作业帮 > 英语作文 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 19:27:52 英语作文





Nowadays our living standard and economic globalization improve gradually, while people pay less and less attention to our patriotic education. Some people think it's a peace world our own country. Are these opinions be more wrong.

China is a great nation. We be Chinese .Each promotes We are hopes of our us youth a good motivation for studying .In other words, it makes us study harder and happier.

Patriotic education is a necessity for everyone. Especially for us youth, we should develop patriotism since we were young.



For one thing, we ought to publicize patriotic education as much as possible. For another, our governments and enterprises need to open many more patriotic education centers. As with our schools, they may offer more patriotism curriculums.


在世界的东方,有一个文明的国家,她美丽而宽广;在世界的东方,有一个伟大的民族,她勤劳而坚强,她就是我的祖国—中国。 我爱我的祖国,就像我爱我的母亲,我的热血正旺,我要用实际行动来报答母亲,同样,也要报答喂我乳汁的祖国,伟大的祖国。




我要去(来自:WWw.zW2.CN 爱作文网)到遥远的边疆,认真的守卫着我们的国门,我要成为一位科学家,把火箭造得飞得老高,我要成为一个工人,为祖国献上一钉一铁,我要成为一位军事家,指挥着我军把帝国主义的侵略打到夹着尾巴逃跑了。




In the East, there is a civilized country, she was beautiful and broad; in the East, there is a great nation, her industrious and strong, she is my motherland - China.

I love my country, just like I love my mother, my blood was prosperous, I want the action to repay her mother, similarly, must repay the motherland and the milk I fed the great motherland.

Whenever the national flag raised high, in my mind a surging, majestic national anthem a strong note to tell me to take the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation glorious historical mission. I am grateful to live in the material so rich today, the older generation revolutionary predecessors with their blood in exchange for the tremendous advantages of life we have today, so I have a sense of urgency, I must study hard in order to exuberant energy into learning Within this total, not afraid of hard, seriously hard, hard solid.

We are flowers of the motherland, a new generation of leaders as the sun shone as we were growing up, my heart-inch grateful, I would like to serve the motherland.

The motherland, I love you! You like my dear mother, I am in your arms warm and healthy and happy growth; you like a big garden, I was inside the small flowers, a happy opening.

I love my country, she has a different spirit and foreign, where everything is so beautiful, If I were a painter, I use colorful brush, paint our motherland, but I'm just a student, I can only use simple language to describe my country.


I am proud I’m a Chinese

October 1st is our National Day. But this year, it’s get something special. It’s the sixtieth birthday of our motherland. I think the people who seem the National Day formation for review and inspections are all proud of themselves.

In the fact, these weapons are all made by ourselves, and it also just the Tip of the iceberg of our military affairs’ technology. As far as I know,our battle plane can cross other country’s’ Electronic barrier easily. Our light weapons are all get on a higher grade in the world.

Look at the master of the world—U.S.A. Their achievement is made by their enough time. In these years, they develop their every thing. So, theirscience is much better than us.

But, what about China? Besides Great Cultural Revolution,we only have 33 years to develop. In these years, Chinese people have firm faith to catch back the years we lost. Use our clever brain, Unites as one spirit people. Takes the characteristic socialist road forever. Run to the beautiful future. China also like the rabbit in the story “Turtle rabbit race”. But this rabbit already had the time sense of urgency. Wake up from the sleep, fast is pursuing the close at hand turtle.

The world had heard the King return footsteps,let us see who will reigning the world?!

I am proud I’m a Chinese!

By MaZekun

