. English Corner

English Corner is very useful to learn to communicate in English. Learning a foreign language requires four skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking. The English Corner is a wonderful place to practise both listening and speaking. English Corner is also a good place to meet new friends. When I went to English Corner last Sunday, I came across a variety of people, who all had one thing in common; that is they wanted to communicate in English. So the atmosphere was relaxing. English Corner enlarges our would. As we listen to foreigners talking about their countries and customs, we learn many things that we can't learn from books.

Without you ,it would have never been possible. Thank you.


This is a diagram of our schoolyard. It is four hundred meters long and three hundred meters wide. The school gate faces the south. Our teaching building stands in the middle of our school yard. It is a building of five stories .The teachers' offices are on the third floor. There is a garden in front of the teaching building. On the left of the garden is our library. Our lab is on the right of the garden. There is a large playground behind the teaching building. Many trees are planted around the school-yard.

5. English Dictionaries

Most English dictionaries will tell you a number of things about the language. There are three important things, spelling, pronunciation and meanings. The first is the spelling of

the words. If you are not sure about the spelling of a word, you can try to find the correct spelling in a dictionary. The words are always given in alphabetical order. The second thing is pronuncia- tion, Most dictionaries give the pronunciation of a word in a special kind of alphabet, which is

called phonetic. The third thing a dictionary will tell you is the meanings of words, Many words have more than one meaning, and a good dictionary will explain all of the word's meanings. These are some of the important facts that you can learn from dictionaries.

6. Hans Christian Anderson

Hans Christian Anderson was a world-famous writer of fairy tales. He was born in 1805. When he was eleven his father died. His family was then so poor that he could not go to school during his childhood. He learned sewing from a tailor. At the age of fourteen, he went to work in a theatre. Later helped by some warm-hearted artists, he went to

school. In 1828, he began to get advanced education. After graduation, he devoted himself to literature. He wrote plays, novels, poems and so on. He worked hard at literature. This led to his great success. He wrote more than 160 stories in all .He was famous for his funny fairy tales, which became popular all over the world. He died in 1875.

7. My favorite program

Nowadays radios and TVs play a more and more important role in our daily life.

There are many programs shown every day. Some of them are very good. My favorite program is “The Animal World”, which is broadcast by CCTV every Sunday night. The program provides us with natural scenes, the life of all kinds of wild animals and the wonderful explanation about it. We also acquire some knowledge about animals, even some plants. So in my opinion, it is an interesting as well as an instructive program. Be sides, the pictures are very beautiful. It's really a great joy to watch it. If you don't believe it, Just watch it yourself.


1. Problems in the New Century (举例法说明文)

Write an expository essay on the problems man will be faced with in the new century.

In the new century, human beings will be filled with hope and live more advanced life. What used to be depicted in science fictions can be the reality of the near future. However, man will also have to confront with some problems that will curtail(剥夺)human beings of their existence.

First of all, pollution of all forms such as land pollution, noise pollution, air pollution and water pollution are worsening with each passing day. People complain all over the world that it is becoming harder to breathe and water is turning undrinkable. Also forests are being felled at a very fast rate. The pollutions are getting so terrible that in some countries we can’t find clean and clear rivers and white clouds in the sky! When the children draw a picture of their surroundings, they paint the green trees in gray, the red sun in gray, everything in gray, and they can’t find a pure environment except in the books.

Additionally, the explosion of population in some parts of the world is manifesting its terrible results. Human beings wil1 have outgrown the earth’s resources, and people will run a high risk of starvation and diseases resulting from overcrowding. In due course, man would be forced out of the earth if the present trend were not reversed.

What is more, in the past century we had many disastrous wars. But there is still potential that the atomic bomb will be used by some politicians in order to keep regional hegemony. If it should happen, the exp1osion could easily lead to the destruction of civilization.

More seriously, the depersonalization of human relationships and the weakening of spiritual values are aggravating due to the stress caused by the busy schedules and the extreme pursuit of money. This will further contribute to man’s isolation and loneliness.

Apparently, with all these problems facing human beings, it seems to be overwhelmingly urgent to conquer them one by one because we have only one earth and it is our home. In the new century, we must try our best to heal the world and make it a better place for you, for me and for the children who will come to this world.

2. The expenses of college students are high (举例法说明文)

According to one of my teachers who graduated from university in 1983, his college expenses were only about 20 yuans per month, covering everything, such as food, and daily necessities. About twenty years later, the expenses of college students are dizzily/staggeringly high and growing more so every year. The basic average cost per student at public universities is now estimated at 15,000 yuans or more, including all the expenses for food, tuition, accommodations, bills for communications and fare for transportation, and other fees. The public universities having the benefits of receiving government investment in higher education are charging students high, to say nothing of the private universities which run on their own capacity.

Take myself as an example. At the beginning of this term, I was charged more than 6,500 yuans for the tuition of the academic year, plus 300 yuans per month for my dormitory accommodation, 500 yuans for the expenses on food, clothes and trivial items, 50 yuans for my mobile phone, etc. Every year, the expenditure totals as much as 20,000 yuans, which has eaten into almost half of my parents’ annual incomes.

Because going to college is so expensive today, many students have to drop out and go to

work early, while others take part-time jobs to earn some money in order to lighten their parents’ financial burden. I am really keen on the experience in attending the universities and I have acquired a lot of knowledge since I came to this university. I am grateful to my parents who work hard and live thriftily to support me. Because of this, I am not only very careful in spending money, but also studying hard to live up to my parents’ expectation. Someday, I can say to them that every penny they have spent on my study is worthwhile and will be paid off.

3. Effects of China’s single-child policy (因果法说明文)

Huge population is one of the main problems in China. Since the 1970’s the Chinese government adopted a policy of family planning---- single-child policy---- as a basic state policy to solve this problem. Until now, this birth control policy is still implanted in our country and both positive and negative effects have been harvested.

With the adoption of the family planning policy, the rate of population growth has been successfully controlled. This has already brought about some satisfactory results in China. For one thing, people’s living standard has been greatly improved with our country becoming more and more prosperous, and our national economy developed steadily. Furthermore, with decreasing population, the problem of shortage of water in parts of China is solved gradually. In addition, with the low rate of birth, it goes with less energy consumption, which will benefit the overall development of our economy. Moreover, this policy has greatly reduced the financial burdens of the parents who have otherwise had more children, enabling them to focus their resources on the single child’s well-being and education.

However, the implementing of this policy also brings about some problems. First of all, as there is only one child in a family, the child becomes “little emperor” or “little empress” of the family, surrounded by parents and grandparents. The spoiled child can get whatever he likes and discards whatever he dislikes. This phenomenon is more popular in large cities will do great harm to the children themselves. They don’t cherish what they have got because they can easily get whatever they would like to. Worse still, in the future when they grow up, they might feel very difficult to adjust to the society or cope with the adversity. Some people also show great concern that when the single children get married, the couple have to take care of 4 old people.

While admitting that single-child policy does bring some negative effects on the single child, we must take it for granted that it has benefited and will continue to benefit the country. Therefore, we should carry it one and at the same time adopt some measures to avoid the adverse consequences the policy may produce.

4. Proposals to Alleviate Poverty in Remote Areas in China (列举法说明文)

The achievement of progress, prosperity and development for all the people in the world is a theme raised by UN. Alleviating poverty has been one of our government’s top priorities for the past decades. And poverty in remote areas in China is virtually a great obstacle for the Chinese to get common progress; thus, it is urgent for us to help the people there to shake off poverty the

sooner the better. For this aim, the government has already sent technicians and experts to poverty-stricken areas to help boost local agricultural production and teach the locals new techniques. The Ministry of Labour has also trained many rural labourers through different programs. But all these are not enough. Several other ways out have been proposed as follows.

First of all, the government should encourage a small part of the people in the remote areas to get wealthy ahead of others by equipping them with relevant funds and agricultural technology. These “better-offs” can not only set a good example but also give confidence to the poorer in their efforts to get rid of poverty. When all the people get rich, the general level of living standard can be greatly improved. And with their living standard improved, they can attach greater importance to environmental protection and are willing to input considerable amount of money to educate their children. Only in this way is a sustainable development guaranteed.

Secondly, we must call upon people in all walks of life throughout the country, especially those citizens of affluence in coastal areas to help those struggling below poverty line in poor remote regions out. We must realize that only after all Chinese people live a comfortable life can we be peacefully enjoying material prosperity in life. Helps can come in various forms----donating money to the poor family and books to school drop-outs, college graduates volunteering to work in the most needed regions, bringing knowledge to them, etc.

The last but not the least, the government should raise the rate of tax levied on those very rich. This can shorten the gap between the poor and the rich as well as benefit the country’s revenues whose better part is in turn allocated to the poor remote areas.

Admittedly, it is never easy to cast off the shadow of poverty in the remote areas completely in short run. But everyone of us should go all out to help those in poverty, we are confident that our country will be more powerful and prosperous in the process of alleviating poverty.(422words)

5. Living Together Is Not Wise (议论文)

There is a tendency among college students that a young boy and a young girl rent a house off campus and live together before being formally married. According to an official census, during the years between 2000 and 2003, the number of college students living together in Beijing alone has almost increased five times. While parents and teachers show deep concern and worries about it, a questionnaire suggests that a considerable number of students themselves don’t strongly object to it. Despite their attitude, I, as a college student myself, don’t think it healthy for college students to live together because it not only(转 载 于:wWW.zw2.Cn 爱作文网) has caused some safety problems but also contributed to the moral corruption of our society.

It is true that living together can help one to relieve loneliness and pressure experienced by college students, especially for the students whose families are far away from colleges. But is it wise to use the way of 1iving together to achieve the aim when other effective ways remain open to us? Living together, an informal way of married life, is one of few things vital to one’s lifetime

happiness. We can’t afford to try again and again like other things.

One may argue that these student couples mean to be serious and plan to get married after graduation. By testing their relationship, they can avoid problems after marriage. I don’t think this argument holds water. Just opposite. Living together can actual1y spoil a good relation between two people who intend to marry eventually, for it, most often than not, can develop into weakness rather than strength, doubt rather than trust. A follow-up study shows that few premarital couples living together end in marriage.

It must be pointed out that college boys and girls live together not so much because of their desire to relieve loneliness as of the influence of movies with a lots of sex in them. In this respect, to have a sound judgment and a correct moral attitude is very important.

6.Can Men Wear Makeup? (议论文)


1) 引入段:从广告导入主题:男人开始化装。

2) 男人开始化装的原因:留下好印象;老人不愿显老;化妆品行业有利可图。

3) 负面影响:反传统;女人味儿。

4) 结论:男人化装将成趋势。

Two handsome young Korean men walk past each other in the sunlight. Their shoulders lightly brush, and they turn their heads for a closer inspection. “Wow, he's got great skin,” murmurs one, while the other casually informs him, “It's just that I've changed skin lotion.” The scene is from a television advertisement hawking what is called a “color lotion for men.” Actually, it's a liquid foundation designed, as the ad says, to "cover the imperfections." Now adequate evidence indicates that more and more men wear make-up, especially in parts of Asia, with South Korea in the leading place. Its popularity, it seems to us, is inevitably natural seen from several aspects.

First of all, some people believe that one’s skin weighs heavily when it comes to be interviewed for a job. During the interview, the first impression is so critical that it may decide whether a job applicant can get the opening or not, and thus determine his lifelong happiness. To become a successful salesperson, one must be attractive to the customers. A slight touch-up of one’s appearance increases men’s marketability in the intense competitive society. This is particularly true to those without a good looking. Furthermore, in our society, men don’t want to look shabby when they grow older. Although the elderly are supposed to be respected, men now find that they need to appear younger in this highly competitive world. This is because everyone concedes that a smooth face without wrinkles, a head of black, shiny hair, rosy cheeks----all these are associated with vigor and vitality. Another important factor for men’s wearing cosmetics is that the industry is always a highly profitable and rich one. The manufacturers have been dreaming of opening up this sector which has exclusively belonged to women for long.

However, other people are worried about and frown on the idea. Their dissatisfaction can be justified. For many centuries, our deeply-rooted culture stipulates men to be masculine. Powdering, applying lotion and lipsticks, trimming eyebrows, and so on, are all girly stuff. Female is always regarded as a secondary gender, less important and more vulnerable in family, society and politics. Almost no man wants to become the weak sex in the society, except lunatics or freaks. Besides, effeminate men may be mistaken as homosexual gay, which is against human nature and in some parts of the world is regarded as immoral.

So the barrier for men wearing cosmetics seems to originate from our tradition. But this iceberg is beginning to thaw. Now the hair dye is widely accepted, and more and more young people are the pioneers of using make-up, dressing in skirts, wearing long hair. We have every reason to believe that once the psychological barrier is broken through, men’s cosmetics may be well on the way to being popular. (470 words)

7.Migrant Workers- Constructors of Our Cities(议论文)

Nowadays more and more migrant workers or peasant workers have poured into the cities. This trend has merits and demerits for the economic development of present China. Please write an essay and give a comprehensive analysis of the impacts migrant workers have had and will have on various aspects of people’s life, in urban areas as well as in rural areas.

要点提示:民工对社会的影响,正面的 (建设城市;改善自身生活)和负面的影响(不利城市就业;给城市带来社会压力等)。

With the reform and opening-up policy being implemented, our national economy is developing rapidly and the living standard of average Chinese people is ameliorated step by step, especially in big cities. However, in some rural areas, the living standard of some peasants is rather low. Due to the scarcity of arable land, the surplus laborers have to go out of the poor rural areas and flood into some cosmopolises to make a living, or earn as a prodigious amount of money as they could, so as to realize their dream of becoming wealthy. With more and more migrant workers like these streaming into the cities, there is an ambivalent feeling towards them.

No one denies the important contribution that rural workers have made to the economic development of present China. They have done most of dirty, dangerous and underpaid jobs in heavy industries, construction sites and other fields that city residents are unwilling to enter into. Meanwhile, some rural workers with higher education certification do their best in high-technology areas. Therefore, they have become an indispensable part of urban life to a point where the machine of a city cannot operate without those cogs, however small and unnoticed.

Furthermore, these migrant workers earn money with their own hand. With this money, they can pay for their children’s education, improve their living condition, and sometimes support their helpless parents back at home. This serves as a means to narrow the gap between urban and rural life.

However, there are some people who maintain that rural people should stay at their hometown. Those people complain that migrant workers have threatened to take the already scarce urban jobs, while many more rural ones are waiting for a chance to compete for employment. Those with anti-migrant attitude also blame them for the sharp rise in the crime rate in the cities. For example, we sometimes see thieves from the countryside who slip their hands into others’ bags. Also because the shelters where the workers dwell are dirty and stink, they have defaced the city’s image in some way. Besides, with the floating population increasing, the extra consumption of electricity, water, and other resources like public facilities adds to the city’s already heavy burden.

Despite the problems posed by migrants, I think, one thing is certain: a grand, prosperous edifice of our country is based on the work of millions of migrant workers and peasant workers. We need them and should give them more preferential conditions. At the same time, to educate




说明文是一种用于解释抽象概念,阐明科学道理和自然现象等的文体。它与其它文体存在着差别,其语篇结构包括含破题句的开头,充分说明主题的正文和简洁的结尾。说明文的写作方法很多,合理的安排应用,使文章更显得自然、鲜明、易懂。 [关键词]

说明文 语篇结构 写作方法

How to Write English Exposition


Exposition is the kind of writing which are used for explaining abstract conception, scientific method and naturalphenomenon. It is different from other kinds of wrinting .Exposition is made up of the beginning ,the middle and the end .Exposition has a lot of the pattern,properly arranging and applaying can make the composition natural,clear and easy to understand. [Key words]

Exposition Strict organization patternWriting methods 引言

说明文是一种应用最广的文体,它不仅可以说明客观事物的特点和性能,介绍某种操作程序,而且还可以用于解释抽象概念,阐明科学道理和自然现象。我们通常所读的有关哲学,经济学,历史,政治的书籍以及报刊文章大都属于这种文体,甚至我们大学里的作业,诸如读书报告,学期论文考试的作文也都可以是说明文。 I、什么是英语说明文


“exposition”意为“解释”,“说明”,作为一种最基本,最常用的写作文体,它主要用来说明事情的缘由或过程,向读者传递信息。也就是说,写说明文的目的在于对所写事物进行解释,回答 “怎么样”,“为什么”之类的问题,从而给人以知识。





3.1思想性 (Significant)


3.2科学性 (Objective)

说明文是直接传播知识的一种文体,它的内容必须具有很强的科学性。反映的应是容观事物的本质特征,真实面貌,语言应准确无误 。

3.3条理性 (Logical)


3.4完整性 (Complete)


3.5通俗性 (Clear and Economical)







2 、说明文的写作过程


2.1 开头段 (The Beginning)



Hegel, the German philosopher,says, “We learn from history that men never learn anything from history.”This way remark has been confirmed time and again by history events,one of which is Histle’s invasion of the Soviet Union.


What made Hitler decide to leave Britain alone for the time being and turn east to attack the Soviet Union? What made him so sure of a quick victory in that vast county where Nepoleon had lost almost all his troops?

2.1.3 类比

A traditional story describes a foolish manlifting a rock too heavy for him and having his own feet squashed. Hitle was like that foolish man,but he was different in that, before he destroyed himself. He destroyed millions of other people.

2.1.4 定义

Fascism can be defined as the use of brutal force in enslaving the people

at home and the people of foreign countries. Fascism is oppresstion and aggresstion.


2.2正文 (The Middle)




A part-time job supplements a student’s education. It can provide valuable practical education such as training for do-it-yourself project,knowledge useful to future housewife. Teachers.Further, it can provide valuable psychological training such as association with people from different backgrounds, taking orders from superiors.

作者从主题句(第一句)所概括的一般概念入手,然后用了三个排比句 (It can provide…,It can also provide…,Further,it can provide…)罗列出具体的例子,清楚地说明了主题所要表达的具体意义。

2.2.2过程分析(Process Analysis)




2.2.3分类法(Division and Classification)


2.2.4因果分析(Cause and Effect)


As the price of everthing from thoothpaste to tuition increase, workers demand higher wages to keep up with rising costs. This can produce further increase in prices or a descrease demand for manufactuerd goods, or both. Since production.tries to keep pace with demand,descreased demand is followed by descreased production.This,in ture, can lead to layoffs and unemployment, which further descrease the goods.


2.2.5对比分析(Comparison and Contrast)


a. Despite their different ways of showing approval or disapproval for my
