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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 06:24:09 字数作文


In my view, it is not surprising that Mr. Jones and Mr. Wang had a so unpleasant conversation, because it caused by the different culture between East and West.

Modesty is one of the national characters of Chinese


people, which can be proved by those stories about modesty in the history of China. When praised in public, the Chinese may deny it to show the modesty, though he is happy to hear that. However, the Westerner may just say “thank you” to express happiness.

If I were Mr. Wang, I would say “Thank you for your praise, and I will keep working hard to do better”. As far as I am concerned, excessive modesty is just hubris, so we should receive the praise with happiness and do better.

If I were the boss, I would study the different culture more to understand the staff. As the old saying goes, do in Rome as Rome does. So only if the boss know the difference in the culture and do the right things, can he motivate the staff more appropriately to make more money.


Difference betweenChinese and Western cultures

Undoubtedlythereare so many differences between Chinese and Western culture, such as manners, language and so many others. Maybe history is one of the major cause of it .Chinese culture is older than 5000 years, and Chinese people have developed their own music, musical instruments, painting techniques, traditional Chinese medicine, and not to forget, cooking methods as wellwhich is completely different and unique when compared to Western culture.So this time I’m going to pick some aspects and talk about it.

Like what mentioned above, cooking methods of China is totally different from the westerns’.Not like west people, we have so many ways to deal with foods.It is said that there are more than fifty ways for a Chinesecook to choose every time he dealing withthe same kind offood.No wander to be a great cook in china you have to start training from young child. ComparedwithChinese, westerns seems to be more casual when they are cooking. They usually cook food by frying or stewing. Because they would like to put emphasis on food’s nutrition not the taste of it.

When it comes to the aspect of men’s behavior, there is a vast difference in the rules of behavior between Chinese and Westerns. Westerns are more willing to change the environment rather than adapting themselves to it, which is opposite to Chinese people. Affected by the ancient philosophies of China, we believe in that we must get ourselves into one certain environment. For example, once we come into a new group, we are always told to follow others so that we can become one of it. But westerners would like to make them change and teach them to work in his way.

Besides the behavior of people from two distinct culture, the realization of self-worth is different for Chinese and westerns. Affected by the Confucius’s philosophy from the ancient time. We believed that we should put our countryahead of our own interests. One can be respected only by making contribution for his country, like some war heroes. But westerns do respect those who succeed in his own lives. They believe that man who achieve goals of happiness and success by working hard is worth others’ respecting. Maybe that can explains why so many millionaire inChina can’t have the equal reputation compared to those westerns’.

Anyway, Westerners usuallyfind the Chinese culture complex, and hard to understand, as the Chinese culture has its own values, background and belief system.


分 数:_______


论文题目 希腊神话的哲学思想及其与孔子中庸之

专 业_____ __________

年 级______

学 号___ _____

学生姓名_____ ______________


摘要 ..................................................................................................................................................ii Abstract ............................................................................................................................................ iv

Text ................................................................................................................................................... 1

About the Confucius ................................................................................................................. 1

His life experiences and the background he lives. ............................................................ 1

His philosophy and the doctrine of the Golden Mean ....................................................... 2

A short introduction about the Greek mythology ...................................................................... 3

The expression from Confucius and the comparison between the two philosophy .................. 4

Bibliography ..................................................................................................................................... 6




关键词:孔子 众神文化 奥林匹克精神 中庸。


This thesis is generally about the introductions and the comparisons between the philosophy of the Greek mythology and the middlebrow from the Confucius. Firstly, the thesis will give a brief introduction about the middlebrow philosophy, its social background, and the Confucius’s whole life. Tell the readers why does the the middlebrow philosophy come into being and give the detailed expression about it from Confucius’s saying. Then introduce the philosophy of the ancient Greek, its stories, and show how the philosophy come into being and develops, analyzing the embodiment of its value, esthetics. At the same time, do comparisons between the philosophy of the Greek mythology and the middlebrow from the Confucius which comes from the different times, areas, and civilizations. More emphasizes will be focused on the middlebrow from the Confucius and Confucius himself, because we have learn a lot about the ancient Greek from the class and the middlebrow and the Confucius are hard to understand.

Key words: Confucius; the spirits of the gods; the Olympic spirit; middlebrow.


About the Confucius

His life experiences and the background he lives.

Confucius (born Kong Qiu, styled Zhong Ni) was born in the village of Zou in the country of Lu in 551 B.C., a poor descendant of a deposed noble family. As a child, he held make-believe temple rituals; as a young adult, he quickly earned a reputation for fairness, politeness and love of learning, and he was reputed to be quite tall. He traveled extensively and studied at the imperial capital, Zhou, where he is said to have met and spoke with Lao Zi, the founder of Daoism.

Upon his return to Lu, he gained renown as a teacher, but when he was 35, Duke Zhao of Lu led his country to war, was routed and fled to the neighboring country of Qi; in the disorder following the battle, Confucius followed. Duke Zhao frequently came to him for advice, but upon counsel of one of his ministers, he decided against granting land to Confucius and gradually stopped seeking his counsel. When other nobles began plotting against Confucius' position, Duke Zhao refused to intervene, and Confucius returned to Lu. But conditions there were no better than before, and Confucius retired from public life to concentrate on teaching and studying.

At age 50, he was approached by the Baron of Qi to help defend against a rebellion, but he declined. He was later made a city magistrate by the new Duke of Lu, and under his administration the city flourished; he was promoted several times, eventually becoming Grand Secretary of Justice and, at age 56, Chief Minister of Lu. Neighboring countries began to worry that Lu would become too powerful, and they sent messengers with gifts and dancers to distract the duke during a sacrifice holiday. When the duke abandoned his duties to receive the messengers, Confucius resigned and left the country.

Confucius spent the next five years wandering China with his disciples, finding that his presence at royal courts was rarely tolerated for long before nobles would begin plotting to drive him out or have him killed. He was arrested once and jailed for five days, and at 62 he was pursued, along with his disciples, into the countryside by a band of soldiers sent by jealous nobles, until he was able to send a messenger to the sympathetic king of a nearby country, who sent his own soldiers to rescue them. Once again, Confucius was to be given land but was denied it upon counsel of another high minister. After further wanderings, he eventually returned to Lu at age 67. Although he was welcomed there and chose to remain, he was not offered public office again, nor did he seek it. Instead he spent the rest of his years teaching and, finally, writing. He died at 72.
