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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 10:30:50 体裁作文



in the disaster 灾害

natural disaster自然灾害

disaster area 灾区

earthquake 地震

flood 洪水

volcano 火山

tornado 龙卷风

hurricane 飓风

tsunami 海啸

landside 泥石流

firefighter 消防员

bird flu 禽流感

call the ambulance 救护车

turn around 转身

break down (机器)坏了

work hard together 共同努力



international contributions国际援助

a deadly disease 致命疾病

put out the fire 灭火

break out (疾病、火灾、战争等)爆发,发生

break out with surprising force 来势凶猛

cause too many problems 引起太多麻烦

Make sth cancelled 造成 被取消

Be delayed/put off 被推迟

water levels 水位

warning level 警戒水位

water reservoirs 水库

temporary tents 临时帐篷

emergency materials 紧急援助物资

swallow the city 吞没了这座城市

strike/hit the city 袭击了这座城市

be hit by sth 被撞倒

the first storm of the year今年首次暴风雪

destroy the city 毁掉了这座城市

rescue work 营救工作

cut off the electricity 切断电源

prevent people from cutting down trees 阻止人们砍树木

fight against the natural disaster 同自然灾害斗争

keep away from sick poultry 远离病禽

stay away from the infected people 远离被感染的人们

form a good living habit 养成良好的生活习惯

prevent diseases from spreading 防止疾病蔓延

protect oneself against diseases 保护自己不得病

get affected 受到疾病的侵袭

keep the air inside fresh and clean 保持内部空气新鲜干净

cause damage to 对…造成损害/破坏

cause great loss to 对…造成极大的损失

rebuild one’s home 重建家园



e money 筹集资金,筹款

with the help/aid of 在…的帮助下

get rid of 摆脱,除去

be in great need of help 非常需要帮助

wash away 冲走

living necessities 生活必需品

the Red Cross Society of China 中国红十字

donate money to向…捐款

private car 私家车

lose one’s life 失去生命

wander in the street 在街上徘徊

be busy doing sth 忙于做某事

catch sight of 看见

take notice of 注意

knock into somebody 撞在 身上

hear/see/find sb doing 听、看、发现某人在做某事

help sb with sth 帮助某人 某事

help sb to (do) sth 帮助某人做某事

stop sb from doing sth阻止某人做某事

speak /think highly of sb评价高

be/get lost in sth 迷失

get sth ready 把 准备好

can’t help doing sth 情不自禁地做某事

pass by 路过

make sb worried/surprised/frightened使某人焦虑、惊讶、恐惧

on one’s way to school在某人上学的路上

luckily 幸运的是

immediately立刻 马上

without delay毫不耽误地

with one’s help在…的帮助下

Fall off one’s bike从自行车上掉下来

Be badly hurt受伤严重

The injured people受伤的人

Be sent to hospital被送往医院

Be carried to hospital被带到医院

Cross the road 过马路

The three-storyed building 三层的楼房

Put out the fire灭火

Up to the present,the cause of the accident is still unknown.

There are signs that it will be still worse.

I was walking along the street when a terrible accident happened in

the street.

a loving heart 爱心

Anti-Poverty Project 扶贫工程

Hope Project 希望工程

learn from Comrade Lei Feng 向雷锋同志学习

serve the people (with) heart and soul/body and soul 全心全意为人


do a good deed 做好事

have a sense of responsibility 有责任感

risk one’s life to do 冒生命危险做

devote oneself to society 献身社会

speak/think highly of; sing high praise for 高度赞扬

set up a good example to sb. 为某人做好榜样

make a contribution to 为?作贡献

form a good habit of saving 养成节约的好习惯

respect the old and love the young 尊老爱幼

offer seats to the old 为老人让座

take on a new look 呈现新面貌

make wonders 创造奇迹

set up/found a civilized city 创建文明城市

He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.不到长城


He that travels far knows much.远行者见识广。

Seeing is believing.百闻不如一见。





1. 介绍有些人不同的好习惯和坏习惯。

2. 习惯与卫生的关系:习惯是卫生基础; 不好的习惯,会导致一

些传染疾病传播,如AIDS,SARS, H1N1流感等。

3. 你的看法??。

It is generally believed that different people have different habits.

Some people are addicted to habits like drinking and smoking, while

others pay special attention to healthy diet and never taste things like

alcohol and cigarettes.

It goes without saying that there is close relationship between

personal habits and public health. On the one hand, good habits serve as the necessary basis of public health, that is to say, without good habits, public health can’t be guaranteed. On the other hand, infectious disease is the natural result brought by dirty habits, like AIDS, SARS, H1N1 flu and so on.

Personally, I think it is high time we placed emphasis s on improving

personal habits and public health. If we mind our manners and behave ourselves well, there must be a bright and encouraging future.




1. 地震灾情:四川省汶川县于 5月12日 下午2:28分发生八级强烈地震;截止 5月22日 ,已导致68109人遇难,364552人受伤,许多房屋和学校被毁,500多万人无家可归,生活十分困难。 2. 学生需要帮助,学校需要重建;全世界人民都在努力帮助灾区人民,我们也不例外。 3. 号召学生捐衣服,捐零花钱,义卖(bring-and-buy sale)

旧书籍、Mp3等。所有物资和捐款将尽快送往灾区。 4. 你的感想。

Teachers and fellow students, As we all know, an 8.0 earthquake broke out at 2:28pm on May 12th in Wenchuan, Sichuan Province.It’s reported that the earthquake was so strong that it has caused

68,109 deaths and 364,552 people were hurt. Many houses and schools were destroyed and as a consequence, more than five million people are living a hard life now. Just imagine how the students there need help and that schools should be built so that students can return to classes soon.People all over the world are trying their best to help them, not

excepting us. Here Students’ Union calls on everyone to give away your old clothes and pocket money and bring your used books, mp3s or

something else to sell in the bring-and-buy sale. All the materials and the money to be collected will be sent to the earthquake stricken areas as

soon as possible. My fellow friends, “blood is thicker than water”(血浓于水). Please donate your love and give out your hands without hesitation.We believe miracles can be created, a great many lives will be saved


Nowadays, Chinese families are facing a lot of dilemmas: such as empty nests, the care of the aged, housing issues and so on. What I worry most is the care of the aged.

As we all known, china has the largest population across the world. With the time elapsing, china now also has the largest old people group. Well, the older people become, the more help the old need. But the fact is that after so many years of population restriction, most couples have only one child. That is to say, a young couple has to take care of at least four old people at the same time. What great pressure. Besides, the young couple has their own work and sons. How can they spare enough time to look after the old? So the situation in china now is that the old always live alone without enough care. People may think that our government will take the responsibility to care for the old. However it does much less than expected. Because of the low income, many people retire before they earn enough money to live on their own.

To solve this problem, I think the government must do most of the work. Without the money and policy from the government, people can spend their retiring time happily. The pension must cover more people and the government must raise the pension to eliminate the increase of living expenses. And the young have to sacrifice their entertainment time to accompany their parents.



I have a happy family, home, and a father and mother, brother, a lovely of I.


My father is a tall, like to wear a suit, he is the most handsome in my mind.


Father is very good-hearted, he not only to love me very much, also like other children we corridor.


Dad usually like to read newspaper, even before sleeping wanted to see for a while.


Mother is thin, white hair long.


She is not only my mother, or my bosom friend!


We also each other to each other up the nickname, the mother call "idiot", because she sometimes playing dumb, so I be old to shout to her "idiot".


Mom just call me "heels, because I always like to behind on her ass.


I was a member of the youngest, big eyes, a small nose long red, red mouth...


Very lovely.


I lively, cheerful, treat people hospitable, also like my father has the compassion, likes to help others.


This is my family, a very happy happy family.

我的家有4个人:我的父母,我的哥哥,和我.我的家庭很棒,我很快乐. 我的哥哥害羞而有趣.他很擅长运动并且在排球运动上犹为突出.但他不喜欢学习并且成绩不好.他喜欢讲笑话,经常和朋友和家人开玩笑并且总能使我们发笑. 我的父亲是一位医生.他在三亚的一家医院工作.他不喜欢看电视,但他很喜欢看报纸并且总是看到很晚. 我的母亲是一位侍者.她在一家餐厅工作.她有良好的习惯.她喜欢每天吃蔬菜和喝牛奶,但我不喜欢牛奶,它遭透了.空闲时间她喜欢看京剧,她说那有利于她保持年轻并且可以使她放松. 我的家人总是做一切对我有利的事.他们总是站在我这边. 我喜欢我的每一个家庭成员,我喜欢这个温暖的家.

My family 我的家庭

there are 3 members in our family,my father,my mother and i.we love each other deeply.my father likes reading.we share a big bookshelf,and he take large proportion o f it.everyday he reading newspaper, magazines and all kinds of paper which have letters on it.my mum love to play computer games since i teach her how to do it.she likes to see the movies and play majiang on it.what's more, i like to do some games in our garden with my dog.we are very happiness for we can do whatever we like.we never quarel, if we have some promblems we will sit together and take suggestions from each other.My family is very harmonious,i love my family.


There are 3 members in our family,my father,my mother and i.we love each other deeply.my father likes reading.My mum love to play computer

games.And i like to do some games in our garden with my dog.we are very happiness. My family is very harmonious,i love my family.


There are five people in my family--my parents, my brother, my sister and I.

My father is 48 years old . He is fond of fund and bring us much happiness. My mother is as old as him. She just a housewife and keep her mind on cooking. The food she cook is the most delicious that I think. My little brother likes playing basketball and My sister is a lovely girl .They are all just student . But My sister like study is more than my brother. They used to quarrel , but still love each other. I love my family.


有五人在我家 - 我的父母,弟弟,妹妹和我




(10)My family

There are five people in my family. They are my grandma, grandpa, dad, mom and I. Look! Grandma is watching TV. Grandpa is reading a book. Dad is writing an e-mail. Mom is cooking dinner. I am doing my homework. I love my family!


写法:这篇习作介绍了自己家的家庭成员,以及此刻他们正在干什么,表达了自己对家人的感情。 时态:由于本单元主要讲的是现在进行时态,所以建议采用现在进行时态。



(15)I Love My Family

Here is a photo lf my family. These are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my brother and I.

My father is a doctor. He works in a hospital far away. He goes to work by subway. My mother is a teacher. She works in a school near my home. She goes to work by bike. After work, they like reading books. Who is the tall boy? He is my brother. He is five years older than me. He is a singer. He’s now in Beijing. He goes there by plane.

I love my family.



小朋友的这篇作文除了语言优美之外,在结构上也有闪光之处。先总说,将自己的家人逐个介绍一遍,后分说,把家人的工作、上班方式,爱好一一细说。最后以一句话进行概括,起到点题的作用。我们在写类似的作文的时候是不是也可以借鉴呢? (2) My Family

This is my family. There are four people in my family. My grandmother, my father, my mother and me.

My grandmother has short white hair. She looks very nice. My father has short black hair and small eyes. He looks very fat, so I often call him “fat man”. He works at a factory. My mother works at a L.

D.T. My mother has long black hair. She likes sports and traveling, so I often go on sports with my mother. On holidays my family often go to travel. I study at Guiyuan Primary School. We are very happy.



这是我的家. 有4人在家里. 奶奶、爸爸、妈妈和我.

奶奶短白发. 她看起来很漂亮. 爸爸小眼睛,短黑发. 他看起来很肥,所以我常常称呼他为"肥人". 他在一家工厂工作. 妈妈在工程船名妈妈早已黑发. 喜欢运动和旅游,所以经常去体育与妈妈. 假日经常到我家旅行. 我念小学的同志. 我们感到非常高兴.

(10)My Family Members 我的家人I am student of Southwest Weiyu Middle School. I am in Class Two Grade Six. I’m a girl. I’m twelve years old. I’m tall and thin. I like to sing and dance. I can sing POP music very well. I like to eat meat, because I think it’s very delicious. I’ good at English, because I like it very much. I like to write a composition and I like to read many nice books. I think it’s good for me. I like drawing, but I can’t draw very well. I like cats very much, but I can’t have them, because my mother doesn’t like them, she think they’re very dirty. I want to travel around the world, but I haven’t enough money. But I’m happy, because I have many friends and a happy family.

My mother is a shop assistant. She’s thirty-six years old. She’s tall and thin too. She’s pretty. Her hair is short and straight. She likes to sing and she likes Zhang Xueyou’s songs and English songs. She likes to eat crabs. She always goes shopping with me. She’s good at Maths. When I have problems with Maths she will help me. She doesn’t like pets; because she thinks they are dirty. I like my mother very much.

My father is a manager. He’s forty-six years old. But he looks like very young and handsome. He always goes to park with me. He likes to smoke. But I think smoke is bad for himself. He likes English songs. He’s good at Chinese. He sometimes helps me to write a composition. My father likes pets very much. I like my father very much.

My grandmother and my sister live together. My grandma is sixty-three years old. She’s retiring. My sister is a student of fourteen years old. She has two big eyes and long straight hair. She’s a small famous singer in her city. She likes to sing and dance. She can sing very well. She joins in many competitions and she always be champion.











My Family

My name is Li Bing. I am from a worker's family. There are six people in my family. They are my grandfather, my grandmother, my father, my mother, my sister and I.

Every member in my family works for his or her own trade①.

My grandfather and grandmother are peasants. They do farm work every day in my hometown. My father is a senior engineer. He is now working in Africa, helping to build a power station. My mother is a teacher. She teaches English in a middle school. My sister, five years older than I, is a doctor in the People's Hospital of our county. She loves her work and does it well. I am a middle school student.

And I am going to take this year's college entrance examination. I wish that I could be eolled② by a famous university.
