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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 20:26:07 英语作文


Why and how do people keep fit

Nowadays, more and more people are living a comfortable life. They can eat what they want and eat as much as they want. However, with the development of science and technology, they learned that they must keep fit if they want to live happier and longer. Doctors told them that if they don’t keep fit , they would be ill easily. So an increasing number of people want to keep fit. But how can people keep fit?

It is known to all that people can keep fit by jogging everyday. If one man keep jogging for ten miles everyday , he will be very strong and healthy. But some people said that it is so boring for them to jogging everyday. In my opinion, those people can do other sports, like playing basketball, playing badminton, go swimming, playing table tennis and so on.

Some people said that they can’t keep doing sports everyday for they are too lazy. I think it is a good way for them to resign in a fitness center, if they do that, they will feel the money which they have given to the fitness center will be wasted if they go to the fitness center for only one time . So they will go to the fitness center everyday and they will do sports everyday.

No matter which sports does one man like, only if he does sports everyday, he will keep fit and live longer than the one who doesn’t do sports everyday.

篇二:健身励志英语短文Believe in Yourself

Believe in Yourself If you think you are beaten you are


if you think you dare not you don't,


if you'd like to win but you think you cant


its almost a fact you wont,


if you think you'll lose


you're lost for out in the world we find,


success begins with a fellows will


its all in the state of mind,


if you think you are outclassed you are


you've got to think high to rise,


you've got to be sure of yourself before you can ever win the prize, 你要在你赢得那个奖牌之前就非常的肯定自己能赢

life's battle doesn't always go to the stronger or faster


but sooner or later the man who wins


is the man who thinks he can...


by halo244282373@qq.com


How To Make Exercise a Great Part of Your Life

Are you exercising enough?

For most people, the answer to that question is “no” – especially at this time of year, during the holidays. Exercise might not feel like your top priority right now. But keeping active is crucial for good physical and mental health.

Even if you don’t need to lose weight, exercise is important. It will give you a greater sense of vitality: you’ll feel better in your body. You’ll see this in physical effects like greater flexibility, and mental ones like greater wellbeing. There is even evidence to suggest that depression is reduced dramatically (转 载 于:wWW.zw2.Cn 爱作文网)by exercise.

There are two key types of exercise that you can do:



When you do strength-training, your weight will be redistributed – giving you a more desirable shape. This happens through building muscles (and losing fat in other areas). For instance, if you’re a man, you will be able to broaden your shoulders by chest and shoulder exercises.

Cardiovascular exercise (like jogging or cycling) lowers cholesterol, reduces blood pressure, and improves your mood. It also helps you to lose fat, which reduces the size of your fat cells – helping your newly-defined muscles to show.

How You Can Find Time to Exercise

Exercise represents something that’s important but not necessarily urgent. If you don’t exercise, it won’t normally cause problems right away – but over time, it can lead to serious illness.

It’s essential to force important-but-not-urgent items into your schedule. That might mean you exercise:

First thing in the morning

Immediately when you get home

During your lunch hour or another scheduled break

Build exercise into the rhythm of your life until it becomes a habit.

About three weeks ago, I took a cruise from Boston to Halifax to Maine. Along with a friend, I went to the gym every single day. Despite eating very rich meals (and even partaking in a chocolate buffet!) I came back without having gained a single pound, because I’d kept up my exercise routine.

Use Your Body

Instead of thinking about “exercise”, think of how you can “use your body”. You could:

Take the stairs instead of the elevator

Park at the far end of the car park

Do some yoga before work

Take a five-minute walk to clear your mind

… anything that keeps you active.

If you can, work on your goal as part of a community, perhaps alongside colleagues. Many offices will have a weight-loss challenges and regular weigh-ins together. They may even have a personal trainer come in a couple of days a week and run exercise classes at work.

Don’t wait until the New Year to start being more active. Begin today.
