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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 12:30:58 字数作文




嘘??唰??,船仓打开了,爸爸妈妈紧紧地拉着我的手,我好像整个人“亚瑟”号宇宙飞船出发了,我们的终极目标是R星球。 被掏空了似的,着陆电梯已经降落到R星球的陆地上。哇??一个尖锐的叫声把我从恍惚中拉了回来,我马上睁开眼,但又立即捂住嘴,因为眼前的景象把我吓呆了??



嘘??唰??,船仓打开了,爸爸妈妈紧紧地拉着我的手,我好像整个人“亚瑟”号宇宙飞船出发了,我们的终极目标是R星球。 被掏空了似的,着陆电梯已经降落到R星球的陆地上。哇??一个尖锐的叫声把我从恍惚中拉了回来,我马上睁开眼,但又立即捂住嘴,因为眼前的景象把我吓呆了??



嘘??唰??,船仓打开了,爸爸妈妈紧紧地拉着我的手,我好像整个人“亚瑟”号宇宙飞船出发了,我们的终极目标是R星球。 被掏空了似的,着陆电梯已经降落到R星球的陆地上。哇??一个尖锐的叫声把我从恍惚中拉了回来,我马上睁开眼,但又立即捂住嘴,因为眼前的景象把我吓呆了??






一号小牛皮:广西南宁市民主路小学三(5)班 黄诗淇









(指导老师 谭影华)



1 Today, people in many countries can live and work anywhere they choose, because of improved communication technology and transport. Do the advantages of this phenomenon outweigh its disadvantages?如今在不同城市的很多人可以选择他们的工作和住所,因为交通和通讯技术的发展。你认为这种现象的好处是否大于坏处?

2 Some people believe that charitable organizations should give aid to people in greatest need, regardless of their location. Some others think that charitable organizations should concentrate on helping people who live in their own country. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.有些人认为慈善机构应该帮助最需要的人,不管他们的位置。一些人认为慈善组织应该专注于帮助那些住在他们自己的国家。讨论这两个观点并给出你的意见。

3 Some people think that the increasing


business and cultural contact between countries brings many positive effects. Others argue that it causes the loss of national identities. Discuss on both these sides and give your opinion.有些人认为,越来越多的商业和文化联系的国家带来许多积极的影响。另一些人则争辩说,那会导致国家地位损失。谈论两边,给出见解。

4 Some people think that family life and parents have the greatest influence on children's development, while others believe that external influence plays a more important role in children's lives. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.有些人认为家庭生活和家长对孩子的发展影响最大,其他人认为在孩子的生命外部影响发挥更大的作用。讨论这两个观点并给出你自己的观点。

5 Some people think that young people should go to university to further their education while others think that young people should be encouraged to work as mechanics or builders to serve society. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.有些人认为年轻人应该去大学进修,而另一些人则认为应该鼓励年轻人工作机械或建筑商以服务社会。讨论这两个观点并给出你自己的观点。

6 If a product is of good quality and meets people's needs, people will buy it. Advertising is unnecessary and is no more than a type of entertainment. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 如果一个产品质量好,满足人们的需求,人们就会购买你的产品。广告是不必要的,只不过是一种娱乐。你在多大程度上同意或不同意吗?

7 Some people believe that public health should be improved by increasing the number of sports facilities, while others believe that other measures should be taken to improve public health. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.有些人认为应该改善公众健康的体育设施人数增加了,而另一些人则相信应该采取其他措施改善公众健康。讨论这两个观点并给出你的意见。

8 Some people think that people who read for pleasure can develop their imagination and language skills while those who prefer to watch TV cannot. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?有些人认为人有兴趣的阅读能发展他们的想象力和语言技巧,然而一些人宁愿看电视。你同意或不同意这一观点吗?

9 Many people believe that scientific research should be carried out and controlled by the governments rather than private companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?许多人认为政府应该开展科学研究和控制,而不是私人公司。你在多大程度上同意或不同意这一观点吗?

10 Today, fossil fuels such as coal, oil, natural gas, are being used in many countries. But in some countries, the use of alternative sources of energy, including wind and solar power, is encouraged. Is this trend a positive or a negative development?今天,矿物燃料如煤、石油、天然气、许多国家在使用。但在有些国家,使用替代能源,包括风能和太阳能发电,是鼓舞人心的。这种趋势是一个积极的还是消极的发展?

1.Some people think that examinations have some bad effects on students. Some people say they have some good effects on education. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.一些人认为考试对学生有一些坏的影响。有些人说他们有一些好的影响教育。双方讨论并给出你的意见。

2.Nowadays it is difficult for university graduates to find a job. Analyze the personal and social reasons and offer some solutions.时下大学毕业生很难找到一份工作。分析个人和社会原因,并提供一些解决办法。

3.Some people hold that children do not get as much attention from their parents as children did in the past. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?有些人认为,孩子没有得到足够的重视,就像孩子们从他们的父母以前做的。你在多大程度上同意或不同意这一观点吗?

4.It is generally acknowledged that the relationship among family members is now not as close as it used to be. Give possible reasons and your recommendations.一般人都认为家庭成员之间的关系不像过去那样亲近了。给可能的原因和你的建议。

5.Some people hold that advertisements should be restricted. Do you agree or disagree? 一些人认为广告应受限制。你赞成还是反对?

6.Traffic jam is a problem in big cities. What causes the problem? Make some suggestions.交通堵塞在大城市是一个问题。是什么原因导致了这种问题吗?提出一些建议。

7.Some people hold that the development of modern technology leads to environmental pollution and energy shortage. Do you agree or disagree?一些人认为现代科技的发展导致环境污染和能源短缺问题。你赞成还是反对?

8.Some people hold that criminals should be sent to prison. Some others think they should do something else outside prison as the punishment? What is your opinion? 一些人认为罪犯应该被送去坐牢。有些人认为他们应该做些以外监狱的惩罚?你的意见是什么?
