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篇一:优美英文诗 The Rose

The Rose

By Mariah Glover

First, it's a seed,

She has special needs.

Then she grows into a plant, That grows up saying I can't.

Then she turns into a bud,

The color red as blood.

Then she grows thorns in her stem,

To keep away from them.

Then she blooms,

No longer hiding in her cocoon. They then try to bring her down,

Taking away her crown.

They really enjoy it most of all,

Watching her petals fall.

She now starts to wither,

Turning the color of leather.

She's starting to die,

From hearing all those lies.

She then falls to the ground, Not wanting to be found.

篇二:诗歌欣赏My Love Is Like A Red Red Rose

My Love Is Like A Red Red Rose (Simile 我的爱人像朵红红的玫瑰

----Robert Burns 罗伯特·彭斯 Till all the seas gang dry, my dear,纵使大海干涸水流尽

And the rocks melt with the sun; 太阳将岩石烧作灰尘

I will love thee still, my dear, 亲爱的,我永远爱你

While the sands of life shall run. 只要我一息犹存

And fare thee well, my only love 珍重吧,我唯一的爱人

And fare thee well, a while!珍重吧,让我们暂时别离

And I will come again, my love, 但我定要回来


Though it were ten thousand mile. 哪怕千里万里! 明喻)




学生姓名邸 孟 盈 指导教师 李 斌

二级学院外 语 系 专业名称 英语

班 级外0901-1 学 号 20092939


The Symbolic Significance of Roses

in Dickson’s Poetry


Di Mengying

Registered No. 20092939

Department of Foreign Language

Shi Jiazhuang Tie Dao University

May, 2012

The Symbolic Significance of Roses

in Dickson’s Poetry

Abstract:The symbolic significance of roses in English poetry has a long history. Roses are the symbol of beautiful women, sweet love, short time and good things. In addition, rose also has the political and religious symbolism. Dickinson‘s poetry not only inherited the traditional symbolic significance of roses in English poetry, but also further opened up the symbolic significance of roses. In Dickinson‘s poets, the rose is the symbol of beautiful women, short youth and weak women under the feminism perspective. What‘s more, it also symbolizes her life, her immortal poems, special character and seasons. Reproducing rose image in Dickinson‘s poetry is inseparable to her life experiences that she loves flowers and plants very much.

Key words:Dickinson; poetry; roses; symbolic significance


摘要: 英诗中玫瑰的象征意义源远流长。玫瑰象征女性的美丽或甜蜜的爱情,时间的短暂以及美好的事物。此外,玫瑰还有政治以及宗教的象征意义。狄金森在其诗歌中不仅继承了传统英诗中玫瑰的象征意义,而且进一步开拓了玫瑰的象征意义。在诗人的笔下,玫瑰象征美丽的女性,青春的短暂,女权主义视野下弱小的女性,自己的一生,诗人不朽的诗作,卓尔不群的品格和季节。狄金森诗歌中反复再现玫瑰的形象与其亲近花草密不可分。

关键词: 狄金森;诗歌;玫瑰;象征意义

1. Introduction

―Emily Dickinson loved flowers for such a long time. Just liked women in that time, she always uses flowers and poems praising flowers as gifts to her friends and relatives.‖[1]Flowers and plants, as her poetry, have become the communication bridge between her and the outside world, which reveals her existence as a molecular interaction in human life and makes up the lack of her communication with the outside world. Therefore, gardening and artistic structure of poetry become

Dickinson‘s life elements, and finally become the eternal memory and immortal part in her life.

Emily Dickinson has a special liking to rose which she uses to write out her feelings and emotions. ―Like many Victorian writers, Dickinson used to express her feelings of flowers as the best media. Some of the most common is the

rose.‖[2]According to incompletely statistics, Dickinson‘s poems that involve the rose reach more than 30. The roses in Dickinson‘s poems are certain symbolism which inherits the traditional ones and opens up some new ones.

2. The Symbolic Significance of Roses in Traditional English Poetry.

Roses in English poetry rise from the Renaissance. Poets in the Renaissance period often use the roses to symbolize beautiful women, sweet love, short time and all good things and so on.

There are four reasons for those poets in this period use rose to stand for love and beauty. First, Thomas Wyatt and Hey Howard transplanted the sonnets of Italian poet Francesco Petrarca whose sonnets are mostly given to the beauties in his heart. Poets in Victorian period just inherited the topic of love directly. Second, the

Renaissance advocated individual liberty and rejection to the asceticism in the relaxed Elizabethan period, which contributes to the brilliant history of love poems. Third, the image of flowers and plants appeared frequently due to the appearance of a large number of landscape poems in this period. As the king in flowers, roses were always used to describe the beauty of women. Fourth, ―goddess of love, Venus and Cupid,

often wears a rose crown. According to the ancient Greek and Roman custom, rose used to decorate the bride. Red rose to Jupiter, Damascus rose to Venus and white rose to Diana.‖ [3] That is the main reason for poets in this period using roses as a symbol.

Thomas Carew (1594-1640) uses the rose to symbolize the beauty of female in his poem ―He That Loves s Rosy Cheek‖ while Edmund Spenser (1552-1599) uses the rose to stand for the beauty of Queen Elizabeth in his poem “April”. RobertBurns‘ (1759-1796) ―A Red, Red Rose‖ and A.E. Alfred Edward Houseman‘s (1859-1936) ―With Rue My Heart Is Laden‖ both use the rose to be the symbol of love and beauty. Furthermore, in the poem ―Counsel to Girls―written by Robert Herrick (1591-1674) and the poem ―The Faerie Queen‖written by Spenser, the rose is seemed to be the flying time.

3. The symbolic significance of roses in Dickinson’s poetry. Emily Dickinson uses rose to symbolize the beautiful female and bees to

symbolize male who pay court to female bravely. At the same time, rose is a symbol of youth that withers and falls like the petals of roses. Beautiful and fragile rose stands for the precious and delicate children who are inexorably destroyed by the wind like the roses. In Dickinson‘s works, roses are for women. The bloom rose is the weak women that turn to be the meal of bees standing for male under the feminist perspective instead of a tradition sense of beauty of female.

Emily Dickinson makes rose to as the symbol of her life. For the reason that her works were not appreciated by others, she was little-known when she was alive, liking the little-known rose that silent fade finally.

―Nobody knows this little Rose –

It might a pilgrim be

Did I not take it from the ways?

And lift it up to thee

Only a Bee will miss it –

Only a Butterfly
