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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 01:31:14 英语作文




1. 审题分析题目:找出作文的文体、时态、人称和文章的要点。

2. 根据要点的意思用英语进行最贴切的表达。注意每一个句子的主语尽量多样化,也就是说句子类型要 多样化(能力的范围内尽量简单句和复合句交替使用),但文章的人称、时态应基本保持一致。另外,如果你有些要点不会直接表达,则注意转变成你会表达的英文去表达,但不要改变文章原本的意思更不能因为不会表达就放弃表达或者用错误的表达。

3. 多运用过渡词,连句成文,使全篇结构紧凑。每个点都要写全,并要有适当发挥,并按要点来分段,注意段落的结构,段落不可乱分,要有过渡。

4. 写好开头和结尾。

5. 复查纠错。检查错误应从以下几个方面入手:


5) 时态、语态错误。6) 标点和大小写错误。7)人称是否用错。

6. 注意书写,卷面做到无任何一处涂改。要求:打好草稿,并在草稿上改正。附:卷子的卷面很重要,要求有时间,都要草稿,特别是看图写句子。














Dear John,

Thanks very much for the information about the English evening class.(主题句) It sounds very interesting to me. (扩展句) You know I want to practise my English and make some new friends. (扩展句) I think this English evening class will be helpful to me. (扩展句) Could you please tell me a little more about the class? (扩展句) When does it begin and how much does it cost? (扩展句) Where will the class be held? (扩展句) Also, do you have any more information about what we will do in class? (扩展句)

I’m looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. (结尾句)

第一节 中考英语书面表达题的必备基础


要写出漂亮的句子和文章我们必须熟练掌握大量的单词。单词量大才可以在一句话或一篇文章中尽量不使用同一单词,而用同义词去代替,以避免过多的重复。如描写人物时,若要具体生动,你就需要掌握以下单词: 外表特征用:tall, short, fat, thin, strong, weak, ordinary-looking 等;

服饰颜色用:red, yellow, blue, white, green, brown, black 等;

内心境界用:glad, happy, sad, excited, anxious, interested 等;

感情描写用:love, like, hate, feel, laugh, cry, smile, shout 等;

动作描写用:come, go, get, have, take, bring, fetch 等。


all the year round一年到头 as soon as possible尽快地

be interested in对……感兴趣 be proud of以……自豪

be fed up with厌烦 come up with找到,提出(答案办法等)

come true实现 do one?s best尽最大努力

enjoy oneself玩得痛快 get on well with与……相处融洽

get ready for为……做准备 make a contribution to贡献给

make a decision做出决定 make friends交朋友

make money赚钱instead of代替

keep doing一直做某事 look after照顾

on one?s way to在……途中make up one?s mind决心

more and more越来越...more or less或多或少

make room for给……腾出地方 make telephone calls打电话

pick up拾起play a joke on戏弄人

prefer…to…喜欢……不喜欢 put off推迟

regard…as把……当作say goodbye to向……告别

speak highly of称赞 take care of照料

teach oneself自学 the more, the better越多越好

think of认为,想起 to one?s surprise令某人惊讶


1. 如there be句式。如: There is a big tree in front of the house. 房子前面有棵大树。

2. It is +adj. +to do sth.句式。如:It is good to eat more vegetables. 多吃蔬菜是益处的。

3. It?s time to do sth. 句式。如:It?s time to wake him up. 该叫醒他了。

4. It?s time for sth.句式。如:It?s time for the children to go to bed. 孩子们该睡觉了。

5. enough to 句式。如:She was not yet strong enough to travel. 她身子还比较虚弱不能旅行。

6. had better do sth.句式。 如:We had better do more exercise to keep fit. 我们最好做多点运动保持健康。

7. It's our duty to do sth. 如:It's our duty to help them. 帮助他们是我们的职责。

8. As….as possible 如:We shoud help them as much as possible. 我应该尽可能地帮助他们。

9. make +sb+ 形容词 如: It makes many people homeless. 这使很多人无家可归。

10. too …..to 如: They are too young to look after themselves. 他们太小了无法照顾自己。

第二节 英语写作题的基本句型


Money talks. 金钱万能。

They both laughed. 两人都笑了。


Every dog has his day. 人人都有出头日。

I bought a ticket for Milan. 我买了一张去米兰的车票。


He told us a story. 他给我们讲了一个故事。

I?ll ask how to get there. 我去问怎样到那里。


He told me to clean the classroom.他叫我打扫教室。

I saw him leave / leaving the house. 我看到他离开了 / 正在离开房间。

注:在see, notice, watch, hear等感官动词后作宾补可用动词原形表示整个过程,用动词的-ing形式表示听到、看到时该动作正在发生。)

He made me open the door.他要我打开门。

注:在表示“使、让”的make, let, have后作宾补的不定式一般不能带to.)

Playing football can make us healthy.踢足球能使我们健康。


①Love is blind. 情人眼里出西施。

注:be (am, is, are, was, were等)是最典型的系动词,可用形容词、介词短语、不定式、动名词等作表语。除here, there, up等极少数副词(这些副词无相应的形容词) 可作be的表语外,一般不能用副词作表语,而要用相应的形容词作表语。

②The food tastes good. 这食物很好吃。

注:表示“……起来”的taste(尝起来、吃起来), smell(闻起来), sound(听起来), look / seem(看起来), feel(摸起来)等都是系动词,后面必须接形容词作表语。

③Our teacher became angry.我们的老师生气了。

注:表示“变化”的become, turn, get等也可作系动词,后面可接形容词或名词等作表语,但不能用副词用表语。

第三节 ☆需要熟记的连接词有:


1)Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly

2)first, then/next, after that/ next, finally/last but not least

3) suddenly, at that moment , as soon as, from now on, at the same time, not...until, before, after, when , while, during


not only... but also, both... and, either ...or, neither...nor,on (the) one hand…on the other hand

Eg: Not only I but also Tom and Mary are fond of watching TV.

I know not only English but also Japanese.


1)for example

2)besides / what?s more/ what?s worse

Eg:It?s a good book. What?s more, it?s quite a cheap one.

It?s raining outside. What?s worse, I don?t have an umbrella.

He is stupid, what?s worse, he doesn?t study.

4、表示转折however, but,although, instead of,

5、表示原因 thanks to, because of,because

6、表示结果 as a result (of) , , so ,so...that, such...that,

Eg:A person can become wiser and stronger as a result of studying.

He didn?t study hard. As a result, he failed the math exam.

The question is so difficult that Tom couldn?t answer.

7、表目的 in order to, so that

8、表比较 th(来自:www.Zw2.cn 爱 作文 网)e same as, than, of all ...











参考词汇 : volunteer 志愿者

Dear Lisa,

I'm glad to have received your letter. Our holiday life has changed a lot.

Best wishes !

Yours,Li Ming


I'm glad to have received your letter. Our holiday life has changed a lot. Learning and relaxing are still very important to us. Besides, we often help our parents do housework or farm work. Through that, we realise how hard our parents work every day. And we can make a habit of laboring at the same time. Also, we take an active part in social activities as volunteers. Sometimes, we go to the streets to collect rubbish or go to the hospital to cheer up the sick children. We try our best to help people in need and make our hometown more beautiful. We find great pleasure in all these activities.

Best wishes !


Li Ming



一、 介绍人(自己、家庭、朋友、老师、个人变化、个人感受等)


1, I am LiMing, a boy of 15, who is tall and wears glass.

2,It?s convenient to take the subway to school.

3, I won?t go to sleep until 10 o?clock.

4, I used to be shy and afraid of speaking in public, but now I am getting used to it. 5, I have been collecting stamps for 3 years.

6, I get up at 6:00 in order that I can spend half an hour reading English every day. 7, I find it interesting to collect stamps.

8, I am not allowed to go out on school nights

9, Not onlydo I finish homework in time but also I help my mom do chores, which makes mom happy.

10, I am so interested in English that I listen to the tapes every day.

11,Listening to music makes me relaxed.

12, Collecting stamps can make me learn a lot about the history.

13,He devoted all his time and energy to teaching, often working late into night preparing for his lessons.(他把所有的时间和精力都投入到了教学中,经常备课到深夜。)

14,He is capable of making his lessons lively and interesting.(他能让他的课生动有趣。)

15,Although he is very strict with us, he shows us great concern.(尽管他对我们非常严厉,但是他也很关心我们。)

16,He helped us not only in class but also after class.(他不但在课上帮助我们,在课I consider him not only as my good teacher but also my close friend.(我不但把他看作我的好老师,而且把他当作我亲密的朋友。)

17,I must work hard so as to live up to his hope.(我一定努力学习不辜负他的期望。) 18,He is such an excellent teacher that I get so much from him, not only the knowledge but also kindness, diligence and appreciation for beauty.(他是一位非常优秀的老师,我从他那里学到的不仅仅是知识还有他的友善,勤奋以及对美的欣赏。)

19,Iam sograteful to my English teacher that I wish him a healthy and happy life in the future.(我非常感谢我的英语老师,我祝他身体健康生活快乐。)

20,I made such rapid progress that before long I got high marks and came second in my class.

范文1 A special person in my school life

Sarah is a 15-year-old girl who plays an important role in my school life.

Sarah is the very person who always gives me a hand whenever I need any help. Once, I didn?t do very well in my English test. As a result, I felt disappointed and didn?t know what to do. When Sarah noticed it, she came to my side and helped me find out my weak points and tried her best to help me solve my problems. That day, we didn?t go home until 7:00 pm. Thanks to her help, I?ve made great progress in my English study.

Just as an old saying goes, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” Sarah is a

special person in my school life. Though it?s time to say goodbye to her, I won?t forget her forever. I value the special friendship so much that I strongly believe that our friendship will last till the end of universe.

2, A Helpful Person in My School Life

Mr. Green, my math teacher, he is a helpful person in my school.

One day, the weather was bad, because it rained heavily outside the classroom. It was time to go home but I didn?t have an umbrella. So I couldn?t go home because my clothes were all wet. At the moment, Mr. Green came and said “you can take my umbrella if you don?t have one.” I thanked him and used his umbrella to go home. And I didn?t know he went home without an umbrella until he didn?t came to school and got a fever.He moved me so much that I couldn?t stop my tears falling. I couldn?t believe that he helped me by losing his health. He is not only a teacher, but also like my father now.

What a helpful person in my school life!

2014东城一模:Who is your favorite teacher?

What is he/she like?Why do you love him/her?

3,My favorite teacher

To tell you the truth, it?s difficult toanswer, I love all the teachers in my school. Since you want to know who is my favorite teacher, I will tell you, of course, she is my English teacher ,Ms Wang.

She impresses me as a hardworking,experienced and excellent teacher. She loves English, loves her job, and she is always patient with her students. The reason why I love her is that she encourages me to work hard and to be an honest and responsible person, and her words make me firmly believe that as long as I do my best, I willmake great progress. Besides, no matter what happens, she is always positive and optimistic. She has great influence on me, and I want to be a person like her.

Deep in my heart, she is not only a teacher, but also a close friend.

4, The teacher I Never Forget



in class but also after class. About two years ago, Mr. Zhang noticed that I was worried about my poor pronunciation. So he offered me many suggestions to improve it., and he also gave me every chance possible to speak in class. With his help, my pronunciation has greatly improved.

I must say many thanks to Mr. Zhang. I wish him a healthy and happy life in the future.


The teacher I never forget is Ms Wang, an English teacher who devoted all

her time and energy to teaching.

When I was in Grade One, I was so poor in English that I almost lost heart and was going to give up. At that time, Ms Wang gave me great courage. She said to me, ? There is nothing difficult in the world if you put your heart into it.? Not only did she try her best to help me with my English, but also she stimulated my great interest in learning English. With her encouragement and help,my English had been greatly improved . I made such rapid progress that before long I got high marks and came first in my class. From then on, I fell in love with English.

What an excellent teacher! I?m grateful to her and wish her a happy life.


毕业时刻即将到来,你校英文校刊向初三年级学生征文,题为 “My Best Friend”,以此作为对初中生活的纪念。请你写一篇征文,介绍你初中阶段的好友。内容包括他/她的学习情况、性格特点及爱好。(好友的名字用Mary或Jack代替。)

提示词语:hard-working, be good at, friendly, get on well with, dance, draw,

win prizes

范文:My Best Friend

Mary is my best friend. She is hard-working and interested in all the subjects we learn at school. She is really good at Chinese and English. Mary is very friendly. She is always ready to help others.So she gets on well with her classmates and friends. What?s more, she is outgoing. She enjoys taking part in all kinds of school activities. She enjoys dancing, and she also draws well. She often joins in competitions and has won many prizes. I feel proud of her as her best friend.

After this summer vocation, wemay go to different schools for further study, but I?m sure that we?ll be good friends forever.

优秀范文:My Best Friend

Time goes by, I?m leaving for high school. But I?ll never forget Mary, my best friend, who can read my thoughts easily.

She?s expert in study and has set a good example for me. And she?s so friendly that she gets on well with everyone in our class, including the teachers. That?s why the conversations with her always end up with laughter. What?s more, she?s keen on drawing and has won all kinds of prizes so far. We all feel proud of her.

All in all, friendship takes an important role in our life. I?m sure that the friendship between us will be kept in our hearts forever.




Who has changed you? Yourparent?

A teacher? A friend or a stranger ...?

? What happened to you?

? What have you learned from the change?


Hi! Emily,

I?m glad to hear from you.

I have changed a lot since I became a middle school student. Linda is the person who has changed me.

I did not like running. One day we had a relay race in P.E. class. I hesitated about whether to join in the game or not. Linda came to me and told me not to worry. Then I decided to join them. While running, I could hear my heart beating fast and I could hardly breathe. Just when I wanted to give up, I heard someone cheering on me and found that it was Linda. I regained my strength and kept running to the finishing line. With Linda?s encouragement and trust, I practiced running every day after school from then on. It is she who makes me believe that I have the ability to challenge myself to do something beyond my reach.


Li Hua


In the depth of my memory, there are lots of people who influenced me a lot and I really appreciate them. However, there is no doubt that my English teacher has changed me a lot.

To begin with, I used to be such a shy girl that I was afraid to speak in public, so when my English teacher asked me to have a speech, I was not sure if I could handle it by myself. She encouraged me to try my best. What?s more, she helped me with my speaking ability, and it improved quickly. At last, I became confident enough to stand on the stage. As everyone clapped for me, I was filled with a strong feeling of satisfaction, I made it!!!

As far as I?m concerned, I learn that nothing is impossible if we put our hearts in it . Moreover, believing in ourselves plays an important role in our daily life, with these, we can not only get stronger but also succeed.

《中考英语满分作文》有关写人的范文有:p74, 75,p90, p136, p139, p149, p208,P224, p309

Beijing, the capital of China, is famous for its long history and splendid culture. 12,For your next vacation, why not consider visiting Beijing?

13,Bird Nest, which was built for the 2008 Olympic games is the largest stadium in


14, Beijing, the capital of China, is famous for its long history and splendid culture. 15, Beijing duck (snacks) is one of the most delicious foods, which you should never miss.

16, Beijing is a lovely place where the people are friendly and warm-hearted.

17,Only when you come yourself, can you experience its charm.

(n. 魅力,吸引力)

Beijing is the capital of China. It has a long history. There are many things to see and do here. it has some fantastic sights, the Summer Palace, the Forbidden City, and the Temple of Heaven.

, you can climb the Great Wall to enjoy the natural scenery. you can take photos fly kites in TianAnMen Square. Don?t forget to buy some souvenirs visiting the Bird Nest. , travelling around Beijing by subway is very convenient. , Beijing duck (snacks) is delicious. You should never miss it.

I hope you can have a good trip.


Beijing is a large city with a long history. There are many places of interest in Beijing, such as the Forbidden City, the Imperial Palace, Tian?anmen Square, the



PPT1 如何得高分?


1. 语文作文(进攻型得分方式):以语言通顺,中心明确为基础。通过形式的新颖,层次的分明,文采的飞扬(最好还能引经据典)多得分。

2. 英语作文(防守型得分方式):以要点清晰,中心明确为基础。注意书写的规范,层次的分明,减少拼写的错误等少扣分。文采的重要性却在最次(英语的初级阶段,正确运用语法,词汇才是考试的重点)。







授课程序: 1. 理论:阅卷老师如何分步骤定位作文的。

2. 展示:结合所讲的理论,同学们为2篇文章打分。

3. 总结:作文的具体注意事项。(需要做笔记)

4. 评审同学作文:现场为同学打分,了解自己的不足,以作改进。 PPT3










1. 男方远看,看什么?








2. 到家门口,男方看什么?


看长相———不是每个人的五官都长得好看,但搭配要协调,人照样精神。 (书写是否漂亮,不漂亮也要工整,清爽宜人,有没有“墨坨坨”,有没有拼写错误。)



3. 坐下来,谈什么?







蛋汤端出,定金到手,相亲搞定, 一气呵成.老师一肯定,不就把分给出来啦?




2. 一批作文是站到了院门口的女人,被老师看清楚了打扮的俗气,五官搭配的不协调而遭到拒绝;

3. 能请进家门的女人,即使言语间表现出心灵不美而被拒绝,虽然没有蛋汤没有定金,但是那碗作为借口的水是一定能喝到的。



