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Writing Module II

By: T. Ma. Teresa Walang


Unlike its academic counterpart of writing classes that teach students to compose work based on the rules of the language, creative writing is believed to focus on students’ self-expression. While creative w(来自:WwW.ZW2.CN 爱作文 网)riting as an educational subject. In this module we teach the students to be more expressive in writing their ides.

Variety of activities are designed to stimulate creativity among the students, allowing them to freely and confidently write letters, essays, and reaction papers following the rules they have learned from their Writing module Class I.

A. What is WRITING class?

? Writing class is designed for those students who have finished one month. It is assumed that after finishing one month, a student, more or less, is ready to write and organize his/her thoughts in writing.

? There are several activities to sharpen the writing skills of the students. Each activity is made to motivate the students to write at least a simple reaction or idea of his/her own.

B. What is the PURPOSE of the class?

? The purpose of the class is to enhance previously learned skills in man to man classes (reading comprehension, story telling, et cetera). It is not to push the students to write formally, but to motivate them to write at their own free will. This is the reason why all the activities are made in variety form.

? To reinforce skills learned during total reading class

? To develop the student’s ability to organize ideas with less grammatical error.

? To develop creativity.

? To provide less pressured time for the students while learning.

The class is designed to give the students space, but it does not mean that

the class should be taken so lightly. The teacher is there to guide the students to do their work independently and not to give lectures. The students are expected to work under a minimum supervision.

In case there are parts the students can’t understand the teacher has to

address the matter in general.

Week 1: Introduction to Writing

? Day 1: “Show and Tell”

Objective: To be able to gauge the student’s ability in writing and to know how creative he/she can be.

? Let the students bring something in class or let them choose from their existing materials

? The students should tell the class about the things they brought or they should tell the class about the things they chose

? Finally after the students get used to the manner of presenting the idea, they are to write a poem, a song, or a short story about the things they brought

? One requirement for this activity is to use creative images that “show” readers the object and why are they important to the owner

Example: Bag

My bag is color blue; it has four side pockets, and has a ribbon in the middle. My mother gave it to me on my birthday; she said that, she bought that in a department store near the office where she works. I love this bag and I will always keep it. I bring it to school everyday; my friends say it is very beautiful, I hope to make use of it for along time.

? Day 2: “Jumble Story”

Objective: To be able to identify the important elements of a story

? Let the students enumerate characters that they wish to feature in their story

Example: a mother

a photographer a teacher

? Let the students enumerate settings that they wish to use in their story Example: near a National Foresta wedding receptiona shopping mall

? Let the students enumerate time/period that they wish to use in their story

Example: after a big mealLast winterIn summer

? Let the students enumerate situations that they wish to use in their story

Example: someone had a birthday partyHow she found a chest of pure goldA person died in an accident

? Day 3: “Scavenger Hunt I”

Objective: To be able to use descriptive words to visualize things around

? Let the students visualize step by step the things they do in the weekends ? Let the students write captions below the their works

? After finishing all the captions asks the students the story behind their works ?

篇二:Unit 15 The necklace

Unit 15 The necklace

I. 单元教学目标

II. 目标语言

III. 教材分析

1. 教材分析

本单元的话题是“play(在本单元指stage play 话剧)”,功能项目是“请求”和“推测”,写作要点是学写英语短对话、描述人物的性格特征和神态以及学写简单的英语剧本和求职信。通过学习本单元,既要让学生接触、了解戏剧的一些特点,又要让学生通过大量真实有效的语言实践活动(如分组讨论、角色扮演、课本剧



1.1 WARMING UP在“预热”这一环节,应鼓励学生


1.2 LISTENING这一环节,旨在训练学生依据从听力材料中获取的信息,进行逻辑推理,以解开疑团。

1.3 SPEAKING 提供了三个话题。要求学生通过任务型的途径,小组合作的方式,从所给三个话题中选择其一,编成短剧,进行表演。旨在培养学生的创新的思维和实践能力。

1.4 PRE-READING 形式上是有关play的三个讨论题,实际上是对本课Reading设计的“热身”训练。从这三个问题和Reading的体裁来看,本单元的Reading除作为阅读课型来处理外,也许上成课本剧表演课更合适。

1.5 READING选取了The necklace 中的三个场景,供学生在认知理解剧情的基础上,熟悉和体验故事发生的典型环境和剧中人物的典型语言,激发学生对人生和命运的感悟,提高他们分析和判断问题的能力。

1.6 POST-READING中的两个训练题,为学生提供了The necklace中的头两个场景,要求学生通过上下文了解故事发生的整个过程并且能补写和续写The necklace。

1.7 WORD STUDY通过指导学生根据词义完成单词和依据所给语境填充短语的训练方式,加深和巩固对常用词的理解,提高运用能力。

1.8 GRAMMAR在“语法”这一环节,要通过对比的形式让学生熟悉must, can/could, may/might表示可能性的用法,同时辅之以任务型的练习,巩固学习效果。

1.9 INTEGRATING SKILLS在“综合训练”这一环节,要培养学生综合运用本单元信息,创造性地编拟故事;写作上要注意铺路搭桥,消除学生的畏惧心理。 总之,希望通过本单元的系统学习,让学生接触话剧艺术、感知语言知识、体验


2. 教材重组

2.1从教学要求上分析,WARMING UP 与SPEAK-

ING比较一致,都属于编写故事或短剧并进行表演。可将WARMING UP,SPEAKING和Workbook中Talking 的Part1整合在一起,设计成一节任务型“口语课”。


2.3可将PRE-READING, READING和POST-READING三个活动整合在一起,上一节任务型阅读课或课本剧表演课。

2.4可将LANGUAGE STUDY 与Workbook中的PRACTISING整合在一起,上一节任务型“语法课”。

2.5可将INTEGRATING SKILLS 中Reading 与Writing整合起来,上一节“综合实践课”。

2.6可将Writing tips与Workbook中Talking中的Part 2和Writing整合起来,上一节写作课。

3. 课型设计与课时分配

(经教材分析,根据学情,本单元可以用6课时教完) 1st period口语课 2nd period 听力课 3rd period 阅读课(课本剧表演课) 4th period 语法课 5th period 综合实践课

6th period 写作课

Ⅲ. 分课时教案

The First Period Speaking

Teaching goals 教学目标

1. Target Language 目标语言

① 重点词汇和短语

footprint, ladder, mystery, mysterious, scary, dormitory, act out, fall asleep ② 交际用语

Asking for permission:

a. Can/Will/Could/Would you ... for me?

Will/Can/Could/Would you please ...?

May I have ...?

I wonder if I could ...

Do you mind if I open the door?

b. Yes./Sure./Certainly.

Yes, please.

Go ahead, please.

That’s OK/all right.

c. I’m sorry, you can’t.

I’m sorry, but ...

You’d better not...

Talking about possibilities

a. He must ...

He can/may/could ...

He may not/can’t/couldn’t ...

I think it’s possible to ...

Perhaps/Maybe she will ...

I doubt it.

It depends.

It’s likely that ...

b. Really?

Is that true?

Are you sure?

Do you think he might ...?



一 听句子,根据句子的内容选择相应的图画,并把标号填在括号里。

1 图片1图片2

( ) ( )



二 听谜语,猜一猜所描述的是什么事物,选择相应的图画,把标号填在括号内。


2 My body

I have three eyes. I have two necks. I have eight legs. Who am I? ------A monster

3 My food(猜某种食物或水果)

5 My pet(猜某种动物)

6 My clothes (猜某件衣服,尤其是根据季节或天气的一些特殊物件, 如sunglasees, raincoat, scarf, gloves 7 My birthday(猜生日的月份)

三 请听一位小朋友的自我介绍,根据她的介绍在下列表格中选择正确的信息。


四 听故事,请根据故事的内容将下列图画重新排序,并把标号填在括号内。

图片 图片 图片图片

() () ( ) ( )

五 请听一位小朋友的自我介绍,根据她的介绍在下列表格中填入正确的信息。



六 看图,判断单词与图画内容是否一致。图文一致的在括号内相应划“√”,不一致的划“×”。

七 读单词,请把单词按照不同的类别进行分类,并把答案标号写在括号内。

八 从各题所提供的选项中选择最佳选项完成句子,并写在括号里。



What’s the matter? My finger ________

A .hurt B. hurts

What do you wear _____winter?

A inB onCat

What do you wear _____sunny days?

A in B on C at

What do you have ______breakfast?

A on B for

九 看图画,读句子,找出与图画内容相符合的句子,并将答题标号写在括号里。

十 阅读下面的对话,根据对话内容选择恰当的句子完成对话,并将答题标号写在括号里。

可能是关于宠物,可能是关于饮食, 穿衣,生日

十一 读故事,根据故事内容判断对错,用T或F表示出来,并写在题前的括号里。

(三年级此题可能会降低难度,考察学生的阅读理解。主要参考英语书上,P53 C部分;也有可能出现读故事,给图片排序的题)

十二 十三 为五年级题型,可适当参考,考的几率很小。

十二 观察下面其实,选择正确的信息填空,将标号写在题前括号内。


( ) 1 We ———exercise right after eating.

A. shouldn’tB, should C are

十三 书面表达

提示:下面是john一家人的基本信息,假如你是John,请你根据他的文章开头,以My family为题,续写小短文。不少于5句话。


My father’s name is _________________________________________________________________________. My mother’s name is _______________________________________________________________________
